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Everything posted by AmazingEggplant

  1. I don't know what some of you are talking about, there was a few instances where a Dark Side choice in a conversation got major points for her, she isn't full on boy-scout-bend-over-backwards-to-save-random-strangers-open-palm flavor of Jedi, but then again I didn't pick every Dark Side option that ever came up
  2. Twi'lek can't reproduce with Humans/Sith and Lord Kallig would have to be a Human/Sith
  3. Lord Kallig was a Sith-Lord a long time ago, and a Twi'lek wouldn't be a Sith Lord then. He'd be a Sith or Human and Twi'lek aren't near-human, so his bloodline couldn't even go Twi'lek ever
  4. Lord Kallig's Scorching Lightsabre is curved iirc
  5. I've recently hit 55 on my Assassin and was wondering how to dive into the wonderful world of endgame PvE in SWTOR. I've done a few Hardmode 55 FP's and got the set from the Oricon quests but now I seem to be at a standstill for gear while I work my way to a fancy new hilt for my lightsaber, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, I was wondering how one whores himself out to get in a guild nowadays? If this is the wrong place to put it, I'm sorry.
  6. What role would they be? What sort of gifts would they like the most? What decisions would give them affection points/make them lose it? Where would you recruit them? What would their story quests be like? Which class would they be a companion for? etc etc Also just for fun, we'll assume these are fancy cartel strength companions, so give them unique abilities. --------------------- Ityk'allig: Heir of Lord Kallig and Tulak Hord, Master of the Dead, yadda yadda The Imperial Agent would "recruit" this Force Ghost on Voss. Healing his mind rent Darth Nox and left behind a curious echo of the Sith, who has decided to "haunt" the Imperial Agent for Nine's actions on Voss, though quickly realizes he can't haunt the Cipher if the Cipher is dead, so protects aforementioned agent. Ityk'allig would function as ranged and melee damage companion, using a double bladed lightsaber and a variety of force abilities to keep DoT's up on enemies. Cultural Artifacts and Trophies would be his preferred gift and any act of vengeance is met with much approval. Additionally, treating aliens normal nets Cipher points and using words to fight is also looked upon positively. Conversely, jumping to conclusions and shooting first is met with disapproval, as well as going against the Sith Code. His companion quest would revolve around him accepting the fact that he's fake and a knock-off, and vowing to assist the Cipher in the future before he passes on.
  7. Ityk'allig; Darth Nox, Heir to Kallig and Tulak Hord, Master of the Dead Khem Val Fiercest ally, I do not question his loyalty. Banishing that wretched woman into that box secured his faith in me and he is the only person I trust with my life. Does not leave me side. Any Jedi foolish enough to confront me is devoured; likewise any Sith brazen enough to challenge me. Andronikos Revel Has nothing to gain betraying me, any act of such will be met with swift and crippling punishment. Utterly indifferent to him, relationship can be described as amicable. Kills who I tell when I'm busy, otherwise keeps to himself. Earns his place piloting Fury. Ashara Zavros Interesting specimen. When I met her, she proclaimed utter disdain for the Empire and all things Sith. She couldn't deny my ambition and my goals of eventual usurp--when reworded--completely wrapped her around my finger. Her protests about the Dark Side have all but died out and I hear her muttering her own warped version of the Sith Code to herself occasionally. Continue to feed delusions of romance and feed her the attention she needs and I predict she will completely embrace the Dark Side in a matter of years. Note to self; consider appointing her as Lord to feed her own arrogance and speed up the process. Talos Drellik Understands my obsession with Sith Lore, for slightly different reasons. Wonderful person for researching lost tombs and the history of other artifacts, often reminds me of Zash. If only I could use her mind again, but with her and Thanaton's bases and libraries I will be able to outmatch her knowledge, especially with Drellik under my thumb. His loyalty in the empire is inspiring to others and I do not question his eventual support of Darth Marr and myself's alliance. If Adonikos proves more stable, will consider sending these two in my stead for artifact hunting. Xalek Promising Apprentice. Has taken to the Saberstaff much like myself, picks up Force techniques fairly easily. Unwavering loyalty, but seems to be bidding his time. Insists I am a Living God and I would not be surprised if he attempts to "liberate" me from the living part. Until them, keep an eye on him and withhold any truly relevant information from him.
  8. Well I mean Darth Nox also has his Cult and the Silencer off the top of my head
  9. Assuming Darth Nox wins and the JC leaves a ghost behind... What would happen if Darth Nox does what Darth Nox does best and absorbs the ghost?
  10. I don't care how good ESO's PvP is; what they're doing to Elder Scrolls history and setting makes me want to vom and anyone that approves of it should be drawn and quartered because my opinion is clearly the only one that matters.
  11. I assume Xalek would have all sorts of clout, seeing as how he's Sith and an Apprentice to a Dark Council member, people would bend over backwards for him and all sorts of stuff. I get that. But what about Ashara? Could she walk around unaccompanied on say Korriban or Drommund Kass and receive the same treatment Xalek would?
  12. Ityk'allig was born into slavery with his twin sister. It was a pretty miserable existence, but hey; they had each other right? Didn't matter how many Cantina they had to swab or whatever sordid acts their various owners through the years made them do, they were together and that's what mattered. Though his sister was taken away from him. Force sensitive, her knight in shining armor 'rescued' her. Damn Jedi. The way he remembers it, she didn't even try to bring him. So began the worst years of his life, considered himself completely alone in the entire galaxy and betrayed by the only person that mattered to him. Naturally, those sort of emotions festered in him and he was practically giddy after he lashed out with the Force against his late and last owner when he was shipped off to Korriban.
  13. I understand that and fully accept it, I could care less if someone plays whatever. It's just that I myself am having problems rationalizing it. Yeah, that's part of the reason I am thinking about making one.
  14. Would this even make sense? I imagine you'd want an espionage agent to be sort of run of the mill, or at least able to blend in and I just can't picture someone navy blue with red eyes really fitting in with the Republic.
  15. Yes ma'am, as my Trooper's story went on I just felt like I was slogging through it
  16. Well I nutted up and started leveling an Assassin, though I still would appreciate an AC switch feature or maybe a pat on the back
  17. I have a 50 Sorc already and want to play an Assassin. I was wondering if I should finish my IA's chapter 2 (just started it) so I would constantly have the crit buff before I leveled the Assassin. Thoughts?
  18. I beat him first try as a 48 Madness Sorc; didn't have any Legacy perks or whatever. He was really easy, if not a little time consuming. Had Xalek as my companion, but he died around the time Darth was at half health and at that point it was just me running around using Death Field on cooldown and reapplying dots.
  19. I just want to switch my Sorc to Assassin and try it out, I find the idea of leveling another to cap nauseating (though I commend anyone who has the chutzpah to do that) I'll throw money at the cartel or whatever.
  20. Going to make one of them, wanted to know what the "better" story was? For the record, I liked the SI story and that's pretty polarizing on the forums I reckon
  21. My money is on Darth Nox, from a strictly lore stand point. I mean, he's way more knowledgeable in the Force, not to mention his Dashade he has in his service. The better question is, what happens after Nox wins and he eats Wrath's ghost?
  22. Is there really an official comment that says all class-lines and further companion quests were dropped? That's such a bummer.
  23. If we're talking lore wise, it's easier to get stronger at a faster pace with the Dark Side
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