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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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Just curious:


This DPS record of Peyton: 3714 DPS


Why is it in honorable mention instead of the record section? 3714 DPS is probably world record.


531,279 Damage divided by 3741.4 Damage Per Second = 142 Seconds or 2 Minutes 22 Seconds.


The match ended on the Attack phase round 2. Which means that at least 6 minutes MUST have passed for the defense stage.


Correct DPS should have been 1011.96. (8 Minutes 45 Seconds) The calculator that figures out DPS totally broke which is why this is in the Honorable Mentions (It's funny)

Edited by jackrunip
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Just curious:


This DPS record of Peyton: 3714 DPS


Why is it in honorable mention instead of the record section? 3714 DPS is probably world record.


You can read through the last time it was entered, or I can summarize it.


Basically, either the scoreboard majorly screwed up in its calculations, or Peyton came into the match way late, and thus had the DPS artificially inflated by the shortness of her participation. Either way, it's not a valid entry for the DPS category, but it's a great honorable mention. :)

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No, they're not being ignored. I just don't update this thread every hour, or every day. Patience, man.


You just replied to the thread after I posted it. Sorry I assume if you took 2 sec to reply you would spend 2 secs to edit.


My b.



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You just replied to the thread after I posted it. Sorry I assume if you took 2 sec to reply you would spend 2 secs to edit.


You may have noticed that I haven't put in ANY of the entries after my last post saying updated, which is just before Tasty's entry in post 144 two days ago. So it's not just you. I do this in clumps now that the thread's gotten up to speed.


It's not hard to update this thread, by any means. But it does take a fair bit of time (read, distinctly not 2 seconds). Certainly a lot longer than it takes me to make a quick couple sentence response to snotty PvPers. But since you seem so curious as to the process behind updating, I'll give everyone a sneak peek into my madness. Even though I'm taking the precious, precious little free time I have today that I was going to spend on GS. But hey, I was gonna update tomorrow when I have my day off.


First example shall be Tasty's solo kills record. First thing I do is look over the screenshot. Confirm the map, and the record, glance over everyone's numbers to see that it's a reasonable match. Everything looks in order, so I go to my trusty notepad document which has the entire coding of the original post and scroll down to the solo kills section. This is a really quick entry because Xaverri is the only one in it so far. Excellent, I copy/paste her record.


[ color=teal]5 - Xaverri[/ color] <Silent Council> Sniper [b ][ color=darkorchid]VS[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3819964/pics/original/1719506.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])


It looks something like that, without the spaces in the coding, of course. Now I just have to open a tab to Tasty's entry and enter her info.


[ color=teal]5 - Tâsty[/ color] <Cash Rock Thunder Mammals> Shadow [b ][ color="[color=DarkRed]blue[/color]"]AH[/ color][/ b] ([ url="http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/miiz38rzfuokvlj1vda.jpg"]Screenshot[/ url])


So it looks something like that after I've piddled around with copy/paste and mouse highlight + type over. The red text is what I had to change. Baaaaasically everything, except the coding, changes. And the map color coding changes with just about every entry too. So it's not hard, just takes some time. Then in this case, after I have the above, I can move on to the next entry, because Tasty is just tied for first, and I just pasted the record in the 2nd place slot.


Next one will show the true time sink. We'll use Iyris' overall healing as the example, though for the sake of this example I'm going to pretend she got second (don't worry, she'll be put in properly as 5th). I check the screenshot, yatta yatta, looks good. Scroll to overall healing to find this:


[ COLOR=Green][ B][ SIZE=4]Overall Heals[/ SIZE][/ B][/ COLOR]

1) [ color=teal]2,578,274 - Tamami[/ color] <Apex> Scoundrel [ b][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3493410/pics/original/2261725.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2,508,711 - Missoni[/ color] <Game Genie> Scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/FvXZoRC.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

3) [ color=teal]2,367,150 - Am'iris[/ color] <Dark Empire> Operative [ b][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2981480/pics/original/2265023.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

4) [ color=teal]2,231,140 - Jurikins[/ color] <Game Genie> Scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://puu.sh/52eGV.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

5) [ color=teal]2,157,939 - Jackobie[/ color] <Project Mayhem> Operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]NC[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/om7sqcH.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])


Yikes. So again, for the sake of example, let's pretend Iyris' record is 2nd. I have to do this:


[ COLOR=Green][ B][ SIZE=4]Overall Heals[/ SIZE][/ B][/ COLOR]

1) [ color=teal]2,578,274 - Tamami[/ color] <Apex> Scoundrel [ b][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3493410/pics/original/2261725.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2mil something - Iyris[/ color] <Guerrilla> Operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]NC[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/gCQ4YHy.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2,508,711 - Missoni[/ color] <Game Genie> Scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/FvXZoRC.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

3) [ color=teal]2,367,150 - Am'iris[/ color] <Dark Empire> Operative [ b][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2981480/pics/original/2265023.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

4) [ color=teal]2,231,140 - Jurikins[/ color] <Game Genie> Scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]CW[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://puu.sh/52eGV.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])

5) [ color=teal]2,157,939 - Jackobie[/ color] <Project Mayhem> Operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]NC[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/om7sqcH.jpg]Screenshot[/ url])


And then I delete the sixth record, and renumber the places since I had to drop Iyris in right below Tamami. And then you get something that would look like this.


