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Why are their no macro's again?


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Another ability I would like to macro to my basic attacks... Dark Ward... A 20 second defensive buff with a cooldown of 15 seconds... sure it can be cut short if you're fighting a lot of enemies at once. But most tanking situations is more boss oriented.
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The Devs already have answered that - they will be NO macros!


The funny thing is that in the dev quote posted here in this thread, they said there will be some but no eta.


You really never know with these kinds of things. There's a lot of things game developers gave flat no's to that ended up happening anyway.

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Again, macro's are optional [...].

This reminds me of a famous signature of a forum member of this board:

"I don't know, why anyone can be against an Aimbot. They are entirely optional!"


You are clearly describing a combat advantage from using macros, so how could that be optional then? It would be "use it or die!", which I do not consider optional. It would be the same kind of optional as wearing your armor, when attempting a HM-run on any OP.... sure you can attempt AsaHM without a weapon, but it is not really an option.


Personally I prefer PvP to be decided by the skill a player shows in the match, not by the skill some other player has shown in providing the "must have" "one klick to win" macro.

Edited by JPryde
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The funny thing is that in the dev quote posted here in this thread, they said there will be some but no eta.


You really never know with these kinds of things. There's a lot of things game developers gave flat no's to that ended up happening anyway.


Look at the date of those quotes, before the big staff purges.

And it goes both ways, things they had planned and said yes to, could well never see the light of day.

I highly doubt we will ever see this feature.

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Don't want macros... (regadles if they really are or not) I feel macros are a form of cheating in the sense "what gaming is about"


Macros are desinged to do smth for you that you should remember to do or you should manage implement in to your rotation variations. So it's all about routine and (in lack of a better word) skill


I feel that macros are for the ppl that think "i know how it's done so i dont need to do it" And others may think that it's like automation in factories. Why dont we just make 2 button dps game then... like one is for pvp burst dmg and other is for pve dot


And as a personal note i should mention that i suck at pvp and macros would ease my pvp a lot!


(now i also should prolly say smth like "this is a real world and a real job! and things aint easy! and they should not be! :D but lets leave that for others :D )

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This reminds me of a famous signature of a forum member of this board:

"I don't know, why anyone can be against an Aimbot. They are entirely optional!"


You are clearly describing a combat advantage from using macros, so how could that be optional then? It would be "use it or die!", which I do not consider optional. It would be the same kind of optional as wearing your armor, when attempting a HM-run on any OP.... sure you can attempt AsaHM without a weapon, but it is not really an option.


Personally I prefer PvP to be decided by the skill a player shows in the match, not by the skill some other player has shown in providing the "must have" "one klick to win" macro.


Macro's used correctly are simply to ease player's who like to use multiple things at the same time, that other players smash really quickly back to back. Rotation macro's indeed are a "one-click" strategy. But if your winning by rotation, and not winning by using skills in situation, that's a dev's problem. I don't want macro's for rotation, I think those are for extremely unskilled players. I want macro's for things that need to be pointlessly spammed. Skills that are not on the global cooldown, but CONSTANTLY pressed with skills that are on global cooldown. Such as, cloak of pain, and dark ward. Perhaps, these skills should have been brought up, instead of macro's. But with macro's these problems wouldn't exist in the first place.

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And it simply is part of being a skilled player to really activate these "must haves" every single time. If you forget to do so, your damage will drop significantly or your damage taken will skyrocket or your healing output will be much lower than it could be.

You need to take care of your synergies yourself, especially with the "semi-passives".


Sure, I would like the shadow-shield ability to auto-activate whenever possible... if I forget it as a tank, I will take a lot more damage than necessary... but that is part of the deal, it is MY job to activate that skill and it is part of being a skilled player to never forget it, no matter how hectic the fight will be.

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there*.... Why are there* no macro's again?


... grammar trolls... fml


Well good thing that's acknowledged


Sorry... I don't understand... Macro's don't give you an advantage, their fair, they fix problems the game developers put in combat.


actually it's they're


The're as in "They are" hence the RE following the '


Not trying to be a grammar troll or nazi, but having proper grammar when making an intelligent request or argument helps people support your argument more. I almost skipped this thread entirely due to the spelling. My two cents, I might be abnormal so you can take my criticism with a grain of salt.



