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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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It's not that you have disposable income, it's that you're paying Cadillac prices for a Honda Civic.


You make it sound like 3k CCs is a huge amount or something.


I like the shading better than the others. That's a good enough reason for me to throw away a few dollars to get it. And unlike other high value items like Dyes, the mount isn't a one-time use thing at all.


So, I appreciate your concern for how I spend my money, but it's completely none of your business.


Honestly, it's people with extra disposable income that help keep this game going. Show a little appreciation.

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It's not that you have disposable income, it's that you're paying Cadillac prices for a Honda Civic.


So what? What has intrinsic value for some may not have intrinsic value for you.


If you love Civics, and this is another one to add to your collection, then it is money well spent.

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3000 is a bit much in my eyes. And yes, I'm one of those few who actually did buy that TRK-R-TR chamber ...


I guess that the 4000 Cartel Coins item is not too far away, if people are that willing to pay 3000 for that ... Next thing would be 5000 ... And so on ... Testing out price boundaries - which is totally common economical warfare ... Oops, did I say that ? :D

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3000 is a bit much in my eyes. And yes, I'm one of those few who actually did buy that TRK-R-TR chamber ...


How so? 3000cc simply means it will be listed on the GTN for 3-4 million credits.... which frankly is about the going rate for rare and desired mounts in current release these days.


You guys act like they just make the numbers up and list them. They, like players, are very aware of market rates on the GTN and corresponding average exchange rates of ~ 1000cc = 1M credits via player GTN economics.


As is true with many mounts, I'll likely purchase one copy off the GTN once prices settle in, and store it....either for later use (doubtful) or for later resale since the Tauntaun might go the way of the Secant.

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How so? 3000cc simply means it will be listed on the GTN for 3-4 million credits.... which frankly is about the going rate for rare and desired mounts in current release these days.


You guys act like they just make the numbers up and list them. They, like players, are very aware of market rates on the GTN and corresponding average exchange rates of ~ 1000cc = 1M credits via player GTN economics.


As is true with many mounts, I'll likely purchase one copy off the GTN once prices settle in, and store it....either for later use (doubtful) or for later resale since the Tauntaun might go the way of the Secant.

Now we need a dodo pet.

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Honestly, it's people with extra disposable income that help keep this game going. Show a little appreciation.


Oh please...why in Gods name do you think any of US care what you waste your money on? You're not entitled to appreciation from ANYONE here! Throw all the $ you like at the game...you'll never gain appreciation from me that way. The ONLY people who should be appreciating your spending habits are EA and Bioware...since you're looking for "thanks", ask them.

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Is this still going on, look if you don't want it don't buy it, if you do want it do buy it, either way what's to argue about???


It saddens me up the number of people like yourself who insist on spouting this line again and again to people who wish to speak out to EA about their choices on such matters. Let them voice their displeasure, because there have been some benefits to all players of this game in the past by such forum posts.

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It saddens me up the number of people like yourself who insist on spouting this line again and again to people who wish to speak out to EA about their choices on such matters. Let them voice their displeasure, because there have been some benefits to all players of this game in the past by such forum posts.


You've missed my point, if you don't want it and think it's overpriced, which actually I do, then don't buy it, EA will soon get the message when the stupidly priced mount doesn't sell in any numbers. Then they will lower the price, but they won't listen to people saying it's overpriced, because people have been saying that about everything on the cartel market.

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You've missed my point, if you don't want it and think it's overpriced, which actually I do, then don't buy it, EA will soon get the message when the stupidly priced mount doesn't sell in any numbers. Then they will lower the price, but they won't listen to people saying it's overpriced, because people have been saying that about everything on the cartel market.


^Exactly. Forum comments represent a small portion of the game's population. Actual spending in game represents the truth. That being stated, I think it's fine to come on the forums and comment about these things. People just need to think about the tone in which they do so. You can be constructive without raging.

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^Exactly. Forum comments represent a small portion of the game's population. Actual spending in game represents the truth. That being stated, I think it's fine to come on the forums and comment about these things. People just need to think about the tone in which they do so. You can be constructive without raging.


I would agree that constructive comments instead of raging are definitely better, but we all know raging on forums is like carbonation in soda =) Its there and always bubbles to the surface and pops. If you let it build up it even belches.


However, I don't see where NOT buying an item off the CM tells EA that its overpriced or people don't want it. There will be people buying this mount off the CM, even if for nothing other than putting it on the GTN to make in game credits. If 1 person buys it, that tells EA that someone wants it and will pay 3000 CC. More likely there will be hundreds if not thousands buying 1 (I've seen at least 2 people on just this thread comment they would buy one) and to me that seems enough of a statement to tell EA they can do it again.


EA has made money because most people buying it have gone out and spent money on CC to purchase it, therefore, how many people buy only tells BW 1 thing - how many people bought this mount. Basically, we don't know EA's thinking behind pricing the way they do, its only speculation by everyone here.

