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Share your greatest PVP victory stories


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Hello people of the Old Republic. My name is Major Spaceboomer Darkchaser, and I want to hear your greatest PVP stories of all time! Those tough wins, those close calls, the intense fights, I want you all to share.


For instance, yesterday I was in a Civil War match. The imps had 2 capped us and we were dying a lot. We finally got 2 turrets however our ship had only 70 health points left while the imps had 180. We basically all assumed we were about to lose and went all out. We hit the imps turret to get as many medals as possible, and then we realized we could cap. Then surprisingly with only 30 points left on our ship we got a three cap. And with that we somehow managed to hold on long enough for the imp ship to be destroyed, and then we cheered!! The imps had more medals than us, we had a lot more deaths than them, and I personally took over 600k damage over the course of the match, and yet we beat the imp team in a shocking move. I have played this game since early access back in December 2011 yet I have never had such a close match before in my life.


Now its your turn, share away!!!

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One of the best times I had was in a voidstar match.

After a difficult near stalemate at the first set of doors we finally got the door down. I had just respawned and was running for the door, all my allies were in the tunnel. 3 enemies had been focusing one teammate who lagged behind. I threw a grenade into the midst to get their attention, all three ran towards me to finish me off.


Through heals, stuns, defensive cooldowns and escapes I kept them occupied. When one would try to run I'd throw some shots their way and bait them into coming back for me. Their lust to make a kill finally caught up and killed me. By then my team had used the team imbalance to push to the third set of doors.


I respawned in the third room while they ran across the whole map. With 8 to 5 we easily planted the final bomb and basically ran from the first doors to the computer core in the final few minutes of the match.


From what people were saying afterwards the momentum was so fast that the entire team got strung out in a long running battle because sprinters and stealthers were taking down doors before either team caught up.

Edited by Kerensk
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While I can't remember the details as such, it was 100 vs 300 in the enemy's favour in a civil war game. Some how, miraculously our team managed to 3 cap, and went on winning the match, never once letting go of the nodes. I believe we cycled through quite a few quitters to finally get a team that allowed us to win.


I do love those matches though, when we still win when tons of people have quit the match. That's happened quite often in voidstar matches.


Also I always love getting to the datacore in under 3 minutes in voidstar, I'm good at that.

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I like these kind of threads. :)


People's stories seem to involve CW more than I'd have thought, and so does mine! Same situation that a couple others have mentioned, where we were down by more than that 1/2 way magic number. We took the 2nd one JUST a bit too late. We are all resigned to the loss, figuring we'd just keep fighting at the two we had. Well, almost all of us. One lonely little stealther (not me, someone else on the team) went over to their node, and ninja capped it right out from under them. We held it for just a couple ticks, but it was enough to put us back over the 1/2 way point, and then we held on for the win.


My favorite come back though has to be a huttball I was in with my sniper. I know people say that HB is made for classes that leap & pull, but no way. We were down zip to 3 quick. I swear it must have been like 90 seconds or so. All the signs were that my team was starting to deathmatch. Then I was near a team mate who got the ball on our side of the map. We had all the way to run. I ran ahead of him ready for a pass if need be, but I was hitting everything just right. I was like a CC machine (and all the enemy cc breakers must have been on cooldown).. knife-stun that guy. Flashbang that group. Root that guy with leg shot. Cover and knock those two guys off the bridge. He ran it all the way in, without hardly a scratch. And it was like my team woke up and realized, holy crap! We CAN score! We ended up winning that one 5 to 4.

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Pug Novare Coast, started off badly, enemy got 2 bunkers pretty quickly. Someone on my side leaves at 80%, and gets backfilled by a guildie of mine who happened to also be solo queueing. He does a million damage despite not being in the entire match, and we finally take the south bunker back...at two percent.


I spend the rest of the match running between west and south and making sure we didn't lose either ( we didn't.) 2-0 percent win.

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I forgot the name of the arena but it was the one where you capture pylons, we were losing very badly and i was the op leader. I went over to take the other pylon at the beggining but then nobody was guarding OURS and ours was taken. Then i died and now imps had both pylons. Imps where 75% into winning but after the a few pylon explosions is when we started to rise and kicked ***. My guardian took both the pylons and i told everyone on chat to just go sparta and raid imp pylon, and then we won :) and finished the daily.
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Comeback stories seems to happen to people who don't quit no matter how bad is the WZ situation, is kinda a reward for being there. Maybe my stories are not as epic as yours, being on the unranked 30-54 bracket, but still....is the only bracket I have access by now.


