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Proposed changes to PVP queue window


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Let me be frank here, the PVP queue system in SWTOR is atrocious.

Not only can we not choose what maps we queue for, but we can't see how many players are currently in queue.

I present you with the Age of Conan queue window:



In AoC players simply click the map they want to play, and as soon as there enough players to begin the match, it starts.

Each map type also has it's own daily quest, so players aren't forced to play the server's most popular map over and over.


What I love about this method is that you can not only choose the map you want to play, but it also shows what map is close to having enough to start. This would be awesome for Swtor because you could see how many players are in Ranked or unranked so you know which has more activity at any given moment. The game already kind of has a feature like this for Flashpoint queues.


Please, let me hear what you guys have to say about this idea?:D

Edited by ViciousFett
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This would only work with xrealm que... Do you really feel like sitting in ques all day? The PvP population is not that big to support something like this. The que times would be horrible... Also you will find classes that shine in some warzones playing only that... Full of snipers Hutball? Yeah... Sure its going to be fun.
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This would only work with xrealm que... Do you really feel like sitting in ques all day? The PvP population is not that big to support something like this. The que times would be horrible... Also you will find classes that shine in some warzones playing only that... Full of snipers Hutball? Yeah... Sure its going to be fun.


I don't think population is as bad as you think it is, but yeah I see your point. The populations on AoC servers were far fewer and it worked just fine though. Since people can see what map everyone is queing for, they can join that map for a faster queue pop. Simple.


And as for everyone queueing for one map type, well there's the matter of having daily quests for each map to promote people to get around.


Another great thing about this is you'll be getting players that WANT to play that map. I can't tell you how many times I get in a Huttball match where I get comments like "Dammit, I hate Huttball" and they play like crap.

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I don't think population is as bad as you think it is, but yeah I see your point. The populations on AoC servers were far fewer and it worked just fine though. Since people can see what map everyone is queing for, they can join that map for a faster queue pop. Simple.


And as for everyone queueing for one map type, well there's the matter of having daily quests for each map to promote people to get around.


Another great thing about this is you'll be getting players that WANT to play that map. I can't tell you how many times I get in a Huttball match where I get comments like "Dammit, I hate Huttball" and they play like crap.


I am on TOFN. No idea how ques are on other servers but on mine the que is already long enough (when I get home from work to play). Anything that would increase that is not something I want or need.


Also you are not going to get players that want to play that map, you are going to get players that want to do the daily or don't want long que times. If I had to pick between my favorite with a 30 mins que or that one I hate with some 1-2 mins... Well guess what I am going to pick?


Seriously this is not something they need to waste resources to implement. The PvP has enough bugs that need fixing. When they are done with that they can start to make some xrealm ques. This would be an extremely badly needed thing... I would link US and EU servers even... Yeah ping is not going to be that great but I would love a ranking system spanning both continents.

Also yes, I am aware they said no chanse for xrealm que...

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I am on TOFN. No idea how ques are on other servers but on mine the que is already long enough (when I get home from work to play). Anything that would increase that is not something I want or need.


Also you are not going to get players that want to play that map, you are going to get players that want to do the daily or don't want long que times. If I had to pick between my favorite with a 30 mins que or that one I hate with some 1-2 mins... Well guess what I am going to pick?


Seriously this is not something they need to waste resources to implement. The PvP has enough bugs that need fixing. When they are done with that they can start to make some xrealm ques. This would be an extremely badly needed thing... I would link US and EU servers even... Yeah ping is not going to be that great but I would love a ranking system spanning both continents.

Also yes, I am aware they said no chanse for xrealm que...


Dude, settle down. Look at the screenshot again. You see that "Join first available" box at the top? Your problem is solved.

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Dude, settle down. Look at the screenshot again. You see that "Join first available" box at the top? Your problem is solved.


First off "settle down"? I was just addressing your premise.

Second... When I hit that option would all the players be forced to hit it? If you say "no" then that is the problem. Some players are going to que for WZ a, some for WZ b, some for WZ c, some for arena a.... Then I get into the first one that get's enough players... Thing is the players are already split between multiple WZ/s and arena's... I hope you can imagine why this would drastically increase que times.

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Bioware are all about choice, but not for PvP'ers. Random is the key word for pvp and personally I am getting sick to the back teeth of wasting almost 40 minutes to PvP as I keep loading/unloading dumb Arenas which isnt even funny when you get 5-7 in a row!


I just wish the LOLdesign team would come right out and tell us why they cant do X-server, or give Arenas their OWN Q. The tech is there but do they have the know how? I doubt it.

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Bioware are all about choice, but not for PvP'ers. Random is the key word for pvp and personally I am getting sick to the back teeth of wasting almost 40 minutes to PvP as I keep loading/unloading dumb Arenas which isnt even funny when you get 5-7 in a row!


II just wish the LOLdesign team would come right out and tell us why they cant do X-server, or give Arenas their OWN Q. The tech is there but do they have the know how? I doubt it.


No need for them to do that.. I can tell you why myself. Its about money. Developing something like that IS expensive... BW's focus is on PVE and PVP is an afterthought... They would invest those money making 989483 raids way before using said money for PVP.

Edited by Xanas
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First off "settle down"? I was just addressing your premise.

Second... When I hit that option would all the players be forced to hit it? If you say "no" then that is the problem. Some players are going to que for WZ a, some for WZ b, some for WZ c, some for arena a.... Then I get into the first one that get's enough players... Thing is the players are already split between multiple WZ/s and arena's... I hope you can imagine why this would drastically increase que times.


Aoc has and had legendary low pop servers and we had no problems with this method. If any thing it speeds queues up.