Overall Heals

1) 2,578,274 - Tamami <Apex> Scoundrel CW (Screenshot)

2) 2mil something - Iyris <Guerrilla> Operative NC (Screenshot)

3) 2,508,711 - Missoni <Game Genie> Scoundrel CW (Screenshot)

4) 2,367,150 - Am'iris <Dark Empire> Operative CW (Screenshot)

5) 2,231,140 - Jurikins <Game Genie> Scoundrel CW (Screenshot)


Yay, I've done two records. That would've taken me about... 7-10 minutes if I wasn't writing out this sneak peek. A lot of the time is lost jumping between tabs to double and triple check my editing, making sure guilds are right, numbers are right, that I put the entry in the right place. I'm a bit of a perfectionist which I realize is a personal fault, but nonetheless burns up time. :p


Anywho, so that's what goes on behind the scenes. It's not hard work at all. Nothing like my real job. But it does take a fair bit of time, and with a commute, high school team to coach early, and classes that run way late into the evening (and only days off are Thurs morning and eve, and Sunday eve), I like to suck every bit of free time I can out of SWTOR in the mornings when people are like... actually awake and playing instead of drooling on their keyboards at 1am EST. Call me selfish, I don't care. I'm here to have fun, and volunteer some of my time to the Ebon Hawk community when my time allows.


Everything will be updated soon-ish after this post, since I have like half the newest entries already written up. ^.^ Hope some of you curious fellows enjoyed the behind the scenes!

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you may have noticed that i haven't put in any of the entries after my last post saying updated, which is just before tasty's entry in post 144 two days ago. So it's not just you. I do this in clumps now that the thread's gotten up to speed.


It's not hard to update this thread, by any means. But it does take a fair bit of time (read, distinctly not 2 seconds). Certainly a lot longer than it takes me to make a quick couple sentence response to snotty pvpers. But since you seem so curious as to the process behind updating, i'll give everyone a sneak peek into my madness. Even though i'm taking the precious, precious little free time i have today that i was going to spend on gs. But hey, i was gonna update tomorrow when i have my day off.


First example shall be tasty's solo kills record. First thing i do is look over the screenshot. Confirm the map, and the record, glance over everyone's numbers to see that it's a reasonable match. Everything looks in order, so i go to my trusty notepad document which has the entire coding of the original post and scroll down to the solo kills section. This is a really quick entry because xaverri is the only one in it so far. Excellent, i copy/paste her record.


[ color=teal]5 - xaverri[/ color] <silent council> sniper [b ][ color=darkorchid]vs[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3819964/pics/original/1719506.jpg]screenshot[/ url])


it looks something like that, without the spaces in the coding, of course. Now i just have to open a tab to tasty's entry and enter her info.


[ color=teal]5 - tâsty[/ color] <cash rock thunder mammals> shadow [b ][ color="[color=darkred]blue[/color]"]ah[/ color][/ b] ([ url="http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/miiz38rzfuokvlj1vda.jpg"]screenshot[/ url])


so it looks something like that after i've piddled around with copy/paste and mouse highlight + type over. The red text is what i had to change. Baaaaasically everything, except the coding, changes. And the map color coding changes with just about every entry too. So it's not hard, just takes some time. Then in this case, after i have the above, i can move on to the next entry, because tasty is just tied for first, and i just pasted the record in the 2nd place slot.


Next one will show the true time sink. We'll use iyris' overall healing as the example, though for the sake of this example i'm going to pretend she got second (don't worry, she'll be put in properly as 5th). I check the screenshot, yatta yatta, looks good. Scroll to overall healing to find this:


[ color=green][ b][ size=4]overall heals[/ size][/ b][/ color]

1) [ color=teal]2,578,274 - tamami[/ color] <apex> scoundrel [ b][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3493410/pics/original/2261725.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2,508,711 - missoni[/ color] <game genie> scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/fvxzorc.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

3) [ color=teal]2,367,150 - am'iris[/ color] <dark empire> operative [ b][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2981480/pics/original/2265023.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

4) [ color=teal]2,231,140 - jurikins[/ color] <game genie> scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://puu.sh/52egv.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

