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What's your In Character's opinion of your companions?


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Hmmm... it's funny that we played the same story and our characters had completely different views on Aric. How did your character get past the idea that while the greatest squad in the Republic was betraying the Republic right under Aric's nose he was completely oblivious to the fact and instead was wasting his time Hazing the rookie?


It was a slow transition, but the fact he never showed any bitterness towards my character for his demotion helped, oh he was bitter at being a scapegoat, but not towards me. There wasn't a specific point, it just slowly happened, but I can understand your view too, it probably has too do with the internal logic we use when roleplaying the character.

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Because we don't have enough Agent love in this thread yet, here is Cherny, ex-Imperial Intelligence operative.


Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. It always comes down to that. It isn't fighting skill or power I've come to rely on. I've been betrayed. I've been doing the betraying. I look at my crew and I wonder how far I can trust them. What must they do to earn it?



- Already his loyalties were suspect due to his enforced Joining with the Killiks. In my mind it was obvious--he had been compromised by a foreign power and therefore had to be kept at arm's length. Behind that calm, diplomatic, easy-going professionalism the 'song of the universe' is corrupting his mind, right? But then he stayed faithful to the Empire throughout my mission on Alderaan. He even turned on his own hive on my say-so. His loyalty to the Killiks challenged his loyalty to the Empire and was found wanting. Thus, despite my earlier reservations, Vector has earned my trust.



- Like Vector prior to his Joining, Raina had all the hallmarks of a loyal officer. Like him, though, she had reasons to fear. Her [REDACTED] means she faces danger from our Imperial colleagues, yet she still serves willingly and openly. She is a superb protege and a quick learner. Some day, hopefully decades from now, when I'm too old for this job, I hope she takes up the Cipher Nine mantle. Her loyalty to me and the Empire was put to the test by her own family when [REDACTED]. Raina Temple has earned my trust.



- If Raina is my protege, then Eckard is something of a mentor. He has decades more experience than I do, and he tackles his job with efficiency and enthusiasm. He is clever enough to always think long term. His advice is vital, his position as ship's doctor secure, and his ability to [REDACTED] useful. While before I may have mistrusted him and thought he had his own agenda, it's become clear that he genuinely cares and supports the Empire. If he was going to turn on me, he'd have done it by now. He's had plenty of opportunities. Eckard Lokin has earned my trust.



- The killer machine with mysterious origins. If the Force really does guide our fates, then it has an odd sense of humour by constantly throwing people at me who I have every reason to mistrust. SCORPIO has made her hostility towards me clear, though she has softened. She is clever, but not sneaky. She doesn't have the capacity for this sort of long term deception. She learns quickly, though. It is her reason for being, in fact. But she has learned to improve herself by being a team player and not in being pointlessly destructive. SCORPIO is no fool and neither am I. SCORPIO has not earned my trust, but given what the rest of my crew has managed I won't be surprised if she pulls it off.



- I have saved Kaliyo for last only because I wasn't sure what to say. I tolerated her only because of orders. She was everything I was not. The anarchist to my professionalism. The mindless violence to my careful planning. She was in it for the fun, and I was in it for the work. Originally I was going to ditch her on Nar Shaddaa, but then the betrayals of those I trusted came in. I didn't trust my colleagues in the Empire, I didn't trust her. Both the Sith and Kaliyo have turned on me, but between her and the Sith, only she fought back to prove her loyalty. My entire journey has been learning that freedom and chaos have a place in the universe. Meeting Kaliyo was the first step in this journey and marrying her was the last. I never thought in a thousand parsecs that I would say this, but Kaliyo Djannis has earned my trust.


I used to hold loyalty to the Empire and no other. With the exception of Raina and perhaps Eckard, the old me would have either disposed of or abandoned each of these as major security risks. I had every reason to. Yet after having everything I believed in destroyed, I find myself more capable of trusting my crew instead of the Empire.


No, I can't explain it.

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Darkside sith warrior.




I enjoyed putting the inferior alien in her place. I tourtered her several times before removing the shockcoller which i did only to sleep with her sister! However the freddom sems to have gone to her haid, I will dispose of her in the near future!


Malavai Quinn:


I have recently started studieng medieval torture devices and techniques. I couldent just kill him on the spot after his betreyl no no no, he must suffer like no one has suffered!! I will get very very creative with Quinn!!


Jaesa Willsaam:


I killed her old and current master. I killed her parents and she is still fanatically loyal and in-love with me! THIS CANNOT STAND! IF she dosent start acting the way i want her to, I may have to kill her!


Lieutenant Pierce:


A good and loyal solder...... Two traits that i appsolutly despice!!!!! (

Note to self kill pierce!)




My favorite companion! I take him with me wherever i go so that he can gain some extra weight and musceles for the day when i relise him into to wild and hunt him down, kill him and eat him!


This is Darth Cockbage signing out!

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This is the perspective of the companions from Clydetropes chiss male agent


Kaliyo: Kaliyo is my most useful companion becaquse she is a tank. I do get annoyed whenever I send her on a mission to Nar Shaddaa and she raids an imperial structure right after she's done (there was even this one time when she blew up a droid factory. ooohhhhhh im soo gonna punish her for doing stuff like that:mad:). Kaliyo never got caught as she was able to frame these incidents on the republic. On the other hand i do like her approval on execution of republic captives which bothers ensing temple much to my dismay. Remind me to send kaliyo on those booring voss missions (e.g. deliver tea to the voss healers in the healing shrine so they can heal all the wounded pilgrims there, guard a shuttle transporting voss to a camp near the shrine cuz of gormak, etc)


Vector: very trustworthy companion. The kilik nest vector planted is progressing smoothly. Soon House Organa will be overrun with kiliks. He also is a good melee comp when kaliyo is on a mission. I do get annoyed when vector reffers to the nest as "dawn herald" and uses "we" instead of "I". Overall, he is a good companion.


Dr. Lokin: Also very trustworthy. Last time I checked, he said that in about 2 weeks from now, he will finish the rakgoul virus which I am excited for. He's hoping to make imperial soldiers stronger and eliminate genetic weaknesses though I am more interested in using it as a bioweapon on republic worlds though i doubt he would approve.


Ensign Raina Temple: She's my wife. Also very hot. She has this mild force ability that would normally end her up on korriban. Wouldn't give her up to the sith even if they brought an entire legion of troops. I do get annoyed on how she looses affection when I execute jedi. Other than that I do like her. She is willing to stay by my side no matter what as revealed when she tole me that she declined the offer to join the imp group on quesh.


