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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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Very very sorry for not updating this over the holidays (the one time I'm sure you were all playing regularly and often, eh?) I'm gonna be cruising through and updating tomorrow after work.


I have no excuse, other than laziness was a factor. Though after my car's transmission got completely shredded 2 hours into a trip from Seattle to Missoula, Montana, I was a bit more concerned about getting my ride fixed for a while in there. xD


Next two weeks, I'll be honest. My schedule ramps up a bit for high school gymnastics coaching stuff so updating might be a little slow until after then. But nothing like the complete absence over the holidays.


Sorry again for making you guys wait so long. <3

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All updated! Again, sorry for the delay.


Quite confused how my records from this server disappeared....


I can answer this. Because I personally knew you and many others had transferred most/all characters to other servers and this thread started from a clean slate with allowance of old records from people still on the server. Also, Jackobie had this to say, as well, at the time:


Also, as a side note. I think the world of Tor and Aunty Matter, but they havent been healing on the server since before 2.4. They moved servers.....This match was actually pre 2.2 if memory serves that he had the 2.9 mil heals.


You were no longer active on this server, so I took your records down. Now, I also said this, at the time:


Edit: Though, I feel I should again mention that if you think/know I've made a mistake, or included/excluded a player that shouldn't be, always always always feel free to send me a personal message. I am not perfect by any means (even though I'm a self-admitted perfectionist), so if you catch an error, chances are I screwed up, and need you, fine person, to point it out to me. :D


Anybody could've informed me that you were still active on pub side on alts I did not have names for, and I would've put you back immediately. But apparently some people are too lazy to stand up for their friends. *pointed stare at Missoni*


Anywho, I put your two healing records back up, Tor. So no big deal now. Though seriously, you can just send me a message anytime people. I'm more than willing to fix mistakes, because I know I'm liable to make mistakes from time to time, especially since I've been out of the loop, so to speak, for a while now. :)

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1. Name kloma

2. Guild azure blades

3. Class scoundrel (pink)

4. Map tattooine canyon

5. Stat Category heals per second 4v4

6. Screenshot http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/590464/pics/original/2387427.jpg


1. Name kloma

2. Guild azure blades

3. Class scoundrel (pink)

4. Map tattooine canyon

5. Overall heals 4v4

6. http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/590464/pics/original/2387429.jpg


1. Name kloma

2. Guild azure blades

3. Class scoundrel (pink)

4. Map tattooine canyon

5. Stat damage taken 4v4

6. Screenshot http://assets-cloud.enjin.com/users/590464/pics/original/2387428.jpg

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