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Suggestion: Option to turn off experience gain


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Too many MMO greenhorns asking for foolish things. Despite this being a story driven MMORPG, it's still an RPG which are all about character progression and development aside from story.

Disabling XP is as idiotic as a powerleveler asking to disable 'story' because he doesn't need all of that to get to 50 as fast as possible.

Both are needed in this MMO. Without one of those, I wouldn't be playing. Not even if this was single player.


Aside from that it's utter ******** that you miss out on content. I've been doing every quest on every planet, and at 36 I'm about to hit the final zone of Balmorra. Quests are green, sure. Mobs are my level though and challenging enough. Get off your high horse and open your eyes instead of suggesting random hogwash to get some community approval. The XP progression of SWTOR works perfectly, slightly overleveling you for the jump to the next planet, where the difficulty gap once again widens.


You're saying basically saying that full completion of a planet makes the next one hardly challenging at all. I call BS. Too many posers on these boards thinking it's cool or preferable to ask for an XP switch, so they can show everyone how storydriven they are themselves. As if that is your initiation ritual to get into the incrowd. As if.

Edited by Dekadez
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Too many MMO greenhorns asking for foolish things. Despite this being a story driven MMORPG, it's still an RPG which are all about character progression and development aside from story.

Disabling XP is as idiotic as a powerleveler asking to disable 'story' because he doesn't need all of that to get to 50 as fast as possible.

Both are needed in this MMO. Without one of those, I wouldn't be playing. Not even if this was single player.


Aside from that it's utter ******** that you miss out on content. I've been doing every quest on every planet, and at 36 I'm about to hit the final zone of Balmorra. Quests are green, sure. Mobs are my level though and challenging enough. Get off your high horse and open your eyes instead of suggesting random hogwash to get some community approval. The XP progression of SWTOR works perfectly, slightly overleveling you for the jump to the next planet, where the difficulty gap once again widens.


You're saying basically saying that full completion of a planet makes the next one hardly challenging at all. I call BS. Too many posers on these boards thinking it's cool or preferable to ask for an XP switch, so they can show everyone how storydriven they are themselves. As if that is your initiation ritual to get into the incrowd. As if.


What are you on about? RPG is just as much about story as character progression.

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What are you on about? RPG is just as much about story as character progression.


Which is exactly what I said. Reread that post again, I call ******** on your arguments to disable XP, and I've explained why in a proper manner. I at least expect you to properly read my remark before dismissing it based on something I did not say or do. It's only making you look bad in your own grand 'petition'.

Edited by Dekadez
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This would be a good option.


The current XP tuning appears to be based on the idea that if you just do the solo quests, you will level smoothly without running into a leveling wall. I think it has to be like that to accommodate solo players, which are always a large percentage of the playerbase of an MMO.


At the same time, this messes up people who like to complete all the content. Having an option to turn off XP from time to time to allow on level completion of content would be a good idea, I think, and a better one than monkeying around with the leveling tuning at this point in the game.

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Too many MMO greenhorns asking for foolish things. Despite this being a story driven MMORPG, it's still an RPG which are all about character progression and development aside from story.

Disabling XP is as idiotic as a powerleveler asking to disable 'story' because he doesn't need all of that to get to 50 as fast as possible.

Both are needed in this MMO. Without one of those, I wouldn't be playing. Not even if this was single player.


Aside from that it's utter ******** that you miss out on content. I've been doing every quest on every planet, and at 36 I'm about to hit the final zone of Balmorra. Quests are green, sure. Mobs are my level though and challenging enough. Get off your high horse and open your eyes instead of suggesting random hogwash to get some community approval. The XP progression of SWTOR works perfectly, slightly overleveling you for the jump to the next planet, where the difficulty gap once again widens.


You're saying basically saying that full completion of a planet makes the next one hardly challenging at all. I call BS. Too many posers on these boards thinking it's cool or preferable to ask for an XP switch, so they can show everyone how storydriven they are themselves. As if that is your initiation ritual to get into the incrowd. As if.


Get of your own stinking horse, I'm level 24 and I haven't even gotten halfway through Taris. And don't even try to make it sound like the people asking for this o-p-t-i-o-n are elitists trying to impress everyone. You're the one branding anyone who'd like the option as MMO greenhorns, it's pretty clear who the attention you-know-what is in this case.


