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Which class makes the overall greatest impact on a warzone/arena match?


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Depends on which warzone and who's manning the class/spec. Good healers wont win without good taunts/guards/peels which cant be achieve without good DPS/tanks and good DPS/tanks cant really do their job without good healers. Also need a good node guard which can be either a sorc (yes sorc which essentially has two CC break with their bubble), a pt which should stand right on the node since shoulder cannon is great or either stealth classes...basically anyone who knows how to call an incoming that's not in the respawn. Oh or anyone who can figure out who to focus fire. Oh and anyone who doesn't break CC's. Oh or anyone who wont tunnel down someone while an objective is being stealth capped behind them.


Basically anyone with a brain who knows how to play the class they're currently playing.


Just my opinion but it's really hard for a single class to make that much of an impact in high end PvP minus the situations where your team is so bad you have to rely on a good stealth class to take an off node but if the team is that bad then they probably will over rotated.

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Well i've been mostly enjoying the solo queue lowbies with my alts lately, so take that into account.


I have one of each class and play them all every now and then, so i have broad spectrum of experience. From that. i'd say sorcerer/sage is the class that allows me to have the greatest impact. Sage is balance spec, so he does decent damage, but also has the ability to bubble/offheal, and since the random warzones often don't have a dedicated healer at all, this can make a big difference.


I can do more damage with my sent, but being able to bubble a tank and drop two heals on him often means the enemy on a node is delayed long enough for reinforcements to arrive. Also, force speed allows for rapid transition between nodes, so i often am where i am needed at the time i am needed. And don't get me started on friendly pulls in huttball :)


In short, while all classes have their strong points, the versatility/utility of the sage means i can fill a hole in the team composition, which gives it the most impact of all the classes, at least in the environment i usually play in.

Edited by Sharee
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This is a fairly easy answer. There's a lot of interesting comps that can work, but there's only one indispensable competitive class and that's operative healers.

Cry more please.


The best way to make an impact in a warzone or arena is with a DPS class.

Since mostly everything that is running around the warzones are terrible at pressing buttons, DPS could hardly be more crappy.

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This is a fairly easy answer. There's a lot of interesting comps that can work, but there's only one indispensable competitive class and that's operative healers.


This basically sums up everything I was going to say except..


Snaplemuouton..... :rolleyes:

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I'll say op healer because they're the only thing that can do all 3 of the following:


  • Heal the midfight (in regs makes a big deal)
  • Guard the node very well with stealth
  • Sap cap nodes to singlehandedly win things like Hypergates/Civil Wars pretty easily if the node guard sucks.


Edit: For warzones.


Arenas it's about the players.

Edited by Morde_
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Sorcerer. If one joins a ranked arena chances are they will die almost instantly as incoming heals simply will not keep up with the damage they take. That is unless the other group sucks. Your group might as well be playing with 3 people because they will be. That is quite the accomplishment.
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I'll say op healer because they're the only thing that can do all 3 of the following:


  • Heal the midfight (in regs makes a big deal)
  • Guard the node very well with stealth
  • Sap cap nodes to singlehandedly win things like Hypergates/Civil Wars pretty easily if the node guard sucks.


Edit: For warzones.


Arenas it's about the players.


Can't say I really agree. Of course individual skill matters but in Solo Ranked the team with the Operative healer usually has a massive advantage over the team with a non-operative healer.

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Cry more please.


The best way to make an impact in a warzone or arena is with a DPS class.

Since mostly everything that is running around the warzones are terrible at pressing buttons, DPS could hardly be more crappy.

Cry more? Every swtor player knows that operative/scoundrel healing is the best. And they are the hardest to kill. If you have a good healer then you will win an arena, even if the dps lack intelligence. I left a fully geared and min/maxed sage healer to go scoundrel healing. Still refuse that healers make or break an arena premade/ pug? There might be a few videos on youtube about Shutdownx. He is one of the best, if not THE best healer in all of PoT5. I have had my fair share of encounters with him.

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Operative and scoundrel healers make the biggest contribution, especially in arenas; which they are going to have to balance their PvP around now. Otherwise, they shouldn't have even added them. There is no happy medium when they pull the plug on ranked warzones.
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The "good player" comment is spot on, but I think Balance Sages in everything but Huttball played by a good person can just f' **** up for the other team.