5) [ color=teal]2,157,939 - jackobie[/ color] <project mayhem> operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]nc[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/om7sqch.jpg]screenshot[/ url])


yikes. So again, for the sake of example, let's pretend iyris' record is 2nd. I have to do this:


[ color=green][ b][ size=4]overall heals[/ size][/ b][/ color]

1) [ color=teal]2,578,274 - tamami[/ color] <apex> scoundrel [ b][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/3493410/pics/original/2261725.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2mil something - iyris[/ color] <guerrilla> operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]nc[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/gcq4yhy.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

2) [ color=teal]2,508,711 - missoni[/ color] <game genie> scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/fvxzorc.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

3) [ color=teal]2,367,150 - am'iris[/ color] <dark empire> operative [ b][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/2981480/pics/original/2265023.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

4) [ color=teal]2,231,140 - jurikins[/ color] <game genie> scoundrel [b ][ color=darkgreen]cw[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://puu.sh/52egv.jpg]screenshot[/ url])

5) [ color=teal]2,157,939 - jackobie[/ color] <project mayhem> operative [ b][ color=deepskyblue]nc[/ color][/ b] ([ url=http://i.imgur.com/om7sqch.jpg]screenshot[/ url])


and then i delete the sixth record, and renumber the places since i had to drop iyris in right below tamami. And then you get something that would look like this.


overall heals

1) 2,578,274 - tamami <apex> scoundrel cw (screenshot)

2) 2mil something - iyris <guerrilla> operative nc (screenshot)

3) 2,508,711 - missoni <game genie> scoundrel cw (screenshot)

4) 2,367,150 - am'iris <dark empire> operative cw (screenshot)

5) 2,231,140 - jurikins <game genie> scoundrel cw (screenshot)


yay, i've done two records. That would've taken me about... 7-10 minutes if i wasn't writing out this sneak peek. A lot of the time is lost jumping between tabs to double and triple check my editing, making sure guilds are right, numbers are right, that i put the entry in the right place. I'm a bit of a perfectionist which i realize is a personal fault, but nonetheless burns up time. :p


anywho, so that's what goes on behind the scenes. It's not hard work at all. Nothing like my real job. But it does take a fair bit of time, and with a commute, high school team to coach early, and classes that run way late into the evening (and only days off are thurs morning and eve, and sunday eve), i like to suck every bit of free time i can out of swtor in the mornings when people are like... Actually awake and playing instead of drooling on their keyboards at 1am est. Call me selfish, i don't care. I'm here to have fun, and volunteer some of my time to the ebon hawk community when my time allows.


Everything will be updated soon-ish after this post, since i have like half the newest entries already written up. ^.^ hope some of you curious fellows enjoyed the behind the scenes!


omg imagine if you had to use real code.....!!!!


PS if you need help Learning to Code go to http://www.learnstreet.com

Edited by KaptainKook
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omg imagine if you had to use real code.....!!!!


PS if you need help Learning to Code go to http://www.learnstreet.com


Dude. Quit being a snot. I know it's pathetic forum code, and not HTML or C+ or Java or whatever else is out there. 'Tis why I kept saying this isn't hard, just time consuming.


Also, if you had gathered the implications of rule 10, you'd know that I have no obligation to enter records of people who piss me off. I'm nice enough, but QQing because I don't update every hour on the hour is just sad. The keeper of the last server records thread updated even more sparsely than I do.


Quit complaining and be happy that at least this thread exists.

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Dude. Quit being a snot. I know it's pathetic forum code, and not HTML or C+ or Java or whatever else is out there. 'Tis why I kept saying this isn't hard, just time consuming.


Also, if you had gathered the implications of rule 10, you'd know that I have no obligation to enter records of people who piss me off. I'm nice enough, but QQing because I don't update every hour on the hour is just sad. The keeper of the last server records thread updated even more sparsely than I do.


Quit complaining and be happy that at least this thread exists.


How much of your Valuable time have you wasted now?


PS. It's C++ or C# ;)

Edited by KaptainKook
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Not sure if anone has started a space expansion leaderboard yet but this is my best game to date.

1. Name - Geo

2. Guild - Synergy

3. Class - Gunship

4. Map - Space

5. Stat - overall damage 58,434 and kill to death ration 21-0

6. Screenshot - http://i839.photobucket.com/albums/zz320/mpmarrone/Screenshot_2013-12-04_22_08_33_997763_zpsb6e05159.jpg

Edited by Klepton
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May I suggest something to make updating this a little bit easier?

Perhaps change the format in which we submit records:


Stat category

Stat # - Name <Guild> Class MAP (Screenshot)


So then all you would have to is verify the screenshots and code the colors.

Edited by Clogski
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