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Finally a Life Day Event


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I don't think you can say finally yet. They didn't technically say life day was starting, just that achievements were being put in. We could still be waiting several week.


Sure we can, we now know it will be coming this year, and it's been 2 years since I have been able to do a Life Day event in a Star Wars MMO.


Is it really an event or is it achievements for collecting the Life Day cartel items?


Life Day Cartel Items are in the Collections, have been since it was released.

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I don't think you can say finally yet. They didn't technically say life day was starting, just that achievements were being put in. We could still be waiting several week.


Well Life Day is around Xmas time, right? So we'll see it in the next few weeks, maybe actually for Xmas? Throwing snowballs at each other seems like a fun way to spend Xmas... although I am in the Southern Hemisphere and it's summer :D So even better for me, cos I can't do that outside :p

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Not only that...


T.H.O.R.N. Reputation vendors have been added to the game and can be found in GSI compound on Nar Shaddaa.


and the reputation bar for it is apparently added too. Just around the corner the plague is :p

Edited by aeterno
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Even acid doesn't help...some things just can't be UN-seen...I'm sorry...for the people who haven't yet clicked, DON'T! SAVE YOURSELVES! It's a life altering experience...

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I believe it was a reference to the "Holiday Special"...which should have killed the entire franchise. Once seen, there is no "opting out".....


When I think of Life Day it is the SWG events that I think of, not that Holiday Special. Prolly b/c I am not old enough to have seen it, and when I tried to watch it on YouTube (Star Wars Super Geek I admit it) the copy that came up was horrible, and NO ONE would make a torrent of it.

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When I think of Life Day it is the SWG events that I think of, not that Holiday Special. Prolly b/c I am not old enough to have seen it, and when I tried to watch it on YouTube (Star Wars Super Geek I admit it) the copy that came up was horrible, and NO ONE would make a torrent of it.


It was made in 1977 or 78. It's not going to be any HD quality out there. Even Lucas didn't try to re-edit that crap.

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Well, I've never seen it. I've never seen E.T. or a Rocky movie, either.


Do yourself a favor....DON'T! Don't EVER view it...you still have time to live your life and enjoy it, oblivious to the "Holiday Special"...don't tarnish your naivety.

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It wasn't the lack of HD that I was referring to, it must have been made from an aging VHS copy that was dying.


And should be left to die and put out of our misery. Like that cranky old relative no one likes, but seems to live forever. Now, it has been digitized and will be a ghost in the shell forever. Thanks to some evil genius with a vhs player that still works.

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