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Low D Textures


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game looks amazing on my computer, I suggest you update your computer.


That is flat lame man. Ive got a 590 gtx 6 core 990. Those textures are straight nintendo ir has nothing to do with computer specs. They suck son its a fact, the game is good the textures are not

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I heard over on the reddit forums that there is a bug where the "high" texture setting doesn't do anything. 'Medium" is actually the best setting at the moment. Try changing it, and seeing if that helps.

It looks good for me on medium.


Actually i think medium IS high setting , if u look at the individual settings , they are all on High whether u choose Medium or High , anyway i'm on medium with force vsync . those extra fps is just wasting my GPU & temp :D

But i do agree on one thing , when u zoom in close , some the outlines for the clothing looks blurry like they are just drawn with a paint brush so it lack the "contour" or "3D polygon" making it looks like 2D drawing instead of 3D. Maybe i played too much Asian or Korean MMO. :p

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You should have had the person in Pic #1 turn to the side so you can see the blurry patch on his bicep.


Pic #1 blurry lines. These are obviously compressed textures.


So the only remaining question is, what point are you trying to prove? That the textures aren't compressed? Or that they look fine enough as they are.


Either way you'll probably be quite impressed when they unlock the uncompressed textures and you get to see the clothing/armor artwork at its full glory.


BTW: Were you that guy in the Bioware DAII forums saying that the textures were just fine and everyone was crazy and needed computer upgrades right before they released the high definition texture pack?

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We were talking about LARGE bodys but by the looks of it yours look just like the rest of ours...



Would also like to see a source on that freakuancy, would explain a lot. Also Mikeni if there's any announcement of that by devs?

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I think you didnt read clearly. Most of the game looks good for an mmo, what Im talking about is the textures for armor / robes / whatever...


Im running 1900x1200 with max settings...


Lets take a look at a couple screenshots and tell my honestly you think these look great.. :rolleyes:






That look's like ****. im downloading the game now. wich takes 4-ever. its so BIG. but i hope i dont get that bad result's since ive seen many other vid's of people playing this and their game look's great . texture's and all. somthing must be wrong here.

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I think you didnt read clearly. Most of the game looks good for an mmo, what Im talking about is the textures for armor / robes / whatever...


Im running 1900x1200 with max settings...


Lets take a look at a couple screenshots and tell my honestly you think these look great.. :rolleyes:






...You have something going on with your graphics processing. Mine looks infinitely better than that.

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ComaXO no you havent posted evidence, your looks like crap like ours.. and if you did like I was talking about you would have screenshotted LARGE body textures.


Also Chypres where do you enter those settings at?




Both of these were taken with MAX settings and one looks good, while larger looks horrid, Im pretty sure given the information detailed in the rest of this thread that this is what EVERYONE sees, Im running better hardware then you are Coma so you can can it about that...


The good



The bad


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We were talking about LARGE bodys but by the looks of it yours look just like the rest of ours...



Would also like to see a source on that freakuancy, would explain a lot. Also Mikeni if there's any announcement of that by devs?


My source is that HD textures disappeared from one build to the next...


Trying to 'force' them via the client settings eliminates all textures whatsoever. They don't exist in the current asset files for this build.


Quick test -- set you textures to low, hit apply. There's a brief loading period as textures are reloaded with the lowest quality. Now, set it to medium. Same thing. Quickly take a look at your clientsettings.ini and note the value for texture quality is now set to 1 (starts at 0...which used to be high, they had the slider backwards, but this has been fixed I believe)...now, go back to game. Switch your textures to high, hit apply.


No loading, no change.


clientsettings.ini value remains the same. The options UI change from Med->High doesn't even effect the local settings in any way.


Now, try and set them to 2 in the clientsettings.ini (this should be high-quality) and restart the game. Enjoy NO textures whatsoever.


They currently do not exist in this build.


As to my conjecture as to WHY -- well, I admit its conjecture. The driver issues are pretty well documented, you can find that info here on the forums and presumably the dev tracker.


If you're using an NVidia card you can go download the beta Forceware driver released 12/21. It's optimized for skyrim, but it fixes some stability issues and allows for properly-forced AA and AF. Manually changing Dynamic Lighting and Bloom settings in the clientsettings.ini will work properly as well. I'm currently running with full shadows, bloom, full dynamic lighting, 16X AF and AA, the works, at 70fps with dips down to about 30fps in crowded indoor areas with lots of shadows and dynamic lighting. This is an improvement.


However it will not effect textures that do not exist :)


ATI users -- sorry. Dunno. Research?


Edit: My FPS is just a number without specs, sorry. I'm only running Core2Duo 2.33ghz with 4Gb of 1333 DDR2 and a GTX 460 1GB GPU. In short -- a very mediocre system.