SCORPIO: My least favourite companion. It's hard to tell whether she's planning to kill me or just trying to program herself in my ship. She is a useful tank though i wish there was endgame gear for droids. She's kinda dangerous and I try not to think about her. I could probably say the same about the other companions' opinions on her. Overall, i dont like her


HK-51: the perfect companion, an assassin droid that calls jedi "meatbags", a bodyguard protecting me from scorpio whenever she tries to kill me. What more could an agent ask for? I do send him on missions to kill jedi and i am quite pleased with his reports. hes the opposite of scorpio personalitywise. But just like scorpio, he is a useful comp

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Considering I like to think of my character as not necessarily the same person as the Bosen'thor... These are the opinions of my Jedi Shadow.


Qyzen Fes: Tuldabar admires him immensely, though he tends to be a "survival of the fittest." Very much wishes him to be able to make his own decisions instead of considering himself "in Tuldabar's debt." Is fascinated by Qyzen's Scorekeeper belief system and wants to learn more so he doesn't antagonize a potential snubbed reptile. Wants to mellow his more severe viewpoints without robbing him of his cultural identity.


Theran Cedrax: Tolerates, I think is the best word to describe their relationship. Not exactly a necessary evil, but he finds his constant chauvinism aggravating. Tuldabar particularly enjoys engaging in battles of wit and insult with the man, and tries to take each success and loss in stride. Sometimes it takes all of his self-control not to toss him AND his hologram out the airlock.


Zenith: The two are constantly trying to outdo each other in battle, and like to gripe at each other about their respective styles: Zenith being cold and efficient while Tuldabar enjoys having fun on the battlefield. It's very much a Gimli and Legolas relationship, while they don't always agree you can always find them at the cantina afterwards laughing their tails off at their antics.


Lt. Iresso: And in that cantina they are usually joined by the Lieutenant, who keeps up quite admirably. Tuldabar and he tend to be kindred spirits, and took him under his wing per se to show him the war from all angles. In battle, Zenith is setting traps, Felix is protecting the civilians, and Tuldabar is holding the enemies at bay. Iresso is in a little bet between himself, Theran, and Zenith as to whether he can sneak up on Tuldabar. He hasn't managed it yet.


Nadia Grell: Tuldabar never wanted an apprentice as he's much more comfortable with field work, but he does recognize that Nadia is a unique case that most masters of the Order would not be able to properly connect with. The teacher-padawan relationship is soon dispensed with as it makes Tuldabar fell uncomfortable and soon he and Nadia grow close enough to consider sharing the same bunk. Not before Tuldabar is certain he's not abusing her trust in him, however. She's usually the one who reins Tuldabar in if he starts getting peeved with the pettiness of the people around him. She's required to accompany him whenever he enters the senate tower on Coruscant or the Council chambers on Tython to prevent structural damage.


HK-51: The droid his father and grandfather used in the Empire's service just. Won't. Shut. UP. The only consolation is the minor upgrade from the HK-50 mass-slaughter mindset to minimize casualties while ensuring greatest impact. The only reason Tuldabar allowed him on board in the first place was to keep an eye on him and make sure he wasn't causing trouble for anyone else. His veritable archive of warfare is both useful and nauseating at the same time, and Tuldabar will occasionally yell himself blue in the face at the overgrown toaster to burn off stress.


Treek: When insane plans are needed or suicidal odds are assured who does Tuldabar call upon but that adorable fluff-ball of crazy. Treek is incredibly useful in Interrogation scenarios, usually as the bad cop. Like Qyzen, Tuldabar is fascinated with her culture. Unlike Qyzen, she tends to be a little overzealous at what she's asked to do. Qyzen will to things exactly as he is told to due them, while Treek will come up with the most creative and dramatic solution she can. Needless to say, the Giant and the Midget respect each other immensely and can often be found trading trophies, war stories, and battlesongs in the lounge.


C2-N2: Painted a target on his chassis first chance he got. Uses him as a training dummy. That is all.

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  • 2 months later...

Point of view from my Male LS Jedi Knight


Kira- She is my right hand girl because we are the perfect duo. Like me, she is ready to do whats right, she is ready to fight when it is time, she has darker side to her, and she she is kind of a smart a**. and i love her for all of that and more (i'm learning all sorts of new things from her * wink*)


T7- He is my loyal droid, but he is not that creepy loyal that is C2-N2. though his out bursts of talking about how we are the greatest team is kind if annoying, he is loyal to the end even though he doesn't hold up so well in combat anymore


Scourge- He is...interesting. We don't see eye to eye and i'm sure he wants to turn me to the dark side, listening to him is interesting, even if i don't agree with it.


Doc- He is a little selfish at some times, but he knows what the greater good is. His lust for fame is understandable but sometimes its a little annoying when he brews toxic chemicals on my ship with out asking


Rusk- He is not my favorite because he just stands in the corner all day and i don't really have a use for him. if it were just me, Kira, T7, Doc ( and maybe Scourge just for his occasional wisdom) i would be fine without him

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Ityk'allig; Darth Nox, Heir to Kallig and Tulak Hord, Master of the Dead


Khem Val

Fiercest ally, I do not question his loyalty. Banishing that wretched woman into that box secured his faith in me and he is the only person I trust with my life. Does not leave me side. Any Jedi foolish enough to confront me is devoured; likewise any Sith brazen enough to challenge me.


Andronikos Revel

Has nothing to gain betraying me, any act of such will be met with swift and crippling punishment. Utterly indifferent to him, relationship can be described as amicable. Kills who I tell when I'm busy, otherwise keeps to himself. Earns his place piloting Fury.


Ashara Zavros

Interesting specimen. When I met her, she proclaimed utter disdain for the Empire and all things Sith. She couldn't deny my ambition and my goals of eventual usurp--when reworded--completely wrapped her around my finger. Her protests about the Dark Side have all but died out and I hear her muttering her own warped version of the Sith Code to herself occasionally. Continue to feed delusions of romance and feed her the attention she needs and I predict she will completely embrace the Dark Side in a matter of years. Note to self; consider appointing her as Lord to feed her own arrogance and speed up the process.


Talos Drellik

Understands my obsession with Sith Lore, for slightly different reasons. Wonderful person for researching lost tombs and the history of other artifacts, often reminds me of Zash. If only I could use her mind again, but with her and Thanaton's bases and libraries I will be able to outmatch her knowledge, especially with Drellik under my thumb. His loyalty in the empire is inspiring to others and I do not question his eventual support of Darth Marr and myself's alliance. If Adonikos proves more stable, will consider sending these two in my stead for artifact hunting.



Promising Apprentice. Has taken to the Saberstaff much like myself, picks up Force techniques fairly easily. Unwavering loyalty, but seems to be bidding his time. Insists I am a Living God and I would not be surprised if he attempts to "liberate" me from the living part. Until them, keep an eye on him and withhold any truly relevant information from him.

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Darth Alypia: the Emperor's Wrath


Vette: Little sis! If you try to hurt her I will mess you up.

Quinn: Who?

Jaesa: Love of my life! ALL THE FEELS.

Pierce: Drinking-and-breaking-things buddy. Especially breaking things.

