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There's more premades in regular than in ranked right now.


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I mainly pvp in this game and I have to tell you, the most fun I have is when a match is seesawing back and fourth where the outcome is very close. it doesn't happen much and rarely when a pug is matched with a premade. I think the true sportsmen amoung us would love to see this close matching more than it happens.

Just think of the last Superbowl, the first half saw the 49ers all but defeated, in the second half (yes after the blackout) they came back and nearly won it. Probably one of the best Superbowls in the last 10 years (imho)

Edited by Marrius
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I mainly pvp in this game and I have to tell you, the most fun I have is when a match is seesawing back and fourth where the outcome is very close.


Agreed. Winning by curb-stomping your opponent might be amusing to some the first 1000 times but after that even the most depraved start crafting in WZ.

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Fixing PvP would not be hard.


1) separate arenas and warzones completed (this means you have to que for arenas if you want arenas, or que for wzs if you want wzs.

2) create 5 more wzs (seriously...this would NOT take long and would make people happy)

3) just throw ranked out the window

4) allow us to keep track of win/loss ratio...highest hit ever done, highest heal, most damage done...etc broken up by class.

5) allow said stat tracking to be inspectable by others if you are standing near each other.

6) fix resolve by making things apply to it uniformly (all knockbacks function he same, alls tuns, etc...) and make it so the exact second the resolve bar fills it auto breaks the CC on you and makes you immune. add snares (slow/root) to the resolve system but only in that...if the bar is full you are immune to them as well.


bam. PvP is fixed and people will stop gripping so much.

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Fixing PvP would not be hard.


1) separate arenas and warzones completed (this means you have to que for arenas if you want arenas, or que for wzs if you want wzs. .


I like this idea as it gives choice but my concern is what if I like a WZ that is not popular? Then I will never get to play it.


2) create 5 more wzs (seriously...this would NOT take long and would make people happy).


Again more choice is good but the cost here would be longer ques.


3) just throw ranked out the window .


Why not throw wz's out the window and just have open world PVP/RVR and get rid of pvp gear.


4) allow us to keep track of win/loss ratio...highest hit ever done, highest heal, most damage done...etc broken up by class. .


I could take or leave this idea.


5) allow said stat tracking to be inspectable by others if you are standing near each other..


I could take or leave this as well.


6)fix resolve by making things apply to it uniformly (all knockbacks function he same, alls tuns, etc...) and make it so the exact second the resolve bar fills it auto breaks the CC on you and makes you immune. add snares (slow/root) to the resolve system but only in that...if the bar is full you are immune to them as well..


I like this idea!

Edited by Marrius
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By all means keep on posting about something there is thousands of posts on already.


I bet you click Like on things on FB that say "10,000 Likes cures Cancer"


Pointless huh? Keep living your life like that!

Edited by Beeteel
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Teach me how/what exactly?


There are not a lot of people who're happy with the way things are now. There has been tons of threads and topics on cross server. It started out with them saying it will be out with preseason of ranked, then season one too "not in the near future" too the last cantina tour saying it's not happening.


So given that track record if you want to hold onto the illusion that is cross server ever happening this decade then by all means continue.


I will continue to do this until they either do something for the pvp community or let it die completely. I know many ppl will do the same. Why would I give up on something just because BW says it will not happen. When they are involved, NOTHING would happen if theres noone to remind (understatement of the year) them to do their job.

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My question is can PUGs do simple math? If there is a premade in every single warzone it means that premades are 50% of the pvp community and you people also have premades on your teams so if you loose all the time it means you are PVP HORRORSHOWS (the 50k damage in a full VS type) and it is your own fault that you drag down the premade on your own team so stop blaiming other people for your bad performance and improve.
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I will continue to do this until they either do something for the pvp community or let it die completely. I know many ppl will do the same. Why would I give up on something just because BW says it will not happen. When they are involved, NOTHING would happen if theres noone to remind (understatement of the year) them to do their job.