What you're not understanding is that since everyone can see where players are queued, they can see which queue is going to pop fastest by the number of players in it. Yes, there might be one or two guys that are determined to get that Hypergate, but as soon as the queue with the most players starts, other players imminently start up in the next queue that already has players in it.

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Aoc has and had legendary low pop servers and we had no problems with this method. If any thing it speeds queues up.


What you're not understanding is that since everyone can see where players are queued, they can see which queue is going to pop fastest by the number of players in it. Yes, there might be one or two guys that are determined to get that Hypergate, but as soon as the queue with the most players starts, other players imminently start up in the next queue that already has players in it.


Another thing I just remembered about AoC queues.

When the queue gets up to the ten or eleven range people usually tell guilds, or people in general to que up, so they go off faster.:rolleyes:


lol so how is this even an improvement? Now I need to yell in chat for people to que? I don't get to play what WZ I want but the one that has enough players to start? Its an epic waste of time.

So I can see what has more players.. .What is the point? How does this add to anything? You still don't get to play what you want and you get to play and hit that que that has the most people...


We do not need this. WoW did it best. You can mark 2 battleground (I believe its 2, can't remember for sure) that you don't want to be place in que for... Then with xrealm que this works great. I sure as hell don't need a system that I need to waste time to look what WZ has the most people and yell in chat for people to join that one when I can hit 1 button and be placed in this WZ automatically and all people that are in que end up in that one.


What you are proposing (at best) is the illusion of choice and a waste of development time when other areas need it badly...

Edited by Xanas
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Lol if you have long queues on TOFN, something is definitely wrong with that "PvP" server. Red Eclipse has instant warzone pops in all brackets - and is PvE server. Ranked is dead though.


And the proposed PvP queue window is actually going to be pretty sweet for solo queue ranked. Implement it for ranked at least, please! Choosing maps would be nice, but not necessary for ranked. It is more needed for normals. There, for example, I will pick only Novare, Voidstar and arenas :D Huttball and ACW if I get bored. But never ever again Hypergate. :D

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lol so how is this even an improvement? Now I need to yell in chat for people to que? I don't get to play what WZ I want but the one that has enough players to start? Its an epic waste of time.

So I can see what has more players.. .What is the point? How does this add to anything? You still don't get to play what you want and you get to play and hit that que that has the most people...


We do not need this. WoW did it best. You can mark 2 battleground (I believe its 2, can't remember for sure) that you don't want to be place in que for... Then with xrealm que this works great. I sure as hell don't need a system that I need to waste time to look what WZ has the most people and yell in chat for people to join that one when I can hit 1 button and be placed in this WZ automatically and all people that are in que end up in that one.


What you are proposing (at best) is the illusion of choice and a waste of development time when other areas need it badly...


Well like you said, this feature would be dependent on Cross Server Queueing, and in all honesty; We shouldn't settle for anything less then that either. BW owes PvP that much and more, for everything they failed to implement, all the broken promises and all the stuff they actually removed from PvP.


I dont care if they have to put a handful of PvE features on ice for awhile, to be able to implement it - they can wait. God knows we have.


Once we have Cross Server Queueing, this propsed advanced queue system (Or well, something simular to it at least) in the OP would be a very welcome upgrade imo.

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Lol if you have long queues on TOFN, something is definitely wrong with that "PvP" server. Red Eclipse has instant warzone pops in all brackets - and is PvE server. Ranked is dead though.


And the proposed PvP queue window is actually going to be pretty sweet for solo queue ranked. Implement it for ranked at least, please! Choosing maps would be nice, but not necessary for ranked. It is more needed for normals. There, for example, I will pick only Novare, Voidstar and arenas :D Huttball and ACW if I get bored. But never ever again Hypergate. :D


I think its just the time I get to play at. Que's are not bad, they are around 2 mins.


For ranked? Not a good idea, like at all. First people could select a WZ and then trade wins. Its very simple. Find an arena that has 0 spots and then join that as a premade with 3 other people. Another premade would be joining that same arena as you que for it... Then its trading time..

Also do you really care what arena you get? Can't say I give a damn what arena I get as they are all very similar. They don't have different mechanics like WZ's do... Well I guess a catwalk could be considered that but they are really very similar.




Oh don't get me wrong we most definitely deserve more love but BW is not going to give it to us... The majority are PVE's... This game revolves around PVE... Even the big, promised PVP patch had more(or just as much) PVE content lol...

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well I'm thinking about pvp queue from a week cause.. really.. is so bad.


there are two thing to do:


1) enable cross server queue. now! 2y and we haven't that feature yet.. :/


2) here there are multiple choices, but imho at least, it will be nice to have 2 different queue: WZs and Arenas.

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No need for them to do that.. I can tell you why myself. Its about money. Developing something like that IS expensive... BW's focus is on PVE and PVP is an afterthought... They would invest those money making 989483 raids way before using said money for PVP.


True, but it would benefit pve as well. Would alleviate some of the wait time for dps.

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Lol if you have long queues on TOFN, something is definitely wrong with that "PvP" server. Red Eclipse has instant warzone pops in all brackets - and is PvE server. Ranked is dead though.


And the proposed PvP queue window is actually going to be pretty sweet for solo queue ranked. Implement it for ranked at least, please! Choosing maps would be nice, but not necessary for ranked. It is more needed for normals. There, for example, I will pick only Novare, Voidstar and arenas :D Huttball and ACW if I get bored. But never ever again Hypergate. :D


Queue times on Red Eclipse in 2-3x longer than on ToFN :cool:

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Even w/o cross server this method would reduce the wait times for queue pops. As anyone that played AoC can tell you, there's a momentum to filling match queues, and when no one else is queueing you can see that, so you don't waste your time. Which would be very helpful for ranked queues. Edited by ViciousFett
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