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Why are their no macro's again?


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Perfect post, close thread now. The reason these 'anti-macro' people are arguing with you is because they are the ones with the advantage and the Naga's and the keyboards. They are the ToS violators and the culprits. We are the saints and the do-gooders. This is wrong. All we want is equality . All they want is inequality. Not only is it not right, it's disgusting and BioWare should amend this grave injustice by making macros usable by EVERYONE. NOT just the people in this thread who can afford to buy the hardware and then troll every macro thread that comes about so that they keep their pathetic advantage.


You are the bad players, not us.


Wow, just wow! What's next, are you going to tell us that all the people that could afford to purchase a mouse or keyboard with the capability to make those macros (whether the people use the macros or not) should buy them for you and others like you? Because I'll tell you now that you should be, assuming you were being serious, exceptionally embarrassed and ashamed for that post. Definitely put a pin feather into that cap of self aggrandizing entitlement mentality.

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Wow, just wow! What's next, are you going to tell us that all the people that could afford to purchase a mouse or keyboard with the capability to make those macros (whether the people use the macros or not) should buy them for you and others like you? Because I'll tell you now that you should be, assuming you were being serious, exceptionally embarrassed and ashamed for that post. Definitely put a pin feather into that cap of self aggrandizing entitlement mentality.


I think hes just saying that right now people use macros in the game anyways, why not implement them in game so everyone can. not just people with programmable keyboards and mice. Now take your pill and calm down.

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I think hes just saying that right now people use macros in the game anyways, why not implement them in game so everyone can. not just people with programmable keyboards and mice. Now take your pill and calm down.


I already took my pill, but if he is serious with that garbage then calming down is not likely.

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I think hes just saying that right now people use macros in the game anyways, why not implement them in game so everyone can. not just people with programmable keyboards and mice. Now take your pill and calm down.


Because some people choose to cheat and violate the TOS by using peripherals to "chain" multiple actions to a single keystroke, BW should allow everyone to do so? Should they change their rules or TOS because some people choose to cheat and violate the TOS, risking the possibility of being banned?


BW has made it very clear that the use of peripherals to create macros that "chain" multiple actions to a single keystroke is a violation of the TOS and is subject to action up to and including banning. Not everyone who can afford those peripherals cheats and uses "chain" macros, btw.

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Blackcerberus was referring to a specific (and imo, hypothetical) macro that someone could create where they could just press a single key over and over again and have it send a different key each time it is pressed. As long as this macro did not try to send multiple keystrokes, or implement any kind of timing logic, it would be allowed by the ToS.


So not quite a keybind, but close enough that nobody on either side of the argument is likely to care. And discussing why there is no in-game system that supports such a limited but acceptable macro is a waste of space.


waste of space? really? do you think the space is better used when people discuss back and forth about something the devs explicitly said its not and will never be allowed in any way or shape? because to me thats the definition of pointless...


btw, "limited" macro? OMG. just because you cant see the potential of something doesnt mean it doesnt exists.


I'll give you a hint: clicking a skill that is currently on CD/unavailable does not trigger GCD

now, think about that for 5 minutes

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So you're a cheater. The only real surprise there is the fact that you actually admitted to being a cheater.


actually, he didnt say anywhere he was cheating. binding multiple skills to a button is fine as long as they arent triggered one after another with a single press, and he didnt say they did.


the funniest part is that you actually quoted that in the gold post but didnt understand it


Sequence clicking

If you have a system set up so that if you hit the same key 4 times likes so: '1, 1, 1, 1' and instead of just firing off whatever 1 is bound to it fires off '1, 2, 3, 4', then as long as you keep it to 'one key == one other key hit' its in that grey area of not true automation.

Edited by blackcerberus
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Those are some really cool macros... But I think there's something about third party programs being against the rules... So however your using those macro's is probably against the rules. So I thank you for supporting macro's, but perhaps you shouldn't so openly admit to currently using them like that.


You do know that Razers Naga mouse (even the SWTOR Officially licensed version) will let you do all that and more, with just one button press (which in turn is actually multiple button presses to hot keys on your keyboard) so as to there actually is a key press for each power used.

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I would like macros for things like /yell or /say or /emotes. That sort of thing for raids and general fun. But I absolutely am opposed to macros for combat abilities or anything that makes it easier to use abilities while in combat.
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As there is no macro and that it's restricted to use any third party software, everyone 'laughing" when fighting are cheaters ? Because I wondering how it's possible to launch special abilities, running and typing /laugh in the meantime...
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I think this Macro debate will come up again as GS is introduced. The Macrophytes will want to press one button to instakill and because it is 3D space flight will feel justified.


Hehe... yeah.


Then again, who needs macros anyways? .... this is Star Wars and we have droids. :p

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I think this Macro debate will come up again as GS is introduced. The Macrophytes will want to press one button to instakill and because it is 3D space flight will feel justified.


There are already macros, the only debate people are having is why should people have to pay extra to a company other than bioware to use them.


And its really weird that any time anyone talks about updating this game and bringing it up to par with mmos made after 1999 the same 3 people freak out and spam the thread, I think it really is a mental illness.

Edited by Mallorik
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There are already macros, the only debate people are having is why should people have to pay extra to a company other than bioware to use them.