^ Not sure if he's the hero PVP deserves. Or the one it needs right now...

Edited by Joesixxpack
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My question is can PUGs do simple math? If there is a premade in every single warzone it means that premades are 50% of the pvp community and you people also have premades on your teams so if you loose all the time it means you are PVP HORRORSHOWS (the 50k damage in a full VS type) and it is your own fault that you drag down the premade on your own team so stop blaiming other people for your bad performance and improve.


Premades like to assume they are good players. But of course they only assume this when playing vs. disorganized pugs. Ranked, not so much. Hence the long queues for ranked, if they even ever pop at all.

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Premades like to assume they are good players. But of course they only assume this when playing vs. disorganized pugs. Ranked, not so much. Hence the long queues for ranked, if they even ever pop at all.


Freaking love this argument. Everyone who is a premade according to a 'premade hater' is a bad player when they're not apart of the group. Now sometimes this is true as there can be terrible premades but honestly, premade or not..Bad players lose too good players.


And the ranked scene seems to only take off after 9pm.


If the average player wasn't so bad this wouldn't be much of any issue but like in every game 75% of the players don't have a clue and in this game it's more like 90%. No situational awareness (you shouldn't need to rely on someone calling out targets or noticing the absent of players when your offnode is getting ninja capped since the scrub guarding didn't call in inc). Don't know proper rotation or how to properly itemize their gear. Cant counter against certain classes...Doesn't understand all classes.

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Premades like to assume they are good players. But of course they only assume this when playing vs. disorganized pugs. Ranked, not so much. Hence the long queues for ranked, if they even ever pop at all.


Players like to assume they're good players. Premade has little to do with that.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Premades like to assume they are good players. But of course they only assume this when playing vs. disorganized pugs. Ranked, not so much. Hence the long queues for ranked, if they even ever pop at all.


PUGs like to assume they are good when in truth 8/10 are exactly the 50k damage horrorshows that we all dread to have on our teams and then blame everything else instead of improving.

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I will continue to do this until they either do something for the pvp community or let it die completely. I know many ppl will do the same. Why would I give up on something just because BW says it will not happen. When they are involved, NOTHING would happen if theres noone to remind (understatement of the year) them to do their job.


Do you clap when you watch Peter Pan?

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Freaking love this argument. Everyone who is a premade according to a 'premade hater' is a bad player when they're not apart of the group. Now sometimes this is true as there can be terrible premades but honestly, premade or not..Bad players lose too good players.


And the ranked scene seems to only take off after 9pm.


If the average player wasn't so bad this wouldn't be much of any issue but like in every game 75% of the players don't have a clue and in this game it's more like 90%. No situational awareness (you shouldn't need to rely on someone calling out targets or noticing the absent of players when your offnode is getting ninja capped since the scrub guarding didn't call in inc). Don't know proper rotation or how to properly itemize their gear. Cant counter against certain classes...Doesn't understand all classes.


I did get a pretty good laugh out of the guy that got soloed at our off node and was pissed because we didn't check our maps so it was our fault he died without saying anything.

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Question for the OP, are there any actual sources or statistics at all to support your very controversial claim?

Be honest and post REAL SOURCES, next time when you say something give out real statistics, or sources, not just a random claim made up from your imagination.

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Ok me elitist hotshot, what constitutes a good player?


Well someone who not only understands their own class and how the three specs play out but all classes and their specs and roles in a warzone. Someone who has a degree of situational awareness (like not tunneling down someone while getting lured off an objective point) or when someone doesn't call an inc yet you have 6 teammates at one node with none of the enemy in sight you should figure out your offnode is about to go down...Which leads too the next point, call incomings. Prioritizing targets, which can be a healer, a specific class/spec or a particular player. Actually using the ops chat which doesn't equate to yelling at your team and then rage quitting. No rage quitting. Knowing how to itemize gear. Having some strategy for all warzones. Know how to focus fire. Not breaking CC. Knowing when to CC. Using taunts if you have them.


