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Anyone else feel Sith Sorc is OP


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My Trooper laughs at the so called 'OP' inquisitors. In fact, my trooper ends up with 4-5 people on her at almost all times cuz I'm pretty sure the inquisitors are going 'HELP MEH!' in their pvp channel.


Classes do not win warzones. They don't win PvP. Communication wins. The team that communicates and works together better wins. I've routinely killed 3-4 people while holding a turret in alderaan with a partner, all at ounce, outnumbered 2-1, but if the other 6 people on my team are getting slaughtered and can't hold a single turret... then I still lose.


Sorc's aren't OP. The amount of people who don't use interrupts and CC breaks properly is staggering. If your team is losing 90% of warzones you are in, the problem is likely you.

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My Trooper laughs at the so called 'OP' inquisitors. In fact, my trooper ends up with 4-5 people on her at almost all times cuz I'm pretty sure the inquisitors are going 'HELP MEH!' in their pvp channel.


Classes do not win warzones. They don't win PvP. Communication wins. The team that communicates and works together better wins. I've routinely killed 3-4 people while holding a turret in alderaan with a partner, all at ounce, outnumbered 2-1, but if the other 6 people on my team are getting slaughtered and can't hold a single turret... then I still lose.


Sorc's aren't OP. The amount of people who don't use interrupts and CC breaks properly is staggering. If your team is losing 90% of warzones you are in, the problem is likely you.



^This times 10.

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I've played a juggernaut and I did OK. I'd lose 1vs1, but it would be REALLY close. I was in soresu trying to tank in PvP(lol, 1st time) so I might have done much better if I switched to Shii-cho.

I've play currently as a commando and I'm practically unbeatable 1vs1. You have to be significantly higher lvl to beat me.

I've played an sorceror and I was also practically unbeatable 1vs1. You have to be significantly higher lvl to beat me.

This all assumes both ppl are at 100% with nothing on cooldown.


You have to REALLY work for it to play melee in PvP. From what I see, most melee ppl don't know how to play against another player. One of the biggest mistakes is using force leap at the start and bursting out of CC at the first drop of a hat.

With the commando I at least have to work for it and it can get pretty close sometimes.

With the sorcerer I never had any fear of losing. Playing a Sorc is so easy and if you get the PvP spec you can spam lightning nonstop. Mix it with some Lightning DPS tree and you're in godmode. They also have too much "mana". I don't recall ever running out of juice in PvP as a sorcerer.


Dispite this I have had no trouble beating sorcerers 1vs1 as a commando. So the problem may not be sorcerers, it might be you.

Edited by Dayshadow
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First off, I play a pure healing specced (level 29) Sage. I haven't noticed any class being completely OP yet, at least on the other side. Being such a ridiculously soft target, it's very easy for me to tell when I'm caught up against someone who actually knows how to A) PvP in general, and B) play their class effectively.


If I end up 1v1 against anything other than a healing Inquisitor, I shouldn't be able to beat them, assuming they're of equal or better skill. Keeping that in mind, this is what I've learned to do as a Sage, healer in particular, for those of you who are having troubles.


If caught against a Bounty Hunter: Pop your shield, use Force Speed, and then start your instant dot. That way if he chases you, you can counteract the 25-30% damage of his explosive dart with your "big" heal that's now only 1.5 seconds if specced right. Then continue running until you get help.


Imperial Agents: Pretty much same deal as the Bounty Hunter, except if you're going against a sniper, find help faster because they'll take off huge chunks faster than you can heal them.


Inquisitor: Depending on the situation, you can play with them or run. With our stun, knockback, and interupt, they shouldn't be getting much of anything off on you. Watching an Inquisitor/Sage duel is very comical I'm sure to anybody watching.


Warriors: Honestly these give me the most trouble. I rarely even see them until they've force leaped onto me, and by the time I can actually gain distance again I'm in a pretty big health deficit. Stun and run.



Might seem like a pretty obvious post, but I have to think that there are just a ton of people who are trying to do things they just literally can't. Like 1v3 people, isolate themselves from any help even in 1v1's in case something goes wrong, or just letting the other class play on their turf. Aka letting Snipers sit behind their cover 30m away at all times, face tanking warriors, not interrupting Inquisitors, etc. Play as a team, think before button mashing, and if something isn't working... try something else. And can't agree enough with the people who say to communicate.

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First off, I play a pure healing specced (level 29) Sage. I haven't noticed any class being completely OP yet, at least on the other side. Being such a ridiculously soft target, it's very easy for me to tell when I'm caught up against someone who actually knows how to A) PvP in general, and B) play their class effectively.


If I end up 1v1 against anything other than a healing Inquisitor, I shouldn't be able to beat them, assuming they're of equal or better skill. Keeping that in mind, this is what I've learned to do as a Sage, healer in particular, for those of you who are having troubles.


If caught against a Bounty Hunter: Pop your shield, use Force Speed, and then start your instant dot. That way if he chases you, you can counteract the 25-30% damage of his explosive dart with your "big" heal that's now only 1.5 seconds if specced right. Then continue running until you get help.


