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Megapt's AP PvP Guide - Multiple Rotations, CD Management, different Gearing Setup


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When looking at that, it's enough to make even Smash Marauders jealous, hence why I chose the route of Full Power over a crit build.


I remember running your all-power build for Maras when I played my Mara and it was glorious. Since that time, I have implemented most of those same build strategies for all my toons.


Which is why I have tested and Mox Parsed my PT's performance in Arenas and WZs for both Power and Crit builds. Based on my results, I have elected to go with some Crit in my gear. Ion Cylinder is the main reason why. When in Ion, the Power-focused build put out steady numbers, but only really performed as a pressure spec. However, with 22% crit and the Crit Relic, the spec actually has some decent burst and can quickly kill good players when RNG goes your way.


I also am currently running Double Power Relics


You may want to strike this as I believe it has been fixed as of the most recent patch.


I've had 9.8K Immolate crits and regularly get over 8000 as well as 6.8k Railshots and regularly get 5.5k-6k. Oh and 4-5k flamethrower tick crits anyone?


This is interesting given your proposed gear setup. My PT is currently geared 10 Obroan/4 Conq with everything min/maxed excluding the Obroan Enhancements. My 4 remaining Conq pieces are the Offhand, Belt, Gloves and Boots. (I might be wrong on the Gloves, Boots...haven't played for a couple weeks because of BF4 so I've forgotten some things. Might be Gloves, Legs or something of the sort.) Anyway, I have done 9.2K Immolates, 6K+ Rail Shots and see 5K PFT Ticks from time to time on squishies. And that is with all PvP gear that isn't even fully min/maxed yet.


Point being, I'm glad you posted an optimized mixed gear build. It proves to me that a full PvP gear build really isn't that far off performance-wise. Additionally, I hate those mixed gear builds because Bolster is always changing and PvE items go in and out of fashion pretty quickly. It appears to me that your build is really just getting you some extra Surge, which is nice to be sure. I will futz around with it some more as I already have many of the PvE items already from pre-2.4, but it's likely I will just stick with grinding the PvP gear, at least on my PT.


so I try to always time both Retractable Blade and Rocket Punch together


RB - RP has always been a standard combo for my PT whenever he gets into melee range. Usually, something like RB - RP - I, with RS following soon after. Rail Shot is one of our few really good actual Ranged skills so I prefer to favor its use from Range after an opponent begins to kite away.


Peeling - After getting 3 stacks, and any of my teammates are being tunneled and need breathing room I use this on a melee to give my teammate time to kite. This is possibly the best peeling tool outside of stuns in the game.


I really like this tip. Never really used my PFT to peel in any sort of committed way. It's nice that we have that added utility since I think PFT's DPS prowess is largely overblown. I mean, how often does anyone actually get a full PFT off in Ranked? I find that mine are always getting interrupted somehow even post-Carbonize or CC setup.


AoE Rotation 1 - Explosive Dart -> Prototype Flame Thrower -> Carbonize -> Death From Above


AoE Rotation 2 - Explosive Dart -> Death From Above -> Carbonize -> Flamethrower


I'm surprised to see no mention of Flame Sweep in any of your rotations. While Flame Sweep is pretty much to be avoided in Ion, in HEGC I think it's a valuable skill. I know people boo-hoo the Heat cost, but in HEGC I rarely overheat, and that's using Flame Sweep when opponents bunch up. I really like that I can maneauver while the skill is firing, and it does some pretty solid overall aoe damage, especially when it crits. PFT is just garbage to me without the 3 Stacks, although I do like your peeling idea.


Anyway, pretty solid guide.

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I use flame sweep often, the problem is that it's situational. You 're right that it's good in AOE situations, especially when stopping a group of spam cappers.


In most fights, I'm stuck fighting some sin, Mara, jugg, or DPS operative. In those cases, I'm using FB instead and running 10 meters away with pneumatic boots and HO. Kiting it a ***** move, but it works. Use it.