And its really weird that any time anyone talks about updating this game and bringing it up to par with mmos made after 1999 the same 3 people freak out and spam the thread, I think it really is a mental illness.


No worse than the illness that makes people think that just because it is a feature of another game it has to be in this one to be "modern".

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You do know that Razers Naga mouse (even the SWTOR Officially licensed version) will let you do all that and more, with just one button press (which in turn is actually multiple button presses to hot keys on your keyboard) so as to there actually is a key press for each power used.


And its macro functionality is against the ToS, regardless of its branding.


I should know I use one, but I never even bothered to install the naga's program onto my new laptop. Having twelve keybinds available to my thumb is more than anyone ever needs

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I played Rift for awhile and it had a pretty extensive macro system. Doing so as a DPS I was able to Macro my way down to 3-5 buttons that would do about 95% damage of what somebody who picked the right ability every time could manage. The system HIGHLY favors melee classes with insta-cast abilities and reactionary abilities, such as when you parry this ability becomes active, or this ability becomes active after a crit and for 10 seconds beyond that.


For casting/healing classes it wasn't a big change.


Tanks also go some advantage off of it, because they were melee and had several reactionary abilities, but they were more limited than say DPS. So sort of a middle ground.


Would I use the system if it were in this game? 100%. It makes things far easier for enough classes, that it's silly not to.


Do I want it in this game... not really, as I don't think there is a need.

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No worse than the illness that makes people think that just because it is a feature of another game it has to be in this one to be "modern".


Its an illness to think that a feature that has been in nearly every mmo since the 90's might be something this mmo should have? lol ok.

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I played Rift for awhile and it had a pretty extensive macro system. Doing so as a DPS I was able to Macro my way down to 3-5 buttons that would do about 95% damage of what somebody who picked the right ability every time could manage. The system HIGHLY favors melee classes with insta-cast abilities and reactionary abilities, such as when you parry this ability becomes active, or this ability becomes active after a crit and for 10 seconds beyond that.


For casting/healing classes it wasn't a big change.


Tanks also go some advantage off of it, because they were melee and had several reactionary abilities, but they were more limited than say DPS. So sort of a middle ground.


Would I use the system if it were in this game? 100%. It makes things far easier for enough classes, that it's silly not to.


Do I want it in this game... not really, as I don't think there is a need.


It is in this game, you just have to own a special keyboard or mouse or get a program off the web.

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Its an illness to think that a feature that has been in nearly every mmo since the 90's might be something this mmo should have? lol ok.


Yes, it is. It is the MMO equivalent of "If everyone else jumps in the lake, so should you". Just because it has always been that way doesn't make it right. It's called myopic.


People complain that all games are the same, and then people complain that all games aren't the same. I don't buy a pick-up and complain it isn't a semi...

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Its an illness to think that a feature that has been in nearly every mmo since the 90's might be something this mmo should have? lol ok.


you started that, so it cuts both ways. Macro's are against TOS. it is not a matter of development. It is a choice they are making. Don't like that, fine. But unless they change their stance on TOS you will not see this.


Just FYI. I agree, don't see the need for it. More risk, less reward.

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It is in this game, you just have to own a special keyboard or mouse or get a program off the web.


It has been publicly clarified by Bioware that using said 3rd party devices for multi-key macro programming is a violation of the ToS and subject to banning if they catch you doing so. Given their telemetry capabilities, I personally would not push the envelope here.


It has been publicly clarified by Bioware that using said 3rd party devices for single key strokes, essentially remapping your user interface, is fine. I in fact to this using a G13, as I do for other MMOs as well.


It does not matter what other games do or don't do, in the context of playing this MMO. If you want to stomp feet and be offended that this game does not offer something that some other games do.. that's on you. You own it, so stop with the deflection tactics.

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Yes, it is. It is the MMO equivalent of "If everyone else jumps in the lake, so should you". Just because it has always been that way doesn't make it right. It's called myopic.


People complain that all games are the same, and then people complain that all games aren't the same. I don't buy a pick-up and complain it isn't a semi...


We should just remove gear then, people don't play mmos to get new gear right? every other mmo has gear but we don't need that!


If other games have things that work in an mmo then yes I think this mmo should have it.


Anyway, I usually only argue with the people trying to wreck this game on subjects that bioware hasn't decided on, Macros will be in this game so its kind of pointless arguing with you.

Edited by Mallorik
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We should just remove gear then, people don't play mmos to get new gear right? every other mmo has gear but we don't need that!


If other games have things that work in an mmo then yes I think this mmo should have it.


Anyway, I usually only argue with the people trying to wreck this game on subjects that bioware hasn't decided on, Macros will be in this game so its kind of pointless arguing with you.


How do you figure? I haven't seen a word about macro's in this game unless by macro enabling you mean being able to use a / command for an emote and put it on your UI...


Most people asking for macros are looking at the WoW system where the entire paladin tank rotation could be macro'd into 3 buttons...

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How do you figure? I haven't seen a word about macro's in this game unless by macro enabling you mean being able to use a / command for an emote and put it on your UI...


Most people asking for macros are looking at the WoW system where the entire paladin tank rotation could be macro'd into 3 buttons...




/target (name) is a macro

mouse over healing is a macro

Gear swapping can be easily implemented with macros.


And the only reason they don't and wont anytime soon have the ability to tie multiple keys to one key is because this crappy engine freaks out when you do it.

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