Broonmark: [Exiled to running crew skills.]


Darth Sakaria: the Forcewalker


Khem: Slightly less reliable version of an akk dog.

Andronikos: Chauffeur.

Ashara: this is kinda complex and im not sure how to handle it in a few sentences

Talos: LEGIT HERO HISTORIAN who for some bizarre reason is still surprised when I destroy all the things D:

Xalek: Zzz.


Ina'sa'miurani: Cipher Nine


Kaliyo: Unreliable. Larcenous. Broadly loyal within certain limits. More or less predictable. Also, great fun at parties.

Vector: Excellent political resource. Advice more useful than fieldwork. Unsettling. Well-meaning, honest, and friendly.

Lokin: Like Kaliyo, unreliable but more or less loyal. Useful field surgeon. Top notch operative.

Temple: Strange combination of morality and loyalty to the Empire. Reliable, but cannot be trusted. Impressionable: may be possible to alter her personality over time.

SCORPIO: Caricature of sociopathic curiosity. Susceptible to suasion on false premises so long as it meets the requirements of formal logic.

Addendum: All this stuff aside, they're all pretty good friends, each in their own way. Even the droid that wants to murder me. Somehow.


Alistia: Grand Champion of the Great Hunt


Mako: Mako's awesome. She's been through enough crap that she's not obnoxiously naive, but she's also not a jaded [censored] like me. Which is refreshing. She's got my back.

Gault: Pretty sure I killed this guy.

Torian: Annoying Mando Warrior Manly Man stuff aside, he's not a bad kid: honest, straight shooter, doesn't particularly like Imps or Sith. Keeps a running kill count going with me; he's never going to win, but it's cute that he tries. He's also the guy who tries to keep me from murdering all the people that tick me off, even if they're clients. Pft. Professionalism.


Skadge: Pretty sure I killed him, too.

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Agent- Cuy'val'dar (Spoilers for Agent story mostly companion storylines. As for the main story, names but not major events.)


Kaliyo: Useful, and so much more... Cuy once saw her merely as an asset to be kept on a short leash. Over time her antics and loyalty grew on him to the point that they are fierce friends.While he does get exhausted by her violent tendencies which run contrary to his orderly approach, he tolerates it and tries to help her see the usefulness in not blowing everything up from time to time. Temple is his anchor to sanity, while Kaliyo lets loose his wild side. And every now and again, Temple and Lokin have to patch Cuy up after a night of shots with Kaliyo. After going rouge, Kaliyo is also one of Cuy's most trusted allies with Cuy often using her as his connection to the underworld and his muscle.


Vector: Loyal. Cuy was absolutely amazed by Vector from the start. Immediately wanting him on his crew, Cuy valued him for the person he was, and who he would be. While Vector's joiner tendencies make Cuy wary at times, he can never cease to be amazed at the intelligent, yet so very alien person that Vector had become. After helping aid Vector in connecting with the lost Killiks, Cuy and Vector began to build a friendship over conversations on everything from politics, diplomacy, and war to humanity, xenophobia, and life. Especially after handling the Star Cabal, Cuy and Vector's friendship was never stronger. Cuy trusts Vector with his life, even if the odd eccentric oddity about Vector puts him off now and again.


Lokin: Useful. Unlike with Kaliyo, there was never a strong bond between them. The Rakgoul issue was merely one among many that stood between Cuy and Lokin. Nevertheless, Cuy holds respect for Lokin and his work, though that stops well short of admiration. Cuy allows Lokin to work in peace, and have a supply of resources to keep him placated, however he watches warily. As long as Lokin remains civil, Cuy keeps him around as an excellent tool. The relationship is icy between these two seasoned agents, but the respect and mutually beneficial agreements between them ensures peace and a decent working relationship.


Temple: Cuy's wife, that should be enough. Cuy trusts her with his life, and from the very start he was taken by her no-nonsense personality, work ethic, and organization. These two have a great deal in common, and it helps that she has dealt with Chiss before, making him very at ease around her from the beginning. Their connection grew stronger quickly, blossoming into love, or as much expression of love as would suit the situation they found themselves in when they married (during the Star Cabal incident). Nevertheless, "retirement" has been good to them. They enjoy each other's company immensely and Cuy has even found a Grey Jedi willing to train Temple in the ways of the force. Together she has made slow but significant progress, particularly as Cuy dealt with the situation on Makeb.


SCORPIO: An uneasy truce lies between Cuy and SCORPIO. He doesn't trust her and has HK-51 ready to eliminate her at any point it becomes necessary. Cuy does, however, keep her around out of curiosity and because of her computer skills and as muscle. Cuy expects her to betray him one day, and is constantly prepping for it.


HK-51 Probably his closest friend. Outside Temple, no one loves or is loved by Cuy more than HK-51. The droid has become his constant companion, saving his life numerous times and always providing the balance between lethality and efficiency that drive Cuy himself. This is probably why Cuy loves him so much. Cuy trust HK-51 implicitly and gives the most critical assignments to him.


Treek: An asset. Treek maintains many of the issue that Kaliyo has but lacks the personality that Cuy enjoys. That said, Kaliyo and Temple have both greatly enjoyed Treek's presence and even HK-51 is often impressed by the ewok. Cuy tolerates it, and is often caught in witty banter with a furry being a quarter his height, often leading to laughs from the rest of the crew. Cuy keeps Treek around as a useful tool and ship's mascot. While Cuy is fiercely protective of Treek, he'd never be caught admitting it.

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Ohh this is fun! :jawa_biggrin:


Xess Akai :: Rattataki Sith Inq



Andronikos: A pleasant, if somewhat shallow, distraction from the tumult of her daily life, he serves as a kind of toy for Xess. Something to lust after, something to chatter with, something to remind her that she has forms physical as well as mental. She's careful to bat away any possibility of deeper connection with him, and firmly rebukes his frequent sweet-talking. Still, she's happy to keep him around--at least until he becomes a liability. And then she might find someone similarly capable to take his place.


Khem: Xess feels a peculiar mix of mastery and impotence around him. Like she's manipulating a great whale, leading it blindly through the dark even as it sings songs about daylight. He almost hums with old memories--as if Tulak Hord never really left his side. Xess enjoys how little he talks, and decides to treat time with him like miniature meditation sessions.


Post Act I...

Zash's constant presence never ceases to destabilize Xess. Hearing voices and sleeping poorly is bad enough--she certainly doesn't need the consciousness of her ever-manipulative former master adding to the trouble. On top of that, Khem's inner turmoil sends ripples of emotion throughout the ship, making mental focus nigh impossible.


