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Why is Imperial PVP so much better ?


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I don't see much difference anymore in regs (i play both factions), You are just as likely to get bad pugs on either faction, as well as good pugs to steamroll with :p
Based on my encounters with you I'd say that you play 9/10 games with a premade so you're obviously going to win the majority of your games regardless of what faction you're on. Edited by MidichIorian
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This is common problem since launch game, when most pvp'ers and skilled mmo players go imps, most pve carebea... ehm... casuals go reps. This is major Bioware failure, since BW' imperial favoritism design most animations for pvp on imp side looks better, run smoother and faster, than on reps side. Ever now, after all fixes (delay project from sages, ammo vs heat for troopers/bh, stealth scan troopers vs bh preventing cap etc etc etc) there are still plenty disadvantages in animations. For example, animations of scrapper scoundrel shotgun much more slow than knife of conc operative, vanguard's storm have huge delay vs pt jet charge, master strike too long vs. ravage etc etc.


On ToFN, reps gold time was between 1.4-1.7 patches. Reps suck hard on start game on Ilum (and plenty leave game since this cuz there were 1:3 - 1:5 faction imbalance between pvp'ers on each side) and after 1.7 when with f2p crowd of kids returns. In case imps, there were skilled pvp kids, in case reps there were carebe... ehm... casuals kids. Atm, after 2.4 most reps ranked guilds and good/exceptional reps ranked players quit game, and reps side became very weak. And its really ridiculous playing on solo ranked arenas cuz after plenty games rating became to average rating of arena's server faction players, and with all these happened pve carebea... casuals with 1200-1400 expertise on ranked who one-shoted, rating cannot imrove insted of your personal skill.


On Red Eclipse situation ever worse, cuz if in case ToFN there obvious 0-2 pve carebe... casuals in wz/arena team, but on RE there is 2-7 such casuals. Imps much more pvp-wise dedicated.

Obvious more than 1 headless chicken - its garantee loose.


This is sad story, how favoritism of developers to one side instead of both just ruined game and their game business, since Ilum mistakes on launch.

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Language barriers are a non-issue since it affects both factions equally.

RP servers usually attract a more mature audience, not a younger one. I also don't believe there is an age discrepancy between the factions. What I do think, is that the people who enjoy PvP edge slightly more towards the "dark and militaristic" Imperial side, while the friendly ambiance of the Republic attracts more exclusive PvE'ers, resulting in a bigger "pvp-pool" for the Empire. Atm faction size on The Progenitor is roughly equal, yet I see more regular Imperial players that I deem good in warzones than regular Republic players that I deem good, and warzones often have incomplete Republic teams.


Playing on both sides of The Progenitor, I do not see a lot of difference in quality between PUG teams. On both sides you sometimes end up in a good team, and sometimes in a horrible clueless team. The main difference is the Republic only has a few premades (Salvation, Some spanish named guild, and BRC Republic mostly) while the Empire has more, who are also more frequently active.


I'll buy your reasoning in some degree, accept for one; RP server on SWToR is not what generally is referred to as to what is a RP server ... maybe for the fact that it want to attract a younger player . . .Read the server guidelines . . .no binding policy's what so ever towards RP .... I would state that PvP on the prog is pretty even and slightly to the Repside advantage pre 55 PvP, then something very strange happens...

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This is sad story, how favoritism of developers to one side instead of both just ruined game and their game business, since Ilum mistakes on launch.


I wouldn't say the animations themselves are at fault, but the bigger picture of the two factions.


The Jedi are brown, emotionless, boring, and brown. Did I mention that they're brown? Their faction's story centers around the senate and politics. Politics is boring. The Jedi are also brown. Troopers follow orders. Smugglers don't smuggle, they're more like the Republic's FBI.


The Empire wears colors other than brown. Their fleet doesn't have brown lights. Their characters aren't emotionless, which makes them characters (say what you want about BW, but they write good characters). The Empire's version of "politics" is far more interesting. The Male Agent's voice makes me feel like someone is pouring warm chocolate all over me. And they're not brown.


