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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dammit! I tried Jet Charge...


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Shouldn't have done that. Now every build without Jet Charge feels horribly slow. I mean, imagine having to go back to not using mounts. Yeah... disgusting, right?


I know it's been debated to death, and I'm not looking to restart the discussion, because it's never going to happen (I understand why). I just wish I'd never tried it. It's one of those "well, can't go back to the old ways now" moments.


On the upside: being a tank makes many things in life easier. It does make it hard to top damage meters, though, and you're kinda locked into one role. Plus, the more I'm exposed to Jet Charge, the harder it'll be to ever play anything without a leap in the future.


So long, AP and Pyro. See you when hell freezes over.

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If only the Devs would actually listen to the PT community. PT would be 200x more viable if only it had Jet Charge in all specs! It also doesnt make sense that the High Threat Pull (Grapple/Harpoon) is a native ability and not a Tank Ability. I would rather have a normal/low threat leap that deals damage vs a high threat pull that deals 0 Damage as a DPS. Seriously Devs, it's only like 100 or so lines of code to simply change it... Do it already!
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If only the Devs would actually listen to the PT community. PT would be 200x more viable if only it had Jet Charge in all specs! It also doesnt make sense that the High Threat Pull (Grapple/Harpoon) is a native ability and not a Tank Ability. I would rather have a normal/low threat leap that deals damage vs a high threat pull that deals 0 Damage as a DPS. Seriously Devs, it's only like 100 or so lines of code to simply change it... Do it already!


I think they did stuff like this to differentiate the three tank classes. If PT had a leap by default, it would be more similar to Jugs.


Anyway, for PvP, as a DPS PT I'd rather have a pull than a leap. I don't want to jumping into enemy groups, but I love pulling one of them into us.

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I think they did stuff like this to differentiate the three tank classes. If PT had a leap by default, it would be more similar to Jugs.


Anyway, for PvP, as a DPS PT I'd rather have a pull than a leap. I don't want to jumping into enemy groups, but I love pulling one of them into us.


But it makes more sense to balance the tank classes to have the same tools to get into combat, but when they are in combat, they have different tools to stay alive. as such.


Sin: Self Heals, Dark Ward, Overcharge Saber, Deflection


Powertech: Power Screens, Energy Blast, Oil Slick, Heavy Armor


Jugg: Unbreakable, Saber Ward, Saber Reflect, Scream Shield, Heavy Armor


Each Tank brings different Raid Utility too.


Sin: Stealth, Stealth Mezz, High Damage Tank, Shelter


Powertech: Oil Slick, Ranged AOE Taunt, Shoulder Cannon Self-Heal


Jugg: AOE Taunt shield, AOE Sunder, Faster Speed when Guarded person is being attacked, Leap to Friendlies.


So, giving all Powertechs a Leap wouldnt really make them like Juggs. It just gives them more utility that Marauders and Juggs have.

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All tanks have the same taunts: single target and aoe, all 30m range, all with the same cool down. "Ranged AOE taunt" is not something unique to PTs.


To the OP: I love Jet Charge too. Sadly I long ago got tired of asking that it be swapped with Grapple as the base PT skill.


Your wrong, Jugg and Sin have 15 Meter radius on their AOE taunt! Sin can use AOE Taunt in Stealth though. and Jugg has a buff with it's AOE Taunt, and PT Has a Ranged AOE Taunt around another target (with a 10 meter radius around that target)

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This jet charge argument has been beaten to death. As long as PT has HO dps aint getting jet charge. End of discussion. An TBH, if I get to choose between HO and JC for AP or Pyro, HO is way better.


HO is crap compared to a leap, think of this, for AP, they could do something similar to Unstoppable with Veng Jugg to give 4 seconds of Immunity to Physics and 20% Damage Reduction. and call it Hydraulic Overboost and put it as a 5th or 6th tier talent in the AP tree.


and for Pyro, make JC do something like a trail of fire that anyone who gets in it will get hit with a DoT. That would be really cool and unique for the class.


Im still of the opinion that JC > HO but PT can be not OP with both for DPS and Tank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would SOOO love the Jump native. I too started as DPS PT, and after trying out jump...can't go back. I even run a hybrid just so i can get the leap (solo only...).


although ATM Im simply running tank .it kills fast enough for me that I don't worry about it. But I too am a supporter of Jump being native, and grapple being tank tree only.


only reason i tank on my PT atm is jump. i switch into DPS gear for more DPS solo.