Edited by freakuancy
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That look's like ****. im downloading the game now. wich takes 4-ever. its so BIG. but i hope i dont get that bad result's since ive seen many other vid's of people playing this and their game look's great . texture's and all. somthing must be wrong here.
Youtube can't display real high definition like a good game made for a PC or a Bluray because it would use too much bandwidth, all stuff on youtube is about medium


This is the kind of thing we mean:


http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1138 (2008!)





If you usually play games that are released mainly for consoles you will probably have never seen what high resolution in a game is :(


There's much better screenshots around too:


Edited by SelinaK
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BTW here's some screenshots of how the game looked before HD was disabled...


Note the rock outcrop and the textures on the environment, versus whats in-game now...




I want it to look like that now... why disable hd res for launch, isn't that a bit like shooting yourself in the foot... first impressions, all I gotta say.

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My source is that HD textures disappeared from one build to the next...


Trying to 'force' them via the client settings eliminates all textures whatsoever. They don't exist in the current asset files for this build.


Quick test -- set you textures to low, hit apply. There's a brief loading period as textures are reloaded with the lowest quality. Now, set it to medium. Same thing. Quickly take a look at your clientsettings.ini and note the value for texture quality is now set to 1 (starts at 0...which used to be high, they had the slider backwards, but this has been fixed I believe)...now, go back to game. Switch your textures to high, hit apply.


No loading, no change.


clientsettings.ini value remains the same. The options UI change from Med->High doesn't even effect the local settings in any way.


Now, try and set them to 2 in the clientsettings.ini (this should be high-quality) and restart the game. Enjoy NO textures whatsoever.


They currently do not exist in this build.


As to my conjecture as to WHY -- well, I admit its conjecture. The driver issues are pretty well documented, you can find that info here on the forums and presumably the dev tracker.


If you're using an NVidia card you can go download the beta Forceware driver released 12/21. It's optimized for skyrim, but it fixes some stability issues and allows for properly-forced AA and AF. Manually changing Dynamic Lighting and Bloom settings in the clientsettings.ini will work properly as well. I'm currently running with full shadows, bloom, full dynamic lighting, 16X AF and AA, the works, at 70fps with dips down to about 30fps in crowded indoor areas with lots of shadows and dynamic lighting. This is an improvement.


However it will not effect textures that do not exist :)


ATI users -- sorry. Dunno. Research?


Edit: My FPS is just a number without specs, sorry. I'm only running Core2Duo 2.33ghz with 4Gb of 1333 DDR2 and a GTX 460 1GB GPU. In short -- a very mediocre system.


Quoting myself because I answered this question specifically...

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I've noticed this issue since beta. I hope they fix it.


Here is an 2560X1600 image from the game for my Sith Marauder. All settings at max. Excellent hardware.



Pretty sad, IMO.




Probably because if they hadn't disabled it we would all be on here complaining about constant crashes. Nothing would hurt the game's prospects more than lots of instability at launch, and I've got to give bioware credit, this is the smoothest and most stable launch I've ever seen. Some sacrifices in the graphics department is really not a big deal in comparison, which I'm sure is why this decision was made.

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Quoting myself because I answered this question specifically...


I get it. I also think that adding my voice to the discussion couldn't hurt the chances that some action will be forthcoming. More so than /endtread will, at least.

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um maybee they wouldnt have to worry about textures crashing people had they tested it?



and besides, textures ARE NOT going to make people crash unless the coders are completely incompetent.


there was absolutely ZERO REASON to remove high rez textures OR DRAW DISTANCE. if anything draw distance helped people by letting them lower it and increase their performance but dont penalize me cause joe schmoe is whining about his FPS on a 5 year old budget laptop.


the game already looks bad enough, WHY MAKE IT LOOK WORSE?

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um maybee they wouldnt have to worry about textures crashing people had they tested it?



and besides, textures ARE NOT going to make people crash unless the coders are completely incompetent.

Agreed, and people that get lag could just keep their settings on the recommended settings rather than cranking them up. :(


there was absolutely ZERO REASON to remove high rez textures OR DRAW DISTANCE. if anything draw distance helped people by letting them lower it and increase their performance but dont penalize me cause joe schmoe is whining about his FPS on a 5 year old budget laptop.


the game already looks bad enough, WHY MAKE IT LOOK WORSE?


Oh god yes, I really really hate that with some games especially since I like playing snipey assassiny type characters the most ( in Tabula Rasa in the closing days I remember

. [some pics here] though not of that part, I recorded that with http://www.fraps.com and never got around to figuring out how to get it up on Youtube without stupid windows media making it look horrible quality... ) I think there should always be an option to put the view distance to max/realistic so that things actually disappear on the horizon rather than some kind of unrealistic *annoying* myopic fog that totally ruins some otherwise pretty views you could see... Edited by SelinaK
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I do wish Bioware would comment on the problem. At least acknowledge that it is being looked at currently.


I am a bit of a graphics-man myself and while some areas take my breath away the low res armor on my size 3 body just kills it. I am running a 570 and mine still looks like many of the screenshots shown before, even after tinkering with my .ini and control panel.

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