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Each and every planetary departure/landing cutscene is broken, and I´m sick of it


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Well, it looks like it happens to some folks. I thought I was the only one.


I do not experience this. If I did, I would /bug_report it and move along. I certainly would not create a rant thread about it and present the forum with sick indignation.


I get that some players do experience the issue. That's the nature of the beast when you have north of a million players playing on tens of thousands of different PC configurations.


If players that experience the issue bug_report it.. it gets officially logged, reviewed, and queued for dev action. Thing is.. some bugs do not make it up the priority list to be fixed in a timely manner.... because while they may annoy some players to tears, bug fixes are prioritized based on ------> severity and impact to players ability to play the game (as opposed to critique of the perceived finer points of perfectionism in game design). I've yet to play an MMO that was perfect, particularly on fine points of "polish".

Edited by Andryah
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On some of the takeoff scenes I notice some clipping between the hangar equipment and the ship, but outside of that it's OK.


The two that I've gotten a laugh out of are with the Fury on Tatooine and Alderaan, where the ship is sitting in the hangar with the business end of a handling crane dangling just inboard of the right 'mandible', and in the takeoff animation, the ship lifts straight up -- the crane head still dangling there between the mandibles -- and spins, which would snag the crane head and rip it off.


Overall, though, I'd be happier if Bioware would just invest in the sixteen bits of voice acting required for it (one for each gender of each class), and have all the ships sitting in their hangars -- so you could go back to the spaceport and enter your ship with it just sitting there, without having to launch to orbit just to throw stuff in your cargo hold or hit the GTN terminal, then when you were heading to another location, you'd have a cutscene where you contacted ground control for departure clearance, were given it, then took off, had a pause in orbit as you prepared for hyperdrive, then arrived at your destination, contacted ground control there, got landing clearance, and landed your ship. Doesn't even have to be more than an approximate match to the original voice actors, either, as you don't actually have to show anyone talking -- the exchange could be a post-processed voice-over on the navigation display, and you just hear the two ends of the dialog.

Edited by DmdShiva
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i actually managed to get myself vented into space and killed by spacing though the cut scenes. Somehow i was able to skip the scene but also manage to actually get my char to "jump" and break the animation of actually getting on the ship. Somewhere during the scene i found myself floating in space as my ship landed on the planet and heard the death sounds..


I went humph, thats funny, respawned, and went about my business. what i DIDN'T do was go about ranting on forums how minor glitches that affect nothign more than a static scene. Wonder how many of these people complaining actually stand there and watch their ships jump in/out of hyperspace.


As for the "immersion" excuse, how many have ever wondered how a freighter fly-by occurs indoors, or hwo i can be surrounded by mobs, and QT back to a spot (shuttle has been dispatched how exactly?). Or can QT back to fleet without actually using my ship. Somepeople just like to hear themselves breath by complaining.

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I have reinstalled three times already on two different computers, de-installed in summer 2012, reinstalled again in January 2013, deinstalled in summer, reinstalled a month ago.


Two different computers, two different graphics cards, one a GTX 460 and the newer one is a GTX 670


So you are telling me ALL your planetary landing cutscenes always fade to black properly, nothing weird going on after the fade to black? Never? And the Voidstar warzone ship arriving doesn´t fly into another one which is already there?


Just a blind guess.

Try changing your screen resolution.

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I do not experience this. If I did, I would /bug_report it and move along. I certainly would not create a rant thread about it and present the forum with sick indignation.


Oh I´m so sorry you didn´t get to reading the freakin´ first line of my post, I´ve been reporting this crap since game launch, took several half year long breaks and every time I come back for a month or two the same "quality experience" is still there


I get that some players do experience the issue. That's the nature of the beast when you have north of a million players playing on tens of thousands of different PC configurations.



so all of this is the fault of my exotic PC configuration, sure. So you got the cool KOTOR CGI quality and bug free cinematics? Please send me a copy of *your* SWTOR version then


If players that experience the issue bug_report it.. it gets officially logged, reviewed, and queued for dev action.

the queue is obviously longer than 24 months. Next time I´ll check back in 2015





And by the way, how about working on BACKGROUND LOADING like many games have, plus replacing the lame cutscenes with actual Star Wars quality cutscenes in between? Maybe that would be a better solution than a glitchy 5 second clip over and over again followed by a boring loading bar.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Just watched your YT video and damn... that KOTOR cutscenes look really good in comparison. I would probably let it play sometimes if it were this good in TOR. They obviously dropped the ball here.


