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Do people hate or love Galactic Starfighter?


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Love it


There's some interesting responses in this thread, I just did a quick tally of the responses and here's how it shakes out (note, the placement of some of the more middle ground responses had to be judgment calls based on the wording):


Love it: 44

Mostly positive: 26

Neutral: 14

Mostly negative: 12

Hate it: 16

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Dear Bioware,


Thank you for the free set of orange gear all my characters got. Admittedly, all of it was so FUGLY I can only put it on people like Lil Khem or Broonmark, but that made selling off the rest of it, something I usually hate to do with oranges, that much easier.


That was the only good thing that came out of this 'expansion'.


As for the time-sink mini-game you wasted developer time and money making instead of giving us a real chapter four of our class storylines, the less said the better.


(Seriously, it's like you guys never played any of the great old Lucas Arts flightsims. Get rid of the terrible fiddly mouse-aiming, set the weapons to fire at a fixed point in front of the ship instead of swiveling around, reduce the amount of space debris by about 99.99%, tell my copilot to S T F U already, and take out the boring domination maps in favor of a simple dogfight, team with most kills in X time wins match that's all everybody really wants to do anyway. Maybe a Voidstar-type map where one side attacks a capital ship and the other defends, then the teams swap sides could be cool too)

Edited by Alyerbase
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Love it.


First, because of the environment, two completely different scenarios.

Second, because of the game optimal performance, I am in a laptop with no lag whatsover

Third, because I love the feeling when you manage to hit someone repeatedly, it is supposed to be hard

Fourth, because the talent system is so customizable, makes a substantial improvement to players that keep upgrading their ships instead of moaning after 2 games, it is so addictive.

Fifth, because you quickly payback those bastards that killed you moments ago

Sixth, ship classes are quite different to approach them, mastering one ship takes so much, I can't imagine how long it is gonna take me master them all


On the downside,

The two scenarios become repetitive after 100 games! also looking forward to the addition of other gameplays

Grinding commendations takes so long, I can't imagine unlock all talents to all ships in both factions

Be pushed to stick with one char to maximize your ships, same applies to faction. Legacy???

XP and credit rewards are rather insignificant, still I have leveled one char from 25 to 29 these days with dogfigthing alone (after buying all boosts)

Edited by Lutopertierra
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  • 2 months later...
I can not tell you how upset I am with starfighter. To do that I would have to use an extensive amount of verbal obscenities to the point most likely resulting in my getting banned. The problem being the twitchyness of the mouse controls... i sneeze and I do 18 bazzilion barrel rolls into an obstacle and poof game over.... I mess with my mouse sensitivity and discover the game is not playable regardless of setting. in short I would rather instigate Bacon / Jawa chat in /general then play starfighter.


On the other end of the scale, the customization of your fighter... that is amazing! Different crew members and assignments, all very cool. The overall customization in general I think is what players were hoping for as far as their own fleet ships.


If I had payed cash money for this content... i would have canceled my sub for the duration of the cost of the expansion out of spite.



Don't let my opinion sway you from tying it... might be just me.


I'm with you on this, that mouse control is soo stupid, and the standard keybinds made me cringe so hard, if i could choose what content i wanted out of a patch i would happily deselected GSF, even when i heard them talking about it prior to bringing it out, i knew it would be a waste of my time, specially since no more OCE servers, so 200+ms lagg in land based pvp, not soo bad, but 200ms in a space combat sim, yeah it would go something like this "sweet have him in my sights, retical over lead indicator, *** HOW DID I MISS, hang on ill aim ahead of lead indicator, *** now its shooting too far ahead, F this, im going back to X3 and blowing up some xenon sectors!, sad to say SWTOR killed starwars based flight sims for me now, no matter how much they try to fix it, i will never play GSF ever again, heck they could bring out full joystick control for it, but i would flat out refuse to play for the fear of having all flight combat sims destroyed for me!

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I Love it on Jedi Covenant because it pop's constantly and we seem to always have good matches (except when deathmatch turns into 12v12 gunship battles, those are boring). There are a great group of pilots and a lot of us have gotten the teamwork part down.


Indifferent on Shadowlands, I have almost stopped playing my Shadowlands toons, but I still log in twice a week to get the GSF weekly's on those toons. GSF doesn't seem to pop as often and is slanted much more Impside. Repub players seem to be behind the power curve on shadowlands. (not that I'm an awesome pilot or anything, but the matches on the Shadwolands seem rather one sided.)


Overall GSF was an excellent addition to SWTOR, it isn't perfect, but they are still working on it and building off of what they know so far.

Play about 20 - 30 matches before you make any decision about the game. It takes a while to get used to the flight controls and you will likely SUCK for your first few matches. Spend a match or 2, 3 or 10 just flying around stuff and seeing what you can do, what you can fly between and at what speed and survive. My Grandpa used to call that "Barnstorming," practice your "barnstorming" and that will make you a better pilot.


Yes the controls are a little odd, but once you get used to them... forget about it. You'll rock your competition.

Edited by RiVaN_
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Absolutely love it!


