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Starfighter pvp dissapointing


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I played my dailies and weeklies for this new expansion and i am not happy. The battle field is too small. too cluttered . the ship manouverability is terribly lacking. It is basically a shooter and I hate shooters.

The addon now takes away from now already lengthy que times so this may be the last straw for me.


Why couldn't they make space more sandbox? or at least add an rvr element to it. These freaking wz's ruin the sw atmosphere for me.


At this point I am now just waiting for EA Canada's next Starwars game.


I feel cheated by BW and will not likely buy another of their products again.


My advice if you are reading this.... don't sub for the starfighter expansion if you hate shooter games. This one is not even that good.

Edited by Marrius
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You don't have to sub for GS. It will be open to free players.


Some people like it, some people don't, just like some people don't like PVP at all and some people don't want to touch hard mode ops. It's just something new for some people to get into other than what is already in the game.

Edited by chuixupu
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i disagree with pretty much everything you said i just wish there was more maps and a better customization system for your ships. the only thing i find annoying is when you do a imps vs imps match in space pvp one side spawns at a pub capital ship i wish both were imp capital ships Edited by Zaxem
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i disagree with pretty much everything you said i just wish there was more maps and a better customization system for your ships. the only thing i find annoying is when you do a imps vs imps match in space pvp one side spawns at a pub capital ship i wish both were imp capital ships


What exactly do you dissagree with? I mean most of my post is personal view and opinion therefore is it neither right or wrong. So to dissagree with something that is neither right or wrong is kind of useless no?


Anyways. I am going to make a prediction (and please feel free to disagree with this as well but time will be the determining factior)...


If BW does not address the issues surrounding WZs (wait times, pug stomping, ect) the game will continue to lose players, servers will be merged until there is bearly a skeleton crew left as a player base.


BW needs to draw on its strengths (i.e. story lines) to make this game successful for the long run. So why not give WZ's a plot. Have the battles affect the game. Incorporate an element of RvR to help immerse the players into all that is SWTOR. And for the love of pete, get cross server wz's going to help reduce the wait times. Every time they add a new alternative to WZ's it increases the wait times to launch a match.


Imagine going into a pve zone and finding that there are more or less pub or imp support depending on the pvp battles that have occured in that sector. Or GTN's having more or less tax on sold items depending on who controlls that sector. Or if you want to get really crazy... make pve areas accessable only if your faction controls that sector.


These are not unrealistic ambitions (though I am sure some will disagree simply to disagree) The industry's level of gaming is superior to when WoW first launched and if we are going to listen to BW flunkies telling us that they can't do something because 'the coding for personal ships was a nightmare' well then we are just asking to be content with incompitence and second best.


I have been playing the game now for a little over 2 months and have spent nearly 500.00 on the game. I want to see a little more than what they have presented me. I think I, and anyone else supporting this game, am entitled to it.

Edited by Marrius
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What exactly do you dissagree with? I mean most of my post is personal view and opinion therefore is it neither right or wrong. So to dissagree with something that is neither right or wrong is kind of useless no?


you are right it is your opinion Sorry for being so vague didn't feel like going into detail at the time but


pretty much i disagree with how you said the maps are 2 small they are about the right size for a space pvp map maybe kuat could be tad bigger but that's it from the 2 maps we got . i found the maneuverability just fine. Now about the que times i guess it depends on the server but it seemed like people in my guild got pretty decent pvp que times considering space pvp came out. the main thing that got me was how you were saying this expansion/ space pvp isn't not that good and discouraging people to sub just for it or w/e. Granted they shouldn't sub just for the space pvp imo but it could be at least worst though for the most part i don't find to much of anything wrong with it from my perpestive.

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I played my dailies and weeklies for this new expansion and i am not happy. The battle field is too small. too cluttered . the ship manouverability is terribly lacking. It is basically a shooter and I hate shooters.

The addon now takes away from now already lengthy que times so this may be the last straw for me.


Why couldn't they make space more sandbox? or at least add an rvr element to it. These freaking wz's ruin the sw atmosphere for me.