About the glitches, I got them sometimes but not too often. Besides I skip this stuff because of poor quality. You would think that they make some effort at least with the fleets.

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All problems we have are first world problems. Servers blowing up would still be a first world problem. Unless you wanna explain a Somali orphan how your imaginary stoff is important.


So let's not get into a "my mmo irk is more important than yours" contest.

Except I don't have any "MMO irks" that I would seriously attach a "!" to. Because they are indeed all first world problems. I play the game as it is because I views it as fun enough to play. End of story. Petulant whining about a triviality within a triviality is mind-boggling.


And how preciously cute of you to spell "stuff" "stoff." Do you spell "love" "lurv," too, for the cuteness?

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Except I don't have any "MMO irks" that I would seriously attach a "!" to. Because they are indeed all first world problems. I play the game as it is because I views it as fun enough to play. End of story. Petulant whining about a triviality within a triviality is mind-boggling.


And how preciously cute of you to spell "stuff" "stoff." Do you spell "love" "lurv," too, for the cuteness?


Again, you branding it trivial means *diddly squat*. Developers. Are. Actively. Addressing. Cutscenes. At least some of them. And not by just fixing bugs. I guess THEY deem them *non* mindbogglingly trivial. Gasp shock awe and disappointment!


So I'll reiterate my amusement at the fact a platoon of you are lining up to tell the OP how amazingly trivial the subject is when BW is working on it literary as you type your trivializations.


And how preciously cute of you to spell "stuff" "stoff." Do you spell "love" "lurv," too, for the cuteness?


Edited by aeterno
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Again, you branding it trivial means *diddly squat*. Developers. Are. Actively. Addressing. Cutscenes. At least some of them. And not by just fixing bugs. I guess THEY deem them *non* mindbogglingly trivial. Gasp shock awe and disappointment!

Using. This. Technique. Gives. Your. Post. The. Appropriate. Air. Of. Gravitas. Good. Job.

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Using. This. Technique. Gives. Your. Post. The. Appropriate. Air. Of. Gravitas. Good. Job.


Awwww are we mad we've got no arguments? There there.



P.S. It's super ironic that you two blasting the OP for taking up trivial issues focus on my bloody syntax not the points I'm making lol.

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Again, you branding it trivial means *diddly squat*. Developers. Are. Actively. Addressing. Cutscenes. At least some of them. And not by just fixing bugs. I guess THEY deem them *non* mindbogglingly trivial. Gasp shock awe and disappointment!


So I'll reiterate my amusement at the fact a platoon of you are lining up to tell the OP how amazingly trivial the subject is when BW is working on it literary as you type your trivializations.



People are not upset that the OP thinks these are bugs... they are upset that he is considering them bugs of epic proportion that is so annoying and horrible that he is thinking of quitting the game...

Yes, they are bugs.

Yes, they need fixing.

Yes, bioware is aware of them.

Yes, bioware is fixing them.

No, they are not a priority.

No, they are not gamebreaking.

No, it is not sane to quit the game over them.


Furthermore, I would think that bioware consider them pretty trivial if it has taken them 2 years to start fixing them...

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You should ask them cos arrival at fleet cut scenes just got a MAJOR re-haul on the PTS.


Long overdue cos whoever did the original TOR landing/take off cutscenes was drunk. I wish all got updated not just the fleet arrival ones.


I imagine the other ones will get revised in time.

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Its always funny to see any negative comment about a game shot down. Sad to see how society has ingrained a view of be happy and never complain about what our capitalist overlords give us in some. I see the same mentality in every gaming forum.


In the second most expensive games ever made from the biggest publisher and one of the biggest developers your allowed to expect a lot including better loading scenes if you want. There may be bigger problems but its stupid not to bring them up.

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If I am not mistaken, the difference between KotOR and SWTOR is that KotOR uses bink movies for the cutscenes, where this game uses the in game engine.


I agree, bink movies would have been better for the planetary landing and takeoff cutscenes.


