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3,000 Cartel Coins FOR A Tauntaun ...


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Here are some options which have been mentioned in this thread we as a community feel should be included in a 3000cc Taun Taun mount*:


  • Black in Color
  • Regen Capability - animation of cutting open and sleeping inside it
  • Seat at least 4 people
  • 5 Different Sound effects
  • Poop Artifact Quality Stim every 30-60 mins
  • Give 10 Elite Comms and 5 Ultimate Comms per week by riding it in Weekly Ops


*This is by no means an exhaustive list and the community is urged to suggest additional features.

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here are some options which have been mentioned in this thread we as a community feel should be included in a 3000cc taun taun mount*:


  • black in color
  • regen capability - animation of cutting open and sleeping inside it
  • seat at least 4 people
  • 5 different sound effects
  • drop artifact quality stim every 30-60 mins
  • give 10 elite comms and 5 ultimate comms per week by riding it in weekly ops


*this is by no means an exhaustive list and the community is urged to suggest additional features.


stims are poop!

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Perhaps. It's more akin to a store putting a 100% markup on an item and then discounting it 50% to show its a great deal to the consumer. When in fact the now 50% markup is still nothing but profit.


There really are no market forces at work in a system like the CM market. You need some form of competition for there to be any sense of "real market forces".

You also need scarcity, which doesn't exist to all intents and purposes in this context. The Cartel Market is not, could not be, and never was intended to be any semblance of a "free market system". BioWare's pricing doesn't compete within the game, it competes with other games. I would suspect, though, that there's not a whole lot of demand elasticity related to this sort of cosmetic microtransaction. People aren't going to switch from SWTOR to another MMO based on how they price one specific kind of tauntaun.


All the tauntaun really does is provide another cosmetic option for people who care about cosmetics (and there are a lot of MMO players who do), act as a Veblen good for people who like to show that they have money to throw around (and there are a lot of MMO players who do that, too), and provide yet another means of converting real-world money into in-game credits. This price has shed no blood, robbed no one, and despoiled no country. Most of the outrage is directed not at an error by BioWare, but at players' own unwillingness to buy an item they desire (or think that they might desire) at the price at which it is listed.

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Heh. I bet you some peeps will buy it.


BTW, it is supply and demand. You want to protest this and let your voice be heard? Don't buy it. It's that simple.


I'll stick with my original Tauntaun, and my dread Tauntaun. I don't see this being a huge issue.

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Perhaps. It's more akin to a store putting a 100% markup on an item and then discounting it 50% to show its a great deal to the consumer. When in fact the now 50% markup is still nothing but profit.


There really are no market forces at work in a system like the CM market. You need some form of competition for there to be any sense of "real market forces".


There is a ton of competition. The competition comes in the form of other entertainment options. $15 gets me access to this game for a month, I consider that a very good deal. I don't consider $30 for a tauntaun a very good deal, I'd rather take that $30 and take my kids to a movie or go to happy hour with the lads.

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Here are some options which have been mentioned in this thread we as a community feel should be included in a 3000cc Taun Taun mount*:


  • Black in Color
  • Regen Capability - animation of cutting open and sleeping inside it
  • Seat at least 4 people
  • 5 Different Sound effects
  • Poop Artifact Quality Stim every 30-60 mins
  • Give 10 Elite Comms and 5 Ultimate Comms per week by riding it in Weekly Ops


*This is by no means an exhaustive list and the community is urged to suggest additional features.


I want laser beams to shoot from the top of its head. I mean how frickin' hard is it to get laser beams attached to their heads?!?

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This is crazy. I usually buy most things in the cartel market but i will be passing on this. They have definently priced me out of this mount. If this trend continues they will see alot less money from me. Its probably gonna be cool but not worth $30. Think of how many they would sell at 800 coins?
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This is crazy. I usually buy most things in the cartel market but i will be passing on this. They have definently priced me out of this mount. If this trend continues they will see alot less money from me. Its probably gonna be cool but not worth $30. Think of how many they would sell at 800 coins?


I'm still wondering if there's going to be something special about it...

Maybe it's 3k for an instant account unlock?

Or it comes with something fancy - mobile bank perhaps? Like that mammoth on WoW?

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It's all been said before, so...


Buy it or don't buy it.



Pretty much this.

BioWare is a for-profit business so they are going to do things that contribute to that profit.

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

If they don't make enough money off it, they'll adjust the price accordingly (and then the people who paid full price for it will whine).


I would imagine, however, that their internal numbers tell them that they stand to make a significant amount of money at this price point and all the forum crying in the world isn't going to change their mind.

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I'm trying to wait to see what it's like first but in all honesty it's just going to be a regular mount which is ridiculous, treek was 2800 cartel coins including account unluck when I got it and at least treek is actually useful.. But trying not to complain too much yet as we all know doesn't get us anywhere and people still encourage that kind of milking by buying it
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80" TV costs $8k

$25,000 for desert

Lamborghinis costs $3million

personal jet costs $30 million


whats your point?


I think his point is it's a rip off. Unlike the objects you listed which have something of value over the current existing competition so that you can at least show off, the value of the TaunTaun is that some MMO players are competitions who decided to have everything in-game and will even pay money to make it happen.

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Here's another novel concept... He's free to voice his displeasure over the price. I didn't actually see anywhere in his post where he said he was going to buy it.


Voice your displeasure by not buying it.


That will serve two purposes:

First, you are voting with your wallet, which is much more powerful than "ERMEHGUD BIOWEAR UR CHARGIN UR LAZOR TOO MUCH".


And second, it saves the rest of us the trouble of listening to you complain.

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Voice your displeasure by not buying it.


That will serve two purposes:

First, you are voting with your wallet, which is much more powerful than "ERMEHGUD BIOWEAR UR CHARGIN UR LAZOR TOO MUCH".


And second, it saves the rest of us the trouble of listening to you complain.


indeed, bioware/ea wont lower the price because of some guy yelling; they will lower it when people do not buy it and they realize they will make a larger profit at a lower price.

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Bioware really need to send some staff on a PR course. They repeatedly do stuff that is almost designed to antagonise their customers. When I see a mount for 3000cc I think rip off, I think oh look Bioware like to rip off their customers, do I want to deal with a company that rips off customers?


Yep I know. if I don't like the price then don't buy the product and I won't, but without spending a dime my opinion of Bioware as dropped another notch, simply because they're clearly being overtly greedy.

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