"The Brown Issue" has gotten a lot better since the dye system, but the rest is the same: The Empire has a personality, the Republic is boring. The Empire is far more appealing, so more people went for it.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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I wouldn't say the animations themselves are at fault, but the bigger picture of the two factions.


The Jedi are brown, emotionless, boring, and brown. Did I mention that they're brown? Their faction's story centers around the senate and politics. Politics is boring. The Jedi are also brown. Troopers follow orders. Smugglers don't smuggle, they're more like the Republic's FBI.


The Empire wears colors other than brown. Their fleet doesn't have brown lights. Their characters aren't emotionless, which makes them characters (say what you want about BW, but they write good characters). The Empire's version of "politics" is far more interesting. The Male Agent's voice makes me feel like someone is pouring warm chocolate all over me. And they're not brown.


"The Brown Issue" has gotten a lot better since the dye system, but the rest is the same: The Empire has a personality, the Republic is boring. The Empire is far more appealing, so more people went for it.


Yes, only Jedi Knight storyline is the best on reps side, others are not so good (smuggler and trooper not bad - average but consular just terrible terrible boring).


Imperial side storylines, voice in them much more sexy.


Except this, "evil" side always have more adepts between MMO players in any game.

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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Deff server based buddy. And also time of day.


I play on several different servers, Aussie QLD time zone and some are purely 1 side dominated and others are pretty even.


So for instance Ebon Hawk is pretty awful rep side and mostly imp dominated no matter what time of day , Harbinger is pretty bad imp side but say Bastion is pretty equal, winning a handful on pub as well as imp.


I find sometimes the dominate side isnt really that good, its just the other side is worse ;)


This is pre 55 pvp on all those servers btw. Cant comment on ranked.

Edited by Bowloaus
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I play on pot5 myself on pub side it seems alot of the time the team I get on just wish fast wzs had at least 1 everyother match. I play currently the 30 to 54 bracket but after 20 matches and only won 2 it gets tiring. That bracket the main issue on pub side is lack of communication or not following the rough plan and run to do thier own thing. Heals are scarse . Anyhoo pub side is a joke currently in pot5.
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I play a lvl 39 toon, on republic side on the harbinger server, and I must say..some days we get good teams, other times the imps are better, funny thing is is always extremes here: pub side very bad, or imp side very bad, and some evenly matches, but not so much. I don't regret to do WZ on my pub character.


Of course, that was my experience on 10-29 bracket and 30-54 bracket, don't know how 55 ranked and unranked is like.

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I don't know, I brought my Vanguard from PoT5 to Ebon Hawke and you want to see bad Republic in comparison to Imps, roll on that server. Hell you got 9 out of 10 groups in WZ having people with no pvp gear on at 55.


Mostly the same guilds running PvP all the time there, also nwhich does not help the situation for PUGs.

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Language barriers are a non-issue since it affects both factions equally.

RP servers usually attract a more mature audience, not a younger one. I also don't believe there is an age discrepancy between the factions. What I do think, is that the people who enjoy PvP edge slightly more towards the "dark and militaristic" Imperial side, while the friendly ambiance of the Republic attracts more exclusive PvE'ers, resulting in a bigger "pvp-pool" for the Empire. Atm faction size on The Progenitor is roughly equal, yet I see more regular Imperial players that I deem good in warzones than regular Republic players that I deem good, and warzones often have incomplete Republic teams.


Playing on both sides of The Progenitor, I do not see a lot of difference in quality between PUG teams. On both sides you sometimes end up in a good team, and sometimes in a horrible clueless team. The main difference is the Republic only has a few premades (Salvation, Some spanish named guild, and BRC Republic mostly) while the Empire has more, who are also more frequently active.


Playing on The Progenitor I have a feeling that more casual players and F2P-players attracts more to the "good" side and just do PVP for fun, but I'm not certain.


There is also a tradition in MMO-games that "good" side attracts more kids and the "evil" side attracts more teens. PVE-players attracts more to the good side with more players and PVP-players attracts to the evil side to dominate in PVP.

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I wouldn't say the animations themselves are at fault, but the bigger picture of the two factions.


