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Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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You know


The concept of a "No XP", only LOOT and Social Points Scaling Flashpoint or +2 / +4 is actually an itruiguing concept.


People who'd just like to do some Flashpoints to practice some techniques, get some basic Social Points, or do some questing together that will not OUT-Level their content would probably find that quite appealing.


I can think of a lot of options that would fit well into this idea.



Leveling_Canuck :)

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Why would you want to turn off experience gain?


That makes no sense at all


Actually it makes perfect sense. I play more often than my wife, however we are trying to level together. It's rather difficult to do anything solo without getting XP and creating a level gap between myself and my wife.


I can play alts, and I do.. I can craft, and I do.. But sometimes I'd rather just play on my main character and do things like PVP, or go farm materials for crafting without racking up a level or two in the process.


Makes perfect sense. I'd love the option.

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I deleted my toon because I did it "wrong" :rolleyes:

Now I know a bit more how I want to play this game:


  • I play without partner to make the game harder (I just call back Kaliyo for picking or validating quests, to earn favor points. I also call her in 2 players Flashpoints)
  • I do all quests. Dailies, just once.
  • I do all Heroics once.
  • I do all Flashpoints once.
  • I kill worldbosses once.
  • I take only Datacrons that benefit my class plus the matrix.
  • I don't do Bonus quests (so I have every time to toggle their tracking as soon as I get one)
  • I don't go in Warzones despite I would love to do it.
  • I don't go in space missions despite I would love to do it.
  • I avoid clicking on lore items (Codex)
  • I avoid clicking on other profession trainers (seriously why gaining so much xp just doing this?)
  • I run through mobs if I can't avoid them.
  • I specify to people I group with: I don't do bonus, and I don't want them to make me xp too much, and I have every time to explain why, yesterday I left a group I made, because the tank was killing everything, I went back in just for the objectives. 2 members of the group purposed immediately to fire the tank, because, same as me, they didn't want to level too fast, and they were playing some Alts, just to say.


Edit: If such an option would be implemented, I would delete my toon again to redo it all, for sure.

Edited by Saint-Ange
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Anyway, personally, I'd rather be able to set a percentage of xp gained (which would include a 0% option), rather than just on/off. That way, I can feel like I'm progressing, getting xp for doing things, have incentive to do group stuff, bonus objectives, etc, yet still slow down my leveling.


this. I fear that if there is just an on/off switch, then I would forget to turn it on sometimes and then have to grind to fix it.

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I level a toon with my girlfriend and we don't always keep the same schedule, it's a lot of fun going through the world story archs with someone, the current exp system makes it so I have to abandon that character when she isn't online and wanting to quest or push her to pvp when I'm not on which really isn't her thing.
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Just something I would like to see in the game, I like to do quests, flash point, space missions but due to this I awaits out level every new zone I enter (4+ levels) which makes killing mobs mind numbingly easy (not fun) ...even the heroics.


Wanted to see what others thought as well?


I think an XP off switch, or a half-gain or slowdown switch, ought to be mandatory in all MMOs. One would have thought it ought to be especially mandatory in a game like this that prides itself on storyline.


The argument I've seen against it is that it's a Customer Support nightmare, as you always get idiots who somehow manage to turn it on without realizing they've turned it on, then complain to Customer Support that they're not getting XP.


It's a cost/benefit thing for the devs, I guess.

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I worked on a WoW vanilla (Classic) 1.12.1 server; the players wanted absolutely a leveling rate x1, they even said they would leave the server in case we augment that rate. And those who played the game at that old time, knows what we are talking about ;).


The leveling rate, as been set on far too high in SW:TOR.

Reducing it between x0.75 to x0.5, would give a more "normal" game experience.


I'm sorry to say that, but even Spyro the dragon was harder than this game and my daughter was 7 at that time.

Edited by Saint-Ange
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Totally agree that we should have the option to turn off XP. I started playing grouped with my brother and quickly noticed that we were out leveling our regular missions if we did any HEROIC, space missions or flashpoints.


It even got to the stage where if I was playing grouped together with my brother, the XP was way too much making the game way too easy which lead to it getting boring so now we can't group together which was the main reason we purchased this game in the first place.


Now we only play solo making this a single player MMO for us !! Looks like we will play a few races solo up to lvl 50 and then un-subscribe from what we think is a single player game, which is a shame because we love the game. Maybe this feature will be implemented in the future and we will get a chance to play the game grouped together how we intended.




someone wrote this in this thread which I think shouldn't be how you have to play this game. Basically we have to avoid half of the content this game has to offer just so we can keep it a little challenging :mad:


I play without partner to make the game harder (I just call back Kaliyo for picking or validating quests, to earn favor points. I also call her in 2 players Flashpoints)

I do all quests. Dailies, just once.

I do all Heroics once.

I do all Flashpoints once.

I kill worldbosses once.

I take only Datacrons that benefit my class plus the matrix.

I don't do Bonus quests (so I have every time to toggle their tracking as soon as I get one)

I don't go in Warzones despite I would love to do it.

I don't go in space missions despite I would love to do it.

I avoid clicking on lore items (Codex)

I avoid clicking on other profession trainers (seriously why gaining so much xp just doing this?)

I run through mobs if I can't avoid them.

Edited by Toneth
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This is one of the reasons that supports the theory that this game is for many, a single player rpg and not an mmo.

I actually find it hard to understand the logic behind your statement, Norumaniac - look back at the last two pages of this thread alone and you will see more than one example (including the post immediately before yours!) of where the rate of xp and levelling has caused serious problems for people who want to play grouped with friends.