Ashara: Something of a mystery. Self-contradictory and interminably righteous, Ashara makes for a tough apprentice. Her manichean worldview contrasts starkly with Xess's relativistic and context-sensitive beliefs, resulting in conversations that bounce from firm disagreement to measured allowances to outright frustration. Xess respects Ashara's capabilities but balks at her lack of constitution and will, and often criticizes her refusal to engage with the Force more deeply. She often wonders if Ashara is merely there in some misguided attempt by the Jedi to "turn" Xess away from "the Dark Path."


Drellik: When Xess first got word that she'd need to cooperate with some over-mannered Imperial bureaucrat, she couldn't help but squirm with disgust. Upon actually meeting Talos however, she found herself pleasantly surprised. Not only did he demonstrate impressive feats of archaeological wizardry, his love of knowledge and philosophy rivaled her own. Finally she had someone to talk to--not as master or subordinate, but as equal. When Xess conducts research of her own, she often requests Drellik to work alongside her so they can compare notes and discuss quandaries and revel in the occasional inside-joke while Khem watches balefully from across the room.


Xalek: Haven't gotten to this point in the story yet, but I can't wait for the moment it does. :jawa_smile:

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Report from Alylia Terel, Barsen'thor of the Jedi Order (Jedi Shadow)


Qyzen Fess: A puzzle, but his faith in the Scorekeeper is like my faith in the Force. He will not question mine, so I'm not questioning his. I wasn't certain what to make of him at first, other than my master was friends with him. And if Master Yuon could reach an understanding with him, then I would as well. It took some time, and an incident on Nar Shaddaa before we reached a modicum of understanding, however. He didn't understand why I let that Imperial death camp be captured instead of killed outright. I told him very bluntly that killing the man would leave his "score" intact. Being captured by a Trandoshan, a Torugan, and Evocii and a Miraluka - all "aliens" he despised - was a humiliation. Furthermore, his live capture invalidated any "score" he may have acquired over his lifetime and that he would spend the rest of his existence as nothing more than bait for hunters like the SIS agent and myself. I expected an argument, he instead grinned and said he never thought of it that way, and that Madame Scorekeeper must still be working through me. I'll admit, I chose the path of a Shadow because I did find a grain of truth in Rajivari's teachings; passitivity is not peace, and sacrifice must be for a purpose, not for its own sake.


Tharan Cedrax: My trusted associate and right-hand man. He keeps me honest, from relying overmuch on the Force when there are practical solutions right in front of me. The first time I used the Mind Trick in front of him, he scolded me from Shadow Town to the spaceport. What we're taught is that the Mind Trick is a tool to obfuscate enemies and defuse potentially explosive situations. Yet, Tharan likened it to a form of torture, of ripping away someone's capavity for reason, it was a perspective I'd never considered. It was like trying to comprehend how human eyesight works, and the very limited light spectrum one would have to work with. Jedi may be active participants in galactic affairs, but we so seldom run across men like Tharan who views us with a degree of terror and resentment. I suspect some of that resentment comes from how guarded the Order is with history and archeological discoveries. Being relatively insensitive to the Force and an outsider to Jedi affairs, he is effectively locked out of vast amounts of historical and scientific data. If our positions were reversed, I'd likely resent it just as much. He's also quite charming, despite himself. Had Holiday and I been able to work out an arrangement, things could have turned out rather differently between us.


Holiday: At first, I figured her for Tharan's holographic toy. I couldn't even see her...not at first. Of course, I thought Tharan was a dillitante and buffoon at first. Something...happened along the way. I could sense that Tharan respected her, trusted her. It was genuine, and not in the way of someone speaking to a faithful serving droid. Tharan was a lot more than he seemed, and the same applied to Holiday. I now understand what they have; a long-standing arrangement of abiding respect and love. Yes, that means Tharan has to seek out short-term company for his physical desires, but he always comes home to Holiday, and she is the one calling the shots. Somewhere along the way, I started seeing something like a puff of smoke or a flicker of light when I heard her voice. And when he finally finished the upgrade, something miraculous happened - I saw her and she was every bit as lovely as Tharan described. I wish them well, though Tharan was a bit put off by my teasing about a horde of holographic children.


Zenith: I am uncertain as to why he is on the ship when he really wants to be back on Balmorra. Perhaps he's staying on despite his election to essentially punish Tai Corden's shabby treatment of him in the first place. He's definitely one for grudges and spite. Maybe he sees more opportunity to punish the Imperials on the ship than behind a desk. I can't picture him behind a desk anyway. So long as he can point his anger towards the Imperials, he'll stay.

His anger will be the death of him eventually. He knows it, so there's no point in bringing it up.


Felix Iresso: I did not expect to like him. He was too easy-going, seemed a little oblivious to all the danger. He is anything but oblivious. He knows far more than he lets on, and his attitude is just more determination not to let his setbacks and trials crush him. The man could give several Jedi lessons in serenity under duress, and he started with me. He's always thinking, always seeing the next three moves ahead. Still cannot beat him at dejarik, and he's made it his personal challenge to get me to laugh at least once a day. The last thing I was expecting was to fall in love with him; the Code and all. He also admits that it will cause him even more trouble with the Republic brass than he's already in. He takes care of the ship and any guests on it while I'm away, and can put even the most nervous passenger at ease. He is a natural diplomat, wasted on the Republic military when his calling would be a senator's office or an embassy of his own. But he likes combat and there's a war going on, so he won't think of going elsewhere. We finally got Garza to roll her eyes (remarkable human gesture, that) and post him as my "honor guard."


I try not to think about that time bomb in his head, but there's a reason I sent him off on a treasure hunt and didn't dare let him near Oricon. The damned Dread Masters probably sensed that, too. I don't tell him that I see it - it's...humans would call it "red" and "black;" a red and black node like one of the Dread Seeds encapsulated deep and sleeping...I fear it will wake up, and he fears it as well. We're living each day as it comes and dreading the eventual confrontation when the corruption awakes.


Nadia Grell She has been everything I could want in a Padawan, and it is a joy to find her. I sensed some potential in her when we first met aboard the diplomat ship, but when she demonstrated it on Quesh, it was all I could do not to beg her father for the opportunity to train her. It is not likely I'll have children; in addition to the Order's discouragement and the many hazards Felix and I have, Miraluka/human pregnancies have a very high rate of stillbirth and miscarriage. Therefore, Nadia is the closest to a daughter I have. I now understand some of the things Yuon always liked to say about me. Yuon was delighted to meet her, and Nadia said it was like getting a new family. Poor girl. I can't truly comprehend how it must have been to be the only Force Sensitive on a whole world, or to lose one's father so horribly. I know I blamed myself for her father's death; he was a good man and a good friend.


HK-51: A curiosity. Homicidal and nearly insane curiosity. But the droid does as asked and more when dispatched on spy missions.