The Jedi are brown, emotionless, boring, and brown. Did I mention that they're brown? Their faction's story centers around the senate and politics. Politics is boring. The Jedi are also brown. Troopers follow orders. Smugglers don't smuggle, they're more like the Republic's FBI.


The Empire wears colors other than brown. Their fleet doesn't have brown lights. Their characters aren't emotionless, which makes them characters (say what you want about BW, but they write good characters). The Empire's version of "politics" is far more interesting. The Male Agent's voice makes me feel like someone is pouring warm chocolate all over me. And they're not brown.


"The Brown Issue" has gotten a lot better since the dye system, but the rest is the same: The Empire has a personality, the Republic is boring. The Empire is far more appealing, so more people went for it.


I agree. And I have a much worse word for that colour than just "brown". To me, this chosen colour is simply a sign of what I call "imp side favouritism".


"The Empire has Style,

The Republic has Advertisements."

That's how I once described my feelings after I had visitred the imperial Fleet for the very first time.


In my opinion, Imperial players are much more aggressive, too.

The Empire in - in a way - about nothing but aggression.


There is also a tradition in MMO-games that "good" side attracts more kids and the "evil" side attracts more teens. PVE-players attracts more to the good side with more players and PVP-players attracts to the evil side to dominate in PVP.


I personally believe that it is an "aggression thing" driving them to the imp side.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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BH lvl 55-- 164 wins 102 losses.


Jedi lvl 54-- 10 wins and 68 losses.


I just don't understand why the pvp is just so bad on the Rep side.


I play Imperial and there will be a healer in almost every match that .......... Heals .

I play Rep and you almost never see a healer that heals, or a team that can focus 1 target.


Do people that favor pvp simply enjoy darker / evil classes more ? For me PVP as of late on the Imp side is fun(ofc)


Everytime I play my Rep toon I want to pull my hair out.


Agreed, so much.


1) Empire almost always has more healers, last Voidstar match they had 4 healers, 2 operatives, a merc and a sorcerer, we had none.

2) Republic players have a great deal of difficulty focusing a target, as you said. Every match I mark the opposing team's healers with target markers, and yet I see the dps attacking other dps or tanks. Also defending a captured turret/planted mine, or coming to help when incoming is called, is very problematic. This past week has just been downright horrible. Today I did a civil war match where I was capping east when I noticed our captured west turret was undefended, there was just nobody there. I called it, nobody came to defend it either. And instead of defending east, two players on our team decided to take a shot at south, got ganked and we lost east. :rolleyes:

Edited by RevansSoul
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POT5 Pub PvP is terrible.


I came back to the game from a three month break only because my best gaming bud did and of course, he was on rep. So, now joining the likes of Brazil Force, Nova Republic, and the list goes on and on of bad PvP guilds. People aren't even breaking 100k in WZs, yet its fun for them.


Moreover, they solo rank que and its basically fighting 3 v 4 to start. I don't mind losing to a better team, but people who roll shadow tank, don't have any damage, don't watch the node, and don't use taunts shouldn't be playing this game at 55.

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What I find funny .... That alot of these threads and posts equal out to Pubs suck so I went Emp to be OP. If you are one of those players ... YOU are part of the problem. Everybody leaving the Pub side to go Emp, to get carried, imo is why we have such an imbalance.


Simple fix .. They should have never allowed people to make both factions on the same server. Period. Its never worked in ANY MMO. Complete fcktard idea and just right out fckery at its best.

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What I find funny .... That alot of these threads and posts equal out to Pubs suck so I went Emp to be OP. If you are one of those players ... YOU are part of the problem. Everybody leaving the Pub side to go Emp, to get carried, imo is why we have such an imbalance.


And that's the core of the problem. The PvP population is already small, to add a faction imbalance issue to the mix.

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BH lvl 55-- 164 wins 102 losses.


Jedi lvl 54-- 10 wins and 68 losses.


I just don't understand why the pvp is just so bad on the Rep side.


I play Imperial and there will be a healer in almost every match that .......... Heals .

I play Rep and you almost never see a healer that heals, or a team that can focus 1 target.


Do people that favor pvp simply enjoy darker / evil classes more ? For me PVP as of late on the Imp side is fun(ofc)


Everytime I play my Rep toon I want to pull my hair out.


