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Does anybody really do space missions?


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They totaly give another feeling in the game ..something like "rebel assault" back in 95 , they simply are awsome and a very smart move from bioware.. Its something that you wont get ganged while doing it nor you get nervous that someone may ninja your loot or anything...I simply love them..Also i like the grafics of them... :D
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Theyre ok, but i wish it was done more like the old style games x-wing and tie fighter - that would eb truly awesome (and extremeley easy to turn multiplayer too)


I just hate the whole feeling like your not in control thing - although i gotta say if control of your ship was truly out of your control, and you just had a gun i personally feel it would be better, the whole rails thing kinda irks me.

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Yeah, they are too easy. Nightmare mode would be awesome + a button to enter lightspeed earlier if you have completed your tasks would be great too. I tend to finish most missions 1 minute too early or so :/ Currently lvl 37 though, so maybe they get harder later on.
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Totally Agreed! I think it is a cool new thing. Personally every level I game seems to offer something new and exciting. Sure the space stuff is optional but hell at least its something new. I've been playing MMO's since the Mud days when this stuff was all txted based. Everything from UO to EVE or EQ to WOW and beyond and this is the first MMO that has impressed me since Ultima Online. Owning a star ship makes you feel like you own a piece of the game. And the space battles so far, even though they may be simple, definetly add a nice flavor that is refreshing.


Fellow MUDder here, glad to see some of us still exist :)

This is indeed a great change of pace, and while it's not up to the standards of the rest of the game, it is as of now a side quest type of thing.

I am sure it'll come long in the future.


One of the great things about STO was the space AND ground combat, too bad they ruined the game with no endgame content and micro transactions

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You people joking ? These space combats are awesome, they are like heroics, you can do them daily and i do them ALL daily EVERY single day so far. Heck, if i tired of the rest of the game someday I would keep my subscription running just for my daily spacecombats.



kind regards, Melf

Edited by Darth_Melf
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I do them too.


However, I would like to highlight that some of them also seem to suffer from the difficulty/tuning issues arising elsewhere in the game. Some missions are a breeze, some I've written off as completely impossible at the suggested upgrade level.


Anyone else epxerienced this? (notable offenders, Taspan Ambush, Sullust Interception)

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Sounds like you need an EMP!


That was indeed the solution. :D


Oh I know the one you are talking about.. that one is painful. I almost escaped that one alive but then missed like 2 fights to finish the mission.. Grrr


Yeah, I finished one run ( after getting the EMP ) with 59/60. Quite frustrating. The next runs went swimmingly, though. You really need to switch between amped up blasters, amped up shield restore and use your EMP smartly.

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They are short and sweet, daily, good EXP, good credits... what's not to love? OMG they are on rails, Starfox is win. You would be doing yourself a disservice NOT to be doing them. The EXP/Credits:time ratio is insane.
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I'm the OP, and wow I didn't expect so many people to enjoy the space missions. Yes they give good xp and such, but they're so boring. Point and click? Can't even control where you go? If they actually made an attempt to make it more controllable and fun, it would be a blast. However, point and click is so bland, it could have been so much more.
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I think its safe to say that space combat isnt what any of us expected, not when a game like X-wing vs TIE Fighter was better and was made like 1989...


That said, THIS space combat is better then nothing.


But honestly. You (Bioware and DEFINATLY Lucasarts) know what we want. Is it really that hard to make a freeflight system off world?

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I think Bioware did a great job and by seeing the amount of stuff they have and the size of worlds(sans starters). So many planets, but I do hope they open up the worlds we know to other cities...like Mos Eisley in Tatooine. 28 million people bought this. They are good to go for awhile and skies the limit for what they can think of to add.


For this discussion, yes, freeroam space battles are a must. How about speeder racing or podracing(sans jarjar and a terrible kid actor as anakin) in PvP?


Granted, I like some of the scripted events in the space battles. Pretty cool seeing a capital ship warp right in front of you.

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Some of us play a little more conservatively.

I have yet to complete a mission. I always time out even though shields and ship are fine.


Take out the timer, extend the fun.

This is an MMO after all.


The timer is the whole point. Space missions are just that...a mission. You have a goal to accomplish in the time alotted, and if you do you are rewarded, if you didn't you still got to shoot at spaceships. Upgrade your ship to the tier 1 stuff, and you'll have a different experience.

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IMHO ... the game over all is great. If they continue to add more contient, clean up the bugs (something that any MMO has to do on a regular basis) .. Fix the "Companion Customization ... (make it easier to use with a wider range of options) ......


AND .. expand the space combat in the comming months... IMHO this game is a REAL contender.


IMHO this would be a great area to look at for future expansion for the game. As it is now stands the controls, movement and style of play leaves a lot to be desired.


Dev team: I'm almost certain that someone at the top of the food chain has to make the call. For what ever it is worth IMHO it would be a HUGE mistake to not take advantage of such a natural area to expand the game. Please, work with us on this one area. I love the game thus far. STO and WoW BOTH now have one less patron.

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I have loved space missions since Beta, they have changed a fair bit but as you level the bonus missions get better too.


Been trying to find a list of all the missions and at what level other bonus missions unlock, would be handy to have so people still run the greyed out ones later on too.



Just did Fondor Escort for the 1st time since I hit 30. The bonus mission to take out 20 Frigate turrets is now available so more free XP and creds :)

Edited by Stilgarr
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The problem with space battles is that they don't give the ''omg an epic space battle'' feeling for many players. Probably becouse they are made like a minigame but in real they represent a huge path in republic/empire figts along the movies, other games , etc.

When I play a space battle it feels like one of those WoW quests where u mount an uncontrollable bird, bat or whatever and u throw bombs on unsuspecting enemies below you.

Thats my personal opinion, but as the game developes I am hoping to get a PvP space zone or a PvE Space battle(which would be brainsmashing if done right) and actual controll over the ship. But I assume there is time for everything.


So for now play whats given and expect improvements. They are unavoidable.


Nontheless I love them. Its a nice addition to an already epic adventure.

Edited by Lordkoon
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