Treek: the newest addition to the stable, and very curious despite her odd appearance. I'm thinking of sending her to Nekita [bounty Hunter], as she would be a very valuable asset to that stable. Nekita has to maintain the appearance of being a mere gun for highest bidder (and Darth Marr needn't know that I'm that highest bidder and have been since Balmorra)

Edited by Allronix
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From the memoirs of Captain Colt Gamble the Gunslinger (mostly neutral alignment)


Corso Riggs - I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. When I first met Corso on Ord Mantell, he seemed like nothing but a naive farm boy. And the fact that he was so easily fooled by Skavak and allowed him to get away with my ship (you have no idea how long it took me to forgive him for that slip up) didn't exactly help his case. And even after helping me track down those first leads on Ord Mantell, I didn't think much of him even if it turns out that he was a decent shot.


The only reason I took him onto my crew was that I felt bad after what happened to his boss. I couldn't leave the kid alone in the world, it wouldn't have been right after he had done his best to help. However, it turns out that I made a great call in bringing Corso along. Our adventures took us all over the galaxy from the wastes of Taris and Balmorra to the regal palaces of Alderaan and then finally back to my homeworld of Corellia. And throughout all of that, Corso had my back unlike so many other betrayers. So now I think of him as one of my most loyal friends and my little brother that I never had. Corso would follow me to Hell and back and I would make sure that he survived the journey.



Bowdarr - Not everyone can understand what it's like to have everything taken from you and be forced to climb back up from the abyss, so we were kindred spirits from the beginning. And after saving him from a certain death at the hands of a certain Hutt, the Wookie's loyalty was never in question.


Unlike Corso, I got exactly what I expected in Bowdarr. A loyal companion who's an absolute terror in a fight. With Bowdarr leading the charge against our foes, I feel better about the success of the mission. It's never a bad thing to have a Wookie gladiator backing you up.



Risha Drayen - Where do I start with dear Risha? From the moment I found her sitting in my cargo bay, I was smitten. Beautiful, witty, sarcastic and deadly with a rifle... she was truly a vision from a dream. I will admit that I was shameless in flirting with her every chance I got while we chased down her dad's treasure together...


It wasn't until she stood up to her father and proved that she had my back that I thought that she and I would have a chance. She had always been too clever, too scheming and it was a bit disconcerting. And when she had what she wanted from our partnership and yet she stayed, choosing me over her own father. I can't describe how much that meant to me in mere words.


After that day, our relationship blossomed. She finally gave into my charms and from that day we've been inseperable. And regardless of whether or not she ends up taking her throne, I couldn't have found a better woman for me in the galaxy.


Akaavi Spar - Sometimes I get her, and sometimes I don't. She's... interesting to say the least. As a former Mandalorian (don't let hear you say 'former' unless you feel like eating a techstaff), she's was obsessed with the honor in avenging her clan, which had been killed off by an apathetic Moff. Once she had her revenge though, she just seemed lost. I guess she didn't really understand that killing her target wouldn't bring her clan back.


Since then, she's been very quiet. I don't mind however, she's a capable warrior and an intelligent tactician. And she's loyal to me because I helped her gain closure on her years long quest for revenge. While we're not the best of friends by any means (I'm loud and boisterous and she's quiet and contemplative) I have nothing but respect for her skill in battle.



Languss Tuno - Ah good old Guss. He cracks me up. Not many beings would have the guts to play practical jokes on Jedi masters. I'm not sure what his thought process was... but then again Guss isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the galaxy.


He's not a very good criminal either. He's way too shaky to lie convincingly and he's not exactly a fearsome fellow so it's not like he can intimidate people. And the whole 'I'm a Jedi' thing without a lick of Force sensitivity... that got annoying after awhile.


But despite all that, I like Guss. By showing him a bit of mercy and allowing him to come along after my adventures on Hoth (maybe he saw me as his best chance of getting off that godforsaken rock... and if that's the case I really can't blame him), he eventually gained my trust. And his skills as a combat medic didn't hurt in that regard that's for sure.

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Darth Nox


Xalek: the most reliable of my allies - i know he will try to kill me the very moment he gets the chance. His training must be carefully resctricted to prevent him from rising to his full power. He was really useful as proxy assassin, but when the time comes i will kill him without second thought.


Ashara: making her fall in love with me allowed easy manipulation. She stays blind to my true nature, actually believing we are working to make Empire better place. She must be prepared carefully for the reveal of my true goal - but of all my allies she will accept it most easily. Her jedi habits make life really hard for me some days, but at least i can be sure they will stop her from betreyal.


Adronikos: simple man with simple desires, the closest thing to friend i will ever have. His underworld contacts are extremly useful, he is really good pilot, he don't care about my power plays. Loyal as long as i dont betray him. When Xalek will strike, Adronikos and Ashara will be at my side for sure.


Khem'Val: beast was a pain from the beginning to the end. His constant threatenings before ritual and constant interventions after became his death warrant. Zash will make much better use of his body.


Zash: i must give her credit - when she had chance to let me die, she helped me out of free will. This and her knowledge of ancient rituals outweighs my hatred for her. I must stay cautious, but i believe that as long as she is satisfied with her position, she will not turn on me. I will be the first one to give her human body if it will keep her loyal. She will probably accept my plan - just for the joy of the powerplay itself.


Talos: brilliant archeologist. His knowledge and contacts already proved useful dozens of times, allowing me to harness even more power from ancient relics we found. Talos respects me and considers a friend, thanks to our common interest in archeology. But his loyalty to the Empire is too strong. He will never support my real goal, and i can't keep him in the dark forever. Eventually i will kill him

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Darth Snickërs: Female-Human-Warrior


Vette: Pathetic little wretch, or at least thats what she used to think. Torturing Vette was fun for a while, but her wit and cheery attitude slowly won Snickërs over. Each would enjoy verbally sparring for hours over breakfast, flight plans, refresher usage ect... anything at all. But whenever Vette gets threatened, Snickërs found herself fighting like hell to protect her dear "sister". And that's what they are. They torment Quinn, flirt with Pierce, and gossip with Jaesa together. Since the fall of Baras Snickërs, Vette, and Jaesa have been wreaking havoc through every club, casino, and cantina they come across in search of a good time.


Quinn: Stick-in-the-mud, boring, and a total *******. Snickërs would love to kill him, and often times she finds herself on the very brink of snapping his neck. Every time she pulls back, understanding he is just a pathetic imperial stooge. She keeps him around to provide a liaison with the Imperial military (face it, Pierce doesn't have sunniest disposition) and keep the ship in order. Beyond that he is dead to her, even to the point that Pierce and Broonmark have standing orders to kill Quinn if he tries anything again.


Jaesa Willsaam [Dark]: Jaesa and Snickërs are like sisters, it really is a family between Jaesa, Vette, and Snickërs. From their first meeting in the cave, Snickërs knew she'd not kill Jaesa, but turn her and train her. It was Jaesa's destiny to be Snickër's successor, and she trains her as such. While the training is hard, Snickërs is always pushing her, yet is always supportive. Snickërs loves having Jaesa around.