Mine happened yesterday, on Novare Coast. Starting the match, the imps took the east and south bankers quickly, beating us to a pulp everytime we get near the south one (and me being a scoundrel healer I had a big mark on my head, when I got near 3 people instantly got over me). We were able to take south, but the match was like 18% pubs (us) 54% imps. Someone on chat called an inc from west bunker and a couple of us were preparing to reinforce them when suddenly another one says (on caps): HOLD SOUTH, DON'T GO WEST!! we retracted and when we got there 4 imps were on it's way to south, we managed barely to hold up, so the guy who told us to hold on tell us to defend south no matter what, we could still win this. west got attacked a couple of times, but we didn't move from south, and managed to repel 4 heavy imp offensives, somehow I managed to heal unguarded, I was lucky that they weren't focusing on me anymore.


And at the end, WE WON!!! that was a good comeback. The guy who told us to stay was ecstatic, lol. we voted him as the MVP by majority.


Ah, and I had a close call today on Voidstar. On first round, we managed to hold imps to blow the very first door, but in second round they seemed to do exactly the same, we couldn't get any of the doors open. but, 15 seconds before the end, someone managed to plant the explosive on left door (I was on the heavy fight on right door), and we won and nobody in the group couldn't believe it lol.

Edited by metalfenix
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A rated game back @ 1.3 launch me and my Pyrotech guildy went snow at the start and we where there for a fair while of the game while mid seemed to be an endless zerg me being a Pyrotech as well I went mid was there for awhile until I decided to go grass another guildy followed and had a 2v4 battle as we killed the last defender we also capped mid and then grass pretty much instantly after with 10 health left on our ship compared to their 180 and we held out for the win.
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Civil War long time ago for me as well. We went down to something like 40 points left? Opponent got like 400ish or something. So We managed to cap 2 nodes and I sneak capped the 3rd one and than Republic went crazy and just got obsessed with that 3rd node and they were just attacking it. It was in times when you got side speeders and you could just keep flying back and interrupt and die and repeat. And we did just that and we managed to win. It was so hilarious and an example of bad pug behavior as all that was needed was two people to go to the other node and cap it.
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Huttball: We trailed behind 2:0 after under a minute time passed and half the team left. Another Sin joined (was playing my Decep Sin in this match) and the two of us turned the tides and won the match 4:6 with all 6 points made by us. 2 days later I was running in a guild-extern premade when someone joined the ts and went completely nuts about hearing me. Turned out that it was the other Sin back from the match :D We are now kinda friends :)


Alderaan: Trailing behind with 2 enemy nodes, captured one and managed to endure long enough to win 10:0.


I will post some new if I have them :)

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Ok, my story will not be as epic but it was a pretty good win.


My complete pug was playing against an imperial premade that was using voice (I know, pathetic). We were getting hit very hard as they were focusing us down and our healers just weren't able to keep up. After the first round they pretty much dominated. So I figured I would try to go for their pylon even though it would be useless since they have voice and most likely 2 guards. I stealthed over there and saw no guards so I assumed there would be a stealther there somewhere. I ran around until I saw him hiding in a corner, spin kicked him quickly and went to work. Finished him off with 12 seconds to spare and capped the pylon. The next round they did a full press on our pylon, but we managed to hold them off for a bit.

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Once about a month ago an imp pug team I was in won a Huttball. Highlight of the match was when the carrying tank I was pocket healing didn't run away from me when I pulled him up to a platform away from the cluster**** and close the endzone.
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Ok, my story will not be as epic but it was a pretty good win.


My complete pug was playing against an imperial premade that was using voice (I know, pathetic). We were getting hit very hard as they were focusing us down and our healers just weren't able to keep up. After the first round they pretty much dominated. So I figured I would try to go for their pylon even though it would be useless since they have voice and most likely 2 guards. I stealthed over there and saw no guards so I assumed there would be a stealther there somewhere. I ran around until I saw him hiding in a corner, spin kicked him quickly and went to work. Finished him off with 12 seconds to spare and capped the pylon. The next round they did a full press on our pylon, but we managed to hold them off for a bit.


nice :)

Edited by Sangrar
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I like these kind of threads. :)


People's stories seem to involve CW more than I'd have thought, and so does mine! Same situation that a couple others have mentioned, where we were down by more than that 1/2 way magic number. We took the 2nd one JUST a bit too late. We are all resigned to the loss, figuring we'd just keep fighting at the two we had. Well, almost all of us. One lonely little stealther (not me, someone else on the team) went over to their node, and ninja capped it right out from under them. We held it for just a couple ticks, but it was enough to put us back over the 1/2 way point, and then we held on for the win.


