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bit pissed and EA/bioware they had resources to do way better but decided not to


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5 waves day 1 say 10% of pop got put in they did there strest test last few weeks with close to a million ussers was reported true or not true no one knows.


it is said close to 3 million units were sold with NA and eu

avg it out at 3mill units at $70 a unit is about 210 million


now if it is true and they had 3 million ussers they also neting in 60 million a month in subs


now with acess rights with lucas arts ect you get there share wages and server costs they still neting a very good amount of cash so why


are they treating its usser base this way i think there should of been no reason why more then half the usser base could of been added in to day 1


at rate they going we be lucky to get 5 days acess when there should be no reason for this to be going like this its not like they can say they don't have to money to fix any issue


this is my two cents not mad that i did not get in day 1 mad at fact they should of did this way better and are decideing to take it slow.


would of been nice if they even fix some of the past hardware bugs but allrdy comfirmed they have still no fix the AA issue ect now more then 80% of the servers have low pop


i know more players will be on tonight but i asure you more then 50% are allrdy on now


Punctuation, this post needs...

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I actually approve highly of the way they roll-out the early access. Saves us from cluster****.



How ever, i don't approve of the none 24/7 Invation Email. Sorta a boomer...




And about one or two Racks of Servers. I don't think so... We very well can assume that they got at least 150 Servers running. STO had somewhat around 124 on launch, which kinda didn't seem to be enough still. And STO had not even half as much Pre-Orders world wide.

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now if it is true and they had 3 million ussers they also neting in 60 million a month in subs




Subs aren't active yet, and they haven't seen a dime of sales yet,,,, so so far they have $0, they won't see anything till next month when sales are handed to their account

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I actually approve highly of the way they roll-out the early access. Saves us from cluster****.



How ever, i don't approve of the none 24/7 Invation Email. Sorta a boomer...




And about one or two Racks of Servers. I don't think so... We very well can assume that they got at least 150 Servers running. STO had somewhat around 124 on launch, which kinda didn't seem to be enough still. And STO had not even half as much Pre-Orders world wide.


Wouldn't it be more servers though? I'm just guessing, but aren't there clusters and clusters of game servers, then authentication servers, database servers, and so on and so on...


I'm pretty damn sure it's nothing like us setting up a home game server. LOL

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5 waves day 1 say 10% of pop got put in they did there strest test last few weeks with close to a million ussers was reported true or not true no one knows.


it is said close to 3 million units were sold with NA and eu

avg it out at 3mill units at $70 a unit is about 210 million


now if it is true and they had 3 million ussers they also neting in 60 million a month in subs


now with acess rights with lucas arts ect you get there share wages and server costs they still neting a very good amount of cash so why


are they treating its usser base this way i think there should of been no reason why more then half the usser base could of been added in to day 1


at rate they going we be lucky to get 5 days acess when there should be no reason for this to be going like this its not like they can say they don't have to money to fix any issue


this is my two cents not mad that i did not get in day 1 mad at fact they should of did this way better and are decideing to take it slow.


would of been nice if they even fix some of the past hardware bugs but allrdy comfirmed they have still no fix the AA issue ect now more then 80% of the servers have low pop


i know more players will be on tonight but i asure you more then 50% are allrdy on now


We have known for ages how early access was going to be, So I fond this thread rather pointless.


If you wanted to get in on day you should have Pre ordered earlier.

Also to except a game as large as TOR to be released bug free is just amusing.

Edited by Kanharn
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Everyones money is as good as the others, they should of allowed everyone access at the same time.


No one has paid for early access, this is just a bonus for pre ordering the game.


On the 20th, everyone can join at the same time.

Edited by Kanharn
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Wouldn't it be more servers though? I'm just guessing, but aren't there clusters and clusters of game servers, then authentication servers, database servers, and so on and so on...


I'm pretty damn sure it's nothing like us setting up a home game server. LOL




Yeah, there is indeed auth servers and so on. And indeed Clustered. :) 150 was just my totally to low assumption of the Servers just for the game it self, without the surrounding infrastructure. Like Database Server and so on.


And very different from Home Game servers. xD; While we might use A Intel i3, i5 or i7. They more likely use Xeon CPU's.


Ok well, for home use and non critical stuff you still can use a Athlon 64 or Phenom II, or a Opteron.


But i highly hope they don't use Opterons in the Cluster Servers, due to miserable RAS features.

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And about one or two Racks of Servers. I don't think so... We very well can assume that they got at least 150 Servers running. STO had somewhat around 124 on launch, which kinda didn't seem to be enough still. And STO had not even half as much Pre-Orders world wide.

You can't really compare flat server count. At the very least, servers in different games handle different numbers of people. Beyond that you have to start considering infrastructure issues like bandwidth in/out of the various data centers, etc.


I'm fairly certain TOR is already supporting more players than STO did at launch, even if the count of servers is similar.

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No one has paid for early access, this is just a bonus for pre ordering the game.


On the 20th, everyone can join at the same time.


If you get the digital version you have paid £5 already for the pre-order fee (and this has already gone out of the bank account) So you have paid for it.

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You can't really compare flat server count. At the very least, servers in different games handle different numbers of people. Beyond that you have to start considering infrastructure issues like bandwidth in/out of the various data centers, etc.


I'm fairly certain TOR is already supporting more players than STO did at launch, even if the count of servers is similar.


Yeah I know, but I think ToR will end up with way more Servers in the background, no matter if they can handle a lot more people per Server or not. It simply is a lot bigger, and yeah, we got different Server locations here. While STO simply has just one server Cluster, and a highly instanced Game World.

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For all of you saying early access is fair the way it is now, that is bull, people will be a higher level than us and more geared, for some of us getting into end game content will be hard due to the vast amounts of people who are already geared and ready to go unlike the less fortunate.
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For all of you saying early access is fair the way it is now, that is bull, people will be a higher level than us and more geared, for some of us getting into end game content will be hard due to the vast amounts of people who are already geared and ready to go unlike the less fortunate.


Right and playing any other game thats been out for a year wont have people decked out and max level in end game. This isn't a valid argument.

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While i'm abit upset i don't really care about some People getting an advantage of playing it early, stuff like that always happens in MMO's but i was hoping to get in early and enjoy playing the Game with a few friends for whom i've bought some Pre-Order Codes for so they could try out the Game and get convinced to buy the game themselfs. Here's hoping that we all get into the Early Access tommorow, may the force be with you all my friends.
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if you feel my above post is a rant think of it this way

a knew type of say burger comes out 3 million people want to try it

day 1 it its there stores you think they going to tell people sorry but can only help 10% of you out i ausre you all by day 5 you all will have had a chnace to try it out nope they will keep serveing till they run out withs way the world works and way we were tought to deal with it when it comes down to it a mmog is like a retail store you need to speal to all not the few


Besides being a rant, you need to study basic English a bit more.


It's always the people that can't spell, punctuate, write complete sentences, or capitalize correctly that whine the most.


It'z troo!! (<-sarcasm)

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So your mad because in a first come first serve system you order late and now will not get in front of the line...?

Its early access, ment to reward poeple who pre-ordered early. Hell they said we would get 5 days eary access and they give 7, and your mad because you ordered late and are not in on on day 7?

Grow up man.

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