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HO is crap compared to a leap, think of this, for AP, they could do something similar to Unstoppable with Veng Jugg to give 4 seconds of Immunity to Physics and 20% Damage Reduction. and call it Hydraulic Overboost and put it as a 5th or 6th tier talent in the AP tree.


and for Pyro, make JC do something like a trail of fire that anyone who gets in it will get hit with a DoT. That would be really cool and unique for the class.


Im still of the opinion that JC > HO but PT can be not OP with both for DPS and Tank.


You're out of your *********** mind. You'd trade an ability that gives knockback/root immunity and on a short 30s CD for a leap? I'll keep my pull and HO thank you. I like picking my targets and pulling them away unlike my marauder where I have to leap into a **** storm of a crowd.

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HO is crap compared to a leap, think of this, for AP, they could do something similar to Unstoppable with Veng Jugg to give 4 seconds of Immunity to Physics and 20% Damage Reduction. and call it Hydraulic Overboost and put it as a 5th or 6th tier talent in the AP tree.


and for Pyro, make JC do something like a trail of fire that anyone who gets in it will get hit with a DoT. That would be really cool and unique for the class.


Im still of the opinion that JC > HO but PT can be not OP with both for DPS and Tank.


This is a god awful suggestion. Ho is so good. How the fk would u kite melee without it or gap close a sniper? My god son think b4 you type. What u are suggesting is not at all unique if u want those things roll a jugg and sniper! Please dont Butcher the pt with suggestions like those...do any of the people making these suggestions play the class properly or know how to play it? Would love to see some videos please. Please note pt is not a full on melee class so stop playing it like one unless ur tanking and even then learn to kite!

Edited by Kooziejr
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You're out of your *********** mind. You'd trade an ability that gives knockback/root immunity and on a short 30s CD for a leap? I'll keep my pull and HO thank you. I like picking my targets and pulling them away unlike my marauder where I have to leap into a **** storm of a crowd.


This is a god awful suggestion. Ho is so good. How the fk would u kite melee without it or gap close a sniper? My god son think b4 you type. What u are suggesting is not at all unique if u want those things roll a jugg and sniper! Please dont Butcher the pt with suggestions like those...do any of the people making these suggestions play the class properly or know how to play it? Would love to see some videos please. Please note pt is not a full on melee class so stop playing it like one unless ur tanking and even then learn to kite!


You guys seem to forget that there's another side to the game; PvE. Granted, right now PvP is all a dps PT is good for.


In raids, grapple is less than useless, and HO is meh. There are significant mobility issues for raiding PTs that people are spitballing ideas to fix. But I know, hardly anyone plays PTs anymore in serious raid groups anymore so why would anyone think of considering that aspect?


What needs to happen is they need to leave one dps tree for PvP and make changes to the other so that there is a viable PvE spec, preferably without impacting current PvP performance.


It wouldn't hurt to tone down the attitude when posting to a fellow PT. These posts are pretty condescending and snide even though they assume the changes would be helpful in the realm of PvP.

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You guys seem to forget that there's another side to the game; PvE. Granted, right now PvP is all a dps PT is good for.


In raids, grapple is less than useless, and HO is meh. There are significant mobility issues for raiding PTs that people are spitballing ideas to fix. But I know, hardly anyone plays PTs anymore in serious raid groups anymore so why would anyone think of considering that aspect?


What needs to happen is they need to leave one dps tree for PvP and make changes to the other so that there is a viable PvE spec, preferably without impacting current PvP performance.


It wouldn't hurt to tone down the attitude when posting to a fellow PT. These posts are pretty condescending and snide even though they assume the changes would be helpful in the realm of PvP.


That is condescending for a reason. It was a bad idea and the person probs isnt even level 55.

Edited by Kooziejr
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You guys seem to forget that there's another side to the game; PvE. Granted, right now PvP is all a dps PT is good for.


In raids, grapple is less than useless, and HO is meh. There are significant mobility issues for raiding PTs that people are spitballing ideas to fix. But I know, hardly anyone plays PTs anymore in serious raid groups anymore so why would anyone think of considering that aspect?


What needs to happen is they need to leave one dps tree for PvP and make changes to the other so that there is a viable PvE spec, preferably without impacting current PvP performance.


It wouldn't hurt to tone down the attitude when posting to a fellow PT. These posts are pretty condescending and snide even though they assume the changes would be helpful in the realm of PvP.


