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Why is everyone ignoring the biggest issues?


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How many times does it have to be said, honestly? THE ENGINE CANT HANDLE CROSS SERVER QUES. THEY WILL NEVER HAPPEN. END STORY.


Im tired of people claiming the read every thread about cross server ques and then post another thread about. Forget about it. GG no xserver ques.


Agree with the rest.

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Arenas are a dumb game mechanic to introduce without adding any kind of balance and will only drive down the numbers in pvp.


I'm not happy when players always call out 'Class X' is OP when the class plays to its own advantage. Each map has an advantage for certain classes and that will never change. The gear gap for some makes matters even worse.


PvP needs a huge refresh because Bioware does have a great pvp format but they appear to be too inexperienced to make the changes or even bother asking us, what we would like to see added/changed.


I agree arenas needed class balance before they were released.


I also agree with you its rediculous for people to get mad when a class uses its abilities to its advantage. I have seen sins try to outlast 4 in arenas with gas, but the gas gets them, then the rest of us down the sin before the gas gets us. Try attacking when the gas pops him from stealth.


And honestly, BW is listening to us, the upcoming class changes are directly from the class representatives.

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I agree arenas needed class balance before they were released.


I also agree with you its rediculous for people to get mad when a class uses its abilities to its advantage. I have seen sins try to outlast 4 in arenas with gas, but the gas gets them, then the rest of us down the sin before the gas gets us. Try attacking when the gas pops him from stealth.


And honestly, BW is listening to us, the upcoming class changes are directly from the class representatives.


Another reply from someone who clearly hasn't seen the video.

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How many times does it have to be said, honestly? THE ENGINE CANT HANDLE CROSS SERVER QUES. THEY WILL NEVER HAPPEN. END STORY.


Im tired of people claiming the read every thread about cross server ques and then post another thread about. Forget about it. GG no xserver ques.


Agree with the rest.


The games engine has nothing to do with cross server functionality. It is purely a network/server design...and BW has shown they are fully capable of moving toons instantly through server transfers, and the game itself is perfectly capable of handling a queue system, multiple instances and moving people straight to a warzone/flashpoint/operation. The game is fully capable of doing cross server queues. This simply comes down to the fact that designing a new central server to handle that data costs money to develop the code for it and to buy/build the physical server itself as the current server architecture isn't designed for it. And on top of getting a new server to handle the new architecture, they would have to recode the old servers as well.


It's not a can or cannot situation. It is simply a "we don't want to spend the money on it" situation.

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5. EDIT: fake globals. Game-breaking when they happen at the wrong times, but at least the RNG is fair to everyone on this bug.


The animation or GCD bug has been my biggest issue with SWTOR. It is a problem that directly effects gameplay and deters a lot of my friends from playing this game.


Solutions such as tweaking the ability action queue, waiting for animations to finish and not spamming binds, help the problem, but they do not fix it completely. These solutions also directly effect gameplay in negative ways, especially the ability action queue.


My roommate has an incredibly high APM (master's in SC2 and multi-MOP glad in WoW). He plays this game and sees GCD bugs/abilities not firing at least 10% of the time. When I play WoW for a couple days and then log into SWTOR, it takes a little bit to get the timing down, because if I try and do too much in between globals or animations I will see GCD bugs. It shouldn't be like this.


This is by far the biggest problem with SWTOR's gameplay. The developers either haven't really addressed it yet or even worse can't fix it.

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Honestly, I don't think people care anymore. From the people I play with there is just a general sense of apathy at this point.


Some classes have been waiting for 2 years to play pvp decently and with arenas and 8x8 removal went even worse for them. Class balance improvements are not expected soon and 2.5 changes were caused by pve demand.

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I stopped caring a long time ago...there are too many bugs to think that the devs care about serious pvp. Our pvp mechanics honestly aren't geared around high level pvp anyway. My shootfirst still doesn't fire sometimes, leaps miss by a mile, unload often unloads twice even when its not a proc of any sort, abilities misfire and I don't mean miss the target they never go off at all but go on cd, DoTs still tick after death, kb don't always work, server lag allows me to leg shot someone but have them LoS before it applies and on and on who cares at this point. I have fun to a certain degree but bug happen at critical stages and you can't really expect anything better.
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