My favorite come back though has to be a huttball I was in with my sniper. I know people say that HB is made for classes that leap & pull, but no way. We were down zip to 3 quick. I swear it must have been like 90 seconds or so. All the signs were that my team was starting to deathmatch. Then I was near a team mate who got the ball on our side of the map. We had all the way to run. I ran ahead of him ready for a pass if need be, but I was hitting everything just right. I was like a CC machine (and all the enemy cc breakers must have been on cooldown).. knife-stun that guy. Flashbang that group. Root that guy with leg shot. Cover and knock those two guys off the bridge. He ran it all the way in, without hardly a scratch. And it was like my team woke up and realized, holy crap! We CAN score! We ended up winning that one 5 to 4.


1 st story happened the exact same to me but i was stealther :)

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In a Novare Coast ranked match, I was solo guarding as a vigilence guardian. A smash marauder came to steal west alone. I killed him 1vs1. (he might have not used pacify) Several minutes later a tank assassin came to steal my node again. I killed her too. (cuz her spec sucks at dueling anyway) But my team was losing nonetheless and had like only 10% hp left before the bunker is destroyed. So I was asked to abandon west and try east since we had nothing to lose. Surprisingly that assassin I killed was guarding the node alone. So I killed her again and stole her node. imps overcommitted to east and my team capped south. Then we held south and west till we won. Lucky but fun.
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I had many of these in NC and CW. My most recent one was a non-ranked arena, yet surprisingly everyone was geared and skilled except one dps ally merc. We were playing tank healer and two dps against tank, 2 healers and one dps. I was playing AP PT dps.


First round runs all the way through gas and we lose.


Second round, I managed to isolate their operative healer out of LOS of the other healer and finally killed him with 40 some secs left in the round. We finally managed to kill them with 10-15 secs left on the timer.


Third round, considering that the other allied dps sucked, and I pulled around 1,750 dps in round two, the enemy tank focused all his CCs and taunts on me. As the other 2 rounds, it drags out to gas. I made sure to save my offensive CDs and the moment healing goes out I pull a flame thrower hitting all their team followed by some major dps. In the end it was me and sage, were he had around 3K and I am around 1K. I delivered one last RP and we both die. I did not even know who won until the score screen, and it was us!


I averaged 1,550 dps in all three rounds, while the ally merc dps had 750 dps. All three healers in the game averaged 1K plus HPS, and both tanks had about 500-600 PPS and 400-550 dps. The game felt epic for non ranked WZ and I felt that I pulled victory in rounds 2 and 3 from almost guaranteed loss.

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I remember two epic warzones, both Huttball.


I first, we in random reps pug win 5:4 versus double premade of top imperial pvp guilds (White Noise and Japan). There was HARD, absolute awesome and competitive game. We playing as one team, all 8 reps pug mates. No one leave game, all fight until end and we win. It was awesome sense of union.


Second huttball, in reps pug as usual, as guardian, i scored 5 of 6 our balls (we win 6-0 ofc) and I get 7 mvp's. 7 mvp's in random reps pug! All vote for me. Its makes me warm :o

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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I've played several huttballs that ended pretty epically! I think my favorites are ones that have great teamwork. Things like clutch fire pulls set up by someone rooting them in range of a nearby shadow/vanguard or leaping interceptions at the goal line. I had one such game that was 3 to 3 after some pretty epic coordination to score on both sides. It came down to who held the ball as time expired. The opposing team got the ball and took it to their pit with 30 seconds to go. Our team was all out DPSing the ball carriers (they passed it) and we were able to kill the second tank that had the ball with 2 seconds left and won the match!


I actually spent about a year of SWTOR not liking Huttball but since a few pretty epic games that's now one of my favorite maps! Looking forward to the second huttball map!

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I'm not a pvp player, but actually I'm farming conqueror set doing some wzs between questing and raid :)


I have just finished one of the "epic" wz, won at last second. It's not ranked but at the end i said "omg we won! unbelievable!"


Btw Arena me with other 3 full pug players vs a "perfect team" (as said one team mate): 2smasher operative healer and powertech tank that guarded healer (obv) so..yeah..not so good beginning but, hell "we are better!! we will win!" I said. :D


1turn: tryed to focus healer but they had more dps and we lost with 3of them alive.


2turn: well..so focus two smasher and yes! won the turn! not enough heals for them :cool:


3turn: again but this time a bit of confusing, we kill the healer then tank down and 2smasher: 1 at 25/30% hp the other one at 5%hp vs me at <40/50%hp and a dps that be killed by a smasher that i killed with a shadow strike immediately after, then me vs smasher, battlereadiness pop out: dpsdpsdps, I killed the last remaining at 120hp! 120! so lucky :eek::D but epic anyway. really fun arena!


I played with Dvoechnica and nedova and another that i don't remember.



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