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2.5 is out. How about those Class Reps!?


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I'm sorry you feel my tone was "aggressive"...it wasn't meant to be.


It's a sincere question Infernixx. Without any update and no idea what they even have planned, how are we possibly expected to ask 3 new questions? The replies they gave us to the Merc top 3 questions left more questions than answers...they're talking about redoing many aspect of our class like channeling and redoing heat...things that would leave HUGE areas of concern.


So just ask the same 3 questions. No big mystery there.

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So just ask the same 3 questions. No big mystery there.


Problem was, the questions were answered WELL! They pretty much echoed the Merc/Mando communities feelings on the class(es). What would asking those same questions again get us? Our problems haven't changed even a tiny bit since 2.0...why would asking 3 more (or the same 3) questions get us anywhere?

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Then try asking them something like, "Which of the community suggested feedback ideas for Mercs is most attractive to the development team and when can we expect to see it in some form?"


That's not a Top 3 issue...that's a question we should have had an answer to months ago. Communication is only effective when both parties participate...right now, it's extremely one sided.

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Problem was, the questions were answered WELL! They pretty much echoed the Merc/Mando communities feelings on the class(es). What would asking those same questions again get us? Our problems haven't changed even a tiny bit since 2.0...why would asking 3 more (or the same 3) questions get us anywhere?


Repetition will point out the glaringly obvious truth. They need to address these issues, and specifically these issues, and the issues aren't going away.


I'll reiterate my original statement, for emphasis.


Just ask the same three questions.

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Commando/vanguards didn't get any changes either from what I saw in the patch notes.


You seem to be mildly confused.


Mercs/comMandos(Mandos is being used as a short for commandos) are a healing/dps class, not a tank class like you mentioned in your other post.


Furthermore, the Mercenary and Commando ACs are mirrors, so when they change one, they'll be changing the other.


The discussion here is about how mercenary/commandos have been hung out to dry(but hey, it only took them 8 months to give us an interrupt ability like every other class had at launch).

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My understanding of these "questions" is that we are given a format for asking questions with some assurances that they will be answered by BW. There is no intrinsic assurance that anything asked will become an instant, top priority action item even if the answerer mentions a change that is coming or is needed.


Ask different questions. Turning the questions into demands and ultimatums is just going to derail and/or sabotage the only real/semi-official two-way comms that we have. Express displeasure or disagreement or request qualifications in the threads their answers generate. Then move on.

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Hey everyone!


As you may remember, after we completed the first round of top 3 from the Class Reps I decided to have the program take a break until 2.5 launched. Well, 2.5 is out now with quite a few class changes, and it will also mark the return of the Class Reps!


I will start getting in touch with the Class Reps this week who have yet to submit their top 3. The plan is that we will start submitting top 3s again in January. Reason being, quite a few class changes happened in 2.5 so I want to give everyone a bit of time with those before we start submitting questions. Also, I am going to prioritize classes who did not receive many, or any changes to the front of the top 3 schedule so they can have their questions answered first.


I just wanted to give everyone that quick update, let me know if you have any questions.




Could you make the skills trees show in anyway what were the previously developped skills when u reset the points after a class change? i don't memorize my trees by heart, and it forces me to spend mor time than i'd want to on reading every skill description


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I would like to see some Sage-Seer-related improvements in PVP healing ... When I see other healing classes for example opertives or commandos they are unbeatable in warzones, can heal, walk, heal, heal, heal ... Sages got smashed during casting first bigger heal or interrupted everytime they cast anything and when we cast all healing spells its like killing a paper who cannot move, heal or do anything except use 10-second cooldown for standing and watching friendly targets die while you are unable to do anything for 10 seconds ... please do finaly something with it, I want to heal again in warzones once more ... and survive something more than 10 second of non-active cooldown, where i cannot even heal or move in it - every other class can even Sentinels with their biggest cooldown.


I should be support class, so why everyone has to support me all the time?


Thank you.

Edited by Drahy
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The player rep program is deeply flawed. There should be role representation within the advanced classes. For example Jedi Guardian tanks and Jedi Guardian dps, not one tree within the advanced class.


Right now the representation is weighed in favor of the role within the advanced class that most people favor. So instead of addressing trouble areas that might cause someone to go to the more favored trees, these issues are left unaddressed.


The result is combat balance on a profession basis instead of among all classes and roles. In Patch 2.5 more Jedi Knight Guardian tanks have left those characters (or the game), while there's a great influx of people playing their Jedi Consular Shadow tanks. And from what I've heard, the Shadow Tank changes can nonetheless be less satisfying than Shadow Tank before Patch 2.5.


So while the personal efforts of the Player Reps are appreciated, in a certain sense the game is more imbalanced than ever.


