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general pvp balance


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Hi playing pvp for 14 years. Its my number one hoby.


When zerg grabs the senario over 70% of the pvp events, then that game's pvp strats to die, and pvp players starts to find another game - its a fact!

For swtor's arena pvp events, zerg is the base of all senarios for 100% of the time - you should understand bioware, that this is the worst thing what could happend to a games pvp system.


Make a recieved dmg cap/sec for players, after that cap a shield should pop up, what cleans all stun effects and give 100% dmg reduction for 2 sec. In this game its a have to at the momment, to make the game skill based. At the momment, swtor's arena is just about : witch team zerg better. - belive me its fun for new pvp players for a month or two but then, even they will burn out, till there is no other(better) tactical option in your table.

With this change, make wz's capture channel time much faster (the half of existing one) - now its a: zerg fest around the object .

Here you go, you have a skill based pvp with as much senarion, as much skills you implanted, and ppl will love it for long.

Edited by LuciferinDNA
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Can you clarify what you mean by "zerg" in this context?


From what I've seen, the team that rushes forward in an uncontrolled fashion often loses so I assume you don't mean that.


zerg is the pejorative meaning of outnumbering the oponent in pvp, when he don't have tools to handle it, no matter of his skills, so actually its the "rape" in the world of pvp. In dedicated pvp games zeriging is a shame act, but what to do when a game offers that senario over all other action.

And its not about rushing forward or not, you can rush or wait in any corner of the map - swtor arena pvp at the moment is about zerging under the fancy name of "focusing"

Fraps a few arena fights and watch them back, like if you would never hear about swtor , you are a dedicated pvp player and wanna find a new game. What you would see? A crap zerg fest.. would you subscribe?

I like this game, so I make suggestions in order to improve it. Arena was a confusing pvp patch, it was much better when we had just wz...But now arena is the endgame pvp event and its bleed from 100 wounds.


Long, short, zergfest, even if there is just a chance to mentioned it, is the cancer of the game's pvp part.

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If zerg by your definition means outnumber ones opponent than I really don't get your arena shenanigans unless you mean it becomes a 'zerg' once you have downed an opponent in which case you 'zerg' the other team?


How can arenas be a 'zerg' by your definitions if both teams start with 4 players?

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Make a recieved dmg cap/sec for players, after that cap a shield should pop up, what cleans all stun effects and give 100% dmg reduction for 2 sec. In this game its a have to at the momment, to make the game skill based.


That'll make for interesting HBs, and other people to holler at besides the geniuses whitebarring BCs.

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Zerging is only possible because Operative Healers and Warriors (both ACs, DPS and tank specced, except Anni) are just stronger than everything else and can faceroll their way to victory.


I found that rolling my face from the right to the left is better on my merc than from the left to the right.

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He essentially means that you stack on 1 target (4 vs 1) and deliver overwhelming damage. In every single Arena I've played in so far, the caliber of DPS have decided the match. The irony is ranked 8v8's were played exactly the same way. The only difference is that in 8v8's the cross healing made it really difficult to lock down and kill a target quickly.
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I really hope English is a secondary language to the OP, but anyway....what pvp games are not about the "zerg"

Every pvp game I've ever played the team that "zerged" aka worked together to focus down one target then move to the next was the winner.

It is just reality....a 2v1 vs people of the same skill should always win, putting in some weird damage cap to the one taking the damage would be really abnormal.

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that post was very ... disturbing.


Anyway it seems like he wants something like a resolve bar for too many attacks by too many players at once similar to the resolve bar for too many CCs by too many players at once.


Just like the CC resolve bar is useless, the attack resolve bar will probably be useless in an arena setting. When one person dies and it becomes a 4 v 3, it is pretty much over. An extra 2 seconds of survival will not change anything unless the team of 4 people are bad (in which case they probably would not be in their situation). The only thing this idea will do is increase QQ about healers, and we already have more than enough of those.

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