I'll use sweep often if I'm trying to pop a stealther in between scan cooldowns. It's also great if a nearby enemy is near death and you don't have them targeted. Sometimes it's faster to sweep kill rather than target and attack, so you can take them out before they heal, vanish, or pop a DCD.

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just one more question to gear optimisation.. why do you use on mods the 29x and not the 29Ax? 29Ax gives you more aim and with the 9% mroe aim talent and the buff you get more out of it or am i wrong?


29x loses endurance in favor of more power and aim together.


Trading endurance for power is always worth it.

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just one more question to gear optimisation.. why do you use on mods the 29x and not the 29Ax? 29Ax gives you more aim and with the 9% mroe aim talent and the buff you get more out of it or am i wrong?


Some facts:


1 aim = 0.2 bonus damage. 1 power = 0.23 bonus damage. 1 aim = 0.0028% crtitc approximately.


29AX stats are excluding expertise:


72 aim

49 endurance

27 Power


Bonus damage = (72*0.2*1.09) + (27*0.23) = 21.906


29X stats are excluding expertise:


59 aim

44 endurance

49 power


Bonus damage = (59*0.2*1.09) + (49*0.23) = 24.132


29X provides 2.226 bonus damage per mod compared to 29AX. I can't calculate the critic exactly, but the crtitc gain from having 29AX will be approximately 0.036% critic gain per piece (13 aim x 0.0028%). If you multiply by 9 for 9 pieces its 20.03 bonus damage vs 0.325% critic. I can safely tell you that 20 bonus damage is much more valuable than 0.325% critic. You gain 5 endurance with 29AX, but that's worthless attribute for dps.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Some facts:


1 aim = 0.2 bonus damage. 1 power = 0.23 bonus damage. 1 aim = 0.0028% crtitc approximately.


29AX stats are excluding expertise:


72 aim

49 endurance

27 Power


Bonus damage = (72*0.2*1.09) + (27*0.23) = 21.906


29X stats are excluding expertise:


59 aim

44 endurance

49 power


Bonus damage = (59*0.2*1.09) + (49*0.23) = 24.132


29X provides 2.226 bonus damage per mod compared to 29AX. I can't calculate the critic exactly, but the crtitc gain from having 29AX will be approximately 0.036% critic gain per piece (13 aim x 0.0028%). If you multiply by 9 for 9 pieces its 20.03 bonus damage vs 0.325% critic. I can safely tell you that 20 bonus damage is much more valuable than 0.325% critic. You gain 5 endurance with 29AX, but that's worthless attribute for dps.


Thanks bro, hope you don't mind I am going to add this in my guide giving you credit ofc.

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the stats are calculated with the 9% mroe aim talent?.. anyway tested in in ask mr robot and looks good how the guide writer did it


Yes, it's calculated with the 9%.


Bonus damage = (72*0.2*1.09) + (27*0.23) = 21.906

Bonus damage = (59*0.2*1.09) + (49*0.23) = 24.132

Edited by Megatfx
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Sorry, I can't get behind this "guide". Gaming the system with gear exploits isn't exactly what I would label as helpful.


Gear exploits? WTH are you talking about? You know this is gear that sells from PvP vendors, right? You know what is not helpful? People lacking the basis of knowledge then come and claim something is cheating or exploit.

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Gear exploits? WTH are you talking about? You know this is gear that sells from PvP vendors, right? You know what is not helpful? People lacking the basis of knowledge then come and claim something is cheating or exploit.


ehm you know that the implants he uses and mh/oh arent pvp ones?

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ehm you know that the implants he uses and mh/oh arent pvp ones?


And I don't see what the problem is...I use PvP relics for PvE. (SA)


While I do disagree w/ a PvE item being BiS for PvP, I do not think it is, or can be considered an exploit or hax. I don't see T-Fett's angle there...


I don't recall much complaining when EWH was BiS relic PvE/PvP.


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ehm you know that the implants he uses and mh/oh arent pvp ones?