First of all, I play both sides and my win ratio is roughly half and half. Second, considering how many less matches you played on your 54 Jedi maybe you aren't as used to pvping on him as your BH. Third you have a 55 bh and a 54 jedi, you can't compare 55 pvp bracket and the 30-54 bracket when talking about wins and losses

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What I find funny .... That alot of these threads and posts equal out to Pubs suck so I went Emp to be OP. If you are one of those players ... YOU are part of the problem. Everybody leaving the Pub side to go Emp, to get carried, imo is why we have such an imbalance.


Simple fix .. They should have never allowed people to make both factions on the same server. Period. Its never worked in ANY MMO. Complete fcktard idea and just right out fckery at its best.


I play Republic only side since launch pvp only... but to be honest republic side class animations just terrible compared with imperials animations... I hate them, they are terrible slow and rough especially all scoundrels animations, master strike and blade strorm for knights, storm and pulse cannon for vanguards, spinning strike for shadows, quickdraw and sabotage charge for gunslingers, etc etc.


This is most advantage for imps since release. Blame for Bioware for their imperial favoritism in anything :mad:

Edited by TonyDragonflame
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I play Republic only side since launch pvp only... but to be honest republic side class animations just terrible compared with imperials animations... I hate them, they are terrible slow and rough especially all scoundrels animations, master strike and blade strorm for knights, storm and pulse cannon for vanguards, spinning strike for shadows, quickdraw and sabotage charge for gunslingers, etc etc.


This is most advantage for imps since release. Blame for Bioware for their imperial favoritism in anything :mad:


Well I can't argue with that, Empire's got far cooler class animations.

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As others have basically said, there are no words to describe how bad POT5 Pubs are. You simply can't teach them, myself and others I've talked to about it have been trying to do so forever. They just don't want to learn and they have chased many good players off the server/faction/game, resulting in even further imbalance.


I'm not sure exactly which server or whatever they all came from, but I think the mergers had a lot to do with it. Fatman was amazing. It was slightly in favor of Pubs, but for the most part balanced, no side really dominated. Then the merge into POT5 happened and Pub took a massive nosedive. I stuck it out for a long time but I don't see a point anymore. With Pubs being absolutely atrocious and the server being pretty much dead competitively, POT5 is just not fun anymore.


I've rolled an Operative on Bastion, it's still early and low brackets so I can't really judge it yet but I've heard good things about the balance. I had a string of bad teams initially but I figure that was bad luck, cause I've had some good ones too.


Edited by Stncold
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What I find funny .... That alot of these threads and posts equal out to Pubs suck so I went Emp to be OP. If you are one of those players ... YOU are part of the problem. Everybody leaving the Pub side to go Emp, to get carried, imo is why we have such an imbalance.


Easy wins are easy wins ... And most people want them ...

I play Republic only side since launch pvp only... but to be honest republic side class animations just terrible compared with imperials animations... I hate them, they are terrible slow and rough especially all scoundrels animations, master strike and blade strorm for knights, storm and pulse cannon for vanguards, spinning strike for shadows, quickdraw and sabotage charge for gunslingers, etc etc.


This is most advantage for imps since release. Blame for Bioware for their imperial favoritism in anything :mad:


Well I can't argue with that, Empire's got far cooler class animations.


I'm not surprised. I have seen this faction favouritism everywhere within the game now.

It's in PvE as well.

It begins with the mud-brown Fleet Station compared to the stylish imperial Fleet Station. That's just like a symbol of how far the difference goes.

It's as if they had begun working on the imperial side FIRST, excelled at it, oput all of the creativity & man-power into it,

and then both money & time ran out, and they had to be copypaste everything and add lesser animations ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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On PO5, it's all about the time of day.


Yep. It's predictable almost to the minute when 9/10 Pub reg teams will commence consistently dumb play. Lobotomized with a chainsaw, paint chip eating, don't bother it's hopeless kind of dumb.


On weeknights it's when the skilled Pubs tuck their kids in or go to bed themselves before another work day. Meanwhile the good imps are still up queueing into the wee hours; smoking their drugs, typing profanity, and drinking evil hooches.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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