I'm sure they're more which I'm forgetting but those are the ones which stand out to me.

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Well someone who not only understands their own class and how the three specs play out but all classes and their specs and roles in a warzone. Someone who has a degree of situational awareness (like not tunneling down someone while getting lured off an objective point) or when someone doesn't call an inc yet you have 6 teammates at one node with none of the enemy in sight you should figure out your offnode is about to go down...Which leads too the next point, call incomings. Prioritizing targets, which can be a healer, a specific class/spec or a particular player. Actually using the ops chat which doesn't equate to yelling at your team and then rage quitting. No rage quitting. Knowing how to itemize gear. Having some strategy for all warzones. Know how to focus fire. Not breaking CC. Knowing when to CC. Using taunts if you have them.


I'm sure they're more which I'm forgetting but those are the ones which stand out to me.


or basically knowing how to play huttball and the role your class has to play there :p

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There's a difference between a premade and a premade that uses vent. Sure a premade will generally have a slight advantage over a pug but a premade with vent is using a 3rd party program and by littereal definition is breaking the terms of use.

The Bullies who use theese 3rd party programs rely on BW not doing anything about their own rules. But this is not always the case. I remember reading about how last February an entire guild was banned for using a hack in WZ.


Bottom line people who purposely seek to pugstomp should be banned. Sure there are cases for friends wanting to play with each other but I am talking about cases where I have been invited to groups who openly say they want to stomp pugs for easy comms. These people have no place in the game.


So who would argue against this point of view? Why manner of low life bottom feeder would say pug stomping to get easy comms is a good thing? The floor is (always) open...

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Just do what a lot of players do. Roll an OP class, join a premade and ROFL faceroll some pugs. Let the cheesiness work for you.


If you solo queue and come up against a premade, just quit and save yourself the aggravation. Let someone else get farmed. Only takes less than a minute to see the other team is going to control 2 of 3 nodes and that they are a premade.


If all that fails, just enjoy the PvE content.


This is probably the fastest way to make this game die. Fewer and fewer are already playing since you have to do all these steps to avoid being stomped by the premades.

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The Bullies who use theese 3rd party programs rely on BW not doing anything about their own rules. But this is not always the case. I remember reading about how last February an entire guild was banned for using a hack in WZ.


Voice chat is not a 3rd party program as your trying to insist it is. 3rd party means that in order for the program to run properly it needs SWTOR to be running. That program has to take data from SWTORs functions, and reinterprit it back into the game.


Voice chats do not require SW to be on, and they do not interfere with any portion of the game on a programming level, therefore are not third party. Voice chat programs are exclusive in there use of resources, and this whole "your in violation of the ToS" accusation crud looks a lot like a McCarthyism style attack.


Also, the moment BW gets there act together and sees that no one wants to play tanks, and healers, nerfs there pvp metagame into dust, and gives the population a good ol fasion dps bash, is the moment pvp in this game will be resusitated. Or if you want it in simpler terms "NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY A PVP GAME WHERE TANKS AND HEALERS ARE THE ROCKSTARS"


Pip Pip cheerio and all the ********.

Edited by Haystak
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There's a difference between a premade and a premade that uses vent. Sure a premade will generally have a slight advantage over a pug but a premade with vent is using a 3rd party program and by littereal definition is breaking the terms of use.

The Bullies who use theese 3rd party programs rely on BW not doing anything about their own rules. But this is not always the case. I remember reading about how last February an entire guild was banned for using a hack in WZ.


Bottom line people who purposely seek to pugstomp should be banned. Sure there are cases for friends wanting to play with each other but I am talking about cases where I have been invited to groups who openly say they want to stomp pugs for easy comms. These people have no place in the game.


So who would argue against this point of view? Why manner of low life bottom feeder would say pug stomping to get easy comms is a good thing? The floor is (always) open...


Try serious endgame PVE without VoIP... good luck:P

It is intended to be used at the deep core of this game both kinds of content.

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