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PvP still one sided


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I don't know about the rest of you, but I find PvP to be one sided again in favour of the (G)Imps. It has been since day one. played countless matches and the number of defeats to wins is in the region of 100:1 and not close losses, utter annihilation. most of the time imp lowest kill counts are higher than rep highest kill counts. inqs and bounty are still grossly op and the others out out so much more damage than their "mirror" classes its stupid.


they came close to fixing the problem when they removed the Gear Req for pvp, it evened out a bit. but i guess the imps (by that I mean devs too, as they seem very imp biased) got tired of not pounding the rep into the ground all the time and shockingly the gear reqs have returned and it has shifted in the favour of the imps yet again.


It makes for very boring and pointless matches when you know you are going into them and 98% of the time you will loose. not by a little but totally decimated. if it was 50/50 then fine but it isnt, and probably never will be, and with space pvp coming it just seems like another format in which the Imps can crush the rep in pvp.


it needs fixing/ balancing what ever you want to call it. as it stands, pvp is yet another broken system in this game and it is very disappointing.


the devs will probably not read this or do anything about it (other than to buff the imps even more) and it will probably get alot of heat off imp fanboys, but hey, civil discussions died on the internet years ago.

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What server you on? On Harbinger, every game is a loss for Imp side it seems at 55. Before 55, might be in Imp's favor, idk. I'm guessing you're not level capped or something. I've stopped queueing on Imp side since every game is a very one-sided loss. It also seems that the same premade Pub teams are queueing 12+ hours a day every day. Imp rarely premade it seems. I'm tried different playing times as well. Afternoon, morning, night, doesn't matter. Pub dominate. Like I said, I think you just need to get to 55 and then premade since that's what 99.9% of Pubs seem to b doing. Broken game.
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You're on the wrong server then.... I stopped keeping track on mine when we had won 5 to losing around 40. There are stretches where we'll win 3-4 straight, but then lose 15-20, lol. (this is at lev 55) Even so it's hard to see 100:1 on any server/.


Change servers, change your story.



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What server you on? On Harbinger, every game is a loss for Imp side it seems at 55. Before 55, might be in Imp's favor, idk. I'm guessing you're not level capped or something. I've stopped queueing on Imp side since every game is a very one-sided loss. It also seems that the same premade Pub teams are queueing 12+ hours a day every day. Imp rarely premade it seems. I'm tried different playing times as well. Afternoon, morning, night, doesn't matter. Pub dominate. Like I said, I think you just need to get to 55 and then premade since that's what 99.9% of Pubs seem to b doing. Broken game.


Thought I was the only one who thought that. Since I got to level cap pvp, I've rarely wrenched a win from the pubs.

Edited by Stinghen
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Ebon Hawk is similar. Pubs run premades all day everyday. Not to say they're very good, but a decent premade > bad pugs.


I play Ebon Hawk too (forgot to mention). Every CW or NC run makes me wish I was back at 54 having trouble to cap door on voidstar...

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