That being said it does have a learning curve, a rather steep one. But if you attempt to pay attention and ask questions you can close this gap pretty quickly. To the people complaining about the controls..... I have nothing to say but "they are fine for me *shrug*" The controls are intuitive and precise, they have also managed to work evasion and accuracy into a twitch based game (and it feels right) so major kudos there.


I think the hate mainly comes from people who dont understand how to play the game (flying and ship building both) and are unwilling to try and learn. Truthfully GSF is not for everyone, it requires a different skill set from anything else in the game. Calls that it is broken, lame, stupid.. etc are unfounded, there are a great many people (more every day) playing the game and getting better with each match.


IMO People fall into two categories with GSF either they hate / ignore it completely or they love it, have rarely met someone in between.


Despite the 3rd person perspective and abilities it definitely brings back the old feelings of glee I had when playing X wing vs Tie fighter. Theres finally a game where my 20+ years of space sim experience can be put to good use. The fact that its HIGHLY customizable is a very nice added bonus.


The Cons:


We need more maps (In the works)

We need more modes (maybe in the works)

We need some minor balance passes (they seem to be working on balance constantly)

Faction imbalance can causes lopsided matches (not sure what can be done about this)

Cheesy tactics can cause play stagnation aka boring matches (not sure what can be done about this)

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Love it

It is a great place to hang out with friends on the launch deck.

Has decent cash flow for reward.

an is great way to level a toon with out bein ganked by a lv 55 wile you are 30.

Not to mention when you get the hang of it and your bobing and weaving in your chair and you can feel th heat off there blasters or the gforces pulling aginst you as you turn very tightly .

It is so addictive there is no other reason to play this game now other then gsf for me.

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At first I loved it, played it all the time even though it was unbalanced faction wise on my server. I bit the bullet and stuck with it. Few months pass and the new car smell wore off and I just played for the daily/weekly saving up for the upcoming Bomber's.


Bomber's come out and I snatch them up and enjoyed my perceived happiness for a few weeks. I think it is a 7/10 mini-game and I applaud those that spend most of their time perfecting their game play. I just kinda dropped out of it. I loved it but I was just not IN LOVE with it.

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I love palying GSF. It is a great addition to SWTOR and me and my guildmates spend many hours playing this during the week. I love how you can play this at early levels and also that my friends that are free to play can play this as much as they want. I'm looking forward to seeing what the developers come up with in future expansions/patches.
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I would say I primarily like it.


I'm not too keen on the flight controls as I find them more cumbersome than traditional control schemes where the crosshair is locked to center.


I'm also not a fan of the RNG MMO elements they added (chiefly evasion and to some degree accuracy). But I think we've come a long way since the early access and they've improved things significantly. So while I still don't like them I find them mostly tolerable now.


I do really like the idea of the different starfighter classes and building your starfighters to fit specific purposes and playstyles. I'm not sure I agree with all the component choices some classes get (or don't get) but overall I think it's very well done.


Playing GSF is one of the main things I look forward to doing on my level 55 main. Prior to GSF I was getting bored playing that character and only really kept playing him to earn credits and craft to support the alts I was leveling. I now enjoy playing that character again almost exclusively thanks to GSF. I also enjoy playing GSF on the alt I'm currently leveling although I don't play GSF as often on that character due to not wanting to level too fast (which would also exceed my main's ability to craft level appropriate equipment for him) and because I'm not as keen playing with still mostly stock fighters when I've got mostly mastered or mastered crafts on my main.


The one thing I really really want to see changed in the very near future is CM GSF items added to collections. It bothers me greatly that items you buy with CC aren't in collections.

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...I've missed saying that.


Anyway, I love GSF. It's what I seem to devote much of my TOR Time to during the week now! Get home, check my email, check Facebook, log in, chew faces from fifteen klicks off with Charlene the Slug Railgun, dinner, shower, sleep.


I think the pilots on my server are really skilled, and since the release of GSF, I've gotten to know a LOT more people on my server than I did before! A few of the other aces, I think of as good friends now, and all I've done is fly with them.


I'd like to see some new maps, but those are already in the works. I'm curious if there are any new modes being developed! I'm not going to sit there and declare, 'this SHOULD be a new mode' or 'I want THIS to be a new mode', but I'm wondering if there are any other really neat ideas getting bounced around the office that we might get to see sometime.


Also, I'd really like to see some more paint jobs, color patterns, and cosmetics that I can use to ACCESSORIZE(!) my fighter. Or cosmetic gear that I can display outside of GSF, in the real game, like painted helmet designs or something. But, of course, willing to be patient for such things. I will, after all, have something to amuse myself with as I wait for such things.

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I have been playing GSF since beta, I currently play gsf on multiple servers, and I both love as well as hate GSF.



Mastering ships in GSF has been as much, if not more fun than leveling characters through PvP, and even PvE, even with only 2 maps to play.





(here we go AGAIN)

Guilds on headsets gang ganking solo players.

It's the single bane of GSF for the rest of the community, regardless of what all the parties on this forum say.


Nobody screams a harder contrary than the guilty.