Imperial Agents: Pretty much same deal as the Bounty Hunter, except if you're going against a sniper, find help faster because they'll take off huge chunks faster than you can heal them.


Inquisitor: Depending on the situation, you can play with them or run. With our stun, knockback, and interupt, they shouldn't be getting much of anything off on you. Watching an Inquisitor/Sage duel is very comical I'm sure to anybody watching.


Warriors: Honestly these give me the most trouble. I rarely even see them until they've force leaped onto me, and by the time I can actually gain distance again I'm in a pretty big health deficit. Stun and run.



Might seem like a pretty obvious post, but I have to think that there are just a ton of people who are trying to do things they just literally can't. Like 1v3 people, isolate themselves from any help even in 1v1's in case something goes wrong, or just letting the other class play on their turf. Aka letting Snipers sit behind their cover 30m away at all times, face tanking warriors, not interrupting Inquisitors, etc. Play as a team, think before button mashing, and if something isn't working... try something else. And can't agree enough with the people who say to communicate.



Like you said. A pretty obvious post. But a darn good one. :D






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Like you said. A pretty obvious post. But a darn good one. :D







Thank you :)


Coincidentally, following that formula, I rarely ever have more than 2 deaths in a warzone and can very consistently pull off 160k healing and 35k dps. Sometimes people are amazed. I just position myself well and don't do anything stupid ;)

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Thank you :)


Coincidentally, following that formula, I rarely ever have more than 2 deaths in a warzone and can very consistently pull off 160k healing and 35k dps. Sometimes people are amazed. I just position myself well and don't do anything stupid ;)


Yeah. I run for help like a little coward too whenever I feel I have too :rolleyes:


I have nothing to prove, I just want my team to win the WZ.


I think we have a similar playing style.



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I play a Jedi Guardian in Vigilance spec.

I completely rip through sith sorcerers with my attacks. Lower levels i did find them completely nuking me down to the point where i thought impossible but now that i'm level 43, with Very good burn and DPS attacks i must say that i can solo them no problem.

Interrupt is your best friend when it comes to sorcerers.

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At first I considered that maybe some classes were OP. But then I realised that the most likely answer actually as that I am terrible at PvP. I'm a level 27 Jedi Sentinel, I've probably tried 10 pvp matches & only won once. That win was the only time everybody worked together.


I'm new to MMO (my first one - apart from free play & I never did PvP then) so my lack of experience is showing. Not sure what I am doing wrong but I die a lot & my team always seems to fall apart after a promising start. I usually do only about 30-40k damage. Which is actually about average, from what I have saw in my matches, for Jedi Knights. Maybe I keep getting put on teams with people who are new like me :p.


I seem to do well 1v1 against Bounty hunters & warriors. I just assume that my play style allows inquisitors to easily beat me, or maybe that I never ever see them alone could be a big factor lol


It can be frustrating when you lose 10 in a row & it is so easy to pass the other team as OP. I just need to get some more experience with MMO & maybe start dueling some friends. That could help in 1v1 situations - which are rare.

Edited by Dannykysh
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Certain specs are totally out of hand. These include but are not limited to:


Sorcerer, Bounty hunter damage specs, Sniper.


And there''s really no point trying to pvp as a melee, just try getting level cap asap, so level 50 gear can make up for the horrible underpoweredness.


I really have to laugh when people call op on sniper/gunslinger. We cant heal, cant tank, Have limited CC if trained right, And cant move if we want to be a threat.


Compared to the other main Dps classes out there, pretty darn balanced id say. Walk behind a pillar and you just cut are damg by 100%, LoS your best friend are arch class.

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sorc only has one stun, a short snare, and whirl wind(breaks on damage) if a melee gets close can simply spam interupts and stop 90% of our attacks... hence we have alot of CC to prevent that. Take it away and SI becomes pretty sad class, cant do anything on its own.
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Currently up to level 28 on my Sentinal (currently specced Focus) and I find myself pretty evenly matched to most classes. The key to killing Sorcs is the same to killing any caster as a melee in pretty much any mmo. Keep interupting and keep them slowed. Most of them from what I can tell have no idea how to fake cast and with Force kick on a 8 second cd (6 if you spec into watchman) it is quite easy to keep them locked out of their most powerful spells.


I personally don't think Melee is underpowered atm (certainly not Marauder/Sentinal) but more of a case of people need to learn not to do stupid things like use thier charge ability to start a fight if they can possibly help it. I'll give an example of a fight last night in the Dune Sea. A Vengence Juggernaut jumped me and I was able then to immediatly force leap to Vette allong with Kira and nuke down their companion before they got back over to me. From there despite having not initialised the fight I was at a massive advantage as they no longer had their companion, that fight wasn't won because one class is more powerful than the other it was won because someone didn't think it through and just though must kill player.