While I agree with you that HO in PvE is not that great and grapple simply does not work, but PT main problem in PvE is sustained damage output, not gap closing. Lets face it, giving them leap is not going to resolve this issue, it would give them 20 -30 additional dps at best, and will screw with class in PvP badly. It is just a bad idea all over.

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That is condescending for a reason. It was a bad idea and the person probs isnt even level 55.


"probs isn't even level 55" ? really....

Its a great idea for us PVE types. As a DPS raider, I NEED jet charge. Trade me grapple for it any day. HO is helpful, not a deal breaker. Being the last melee DPS to get to every target is huge. A melee DPS class with no raid environment gap closer... its a joke. My PT is on the shelf because he cannot keep up damage wise with other classes, and this lack of quick gap closing.

I don't PVP, so I don't care. No more then you obviously care about PVE. I understand these changes would mess up PVP, so they would need to figure something out. But that's why they get payed the big bucks. If other melee classes can make it work, and be balanced, why cant ours?

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"probs isn't even level 55" ? really....

Its a great idea for us PVE types. As a DPS raider, I NEED jet charge. Trade me grapple for it any day. HO is helpful, not a deal breaker. Being the last melee DPS to get to every target is huge. A melee DPS class with no raid environment gap closer... its a joke. My PT is on the shelf because he cannot keep up damage wise with other classes, and this lack of quick gap closing.

I don't PVP, so I don't care. No more then you obviously care about PVE. I understand these changes would mess up PVP, so they would need to figure something out. But that's why they get payed the big bucks. If other melee classes can make it work, and be balanced, why cant ours?


I'm not sure how you think jet charge would suddenly solve all your dps problems...

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"probs isn't even level 55" ? really....

Its a great idea for us PVE types. As a DPS raider, I NEED jet charge. Trade me grapple for it any day. HO is helpful, not a deal breaker. Being the last melee DPS to get to every target is huge. A melee DPS class with no raid environment gap closer... its a joke. My PT is on the shelf because he cannot keep up damage wise with other classes, and this lack of quick gap closing.

I don't PVP, so I don't care. No more then you obviously care about PVE. I understand these changes would mess up PVP, so they would need to figure something out. But that's why they get payed the big bucks. If other melee classes can make it work, and be balanced, why cant ours?


I do care about pve. In fact I have cleared all the nightmare content in pve prior to 2.0. I just found that most pve players were incompetent mouth breathers who derped every second chance they got - however in saying that there are some excellent pveers too.


Here is where your argument doesnt work. 1 pt is not melee dps - it is hybrid melee class with numerous attacks from 30m. I found in many pug groups That pts activated ho when they were standing next to a boss for next to no reason and forget it was a gap closing - way to get away from aoe dmg. 2 jet charge will not solve dps problems and I agree grapple is useless for pve as well and I always had a problem with it but swapping it for jet charge is silly - if every class is the same this game would be soooo boring. Grapple does have some cool moments when u are killing trash mobs in pve though for tjr first few times. I would be interested to know how much more damage u would Actually do with jet charge and trade it with damage taken. If you are less than 16-17 metres from a target I would argur it is more beneficial to use explosive dart and then ur normal rotation them to jet charge back and start because it would do less damage. so the true issue is when u are greater than 1 gcd away from the target ur dps suffers considerably....plz keep in mind force charge etc does less dmg on average and misses much more often than explosive dart so u actually have a better gap closer than maras and juggs from medium 1gcd range (if railshot is off cooldown and procced for both specs it does substantially higher dps than any gap closing ability but knowing most players if they had jet charge they would charge straight back in and ignore that they could do more damage greater than 10m from the target than if they were standing right next to it having wasted a gcd on jet charge and now they would most likely be taking aoe damge as well and putting the raid group under pressure.


What u need to be asking for as a pve player is something that moves u closer to the target for when u are 30m away (eg grapple now does damage similar to force leap and pulls u to tje target and drops u 8 metres away - only active on operatoon bosses) . Plz learn that pt isnt a 4m class for almost all abilties so stop asking for a charge...people who continually think this will solve all problems just need to re roll because u play the class wrong and even if u play it correctly u dont understand the concept of the Pt and why it is unique.


And sir, just so u know the whole wasnt lvl 55 thing was in regards to the atrocious suggestion of damage reduct and some kind of aoe nuke being tied to jet charge - not jet charge itself. You can thank me later for my insight pve community:-p


Oh and there are some amazing pt dps currently who are top tier raiders.

Edited by Kooziejr
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