Pierce: Her muscle. She flirts with him occasionally but never lets anything develop. She enjoys having him aboard and values his skills, always pressing him for tales of his exploits and joining him on the odd mission or two. He keeps her grounded in reality, something not easy to do for a sith and Snickërs holds the utmost respect for him. If she needs something done, and done right, she calls Pierce.


Broonmark: Sadistic monster, and coming from a sith that's saying something. Still, she sees him as a useful asset to be kept on a leash. When she wishes to scare, intimidate, or kill Broonmark is her first choice.

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Darth Imperious / Fulmini the Forcewalker.


Khem Val - Thought his "hunger" can be troubling at times, he has served me well through out my travels and has pledged his loyalty to me. He will be a useful ally and friend in my guest to change the Empire, despite his darker tendencies and dislike of my light sided nature.


Andronikos Revel -His bloodthirstiness is a point of contention between the two of us, however he has proven himself a good friend, though I will have Khem watch him just in case he thinks of returning to his pirate ways.


Ashara Zavros - Former Jedi turned Sith Apprentice, whose light side approach was a welcome relief. She has taken to the training quite nicely and has proven herself willing to fight with me for a more light sided Empire. A promotion to Sith Lord may be forthcoming to put her in a better position to assist our cause.


Talos Drellik - A good friend, a brilliant archeologist and loyal to me and the Empire. His medical skills have helped me an innumerable amount of times in battle and it's always nice to have another person on the Fury who prefers diplomacy mercy to severed heads.


Xalek - Must be watched carefully at all times. A dark sider but unlike Khem and Adronikos isn't particularly loyal to me. I will have Khem watch him to make sure that he doesn't attempt to dispose of me like the the Sith Way calls for. I can't have such self-destructive traditions catching up to me now.

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Male Neutral Knight:


Kira - Annoying wise-***. He would boot her back to tython if he could.


Doc - Awesome guy, but too flashy. Can be tolerated.


T7- Awesomeness unlimited.


Rusk - Useless. Never would've taken that maniac onboard if he could help it.


Scourge -- Too doom and gloom for his tastes. Needs to get laid bad.

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Calcifur, Sith Juggernaut


Vette - Tons of fun, and one of the few people who gets my sense of humor. Glad I finally convinced her of my sincere feelings for her.


Quinn - Needs to learn to think for himself. Until then, he is still a useful servant, despite certain... events that have recently occurred.


Jaesa - Talking with Jaesa has taught me much about the Jedi, and she has helped me forge my path, but she needs to learn that there is more to life than just the mission.


Pierce - Highly efficient when I need something blown up, and a fun guy to have a drink with and tell war stories. If only he didn't try to blow up every problem.


Broonmark - Who? Oh, the fuzzy thing. Uh... he is usually off on some mission or other. Not very talkative, likes to kill.

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Vette: Best buddies for life! Let her out of the shock collar first time she asked, could be seen as weak for doing so but in my point of view, relying on a device to control someone because you're that afraid of what they have to say for themselves is even weaker. The girl is great in a gunfight and there is genuine trust between us, I'd forgotten I'd had a heart until I met Vette. I'd throw all my other companions out of the airlock in an instant if it meant saving her life. :D


Quinn: Meh, guess he looks cool stood on the bridge of my ship in his snappy officer outfit, but that's all he's really good for to me, too formal and eager to please...he needs to realise this is no standard imperial cruiser, the formalities of a the fleet ships do not apply here.


Jaesa: My young apprentice with much potential, handy in a fight but dies a little too much. Has interesting opinions on a lot of things and I was glad I was able to turn her without destroying who she used to be, her kinder nature suits my diplomacy first tactics...but if push comes to shove I know I can count on her to do her bit for the sake of the mission.


2V-R8: Just blends in with the ship like Quinn, nothing exceptional, I find droids boring and barely notice him whilst on board the interceptor.


Pierce: Get's the job done without making a fuss and is pretty ruthless about it, the perfect henchman. His trigger-happy attitude can be a bit inefficient at times though when I make more rational, merciful decisions with enemies.


Broonmark: Who the heck is this weirdo and why the hell did I even even let it on my ship?!..........Oh well as long as it follows orders and kills my enemies I guess...(and at least he's not Thana Vesh.) :confused:

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LOL I would be here all day with my mains. Here are my Republic mains:


LS Female Human Jedi Knight:

T701 - Thinks he is very useful and loyal and likes that he is eager to help.

Kira - Very close to her like sisters in battle. Would probably romance her if she was sgra.

Doc - Does appreciate the fact that he helps others but does not like his chauvinism and arrogance at all.

Rusk - They butt heads on concepts of mercy but she appreciates his loyalty to the Republic and respect for authority and discipline.

Scourge - Doesn't trust him but realizes the necessity of teaming up with him. Occasionally debates wit him about the ethics of Sith and jedi code and actually finds the exercise an interesting menta challenge to keep her on her toes around him.

C2N2 - He does good work around the ship so had no complaints.

Treek - Considers her an enigma.

HK-51 - A little wary of the killer machine.


LS Male Human Jedi Consular:

Qyzen: Intrigued by the honorable Trandoshan who befriended his master and feels this might be a good oppurtunity for the Jedi and republic to understand this species more.

Tharan - Appreciates his knowledge of science and tech but thinks he needs to take things more seriously.

Zenith - Wary of his hard bitten attitude.

Felix - Thinks he is a good man and wnats to help him with his mind problem.

Nadia - They have grown close and fallen in love. Admires her bravery and desire to help others. Has done a bang up job training her in the light saber arts.

C2N2 - Respects and likes what he does around the ship and would even hire him as a librarian.

Treek - Another intriguing species worth bonding with to get more info.

HK-51 - Assassin droids aren't his thing but occasionally finds the life/death philosophy debates intriguing.


DS Human Female Smuggler:

Corso - Flirts and funs around with him a lot but does not want to settle down with him. Does find his heroic farmboy routine to be kind of irritating at times.

Bowdaar - Not a fan of wookies but hey could use the extra muscle.

Akaavi - Doesn't like her attitude and thinks she needs to lighten up but hey another soldier to watch her back...fne.

Risha - The two of them are totally BFFs and ike to skate societies rules as well as burn and play around with any guy they meet.

Guss - Thinks he is a total wimp and idiot and wouldn't mind leaving him dead in some quiet asrea especially after what he pulled on Hoth.

C2N2 - As long as he keeps the ship cleaned and her meals coming has no problem but would probably have no qualms about replacing him if she needed to.

Treek - Total weirdo furball.

HK-51 - Just another gun to watch her back.


DS Human Female Trooper:

Aric - Doesn't like his superior attitude or by the book fixation.

Elara - Respects a strong female officer but thinks she is too rigid at times.

