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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2.5 patch notes?


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It has nothing to do with the actual numbers or what it is supposed to be, its that a multi million dollar game cant put things out correctly the first time on multiple occasions. It isn't just typos in the patch notes, its every damn thing they release. Ever patch contains new problems with old things and what they release usually doesn't work when its initially released.


But at your job, neither you nor any of your colleagues ever make a mistake, right? You're just all perfect 100% of the time?


You want them to spend 6 months testing every patch to remove any possible minor flaw or do you want new content? I want the latter. If there's a serious problem, they hot fix and if not, they fix it in the next patch.


Stuff happens, BW is a company staffed by humans, I don't expect perfection. I don't think they are any worse than any other company. Have you never had anything else ever go wrong with any company you ever dealt with? You've clearly led a charmed life up until now.

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It has nothing to do with the actual numbers or what it is supposed to be, its that a multi million dollar game cant put things out correctly the first time on multiple occasions. It isn't just typos in the patch notes, its every damn thing they release. Every patch contains new problems with old things and what they release usually doesn't work properly when it's initially released.


People make mistakes. Get used to it.


Or you can continue to pointlessly rage on the internet. Either or.

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It has nothing to do with the actual numbers or what it is supposed to be, its that a multi million dollar game cant put things out correctly the first time on multiple occasions. It isn't just typos in the patch notes, its every damn thing they release. Every patch contains new problems with old things and what they release usually doesn't work properly when it's initially released.


I suppose you've never had the wrong order brought to you at a restaurant(plenty of multi-million dollar restaurant chains)?


Mistakes happen all the time. Its not like video game development is the same as pushing out a factory product(even factory products have a noticeable percentage not fall within guidelines).


The vast majority of what Bioware puts out works. You're getting upset over something trivial.

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In the morning? Eric this is a multi-million dollar game and it takes a whole damn night for you guys to fix a typo? What the heck kind of company is this that, first of all can't even catch typos on their way out, and second can't fix them until the next day? I really find this incredibly unacceptable.


is it hard being perfect? Can we give you a pillow or maybe a nice cool drink. Sorry they offended you and ruined your day with a simple mix up. I'm sure they will gladly bend over backwards just to make your personal needs are taken into consideration over anything else.


Whether you find it unacceptable or not, demanding it sooner isn't going to make the world turn faster. Maybe if we get more people demeaning others for mistakes people will suddenly just become better.


I could see you being one of those people that yell at tanks and wonder why FP queues are so long.


And just as an FYI, website will be down during the update so probably wont get "fixed" until well after the patch has been rolled out so "morning" will be relative to the 8 hour patch.

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I will double check these in the morning with the devs. I will let ya know what I find out.





ON the PTS the PVP relic were 625 and pve were 740, that i remember , just confirming it a little ..


Duffy even confirmed it on her site by another player . :) ..

Edited by moonshoter
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is it hard being perfect? Can we give you a pillow or maybe a nice cool drink. Sorry they offended you and ruined your day with a simple mix up. I'm sure they will gladly bend over backwards just to make your personal needs are taken into consideration over anything else.


Whether you find it unacceptable or not, demanding it sooner isn't going to make the world turn faster. Maybe if we get more people demeaning others for mistakes people will suddenly just become better.


I could see you being one of those people that yell at tanks and wonder why FP queues are so long.


And just as an FYI, website will be down during the update so probably wont get "fixed" until well after the patch has been rolled out so "morning" will be relative to the 8 hour patch.


i agree he has to sleep IL even bet he puts in very long hours .. :) ..


I know i was a manager once ..

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It has nothing to do with the actual numbers or what it is supposed to be, its that a multi million dollar game cant put things out correctly the first time on multiple occasions. It isn't just typos in the patch notes, its every damn thing they release. Every patch contains new problems with old things and what they release usually doesn't work properly when it's initially released.


I'm going to assume you've never made a simple typo before in your professional career (assuming you have one), because that would simply by hypocritical.

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And if you expect perfection from ANY company in this world, you're bound for a lifetime of perpetual disappointment.


But at your job, neither you nor any of your colleagues ever make a mistake, right? You're just all perfect 100% of the time?



is it hard being perfect?


Im just talking about game quality, but SWTOR developers are really far from "perfect", they do not even "normal"! :p

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Wouldn't put it past them. They did that before. Remember the (Elite) War Hero relics with the static power?


/e misses the good old days, I've kept even the Battlemaster relics.


also edit:


  • Force Health no longer interacts with Guarded by the Force. It now permanently increases passive damage reduction by 1/2% and still builds 1/2 Focus when Twin Saber Throw is used.


  • The stacking "Merciless" buff provided by Merciless Slash now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15).


should be:

  • Force Health no longer interacts with Guarded by the Force. It now permanently increases passive damage reduction by 1/2% and still builds 1/2 Focus when Twin Saber Throw is used.


  • The stacking "Merciless" buff provided by Merciless Slash now lasts 24 seconds (up from 15).



Edited by DarthSpekulatius
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Anyone know what this is about?


Capital ships from the Republic and Imperial fleets have arrived in the skies of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to provide logistical support for Galactic Starfighter pilots. Starfighter Hangar Consoles can be found on Corsucant and Dromund Kaas.


Qiuck travel to the capital worlds and look at the sky heh.You won't be able to miss it. And on your way back to the fleet, watch the ship landing cinematic too ;)

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I will double check these in the morning with the devs. I will let ya know what I find out.




I can confirm, this is a typo. The PvE relics add 740 statpoints.



And it seems they forgot to change the localisation of the relics. They still show old pre-2.5 values in german client.

Edited by Sindariel
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I can confirm, this is a typo. The PvE relics add 740 statpoints.



And it seems they forgot to change the localisation of the relics. They still show old pre-2.5 values in german client.


That happens when you fire all (including the quality management team) exept the cartel market designers. Absolutely ridiculous !

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That happens when you fire all (including the quality management team) exept the cartel market designers. Absolutely ridiculous !


Things like overseeing a mechanically irrelevant snippet of text in a significant update to a massive system that's now been in constant development for what, 7 years?


And yeah, the cartel market team totally made up GS on their own. Under the hood, it's all just hats, what a revelation.

Edited by Laurreth
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Speaking of unnoticed changes in 2.5, did anyone else spot that the icons for Oricon rep items were finally changed? They had previously just been copies of the images for GSI reputation items, but now they have their own unique images.


Not at all important, I know, but still worthy of a mention.

Edited by Evil_Dave
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But at your job, neither you nor any of your colleagues ever make a mistake, right? You're just all perfect 100% of the time?


You want them to spend 6 months testing every patch to remove any possible minor flaw or do you want new content? I want the latter. If there's a serious problem, they hot fix and if not, they fix it in the next patch.


Stuff happens, BW is a company staffed by humans, I don't expect perfection. I don't think they are any worse than any other company. Have you never had anything else ever go wrong with any company you ever dealt with? You've clearly led a charmed life up until now.


We may not be perfect, but we sure don't produce broken sh*t every single time we get a job done. All I'm saying is I'm tired of them releasing broken sh*t, that's all.


They have a PTS, give people a reason to go there. Give people a reason to sit through downloading the game a second time. As of right now there is no real reason to go to the PTS, unless you want to test it out and you have fast internet.

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