I'm sure the XP gain is very smooth if you take PvP, space combat, heroics and flashpoints out of the equation, but if you don't, then at least I tend to outlevel the main content severely. And if you think I'm doing any of that to impress people, then go put your head in a bucket of water and inhale deeply. I do whatever I think is fun, whenever I want to do it and I would love to have the o-p-t-i-o-n to do it without ruining the experience of the main storyline.

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Without one of those, I wouldn't be playing. Not even if this was single player.


Then you shouldn't turn off XP, and the whole problem is solved.


The only time I've ever seen a Dev comment on this in the many games I've seen it asked for, they were against it. Because they were worried that people would somehow turn it off without realizing it, and then think the game is broken because they stopped getting XP.


Take that how ever you want, and I don't even remember what game it was any longer... but that was the reason I saw the one time the idea was addressed.

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Get of your own stinking horse, I'm level 24 and I haven't even gotten halfway through Taris. And don't even try to make it sound like the people asking for this o-p-t-i-o-n are elitists trying to impress everyone. You're the one branding anyone who'd like the option as MMO greenhorns, it's pretty clear who the attention you-know-what is in this case.


I'm sure the XP gain is very smooth if you take PvP, space combat, heroics and flashpoints out of the equation, but if you don't, then at least I tend to outlevel the main content severely. And if you think I'm doing any of that to impress people, then go put your head in a bucket of water and inhale deeply. I do whatever I think is fun, whenever I want to do it and I would love to have the o-p-t-i-o-n to do it without ruining the experience of the main storyline.


No need to be an asinine *****. You outleveling content by farming Flashpoints, Warzones and Space Missions is no fault of the game, it's yours, just like in every MMO where you farm outside of quests you're bound to overlevel any zone.


And don't give me that I don't care crap. All you storyline-zombies care about is letting others know how much you care about the story. Pathetic.

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No need to be an asinine *****. You outleveling content by farming Flashpoints, Warzones and Space Missions is no fault of the game, it's yours, just like in every MMO where you farm outside of quests you're bound to overlevel any zone.


And don't give me that I don't care crap. All you storyline-zombies care about is letting others know how much you care about the story. Pathetic.


I do not farm them, I just do each a couple times as I level and end up being out levelled for every new zone I enter.

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I do not farm them, I just do each a couple times as I level and end up being out levelled for every new zone I enter.


Even without farming them, it is pretty easy to get too much xp while leveling, between the group stuff, space combat, rest xp, the bonus objectives, and so on.


My buddy and I have characters we play together. And there's one reason to have the ability to turn off xp: so you can take your character off and do things like the space battles or farm some group content without outleveling your partner. There will be times when one or the other is on and in the mood to do some stuff with that character, but doesn't want to pull away from the partner.


So my buddy and I have done Black Talon 1x. That's the only one of those we did. Currently, on the third planet and he's 20, while I'm 21, due to doing a few space combats. We haven't completed the story arc on that planet. We haven't started the bonus stuff on that planet. We haven't done most of the daily stuff on the planet (and we only do them 1x). We've actually started to purposely skip things, to not get the bonus objectives.


Now, normally, in other games, this type of thing wouldn't be much of an issue. We'd skip a zone and do that skipped zone with an alt later on. Always nice to mix up content a bit that way. But this game isn't set up that way. The storyline quest sends you to every planet. And that same storyline pretty much goes hand in hand with the non-storyline quests. You move from hub to hub. And if I go somewhere, I want to complete it, so that when I return there later, when it is way grey, no bunch of pesky quest indicators waiting for me.


Anyway, personally, I'd rather be able to set a percentage of xp gained (which would include a 0% option), rather than just on/off. That way, I can feel like I'm progressing, getting xp for doing things, have incentive to do group stuff, bonus objectives, etc, yet still slow down my leveling.

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I would never use this feature but I imagine it's the easiest thing in the world to program and implement in a little box under "preferences," and I completely understand the argument. The game is so meticulously balanced that overleveling does make all skirmishes trivially easy.