M1-4X - Actually appreciates how the machine follows orders and blows up her enemies without any moral guidelines. Might have promoted him before Elara and Aric if she could.

Tanno Vik - Has to keep an eye on him but due to her own moral bankruptcy actually appreicates his style and even allows him to follow through with his blakc market deals to make that extra profit on the side. If she ever betrayed the Republic and went merc she would take him along.

Yuun - Finds the bug to be too weird and freaky.

C2N2 - Has no care for a non combat unit.

Treek - Doesn't really like her but can appreciate her fighting spirit. Might allow her along as a merc.

HK-51 - Her favrotie killing machine. She wishes all ehr companions and soldiers under her could be as efficient an unconscientious as him.

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My Empire mains:

DS Zabrak Male SW:

Vette: Piece of worthless outlaw flesh. Only good as a slave and occasional saboteur. A hairbreadth away from simply force choking and snapping her neck let alone keeping her in the collar.

Malavai: He had potential but then he betrayed me. I would kill him but he is too useful for now. Still, perhaps a Rakhghoul infection will keep him in line.

Jaesa Wilsam: It was enjoyable corrupting this one and making her kill her master. Still she has no spine and will not survive long enough to be a lord of any worth.

Pierce: A good solider this one even if he isn't Sith. When I rise to power he will be one of my intruments of destruction.

Broonmark: Like Pierce this one's ability to kill and hunt will help me secure my place as Lord of the Sith one day and may my enemies tremble.

2VR8 - Useless slave robot. I will probably end up going through dozens like him.

Treek - If it wasn't for her ability to kill I would have disposed of this one long ago. Still she might be useful as cannon fodder or another assassin.

HK-51 - This one's ability to kill also meets my satisfaction. He will go far in my eyes.


DS Female Human SI:

Khem Val - Dislike the savage and ugly beast. Despite the fact she tried to betray her, has always tried to assist Zash in escaping him. Having finally gotten rid of the monster's soul, she hopes to get Zash back into a proper woman's body one day. Actually has SGRA feelings for her old master.

Adronikos - Does not appreciate his amorous advances and is coming close to disposing of him.

Ashara - So impressionable this one. Can not wait to break her fragile mind and make her, her pretty brain dead slave.

Talos: Perhaps because he was different form most men, more intellectual than arroagnt, she might have appreciated his company but he turned out to be too shy. Detests his weak stomach for violence but finds his knowledge useful and soemtimes fun.

Xalek - Useful as an apprentice and bodyguard but will probably not keep this ugly beast for long either.

2VR8 - Always nice having a slave of some sorts tidy up and do the cooking.

Treek - What an unusual creature. I hope it is housebroken. The fact that it is female makes it somewhat tolerable and why I simply haven't blasted its firry carcass into the ship hull yet.

HK-51 - I don't need to talk to you. Simply shoot anyone that displeases me.


DS Human Male BH

Mako - This kid annoys me. Her computer info helps but I am not stikcing my neck out on the line for this one. If she gets eaten by rakhghouls I will simply find another slicer.

Gault - How did I let this one talk em into not shooting him? Still he makes good money and as long as he pays me off I won't shoot him.

Torian - This kid is wet behind the ears. He better grown up fast or he will be dead.

Blizz - I am beginning to think I should have left this runt behind on Hoth with the Chiss.

Skadge - Wish I had more like this one. The galaxy is a rough place and at least he understands the concept of a quick kill and less poetry. I know how to handle his kind and I feel his connections to Black Sun will be useful in the future.

2VR8 - Just stay out of my way, clean my bunk and cook my meals you worthless tin can or I will elt you down for spare ammo.

Treek - It makes me laugh and at leats it can shoot. Better not steal my food though.

HK-51 - This is why droids are sometimes more useful than people.


LS Human Female Agent:

Kaliyo - I did not like or trust her at first but ever since we have adventured together she has forced me too look inside myself and make me realize that there is more to me tha just a killing machine of the Empire. Perhaps she is right. I might not be around today if it wasn't for her and I merely followed the rules.

Vector - Ah Vector. You have been such a mystery to me and so intriguing. I found you to be highly intelligent and resourceful. Your other qualities intrigued rather than repulsed me. I will need you by my side more than ever in the days to come.

Lokin - I believe their is more to "Doctor" Lokin than meets the eye. I am pretty sure he is a shadowy operative like myself. Still his calm poise and limitless resources makes him a useful man. I do not know if I can trust him. I feel we keep each other on our toes.

Raina - She is an eager helper but I fear her inability to think for herself might doom her as another expendable tool of the Empire.

Skorpio - This one is dangerous but I can not help but admire her strength and deadliness. We have sparred on occasion and she helps keep my skills sharp.

2VR8 - He helps aroudn this ship which si good but still, it would be nice if he was combat ready. Perhaps with my cybertech skills I could make some modifications.

Treek - I am glad this one was never a tool of the Empire. If I ever left their service I believe she would be an invaluable ally int the days to come.

HK-51 - An assassin droid always has its uses and at least I was able to program him to be loyal to me so he does not pose a threat to myself or my crew.

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Pympminista-Human Male Jedi Knight: light side

T701 - My lil buddy. He'll never get a memory wipe.

Kira - Sooooooo like me. Sarcastic, cocky, & a magnet for trouble lol. My wife (from a certain point of view)

Doc - my "playa patna" he's gonna plan my bachelor party & invite the exotic dancers

Rusk - is annoying....if i could, I'd have left him on Taris in a rakghoul breeding area armed with a butter knife & a wet napkin

Scourge - would be holding the wet napkin for Rusk

C2N2 - I bought him the target dummy customization, but I still can't shoot him.....wth?

HK-51 -My homicidal assassin droid....for those occasions when you ABSOLUTELY have to kill EVERYBODY in the room LOL


N-Sain-Sith Pure blood male warrior : dark side

Vette: like a lil sis. You mess with her.....I kill you

Quinn-traitorous lil punk....I kill you

Jaesa-my psychopathic baby....mess with her, SHE kill you

Pierce-he's like my brother...we kill you

Broonmark-he was useless so now he's a fur coat.

Hk-51-Made my Broonmark coat.....(attention all meatbags....HE KILL YOU!)

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J'mpok- Zabrak Warrior


Vette- My wife. Mess with her and she'll probably kill you.

Quinn- Captain Stiffpants was a drag until we got him laid. Now the problem is trying to get sleep whenever he and Jaesa stay in the same room for too long.

Jaesa- A damn powerful Sith if I ever saw one, I've seen her use the Force in ways I didn't think possible. From the screams on the ship, apparently so has Quinn.

Pierce- What the hell is his first name? Anyway, he's a great drinking buddy, and he loves shooting things. Vette insists that we gotta get him a girlfriend, though.

Broonmark- He's a Muppet, and he makes some kicka*s barbecue. 'Nuff said.