Absolutely, and with an added bonus of being able to have a bink movie play while the planet loads simultaneously.


I think space would be a huge restriction though, having to have pre-rendered cutscenes for every single planet with all the ship model variations. Considering how most people play on very big screens and high resolutions now, they wouldn't be able to get away with low res bink movies. I can see why they would decide to go with in-engine ones, but with their low quality and glitches, they are just awful to watch.


In contrast, the one-off space cutscenes that play when you do the missions for Explosive Conflict, Makeb and Oricon look fantastic. It would be great if we could get that level of quality for all the planet arrival/departure cutscenes. Things like the space field and planet textures look really low res on all the pre-fab cutscenes, but the one-off cutscenes for Explosive Conflict, Makeb and Oricon have much higher quality textures and animation.

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Its always funny to see any negative comment about a game shot down. Sad to see how society has ingrained a view of be happy and never complain about what our capitalist overlords give us in some. I see the same mentality in every gaming forum.


In the second most expensive games ever made from the biggest publisher and one of the biggest developers your allowed to expect a lot including better loading scenes if you want. There may be bigger problems but its stupid not to bring them up.


There is a difference between making a negative comment and having a huge rant about a minor detail that really isn't ruining the game in any major way.


This isn't a social battle about not settling for less. This is a whine about a smaller bug that will get fixed eventually, but really isn't something worth leaving the game over.

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There is a difference between making a negative comment and having a huge rant about a minor detail that really isn't ruining the game in any major way.


Look I have reported these minor bugs ages ago and they keep bugging me every time I return to the game for a month or two.

That is the kind of stuff you see over and over again each time you go from one planet to another, or simply skip because it´s not worth watching anyway. Broken and lazy cutscenes rather break immersion than help immersion. They´d better take them out for good and save us the spacebar orgy then.

After 24 month of waiting I thought these "minor bugs" would be worth a thread.


To me that kind of sloppy execution when it comes to detail and polish seriously gives a bad impression about the game quality, and also damages the whole Star Wars IP and visual quality expectations people have when they think "Star Wars"

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Look I have reported these minor bugs ages ago and they keep bugging me every time I return to the game for a month or two.

That is the kind of stuff you see over and over again each time you go from one planet to another, or simply skip because it´s not worth watching anyway. Broken and lazy cutscenes rather break immersion than help immersion. They´d better take them out for good and save us the spacebar orgy then.

After 24 month of waiting I thought these "minor bugs" would be worth a thread.


To me that kind of sloppy execution when it comes to detail and polish seriously gives a bad impression about the game quality, and also damages the whole Star Wars IP and visual quality expectations people have when they think "Star Wars"



There were lots of bugs and graphic glitches in previous star wars games and it hasn't hurt the Star Wars IP a bit.


Face it, this is a minor bug that you have gotten fixated on and now you are raging about it.

You are blowing it out of proportion and trying to make it seem like your rants and ravings are valid by telling everyone that this glitch is so awful that it'll hurt the whole star wars IP and whatnot.

It's a minor graphical glitch that they are gonna fix sometime. Apparantly they are getting around to it now according to aeterno, so just take a chill pill and wait for them to fix it.

There are more pressing matters for them to attend to, but they'll get around to fixing it someday.

It's up to you if you want to quit until then or live with it.

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Face it, this is a minor bug that you have gotten fixated on and now you are raging about it.


have you even watched the video?


how is this "one minor bug", in fact there are countless bugs and the video shows just a few samples, even worse is the fact that the cutscenes are not even up to the standards set by KOTOR I+II.


So "not good+bugged" is really not the greatest combination

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So if the cutscene is immersion breaking, then the loading screen immediately afterwards must really trash the game for ya'?


My usual MO? I hit the transition, get up and get more coffee, a Pepsi, or a sammich, yes, I have to get my own, my cat's too lazy to do it for me, and come back to find "Hey, I'm in a new/different place". I don't think I've watched more than the first departure scene for each class to get a look at the ship when it's not in a hangar, after that, I don't even pay attention to them, even if I'm not AFK during the transition.


For me, this is the chance to get up, stretch my legs, maybe a trip to the little boy's room, feed the cat, etc. It's not going to break the game if it never gets fixed, since I don't pay attention to it now, I'm surely not going to fuss about it later.

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