<I want to hear a pragmatic reason, for why they should spend (waste) time, and money on developing something that so few people would use, which serves no purpose>


People like this make this forum a nightmare. Is it little kids? This person posted like 5 responses to this thread.

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I am all for turning off experience gain as an option. I also like to finish all content my level and doing this gets you too high in level too quickly. I have found that I am out leveling my quests because I like to see everything on the planet I am on. I havent even tried PVP nor repeated any flashpoints more than 2 times for fear that I gain even more levels before I actually complete all the content of my current planets.
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This request sounds crazy, but I have to agree that something seems out of balance. I solo'd Korriban and duo'd Tython. Korriban wasn't a cakewalk, but never felt like a grind, and doing fun sidequests allowed me to faceroll the heroics solo before I left. We decided to leave Tython with lots of quest givers still unqueried because we hit 10 and got tired of the lack of challenge.


But I wouldn't want an "anti-cheat" that lets me turn off XP. First off, I'm afraid I'd forget to turn it back on, or would otherwise become under-powered for high-level stuff later. Secondly, it's not really the player's problem, and only BioWare knows what the optimum level curve is.


I would think a better option would be for the game to reduce XP when you're over-powered for an area, planet or fight.

Edited by ArkhamNative
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The best solution is to offer the option of turning experience gain off. Giving a tiered option like 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100% would be nice too. But, simply having 0 or 100% would be good enough for me. That way once I hit the upper level limit for the planet I'm on I can just turn exp off until the next planet.


If your primary concern for this is that you would forget about it and somehow spend hours questing without noticing that you aren't getting exp, then I am afraid you are retarded. I would love to actually be able to hit new planets at the "recommended" level. However, each planet I find myself getting 1 or 2 more levels above the suggested level (per planet). This is only doing each Heroic ONE TIME, each flashpoint ONE TIME, no space missions, and no pvp. Something certainly doesn't add up if you want to see all of the content at least once while leveling. I don't want to be forced to start skipping quests because I enjoy seeing all of the content.

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Yeah, i got a little surprised to not see /xp off in the game. I really hope they add it since it can be found in many mmos these days.


<edit> Just a simple /xp off command will do, like the one in daoc. When you want to turn it back on you just type /xp on.


WoW has the same problem, if you do dungeons/pvp you can forget about doing quests. It's fine if you like to level fast. It has *nothing* to do with how fast or slow you level in a game. Some of us just like to take our time and enjoy the game.

Edited by hulduet
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No. This is not a solution.


I should not have to lock my own XP arbitrarily to be able to have a properly challenging and fluid leveling experience, especially in such a linear story-based game.


Instead of such a simple patch, what the game needs is to have everything recalibrated so that if someone is doing ALL content just once along the way, they never outlevel anything.


I'm currently on Nar Shadda at level 28 on my Imperial character... even though it's a level 20-24 zone.


This was my first character. I had no idea I'd end up overleveling anything. I did all content once. Each Flashpoint once, each heroic once, every quest on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Balmorra and Nar Shadda because that's where my class questline took me...


Now I'm majorly overleveled and will end up skipping entire planets to get properly challenging content again.


In short: don't patch a rickety ship; rebuild it to what it should be.

Edited by ShadowMasterRP
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Informed by Paralassa that this thread already existed. I'd like to throw my vote behind this as well. I find that the ability to turn off EXP would allow me to enjoy the planets more like the designers intended them to be, plus I could spend more time playing with the space missions and flashpoints without making my character 'out grow' the main story content!


Really EA/Bioware, if your player base is complaining that they want to be able to see ALL of your PVE content, you're doing something right.


And to those saying it shouldn't be put in, why not? It's an option, more freedom, isn't that what most of us want?

Edited by DameonLG
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Please God yes. I only do my storylines and PvP, and I still have to stop so as not to outlevel all my friends. I haven't touched space combat, and haven't done a side-quest since the middle of coruscant. I can't even do a flashpoint more than twice at most, because if I do I'll be ready for the next one, and then no pvp or story for me.


If they're worried about people turning this on by accident, just have a pop-up message whenever you log in, similar to a guild MOTD.

Edited by OSUNightfall
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