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PvP Server Leaderboards v2.4.1


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Do we want to let arena entries be posted by round only in addition to the overall tab? Or should it be overall exclusive? I'll let you guys discuss and provide opinions during tonight and tomorrow since I'll be working all day tomorrow anyways :D


I lean towards counting only the game total and not individual rounds - mostly just to keep the records as simple and clean as possible. Plus it gives a picture of the complete game. But really, it's not that big of a deal to me either way as long as it's consistant through the relevant entries.

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Do we want to let arena entries be posted by round only in addition to the overall tab? Or should it be overall exclusive? I'll let you guys discuss and provide opinions during tonight and tomorrow since I'll be working all day tomorrow anyways :D


It should be overall.

Edited by Clogski
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hmm, why not...



Silent Council

Sniper - Marksman

(as if you couldn't tell by the sig, but being formal anyway)


8 v 8 Warzones:

DPS: 1161 on Novare Coast



Highest Total Kills: 53 on Civil War



Highest Killing Blows: 25 on Voidstar



Highest Solo Kills: 5 on Voidstar... got this a few times



and for the humor of it

Most Damage Taken: 626875 on Voidstar - I feel so un-loved sometimes, as if the other team doesn't want me to be there or something :\



4v4 Arenas:


Overall Damage on OSA - 401370


also had DPS of 1321 but it didn't save the screenie :(


Highest Solo Queue Rating: 1328

Link to leaderboard

also last I checked #1 rated sniper on server

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Updated. Also, be looking for a new section sometime early December! I hope you all will enjoy the surprise (if you haven't already figured it out).


Xaverri, your links are bad, at the moment of this posting. D: I wanna put in your entries! Can you take a looksie and see if something's up?


Also, the Arena Leaderboard shall require the Overall tab. Individual Round tabs will result in the screenshot not being accepted. See the (yet again) updated rule 4 below. Sadly, this means Missoni's entry for Arena HPS must be taken down. I'm very sorry that I have to do this, and I accept full responsibility for the retroactive bump. I really should've thought of this ahead of time, so it's entirely my fault. :< Please post up a new HPS number though, Missoni! Would love to have it!

Rules Regarding the Leaderboard

4. Be sure the stat you are entering for is clearly displayed (though that should be obvious :p ), and if using 1 screenshot for multiple entries, please specify each category you are entering for. Also make sure that entries for the two Hybrid categories meet the 360k/360k requirement. For Arena matches, use the stats in the Overall tab, not the individual Round tabs. Your entry will not be accepted if using a Round tab.

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Might as well as post these too

1. Missoni

2. Game Genie

3. Scoundrel

4. CW

5. Overall Heals 2,508,711

6. http://i.imgur.com/FvXZoRC.jpg


1. Tacta

2. Game Genie

3. Vanguard

4. CW

5. Overall Protection 691560 & Damage/Protection

6. http://i.imgur.com/FvXZoRC.jpg



Plus: 95 - Kelik-rah <Game Genie> Sentinel NC (Screenshot)'s new name is Break

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eep, not sure why the links aren't working, they seem fine to me. I'll add an alternate link to each that goes to the direct pic file


also removed the 4v4 overall damage link since it was only for one round



8 v 8 Warzones:

DPS: 1161 on Novare Coast


alt screenie link


Highest Total Kills: 53 on Civil War


alt screenie link


Highest Killing Blows: 25 on Voidstar


alt screenie link


Highest Solo Kills: 5 on Voidstar... got this a few times


alt screenie link


and for the humor of it

Most Damage Taken: 626875 on Voidstar - I feel so un-loved sometimes, as if the other team doesn't want me to be there or something :\


alt screenie link


4v4 Arenas:


Highest Solo Queue Rating: 1328

Link to leaderboard

also last I checked #1 rated sniper on server

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1. Kabius (was hatredrebound)

2. Regulators

3. Sroc

4. Civil War

5. Damage taken

6. http://imgur.com/rqZMpNO


1. Kabius

2. Regulators

3. Sorc

4. TCA

5. Biggest Heal (4v4)

6 http://imgur.com/rqZMpNO,ejErrFC,C3Ltotw#2


1. Kabius

2. Regulators

3. Sorc

4. CS

5. Most overall heals




The Cowgirl Legacy


Ka'bie Kabius Harlié Dåkota Kå'bie

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Name: Khuri

Guild: Covenant Shadows

Class: Powertech

Map: Novare Coast

Stat: Objective Earned 18k

Screenshot: http://i43.tinypic.com/2irrh29.jpg


It doesn't include the other side in the SS, and can this be submitted for worst total overall stats for a WZ game? Sat at a node and no one on the other side came to play with me the entire match.

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Name: Tam

Guild: Aisthesis

Class: Shadow (full tank spec and gear)

Map: Voidstar

Stat: Hybrid Tank/Damage: 579k damage and 542k protection

Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/N6fAE9b.jpg


Awful awful voidstar stalemate. Made me wish there were just one smashy sentinel in the group; they would have had like, 4 million damage...

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1. Jackobie

2. Guild: Project Mayhem

3. Class: Operative


5. Overall Heals: 1,341,774 and HPS 1333.77

6. Screenshot: http://imgur.com/mqFor6j


Also, as a side note. I think the world of Tor and Aunty Matter, but they havent been healing on the server since before 2.4. They moved servers.....This match was actually pre 2.2 if memory serves that he had the 2.9 mil heals.

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