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I would agree that constructive comments instead of raging are definitely better, but we all know raging on forums is like carbonation in soda =) Its there and always bubbles to the surface and pops. If you let it build up it even belches.


However, I don't see where NOT buying an item off the CM tells EA that its overpriced or people don't want it. There will be people buying this mount off the CM, even if for nothing other than putting it on the GTN to make in game credits. If 1 person buys it, that tells EA that someone wants it and will pay 3000 CC. More likely there will be hundreds if not thousands buying 1 (I've seen at least 2 people on just this thread comment they would buy one) and to me that seems enough of a statement to tell EA they can do it again.


EA has made money because most people buying it have gone out and spent money on CC to purchase it, therefore, how many people buy only tells BW 1 thing - how many people bought this mount. Basically, we don't know EA's thinking behind pricing the way they do, its only speculation by everyone here.


Doesn't work quite that way. You see, the bean counters do count the sales per item and they keep close metrics on what does and doesn't sell. Further, marketing and finance make projections on how much money they can make on the CM per quarter. So if an item prices itself out of the projected customer demand by being over priced, it hits EAs projections for the income generated by the CM.


For items like this, they know they aren't going to sell many, they are meant to spurr more CC purchases. What will happen in this case, IMO is their projections will be off. One purchase doesn't encourage EA to do more of this, 1000 purchases doesn't either. It all comes back to what they expect to make.


So, to throw more conjecture out there, my guess is that they planned to float the price out there and adjust it later if needed to meet their projections.


The best thing to do in protest is not to buy.

Edited by Rafaman
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I've been a huge supporter of the Cartel Market since it launched. I buy way more stuff on the market than I should but even I think this is over the line. 3,000 coins for a Tauntaun, seriously? This is as bad as the $20 black and black dyes you can't reuse. Edited by Spamfritter
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However, I don't see where NOT buying an item off the CM tells EA that its overpriced or people don't want it. There will be people buying this mount off the CM, even if for nothing other than putting it on the GTN to make in game credits. If 1 person buys it, that tells EA that someone wants it and will pay 3000 CC. More likely there will be hundreds if not thousands buying 1 (I've seen at least 2 people on just this thread comment they would buy one) and to me that seems enough of a statement to tell EA they can do it again.


EA has made money because most people buying it have gone out and spent money on CC to purchase it, therefore, how many people buy only tells BW 1 thing - how many people bought this mount. Basically, we don't know EA's thinking behind pricing the way they do, its only speculation by everyone here.

So, if consumers are voluntarily purchasing it at the current price, how can the current price be a bad decision for EA/BioWare?


I mean, be real about the cause of complaint, here. If you think that loads of people will buy this item at this price anyway, then the price isn't a mistake on the vendor's part. And if that's the case, the complaints are blatantly self-serving, not some sort of high-minded consumer advocacy. If you wandered into a BMW forum and made fulminating posts about the price of the Z4, nobody would take you seriously. You'd be laughed at if you demanded that the Z4 be sold for less purely to suit your budget. Why should this whining be any more socially acceptable on a video game forum?

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I've been a huge supporter of the Cartel Market since it launched. I buy way more stuff on the market than I should but even I think this is over the line. 3,000 coins for a Tauntaun, seriously? This is as bad as the $20 black and black dyes you can't reuse.

If only we had the option to not buy them.

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It saddens me up the number of people like yourself who insist on spouting this line again and again to people who wish to speak out to EA about their choices on such matters. Let them voice their displeasure, because there have been some benefits to all players of this game in the past by such forum posts.


But they can speak out to EA about their choices on the matter... by not buying it.

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I am not dooming and glooming. It's called an opinion. I could really care less about what you like or disikie reading sir. I guess you could form a gestapo and shut everyone up who says things you dont like or disagree with....so much for freedom of speech and opinion heh?



Freedom of speech includes everyone elses right to disagree with you and letting you know that they think you are wrong.

Freedom of speech is NOT a right to say whatever you want without anyone being allowed to oppose that.

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Doesn't work quite that way. You see, the bean counters do count the sales per item and they keep close metrics on what does and doesn't sell. Further, marketing and finance make projections on how much money they can make on the CM per quarter. So if an item prices itself out of the projected customer demand by being over priced, it hits EAs projections for the income generated by the CM.


For items like this, they know they aren't going to sell many, they are meant to spur more CC purchases. What will happen in this case, IMO is their projections will be off. One purchase doesn't encourage EA to do more of this, 1000 purchases doesn't either. It all comes back to what they expect to make.


So, to throw more conjecture out there, my guess that they have in fact a plan to float the price out there and adjust it later if need to meet their projections.


The best thing to do in protest, is not to buy.


^^This^^, if it meets the predicted cash flow they will count it a success whatever anyone says, if it doesn't they will lower it's price until it does earn them the money they predicted, this is a basic economic mechanism and one used most of the time.

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