Once you learn to spot them, you'll know if the coming match is going to be a cheap trick or not, and what action you plan to take.

Too bad that for many players the action is to bail on GSF entirely, and go do something else.

This is the reason most do not enjoy GSF(not because they cant level a ship, we all know that takes hardly any real time to do), and these matches are also where I find myself not enjoying gsf.


I am sick and tired of playing the anti-gank patroller 3/4 of the time my que pops.


Don't tell me that spotting premaders on VOIP and greifing them to try and lessen their ganking of my unaware noob team every match is somehow supposed to be fun either, because it really is not.


^Single reason I am getting bored right here, ranked teams on VOIP stuffed into a PUG queue.


I may scoff at them, but I don't blame them, that's for sure, it is what it is.




I love the game itself, but I hate unfair advantages(headsets ARE unfair, although not illegal), and I am tired of "patrol officer" being my GSF role.

This if anything, will be why I eventually lose interest, that or a dead queue because everyone else beat me to it.


The nature of the beast is what sucks here, otherwise, GSF is the best thing to happen to SWTOR since launch imo.

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(here we go AGAIN)

Guilds on headsets gang ganking solo players.

It's the single bane of GSF for the rest of the community, regardless of what all the parties on this forum say.


Nobody screams a harder contrary than the guilty.


I'm pretty sure I've been screaming the hardest contary to this line, and I haven't been on teamspeak in like a month.


(headsets ARE unfair, although not illegal)



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Love the concept but hate the implementation of GSF. I am so freaking sick of losing all the time because I am usually one of the few people on my imperial team that has any experience verse republic players armed to the teeth and usually flying in squadrons. Matchmaking if implimented isn't working correctly and drastically starting to make people quit playin GSF all together. I thought it was poor to do it in stages and as such your watching subs smash preferred and preferred smash F2P and more F2P people ending up on 1 team over subs and squadrons.
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Love it, Love it, love it.


I sat through some horrible loses on imps and cam back for more


I will admit it does have it flaws..... i think most can agree.


Sadly i think it headed to become like space pve. Just something to do no big deal about it

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Sure you haven't, "Ace" ;)


College is hard. Haven't done the weekly on Pot5 in forever, though I've dropped in from time to time to do the daily. Don't have a guild on TEH pub (and thus I very rarely group queue), and Eclipse Squad doesn't use voice chat.


Also, dunno why you called me Ace. My call sign is Guardian.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I have been playing this game since the very beginning. I have only one character left to finish every story in the game. Having said that, I was so excited about Galactic Starfighter, I literally counted the days and saved my cartel points for buying stuff for it.


Now that it's here, I'm so underwhelmed, I sincerely question anyone that is enjoying it. The shields are so bad *** in this game, Luke could've taken the Death Star by himself if he would've been so equipped. Everyone starts so far apart that afterburners have to be engaged until you're out of engine power just to get within sight of other players. Then, there's the spinning...Dog fights are not intense, they are boring slug fests that require patience, not skill.


Overall, this is the worst thing I've seen done to a game in a long time. It's unbalanced, simplistic and poorly executed. It's not enough that I would cancel my account but like a previous poster said, if I had paid for this, I would've felt totally robbed.


Spinning ruined this for me. Once someone starts rotating around me i just quit the match. Theres no point in playing anymore once some twirler ruins the whole game. Also am surprised how long it takes to get back to battle after death. I cant play anything but a scout, sick of watching objectives lost while i limp back in any other ship design.

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I enjoy it quite a bit. Obviously there are things I'm not a big fan of, particularly RNG elements such as evasion, but I've come to get used to them. Admittedly, it would be hard for a scout-type ship to exist without something like that.


Those that hate it are probably just bad at it and don't have the patience to improve. It is something that's much more fun as a group- but isn't all PvP? I'm not sure there are many people who love solo Qing WZs. Perhaps it's that there are some classes at least that can solo in a WZ quite well, whereas in GSF (with the exception of a good scout pilot maybe) you're going to need help from your friends and it's a much less predictable environment.


I think GSF has a lot of potential and I hope it picks up steam. I understand that no one likes being farmed as they're learning, but a bigger player base would help that. If there's only one game going on, chances are a lot of those guys are gonna be vets.


Three things I think would help:

1) Cross Server Queues- apparently this is for some reason impossible for BW to do, but if they ever did, it would help the GSF game in particular

2) Some type of PvE GSF play. The tutorial is useless. Ground based PvP would be awful if the first time you got to really use your character was in the middle of a huttball match. I mean really, just replace the current PvE rail space missions (which are awful) with a similar thing in the GSF environment. I can't imagine that would be too hard to do.

3) Related, tie GSF to the ground game more. Maybe better experience/credit gain, but at least reputation/armor from it.

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Sometimes I love it, sometimes I love to hate it.


There are elements of really good design, elements where you wonder what they were thinking, and elements where you wonder if they were thinking at all.


I do think that the release strategy was badly botched multiple times. There were understandable reasons for why they did it the way they did, but I think they could have done a much better job of rolling it out in a way that would attract and retain players.


Mostly fun, but comes with irksome quirks.

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