And how is that an "exploit?" Exploit is that you abuse a bug to get an advantage over other players.


Example, back in the early days of bolster, removing then inserting augments used to increase your stats. This is an exploit and abusing it is defiantly cheating. Having a specific piece of gear, even if its not PvP, as BiS, is not an exploit.

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And how is that an "exploit?" Exploit is that you abuse a bug to get an advantage over other players.


Example, back in the early days of bolster, removing then inserting augments used to increase your stats. This is an exploit and abusing it is defiantly cheating. Having a specific piece of gear, even if its not PvP, as BiS, is not an exploit.


well i wrote it because it looked like you didnt know that he uses pve mods etc and thats why you wonder why ppl say its an exploit of bolstering.. and i never said its an exploit this was omebody else

Edited by Seronimos
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And how is that an "exploit?" Exploit is that you abuse a bug to get an advantage over other players.


Example, back in the early days of bolster, removing then inserting augments used to increase your stats. This is an exploit and abusing it is defiantly cheating. Having a specific piece of gear, even if its not PvP, as BiS, is not an exploit.


Alright, we'll change the language a little.


At best he's abusing a clear bug in bolster, because one of the design goals of bolster is that PVE gear is not supposed to be BIS. This was fixed patch after patch (naked bolster, then purple crafted, etc). It's apparently still broken, because this setup is getting too much expertise added for PVE gear when the stats and bonus damage are higher than conqueror.


He was also abusing the double power relic proc bug, which was fixed after 2.0 and then broken again after 2.4, and then fixed AGAIN in 2.4.3. BW said it isn't bannable or anything, so I guess it's open season.


So... No, it's not exploiting, but it is cheap. And the PVE gearing will get you destroyed in overworld PVP against someone in full gear - not that this matters to 99% of you, but it does to me (I love dueling guild mates and playing in tournaments!)

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And how is that an "exploit?" Exploit is that you abuse a bug to get an advantage over other players.


Example, back in the early days of bolster, removing then inserting augments used to increase your stats. This is an exploit and abusing it is defiantly cheating. Having a specific piece of gear, even if its not PvP, as BiS, is not an exploit.


While I think technically it is not an exploit it is definitely what I consider being dishonest....but everyone seems to do it just like they wore the absorb relic...like I say...bads will be bads and will do anything to try and get the edge over other good players. This isn't a personal attack on mega its just MHO that if you need to do this then you are probably lacking the skill to play the game on an even playing ground with other people. You go ahead and get "fake" gear to think you are king of PvP. No player who wears gear like this gets an ounce of respect from me because they aren't being gentlemanly about the game. I'm sure no one cares whether they are respected....so meh.


EDIT - if anything the guide is a blessing. To allow people who did not know about the gear "exploit" to be able to do it to even the playing ground with those who have already gone down this road (I have been aware of this for I am guessing since 2.0 went live? or at least around that time) and some people are still not aware


Alright, we'll change the language a little.


At best he's abusing a clear bug in bolster, because one of the design goals of bolster is that PVE gear is not supposed to be BIS. This was fixed patch after patch (naked bolster, then purple crafted, etc). It's apparently still broken, because this setup is getting too much expertise added for PVE gear when the stats and bonus damage are higher than conqueror.


He was also abusing the double power relic proc bug, which was fixed after 2.0 and then broken again after 2.4, and then fixed AGAIN in 2.4.3. BW said it isn't bannable or anything, so I guess it's open season.


So... No, it's not exploiting, but it is cheap. And the PVE gearing will get you destroyed in overworld PVP against someone in full gear - not that this matters to 99% of you, but it does to me (I love dueling guild mates and playing in tournaments!)


Spot on again Brunner. This is Yoda of the PT forums.

Edited by Kooziejr
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and ppl who like to die with one weapon still in the belt instead of using it dont get my respect ( and i dont mean bugusing like the thing with double absorb relic)


and dont forget that ppl who use full vpp gear get bolstered as well.. are theya considered as bugusers as well?

Edited by Seronimos
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