At this point I am now just waiting for EA Canada's next Starwars game.


I feel cheated by BW and will not likely buy another of their products again.


My advice if you are reading this.... don't sub for the starfighter expansion if you hate shooter games. This one is not even that good.


FYI I hate shooters too, but you know what...I'm with Zaxem on this. I am having a BLAST in GSF!!! :D:D:D


Yes, it is the new shiny and it is taking people away from all other aspects of the game at the moment...hence your issue with the regular PvP queues. That will probably wear off in a week.


The maps are cluttered, but to me that is a good thing; too much open space means no where to run.


IMO the maps are the right size considering the various tactics for each fighter type and the desire to maintain a certain level of action. If the maps were any bigger there would be a LOT of dead time - players trying to engage and failing, players trying to reach objectives, etc.


As to maneuverability, you are probably used to being able to jump around like someone with ADHD off his meds. So, yes the inability for your fighter to turn on a dime would seem sluggish. But when you consider that this is a flight sim akin to the X-wing series, the controls are quite responsive. A joystick option would improve upon the system but I understand why BW chose not to support joysticks and control pads.

Edited by psandak
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The control of your ship being so picky and floaty just ruins it for me. I tried but just ended up not enjoying any of it BECAUSE of the controls. If the controls were refined (and more simplified without having 10 different things to click on) and given a sensitivity slider I'd try again, but as of right now...not interested.


Think Rogue Squadron from N64, then you'd have me playing it again.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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given a sensitivity slider ...


This is the only piece of criticism in this thread that I agree with... The mouse sensitivity was just slightly too high when I played last night, resulting in a couple of messages of 'Dulne has destroyed herself', but on the whole, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was better than I was expecting.


The only thing to do now is hope they add a PvE element to it.

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I've been playing starfighter sims going back to the days of the original Wing Commander. So far I have not been impressed with any of BW's attempts at starfighter simulations. But hey, that's just me.


You would think such a massive decline in the subscriber base would give you a hint though. I wasn't terribly impressed with the Hutt expansion either. The storyline was quite weak. Just saying.

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Yeah the mouse sensitivity has to get fixed. I move my mouse barely a 1/4 inch and I'm flipped around 180 degrees or more and I'm disoriented and have to figure out where the hell I am again. Total turn off. Put a slider for space combat mouse sensitivity please.
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i disagree with pretty much everything you said i just wish there was more maps and a better customization system for your ships. the only thing i find annoying is when you do a imps vs imps match in space pvp one side spawns at a pub capital ship i wish both were imp capital ships



Ok disagree with this.. Star fighter is a Stolen intellectual property online it was already known as World of Warplanes.


The flying ui exactly the same crap only real difference is Bio changed the maps and the skins as well as the targeting display. other than that I was playing this in beta 7 months ago for another company!.


Over all I came to give TOR a second chance having left quickly in my third month, Bio/EA`s third month of operating this game, I reported bugs every time I found one in the game over 1 year later I am playing through the exact same bugs I personally reported, same ones I reported in beta etc etc etc. the over all enjoy ability to this game has gone up very little. the over all experience of this game is exactly like Galaxies leveling fun but leveling ends the dailies are a chore to run around the map spending credits to do so. the PvP is redundant after round 4 the "Hard-core" content is meh at best.


So pretty much Bio/Ea. can keep receiving cash to use this game until WOW warlords of draenor comes out. then like last time gone in a flash!.


I don`t see this game making any significant changes in the future to place it on par with Blizzards highly successful game as they have no idea how to retain paying customers and only someone who can`t afford the monthly fees of Warcraft or PS`s online community or XboxLive`s community fees such as the last days of Galaxies when the final 30 losers left the servers. All I`m saying is Bio Ware Toronto Had a gift handed to them, Lucas Entertainment gave them a shot at making what could have been the single greatest MMO in the history of the internet, and this is the low talent results you give.. Maybe Disney will take the license over to Blizzard god knows they could at least do it some major justice!. Heck I think GTA V online gets more daily players than TOR!...