The other night I played 4-5 WZs in a row against teams that had a particular Balance Sage in them, and she was just dealing absolutely massive damage constantly. I told people to target her if they saw her on the opposing team, but nobody seemed to be doing so, so she pretty much ruled mid in Ancient Hypergates and destroyed a 4x4 arena.

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On huttball, I find sorc/sages/sins/shadows and sometimes troopers/bh have a big impact on huttball, due their knockbacks/speed moves/etc... as a scoundrel, I feel like the useless appendage of the team.



What? Huttball is the playground of Scouperative healers.

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It depends on the whole team, but if two teams are of exact skill it depends on the wz.


For alderaan civil war I would say scouperative healer because he/she can get to the node faster than anyone else giving his/her team a 1 second advantage. It may not seem like much, but in ranked (before 2.4) it was the difference between night and day. The team that has the advantage can just turtle mid and have 2 guards on their own since they don't have to cap, only stop the other team from capping.


In huttball, the jugg tank definitely. Spam force slow, a lot of CDs, hard to kill, ability to leap to enemies, kill his CD on force charge/leap and ability to leap to friends. Combined with a sorc healer he is unstoppable unless the other team coordinates very well.


In nova, probably assassin since he can put enough pressure on off nodes and confuse the enemy team allowing your team to range cap (remember this is taking into account both teams being of equal skill).


In VS there really is not class that stands out. A sorc dps (either lightning or hybrid) is a very good healer killer/annoyer in this particular one. Sorc just stands way back behind the healer and the crowd and attacks the healers which tend to stay behind mid. Not only is this valuable but the sorc stands close enough to the middle of the gate to see if the other node is being pressured. If it is, he can force speed over there quick and use AoE.


In hypergates, probably op healer. He can get to his node or enemy node quicker than anyone and start stealth annoying the enemy into not capping while the rest of the team heads over to help (probably stopping the other team from capping is the best strategy in ranked imo). Also in mid has a very good LoS cube.


In arenas, there are a classes that stand out or are even viable for ranked, but the op healer is the only viable healer. The other healers are just too easy to shut down (especially sorc). They don't really stand out, just they are the only healers that work in an arena setting with all the CCs and interrupts available to a team. If the whole team works in sync-tank switching guard and taunting, dps focusing unguarded targets, separating the other team and coordinating CCs-winning is probably guaranteed. If the other team does the exact same thing, it will come down to the poison gas. No one class stands out in arenas but there are several classes that are not viable for a role. Assassins aren't viable tanks, sorcs aren't viable healers, ops aren't viable dps, mercs aren't really that great dps compared to others (imo) and jugg dps are just barely viable but nothing compared to marauders.

Edited by sithBracer
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This is actually quite a simple question to answer.


If you look at the highest solo ranked toons in arenas, they are either Marauders, or Op healers.


If you look at the top ranked teams in arenas, 99.9% of them run an Op healer, and 95% of them run at least 1 Marauder.


For warzones, basically this:


I'll say op healer because they're the only thing that can do all 3 of the following:


  • Heal the midfight (in regs makes a big deal)
  • Guard the node very well with stealth
  • Sap cap nodes to singlehandedly win things like Hypergates/Civil Wars pretty easily if the node guard sucks.


Also, lol at this guy:


Cry more please.


The best way to make an impact in a warzone or arena is with a DPS class.

Since mostly everything that is running around the warzones are terrible at pressing buttons, DPS could hardly be more crappy.

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This is actually quite a simple question to answer.


If you look at the highest solo ranked toons in arenas, they are either Marauders, or Op healers.


If you look at the top ranked teams in arenas, 99.9% of them run an Op healer, and 95% of them run at least 1 Marauder.


Overused =/= best. For an arena setting op healer just happens to be the only viable healer, that's on biofail. But marauders do not make or break any team. A team consisting of a well played madness sorc, a PT dps, PT tank and an op healer can smoke the cookie cutter team if played right-even if the team doesn't suck.

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What? Huttball is the playground of Scouperative healers.


IMO hutball is an exception as a combination of all classes brings a superb synergy. A scoundrel to get to the ball first, a guardian tank (or a vanguard) to carry the ball, a healer sage to follow the carrier healing him and pulling from fire when needed, a sentinel for trans, a stealther to make scoring easier and releasing the tank who can go back to mid, a slinger to camp in the mid with entrench and with insanely fast clicking or macro as some use to get the ball first, a van or shadow tank for enemy pulls to fire. Maybe even a commando if a team has him in their setup with his net can be useful.

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