Shadow tanks have a powerful combination of stealthing and tanking that any group will desire. What do Vanguards and Guardians get to offset the stealth capabilities of Shadows?

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I'm pretty sure no tank ever uses steatlh, since that kinda defeats being tank, as you immediately drop all aggro, and make your team a big giant target.


So you're making a non-issue here...


(And as Shadow Balance DPS, I can assure you not a whole lot of people are into having shadows... unless they are tank that is)

Edited by Hassat-Hunter
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I'm pretty sure no tank ever uses steatlh, since that kinda defeats being tank, as you immediately drop all aggro, and make your team a big giant target.


A Shadow tank in stealth can drop Phase Walk close to the boss without initiating aggro. This is very useful at Nefra because the tanks need to be on top of each other and the derps and healers stand in close proximity. Stealth, Blackout, Phase Walk and run over to your tanking position.


Also, stealth can be used on tank swaps. Let's say the guardian is tanking the boss and I'm killing adds in order to not be useless. Something goes wrong, tank swap is needed and I don't want the adds on me when I taunt the boss. Stealth out, taunt, gg.

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Each boss generally has advanced stealth detection, rendering that moot (getting aggro anyway).

It can be good for tank-swap, I agree.

But it's not exactly like it makes shadow tanks so much better that other classes need a compensation for that.

Edited by Hassat-Hunter
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Hello, is an alacrity gain is planned for improve fluidity gameplay on guardian/juggernaut ? Something like 8%, maybe with combat focus, because we are so slow and so not dynamic... and that would allow us a kind of a burst and a higher apm who is lower than any other dps classes. Thank you for your attention. Edited by holmeskywalkr
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I'll make it easy for you..


The changes to the shadow tank are horrible...


To fix spikiness you take away our heals?? I suppose fixing my boat will somehow fix a problem with my car as well??


This new thing with Shadow Protection is awful.. Whoever thought this up needs to stop playing their guardian and actually play a shadow..


You should have never messed with our heals.. All you should have done is increase our armor bonus from our Combat Technique.. That is it.. That is all you had to do.. Nothing more..


You increased it a little and then took our heals.. The point of that was??


How many years are we going to have to wait before you fix this mistake?? :(


Did you partake in the beta or the PTS server and test the changes and provide feedback? Did you partake in the changes discussion in the class forums? If so you know what I am talking about.

The PTS was open and the reduction of the changes came from community feedback it appears, it wasn't all just the Devs they made changes and players tested it and provides feedback which they made adjustments upon.

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Sage telekinetics doesn't playable now in WZ's Casts so long, but damage average and we are wasting time for try new cast after every interupt/break. mercenary and sniper won vs sage TK 90% of times in duel. All have 90+ valor full geared. Sage balance vs Sage TK. Sage TK cant clear dots from himself after the present patch 2.5 pted sage balance. But Sage balanse clear your "weaken mind" and u cant use your crit turbulence. waste 2 sec cast time, again, again,


operative concealment - very low energy regeneration. Needs to be buffed. Return patch 1.2 for them. 9sec CD backstub and 3 sec down on floor after hiden strike

Edited by Mega_Fallos
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Then your sage is bad... End of story. Equal gear, equal skill... Sage and Op out-heal mercs/Commandos by 15% every time.


Now if your Merc is main-healing the tank and the Sorc has the rest of the raid on a typical tank and spank fight, then sure, but if there is any aoe damage, or if both healers are doing similar jobs... Sorc/op out heal mercs every time.


If your Merc/Mando ISN'T full time tank healing then your guild leaders are failing you. If you are trying to be a raid healer as a M/M then that is the problem, you should be tank healing and letting your partner handle the group. If you are running with a M/M and a S/S, the M should be tank healing and the S should be raid healing.


Scoundrel/Ops will always out heal a Merc/Mando, I will give you that. But Sage/Sorc are currently the weakest of the three healers. They make up for it some by being decent at both healing roles, but the other two are just flat out better.

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Sage telekinetics doesn't playable now in WZ's Casts so long, but damage average and we are wasting time for try new cast after every interupt/break. mercenary and sniper won vs sage TK 90% of times in duel. All have 90+ valor full geared. Sage balance vs Sage TK. Sage TK cant clear dots from himself after the present patch 2.5 pted sage balance. But Sage balanse clear your "weaken mind" and u cant use your crit turbulence. waste 2 sec cast time, again, again,


operative concealment - very low energy regeneration. Needs to be buffed. Return patch 1.2 for them. 9sec CD backstub and 3 sec down on floor after hiden strike

I agree.



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Pray they fix merc/lolmando healing for pvp. DPS is imo fine. But i miss healing in pvp. Keep up the good work and keep on reading our brainstorming post.

My post is here to assist the "angry" guy who asked about merc/commando fix. I agree with him if it is about the healing issue.

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