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Corrupted Bothrium Beast kicking my ***


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Im not generating high amount of dps in my tank spec and my companions are nearly useless. Healer companion cant heal fast enough, tank companion drops too quick, and dps dont damage enough.


Even with me interupting the heal and killing the mob spawn, I struggle to get this monstrosity to half health. Is my only choice to come back when Im more geared or am I missing something?

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What companion should I use. I am interrupting and killing tenicales and still getting crushed.


Oricon is basically a gear check planet. What you want is to make sure your gear and your companion gear is optimized. If so, then you should change up your tactics. Let the knockback attack hit you, interrupt the extraction ASAP and kill the tentacle ASAP. Don't forget your defensive abilities and heroic moment is always your friend. That's all that's to it.

Edited by DarthCasus
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Boss is quite easy to kill regadless what gear u have. You just need to interupt that long channeled lifedrain as someone said and kill extra tentacle before it sacrifices... (use ie saber throw) both heal the boss so thats why it's "so hard" if you fail to act when needed.


i use doc with my (hobby)JG and at first he was tank and now he's on focus and both seem to work with no problem (on 66 gear and no augs)

Edited by Fazaani
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I don't understand why people are complaining about this guy, I see people saying they can't beat him in zone chat constantly.


Meanwhile I've consistently killed him, alone, with HK or Doc, and have done so while still in levelling greens.


Also did it on a DPS Shadow that was a fresh 55.


Pressing your stun button is not hard, pressing your defensive cooldowns is not hard.

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its a polarizing boss. people have huge issues with it until they get the interrupt timing down. for those having a hard time...keep a keen eye on the life drain and tentacle....even a tick or two of the life drain will heal back a hefty amount to him...


He usually goes in cycles. get used to the cycle and when to expect the next life drain. keep a ranged attack available for the tentacle.


I've ran this on every class in the game...if your smart with the interrupts, and use your defensive CD's, you should be fine. I prefer to use a healing comp, though I see many with other comp types. I run it as vigilance mostly. out of all my classes, i have the easiest time with this one on my guard and juggernauts (followed by my scoundrel and Operative).


Also, if you have legacy, don't forget the legacy companion defensive CD....its a huge damage reduction for almost 12 seconds...worth keeping on your hotbar. These solo bosses are designed to test and push your limits of your class (unless you drastically overgear them). I find them quite challenging and enjoyable, and have even switched specs before to beat them on certain classes.

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its alot easier with range, as you can see the add to kill it quickly. Normally, charge in, get a couple of big hits ) but not ravage yet), after about 2-3 gcds he will cast extinction (or whatever its called). Use your interupt on that, then he'll use oblivion to knock you down. just eat the knockdown, charge in, then ravage. you'll get a message on the screen saying a tenatcle spawned. Use your throw on it (it will die in one hit). He wont cast the kd again, but will cast one more extinction (if you cannot dps him down fast enough). interupt that again, and tool on him.


I use treek, outfitted with planteary comms as a tank in abosrb gear in tank stance. As long as i watch/kill the add immediately, and interupt the extinction cast, he's not too bad. treek never dies and if he gets close i can taunt aggro off him and he heals himself (i can use intercede as well to help him out).


oricon is all about cc's and interupts. you have to interupt elite/champions big hitters if your soloing.

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  • 1 month later...
I've tried this Corrupted Bothrium Beast and I also killed tentacles and interrupted but it still whips my butt. My Assassin is in 159 gear with level 54 ear piece and 53 implants. My companions are slightly less geared but I finally had to break down and ask for help. This beast cost me over 80k credits in repairs.:mad:
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If your stuggling on this mission then its a simple learn to play issue.


why are you not interrupting because you should always when you can interrupt PVE and PVP wise but i can bet you 1 million credits that only a small fraction of players even bother learning this untill its too late.


Make sure your play style always works around procing master strike with those 2 moves


I did it 1st go and the more people learn to interrupt the better alot of peoples ops will go aswell

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This is how I defeated it solo with Doc as my companion. VERY easy if you do this.


Follow these three simple rules:

1) When he starts to cast Absorb, kill the add. Adds will heal him if left alone.

2) ALWAYS interupt Extract 100% of the time.

3) Let him hit you with Obliterate. Yeah it sucks, but you have leap to get back and you need your Force Kick for Rule #2.


He drops pretty quick if you follow that.

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I was in 1/2 72 1/2 66 gear w/ my Vigilance Guardian when I encountered this guy. He owned me twice; both times I came within a sliver of finishing him and then he full healed and yes, I was killing the tentacles.


Turns out I had to add the non damage dealing useless up to that point ability called "force kick" to stop him from healing. Once I did that he is a complete joke.

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I was in 1/2 72 1/2 66 gear w/ my Vigilance Guardian when I encountered this guy. He owned me twice; both times I came within a sliver of finishing him and then he full healed and yes, I was killing the tentacles.


Turns out I had to add the non damage dealing useless up to that point ability called "force kick" to stop him from healing. Once I did that he is a complete joke.


Congratulations! You found your interrupt. ;)

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  • 1 year later...
I had to look this one up because the regen was so rapid I wasn't sure what the heck was happening. Don't let him heal and he's a pushover. It's that much of a difference. Interrupt on the purpley flowey stuff move and clobber any tentacles he summons immediately.
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  • 1 month later...
Just thinking how developers expect a comando tropper that have only a interrupt with 24s cd kill this mini boss that use a skill that regen all health each 15s....how faulty logic is this? Commando Troppers cant play the expansion? :rak_02:
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Just thinking how developers expect a comando tropper that have only a interrupt with 24s cd kill this mini boss that use a skill that regen all health each 15s....how faulty logic is this? Commando Troppers cant play the expansion? :rak_02:


lets see..... interrupt the beast... when the little monster comes out, shoot it with you basic blaster shot thing (it dies from the basic hits)... by that time the beast should be low enough in health to kill it.




and if that still proves to hard for you, use heroic moment + legacy abilities




edit: its not a little monster, its a tentacle!! (still dies from basic hits)

Edited by thatPERSON
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