But on your topic. I do support the incorporation of Macros into the game. It certainly would help out users with less-than-average PC specs as well. Many people suffer from intense lag in warzones and having macros to run their heal cycles or dps cycles when encountering enemies could be helpful to their situation.


Although in my opinion a macro will never bring somebodies performance to expert level. A real expert never utilizes macros during a pvp or pve setting, the situation is always changing and different arrangement of skill times is necessary to adapt to the situations. So there should be nothing to worry about with macros giving an unfair edge to unskilled players.

Edited by AnHero
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And in PvP, to go pro, you need to TRY to be the best.


Yes, and being able to press one button really makes you pro...


Macros are unnecessary and are open to abuse. I knew one guy who played WoW who thought he was a 'pro' because he had a decent DPS. He knew nothing about the class, he had just read up somewhere that if he macro'ed something a particular way, it would work. So, he set up this macro, and then claimed he played the class well.


Sorry, but that isn't what is meant by 'playing a class well'.

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Not having an effect is a lie. Ofc it has an effect "droning" the players that could othervise learn to be better and supressing development, by making a new level to achieve and then stay there. (ofc why not if we all want to take that chance)


And i really don't see this as a way to treat any performance issues :)

Edited by Fazaani
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Just because YOU don't feel like they are needed,


Actually you are confusing "needed" with "wanted", you don't "need" macros but you do "want" them, please try to understand the difference. The Hyfy said they aren't needed, and they aren't, you can quite easily play without them, therefore he is right. But I understand if you want them.

Edited by AlexDougherty
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I do understand this isn't much of a game to "go pro" in... But I still like the PvP, and it's far from awful. But let's say I'm just doing PvP for the cool gear for roleplay. I still want to have fun in those Warzone grinds. And it's more fun to be rewarded for your efforts. I try hard, I play hard. Macro's simply let me do things in my own way. Again... It's optional.


Why did you quote yourself and respond to it???

Edited by AlexDougherty
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Well, I'm glad this thread is getting the attention it needs. But I have to be done with it for now... (curse work and sleep for interrupting my gamer life)


I'm not convinced the game should keep macro's out.


Some people like them, some don't. Some think they're for the skilled, some don't. But there's still no reason for them to be avoided. Simply stating that it's against your personal play style, should not hinder other players from having it.

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Simply stating that it's against your personal play style, should not hinder other players from having it.

The very existance of macros would affect my playstyle, even if I wouldn't want to use them.


It is the same as with the invention of firearms.. Sure, you can decide to avoid them, but when you get into a gunfight, and you choose not to bring a gun, then you are doomed to loose the fight.


So if you allow macros and then go to a PvP fight, you are doomed to loose against an equally skilled player, who is using macros.


And that is the reason, why this is not a "do not want -> do not use" issue.

Edited by JPryde
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Just because YOU don't feel like they are needed, doesn't mean they are not needed. I like to PvP in my games. And in PvP, to go pro, you need to TRY to be the best. Clickin {or hotkey pressing} my undying rage ability, 'then' my PvP medpac, 'then' my reusable chemist medpac, all right behind each other; When none of these are on global cooldown (correct me if im wrong), will make me miss a 1-second window where I could have pressed an attack.


With a macro.. I have all these 3 items/skills on 1 button. I press that 1 button and then continue to fight. My proper use of macro's has saved me from pushing 4 buttons in 1 global rotation, into pushing 2. Moments like those are what separates an average PvPer from a high ranking PvPer. And I like to be the best... Yay, power, yay Sith.


Moments like those are what separate a PvP player that can learn to adapt and move on from a PvP player using macros as a crutch. Your ability to make a macro does not make you a good PvP player or even a good player for that matter, it just means you know how to do some simple coding. Your logic there is akin to telling me that because you can do long division on a calculator a little faster makes you better at math than the person who can write it out and do it on his own. In your case it's a crutch not skill.