HK-51- Love the bot, but he's gotta calm the hell down. He's the best backup a Sith could have.

Treek- Another Muppet. All I need now is a singing frog and a pig, and I'd have a lucrative kiddie TV show.



Grree- Pureblood Trooper (J'm's dad)


Jorgan- He looks exactly like Panthro. I even named my ship Sword of Omens just to mess with him. Seriously, though, he and Tanno are some of the best friends I've ever had.

Elara- My wife and the best girl I've ever met. Not the greatest shot, but a damn good tactician and medic. Don't even ask me how a Pureblood and a Human had a Zabrak baby.

Forex- He's a bit too fanatic for me. I need to get my cousin's Jawa to reprogram him a bit.

Tanno Vik: Good drinking buddy for when Jorgan gets annoying, but we have the most fun when all three of us re out drinking and shooting things.

Yuun- Creepy old bug, but he's an excellent cook.



More later....

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Ok, ok, my characters got this...


Female Twi'lek Sith-Inquisitor:


Khem Val: A useful bodyguard for my early days. He didn't completely make it out of the past yet, but his stories about Yn and Chabosh are both interesting and entertaining at times.

Khem Val extended:

Unfortunately, Khem isn't the most effective tool and Zashes knowledge is far more valuable. So she is stuck alone in his body now. I know she is looking for a way out, but I am observing her studies carefully. She won't be able to get free of this body and of me.


Andronikos Revel: He's quite trigger-quick and a good pilot. Fortunately he obeys my orders. This has made him a valuable asset on many occasions. He's also a bit stupid. Even after turning him down three times he's sending me love letters. One would really expect that he got the hint by now. At least I know where his loyalty lies.

Ashara Zavros: Insecure. Seeks approval for her ideology. My recent trap for her worked quite well to create the wish for strength within her. With this wish I can manipulate her according to my designs.

Talos Drellik: So cute, so enthusiastic and he's into archeology! He's exactly my type.

Xalek: He's a useful assassin, but he doesn't make a real Sith. Fortunately this will lengthen his training which means he's longer available to me.

2V-R8: Useful on the ship, but he's very talkative which creates troubles with the rest of the crew.


Male Pureblood Sith-Warrior:


Jaesa Wilsaam: I keep her raging to make sure she cannot turn to the light. She's amusing to watch on the battlefield and entertaining in my quarters. Her weakness makes it easy to put her in her place whenever she does one of her pathetic attempts to demonstrate her power to me.

Vette: This weak, little thief doesn't know when to shut up. If she weren't so ugly, I would use her to keep Jaesa angry, but as things are... Maybe if I told Broonmark that she doesn't stand under my protection, I could get some entertainment.

Malavai Quinn: He's efficient and useful.

I've made sure word of his betrayal has reached the right people. This way I have to worry less about infiltrators from my enemies. They will approach him and I will notice.


Lieutenant Pierce: His demolition works are beautiful. The day when he disobeys me and I have to kill him will be a sad one.

Broonmark: A beast that shares my love for crushing my enemies. Wonderful.

2V-R8: My training dummy.


Female Human Imperial Agent:


Kaliyo Djannis: She's trigger-quick, hard to predict and doesn't care about the galaxy. The first two make her a high security risk. Her death will be necessary soon.

Vector Hyllus: Despite his membership of the nest he has proven himself loyal to the Empire and me. I'm glad he's here. His company helps to keep the madness at bay.

Dr. Eckard Lokin: A brilliant mind and agent. If only his personal agenda weren't a potential risk for the Empire. I'm carefully observing the research done by his science groups, including his research with the data he gathered from Dr. Lorricks labratory. I'm not sure if he notices that I see how he gathers data in the infested tunnels, but I am preparing countermeasures against his plans. And countermeasures against the countermeasures he's preparing.

Raina Temple: A promising junior agent. She seems loyal to the Empire despite her... flaws in the eyes of the Sith. She's very skilled at finding her way into a group and earning their trust, despite her claiming otherwise.

SCORPIO: I am constantly updating the security measures that are built into her body. Her analytic methods and willingness to learn are dangerous. She has proven herself useful at times and she requires minimal motivation.

2V-R8: He keeps the ship running as it should be.

HK-51: A marvel of technology, but his learning algorithms are lacking. His loyalty to the 'maker' might become a problem in the future. I should try to override his loyalty core on occasion, but he's hard to hack.


Male Zabrak Bounty Hunter:


Mako: My cute, dreamy, lovable wife. And a great slicer.

Gault: He's fun to talk to and travel with. He's had enough opportunities to run, so I guess, I can trust him. He turned out to be quite skilled at hunting... Once he has his target in sight.

Torian Cadera: He fought hard for his honor. He is a Mandalorian and has a lot of potential as a hunter. He has to get more experience though.

Blizz: My cute little buddy. He has helped me to overhaul the Mantis completely. A great partner, a great buddy and my favorite ally when we are playing games on the ship.

Skadge: Stupid chunk of muscle and aggression. If he speaks out the slightest threat towards someone of the crew, he's dead.

2V-R8: Um... Blizz worked on him. He looks different now and doesn't listen to that name anymore. But his work on the ship is without mistake. He chatters too much though.

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Sårah: The Emperor's wrath


Vette: Part of my family, my little sister. i will always protect her.


Quinn: Never liked him, and never going too. he cant be trusted and is far too loyal to the empire


Jaesa: Best apprentice i could ever have, both me and her would give out lives too save the other. and if i need a strong backup, shes the one.


Pierce: Alright fellah, dont have anything against him but would not trust my life with him.


Broonmark: I know he is Loyal too the bone, i would trust my life with this deadly beast.



Alicuan: Dark council member


Khem Val: Ever since Zash came into him ive been thinking of ways, and when we got her out his loyalty was not in question.


Andronikos: too arrogant, and the way he says he can leave at any point but never does, in a way annoyes me.


Ashara: Love of my life, she is the perfect apprentice and i could never wish of anyone better than her.


Talos: He is indeed weird but i love his quest for knownledge. he will be invaluable in my quest for more knownledge.


Xalek: loyalty is not to be questioned but he is indeed weird.

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  • 1 year later...

LS Sith Pureblood Female SW:

Vette: Admires her cunning and wit. She is the stealth to my warrior's power.

Malavai: Was in love with him until his betrayal. He has tried so hard to prove himself but can probably never fully trust him again ever.

LS Jaesa Wilsam: A Jedi she can actually trust and feels is more useful to preserve. Could be a useful ally when the times come to turn against Vitiate.

Pierce: A trustworthy soldier and knows how to get the job done.

Broonmark: Wary of the savage beast.

2VR8 - Can take care of the more mundane tasks in her life so she can focus on bigger things.

Treek - Another strong and resourceful companion.

HK-51 - This one can guard my base of operations while I am out on a mission.

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