Don't get me wrong I still think there is a lot of ballancing work that needs to go into the game, however I think people need to take a step back and maybe even try the class they are claiming is overpowered before trying to call it out. You might find you just got rolled by someone who is better at pvp than you or just got lucky on the rng.

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The main problem is that every level is playing every level. How is anyone going to come away with a positive experience when lv14s are playing lvl50s?


Totally agree with you. I don't understand why there is no level bracketing happening. It is totally ridiculous to think just because your 20 abilities scale up that you stand a chance against a level 50 with all of their abilities to use. It definitely has upset me in pvp.


Additionally, lag has been a serious problem for not just me but my small group of friends. This affects everyone but melee the most. I stood point blank in front of a ranged class and could not interrupt their aimed shot with any of my warrior abilities. backed up and tried to force charge, it jumped still did nothing. Also, the leap took me to the target who by then was way out of range. Definitely more frustrating for melee in these types of situations.


I bought this game for story and some pve but mostly pvp so I hope they work out the issues sooner rather than later. The scaling thing is really poorly thought out. The only thing I can think of as a reason for that is so that higher level players who raced to level can still have pvp matches, and lower level still have a pool when everyone is in the mid range.

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No. There is no OP class, it is how you are playing. With P2P MMO, it is quite common for classes to be equal. In PvP (as a deception assassin) I can kill any class, and I am not kidding. I do have very nice gear though (level 26). I can deal huge melee damage but I also have good defensive capabilities, for whatever reason. If I get out from stealth and then stun someone, then get behind them and use Discharge (a high damage ability that releases a charge which will have specific effects) with Surging Charge and then Maul, then I'll use lightning shock because it's high damage, by this time they are not behind me, I'll spam thrash (a high damage melee skill) until I can get behind them again and use Maul.

And of course if the battle is turning against me (which doesn't happen often) I can, if it's not on cooldown, use force cloak to stealth and save myself in a fight.


My enemies die in seconds. I am unstoppable.

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ATM my thought about melee without stealth - something funny, annoying if saber ward is up :D


But developers have not offended them, they get freaking quantity of medals for "protection".


And yes, Sorc/Sage is OP. And when they get their epics, top relics, top adrenals (for crit and surge) it will be blast.

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well its not hard for a sorc to get 250k dmg every huttball match spamming lightning over and over.


as a marauder its nearly impossible to get 200k dmg medal....sigh


Huttball favors ranged immensely. So much fun to have a ranged start attacking me three stories above me. Oh and I'm an operative so I can't charge to them :(

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No. There is no OP class, it is how you are playing. With P2P MMO, it is quite common for classes to be equal. In PvP (as a deception assassin) I can kill any class, and I am not kidding. I do have very nice gear though (level 26). I can deal huge melee damage but I also have good defensive capabilities, for whatever reason. If I get out from stealth and then stun someone, then get behind them and use Discharge (a high damage ability that releases a charge which will have specific effects) with Surging Charge and then Maul, then I'll use lightning shock because it's high damage, by this time they are not behind me, I'll spam thrash (a high damage melee skill) until I can get behind them again and use Maul.

And of course if the battle is turning against me (which doesn't happen often) I can, if it's not on cooldown, use force cloak to stealth and save myself in a fight.


My enemies die in seconds. I am unstoppable.





I have seen many good players and i believe this game is helping the players to perform better. I will not say it noob friendly but its easier to perform in desent levels than other games. At level 20 you are already an asset in pvp due to the level 20 pvp gear and flashpoint drops really help you boost your damage and defences.


The classes are nicely balanced ihmo and what i am waiting for is to see end game pvp. There a lot will be determined about this game's pvp.


Brackets are needed so far this is the only think i would like so far :) Level 50 are so hard to put down by lower levels. They have great advantage and most of them i believe dont have the epic gear... so it will only get harder in the feature for the lowbies.

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Nop, maybe thats because every Sith Sorc i've come across is just terrible. Fight usually goes like this. I charge them or harpoon them on my Vanguard and start taking them to town, while they simply stand there and try to one v one me in close combat.... really?...really? you think your going to beat a vanguard and not even try and kite me...


Its a joke how bad some people are. With my healer companion I've had fights where I didnt even lose any health lol. I blame BG's for terrible players.

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I think they seem OP because there is just so many of them! Every wz I've done there are a crapload of sith inquisitors, half of them sorcs. When so many of them are casting the same spell at the same time it can look like they're an op class, but I've taken plenty of them down as a scoundrel. It's kinda hard to tell which class is really op, tbh.
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Sorc/Con just get a lot of good PvP abilities earlier than other classes.


Also nobody has Elemental Resists at lower levels.


Snipers aren't OP at all... but Ops/Scounds are actually pretty beastly... good thing almost nobody plays them.


I do think when it comes to PvP though the Dual Wield Jedi classes are behind the curve. Which is no reason to make everyone else as miserable as they are... rather they ought to be tweaked to be more PvP friendly and on par with the other Melee classes.

Edited by Kromzor
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