Not like the "Founders" didn`t give feed back on changes that they should maybe take a look at...I mean 250,000 credits down to 8,000 credits for the first speeder was a good job, as well as some other over priced items in game, however you need to want to log in every single day you need to make logging into your game the high lite of someones day not a chore.

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Is not that bad, the only problem is the controls. They should add Joystick support. it actually feels a bit like FreeSpace... and I used to LOVE that game. :D


It is as pretty as FreeSpace but nowhere near as complex and the pacing is completely different.


What do you mean "used to LOVE". It is still worth loving! FreeSpace2 open source with updated graphics is still the best space sim out there!


- Arcada

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Ok disagree with this.. Star fighter is a Stolen intellectual property online it was already known as World of Warplanes.


The flying ui exactly the same crap only real difference is Bio changed the maps and the skins as well as the targeting display. other than that I was playing this in beta 7 months ago for another company!.


Over all I came to give TOR a second chance having left quickly in my third month, Bio/EA`s third month of operating this game, I reported bugs every time I found one in the game over 1 year later I am playing through the exact same bugs I personally reported, same ones I reported in beta etc etc etc. the over all enjoy ability to this game has gone up very little. the over all experience of this game is exactly like Galaxies leveling fun but leveling ends the dailies are a chore to run around the map spending credits to do so. the PvP is redundant after round 4 the "Hard-core" content is meh at best.


So pretty much Bio/Ea. can keep receiving cash to use this game until WOW warlords of draenor comes out. then like last time gone in a flash!.


I don`t see this game making any significant changes in the future to place it on par with Blizzards highly successful game as they have no idea how to retain paying customers and only someone who can`t afford the monthly fees of Warcraft or PS`s online community or XboxLive`s community fees such as the last days of Galaxies when the final 30 losers left the servers. All I`m saying is Bio Ware Toronto Had a gift handed to them, Lucas Entertainment gave them a shot at making what could have been the single greatest MMO in the history of the internet, and this is the low talent results you give.. Maybe Disney will take the license over to Blizzard god knows they could at least do it some major justice!. Heck I think GTA V online gets more daily players than TOR!...


Not like the "Founders" didn`t give feed back on changes that they should maybe take a look at...I mean 250,000 credits down to 8,000 credits for the first speeder was a good job, as well as some other over priced items in game, however you need to want to log in every single day you need to make logging into your game the high lite of someones day not a chore.


Well said. I would love it if Blizzard took over the SW online gaming franchise. Its sad that BW couldn't do it as they are from my hometown in Edmonton, AB, Canada.

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What exactly do you dissagree with? I mean most of my post is personal view and opinion therefore is it neither right or wrong. So to dissagree with something that is neither right or wrong is kind of useless no?

Well, people can disagree with personal opinions...it basically means they have a different opinion than you. However, by your reasoning, your post and thread would be useless, wouldn't it?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Well, people can disagree with personal opinions...it basically means they have a different opinion than you. However, by your reasoning, your post and thread would be useless, wouldn't it?


Fee-fi-fo-fum I smell a troll a this way comes!


Anyways, back on topic, I have still not played GSF since the first 4 days and I am happy for it. SWTOR has failed again. And lets blame EA because I still have a soft spot in my heart for BW.

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Imagine going into a pve zone and finding that there are more or less pub or imp support depending on the pvp battles that have occured in that sector. Or GTN's having more or less tax on sold items depending on who controlls that sector. Or if you want to get really crazy... make pve areas accessable only if your faction controls that sector.

That would really such. I play PvE only, and I give a damn about PvP. I don't mind having PvP-Contend in the game as long as I am not forced to do that stuff and as long as it doesn't have any influence on my PvE-experience. What you suggest means that the PvP-Players somehow decide wether the PvE-only-players are allowed to have fun. That's a know go. PvP for those who like it, Ok, doesn't bother me. But I don't want to see an onscreen note that states something like "sorry, you can't enter this area and proceed in your class quest because the PvP-players on your side failed to defen Quesh - better luck next time".

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