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Basically what this poster means is the engine of this game was the turd stinking up Illum at launch and the devs have had their noses rubbed in it. They just seemingly couldn't make it work with the Hero Engine and have said about as much.

Edited by Technohic
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It never goes mentioned, but faction imbalance is also a major concern. When they first rolled out Ilum, it wasn't the engine that most people were complaining about; it was Pub players venting because they couldn't step outside their base without being disintegrated by a horde of Imps. Point of order, pretty much every game I've played that featured wide-scale open-world PvP eventually broke down to a numbers game, tactics and strategy giving way to zerg rush.
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I wish people would stop bringing this up. The game is not running on any official hero engine. When they licensed the code it was dirt cheap because the engine was incomplete. The swtor developers used it as a baseline and coded their own engine out of it. Even the developers themselves said it is no longer the hero engine which is why they cannot use the updates the official engine uses because the code is completely different now.


The actual hero engine is actually a really good code and I feel bad for them being associated with swtor all the time. Swtor's problems come down to the fact that they built a game off incomplete code and resources were clearly not allocated properly thus the engine was never fully optimized. Though anyone who has played from beta until now can tell you it has improved significantly given the restraints of the engine they are dealing with.

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How would one do that? There are games that hand the weaker faction free gear and faster leveling and it still won't make people play something they don't want to.


Well, in LOTRO, both factions have access to special characters (Monster side: Trolls / Player Side: Rangers) that hit harder and have a huge number of hit points like a boss. so when 1 side has all of the keeps, the side with lower numbers has access to 1-2 special characters to make up the difference.


So a partial raid with a boss character, can take on superior numbers and has a decent chance of taking a keep back.


I would love base battles here, along the same lines on different planets, with some sort of planetary buff for the faction in control.


That or just make it a gated area where if 1 person joins in on one side, it opens a slot up one the other side until max side capacity is hit. Max it out at 30v30 if the server response is a problem...

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I think just increasing team size in warzones would be great. We have 4v4 and 8v8... why not 16v16? There has to be larger scale PvP (that works with engine limitations) between 8v8 and open world mass zerg fest. Edited by THEBelkas
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Ah I missed the large scale battle and the randomness of open world PVP, I miss farming the Zerg with an 8 man in DOAC or a 6 Man in Warhammer. You knew your guild knew their sh@t when you could farm a 90 man zerg with out losing a man. Now i get these boring area style even teams theme park bubblegum PVP. Sadly I don't think open pvp well be coming back to the main stream MMO as to many whiners about ZERG and numbers and not as many old heads playing who think up class combo's to farm that sorry zerg. Edited by Kinsal
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As the Hero Engine i am not a tech so i can't assume or argue.


You must be a plant from Bioware, you're certainly not the average PvP forum poster who thinks that because they demand it, Bioware must do it (and by the next patch or I quit!).

Edited by Kerensk
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