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I do understand this isn't much of a game to "go pro" in... But I still like the PvP, and it's far from awful. But let's say I'm just doing PvP for the cool gear for roleplay. I still want to have fun in those Warzone grinds. And it's more fun to be rewarded for your efforts. I try hard, I play hard. Macro's simply let me do things in my own way. Again... It's optional.


You having arguments with yourself now?

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Macro's a great. I have multiple set up.


I have rocket boost and a mount. So what I did was macro my mount, then a .05 second delay, then my rocket boost.


This way no matter where I am all I have to do is tap one button and if my mount can not activate, my rocket boost will.


I also have one for buffing.


I have a permanent med stim and buffs. My macro allows me to use my stim, select myself, buff, reselect my last enemy. This way I always use my stim and buff at the same time without an error message because I am still targeting another player.


Oh yeah, I also have one for healing. I use my PvP Adrenal and Medpack first followed by my normal permanent med pack. That way when ever I need heals I can tap one button and in PvP heal using my PvP base medpacks and if I am in PvE I will just use my normal med pack.


You are 100% correct. Only bad players use macro's. Not players who can logically bind multiple actions so they do not interrupt each other.



His point was the OP's "need" to macro vs someone wanting too. In this game if you feel it is so hard that you NEED to macro, that you just can't get by without it, then yes that is a pretty good indication that you might not be the greatest player.

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The very existance of macros would affect my playstyle, even if I wouldn't want to use them.

following this train of thought, the very existance of gadgets like razer nagas and nostromo gamepads would affect my playstyle. and whats even worse, since they cost real money ( and they arent precisely cheap ) perhaps Im not even getting the option to use them or not.


if macros arent allowed, this gadgets should be forbidden for the very same reasons, and then some more

Edited by blackcerberus
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if macros arent allowed, this gadgets should be forbidden for the very same reasons, and then some more

If those gadgets are able to activate more than one ability with one click or are able to decide by any kind of scripted logic, which ability to activate by the same click, then yes, they should be forbidden.


Other than that, pressing a single button on a razer naga is the same as pressing a single button on the keyboard. It is a keybind... moving the skill from "9" to "Mouse4" for example. But it never is "press MB5 and activate Skills 1,2,3 and 4 in order"... or "press MB5 and cast heal1 if under 20%, heal 2 otherwise".


"Single" being the keyword here. If you like to play with a gamepad and can handle all skills with that controller, good for you. I prefer my mouse and keyboard. But no matter what hardware and what gadgets you use, a single button should only activate a single effect and no matter the circumstances, the same button should always activate the same single effect.

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If those gadgets are able to activate more than one ability with one click or are able to decide by any kind of scripted logic, which ability to activate by the same click, then yes, they should be forbidden.


Other than that, pressing a single button on a razer naga is the same as pressing a single button on the keyboard. It is a keybind... moving the skill from "9" to "Mouse4" for example. But it never is "press MB5 and activate Skills 1,2,3 and 4 in order"... or "press MB5 and cast heal1 if under 20%, heal 2 otherwise".


"Single" being the keyword here. If you like to play with a gamepad and can handle all skills with that controller, good for you. I prefer my mouse and keyboard. But no matter what hardware and what gadgets you use, a single button should only activate a single effect and no matter the circumstances, the same button should always activate the same single effect.


sorry but you seem to be in direct contradiction with the devs here



Sequence clicking

If you have a system set up so that if you hit the same key 4 times likes so: '1, 1, 1, 1' and instead of just firing off whatever 1 is bound to it fires off '1, 2, 3, 4', then as long as you keep it to 'one key == one other key hit' its in that grey area of not true automation.


I just dont understand why they allow something but then dont give the proper tools to use it ingame, knowing that people with expensive gadgets can get that functionality (by paying real life money to get it )

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If a macro is a user program to carry out in-game actions, the logical extension is an auto-play button. Log in, click auto play and let your macro play the game for you.


For me, the whole debate about macros and add-ons is about the use of technology to circumvent lack of ability, or just plain laziness. if you need to use a secondary program to play, why bother playing at all? ( see autoplay button above).

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