If anything, introduction of the facility to turn off xp gain at will would make it easier for people to level and enjoy the game alongside online friends, while still being able to enjoy other aspects of the game at times when their friends aren't online without worrying about advancing too far ahead of them level-wise.

Edited by Kalthorine
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Edit: If such an option would be implemented, I would delete my toon again to redo it all, for sure.

Good to hear you say that Saint-Ange, I hope that it gets implemented sooner rather than later so you can get back to playing the way you want to. You aren't on your own in that, I can assure you!


...yeah I know that getting this implemented with all the bugfixes being worked on at the moment is a pretty big hope, but then I have always been an incurable optimist. :D

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I haven't played my main in days because of this issue, and on my alt i am already starting to out level content even though i am running past mobs, not exploring too much and doing lots of things to prevent myself from getting XP.


However, this doesn't make the game very fun for me!


There have been lots of options discussed here, and some of them are very good. Such as a slider and having the credits boosted instead of exp. And disable the feature at level 45 so we cant cheat it. But in the most basic give me the ability to type into chat /xpdisabled and /xpenabled. This wouldn't take more then 2 days to implement (i am a programmer and have worked on Free to play MMO's before so i have a decent idea of the work involved)


I am having a hard time getting into the game, because for me this is a MAJOR issue and needs to be fixed ASAP. For me this is more important than any other issues. (yes i know there are other issues that are important but for me this is extremely important)

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I think your 2nd point is a little extreme to be honest. I have done PvP, space combat, all solo missions on planets, quite a few FP and most of the Heroics and I haven't had a single grey quest / mob yet up to level 42. Admittedly I have been up to 3 levels above a planets level range when I get to it but it has never been grey.


I find this somewhat dubious. Either that, or you've been skipping entire areas of the planets you're on.

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The exp gain is totally overboard for me as well. I want to do all the quests but if i do them - i outlevel everything thus making those quests an epic easy run.


Best option IMHO - make it possible to remove exp gain from the quests and turn it into commendation / credits.


However even if it is just a "remove exp gain altogether" - i'd go for it.


P.S. Oh and as an addition - remove this option at abt 45-47. THis way people will have to level to 50 and not overstay their welcome in PvP warzones (remember after 1.1 no lvl 50 there so lvl 40+ (as you have a full spec by lvl 40 only) will be slightly OP)

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The idea is to get most out of the content, all of the content, and to not skimp on any of the content. At the appropriate level as to not trivialize it.


No joking involved. Will try to attach the appropriate smilies for jokes, and well... try to make one? :p



I agree that the leveling is a little too fast. I currently have a lvl 50 character and a 47 level character and I always felt that heroics were waste of time on every planet because the rewards you would get from them would not be appropriate level anymore. Also it would be just faster to do class quests, a few side quests and then move on to next planet thus skipping so much from every planet.


So yeah, they should tune down the xp gains a bit. Though it's not like everyone would care to experience everything from each planet so I guess those who does, should just do it even if they have overleveled the area. I didn't personally care for heroics because there wasn't much difference in those. Basically always kill some elites and a boss there without any kind of story behind.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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I think a mentoring option would be a good choice, this will allow you to go back and complete Heroics/Flashpoints - of course you will have still out levelled any rewards or drops but you can still experience the content. Due to my play times i was unable to complete any Heroics on Balmorra, now I have out levelled the content (by a long shot) and have just deleted the quests. Same goes for Bonus quests on planets, didn't even know about them until i went back to do some holocron hunting and was offered a grey lvl 30 quest at level 45 :rolleyes:
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I'm all for "XP/off switch".


I do love playing my character but at the same time i also want to have fun playing it. Outleveling areas by 5+ levels isn't fun anymore (only heroics 4 left for fun :(


I've finished Nar Shadaa at lvl 30 - did most of the quests there (no bonus series on Taris and Nar Shadaa though), did 6 flashpoints (2xHammer, Athis, Mandalorians) and did so far 10 space missions. Now - im skipping Tatooine because im already in the middle of level range for Alderaan (28-32). And guess what - i'll be 31 as i finish all quests in first area of Alderaan). No fun anymore.


I'm also a way ahead of few of my guildmates we used to play together. Now - WE DONT - cause groupping me give them no "fun thriil" at all. Im forced back to soloing game which in my opinion isn't what MMO stands for ....


Havent got many bugs at all with the game but at now im really afraid that i'll hit 50 with still a lot of game content ahead and i wont have any reason to do it at 50 (except the storyline).



Edit: just been thinking a little bit more for some solutions.


Adding few more experience types

- space battles - exp gained there (including mission reward) goes for "Ship Exp"

- PvP - goes for PvP exp (PvP matchmaking would be dependent on PvP and players level)

- Flashpoint - no exp at all :) You are rewarded by items anyway (and some codex entries)


What i'd love with ship exp - all ship modifications and missions dependent on ship level (not player level as it is now). Only reward player gets would be fleet commendation (as they're needed for social items). With every (lets say - 10 ship levels) you'd get +1 point to choose from:

- increasing dmg to ship blasters,

- increasing number of bolts per second

- ship/armor/missile upgrade etc.


That would surely solved some outlevel problems with some more options to grind ^^

Edited by wilter
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The only reason I'm against this is to prevent twinks from popping up. Especially with lvl 50 being its own bracket starting tomorrow. I wanna PVP at lvl 25 and not worry about a twink PVP guild of all lvl 49 epic crafting gear decked out rocking the WZs. It defeats the purpose of creating a separate bracket.
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