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Sqaure-Enix did it....


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First off it wasnt 300 million and secondly they had to allocate their initial startup fees from somewhere why couldnt they do it again

And Bioware? Don’t make me laugh. They’ve spent more money making the Old Republic than James Cameron spent on Avatar. **** you not. More than $ 300 million! Can you believe that?


And you know what they’re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That’s the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they’re panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can’t keep pushing back launch.


Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too..

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So your saying that the biggest publisher on the planet doesnt habe the funds to rewrite when a company with a proportionately smaller revenue stream can ? And where did you get 500 million? Just pulling it out of thexair? And is there really a price you can put on extending the life of the biotanic?


To me its worth any price to upgrade my favorite IP

And theres no reason it cant be done. Sure its a lot of work but still possible. I hope you are still around in one to two years to remember me telling you that with this engine it wont be anything but nostalgia by then. Sure it might still be active but no longer a competitive title


500 million is ridiculous.

Actual cost would be less than 50 million. Of course, 50 million is a ton of money. You'd need to have some sort of proof that they'd make a profit off it.

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Anyone who thinks the FFXIV "reset" is anything plausible here is either delusional or trolling.



Completely different situations. FFXIV was an unplayable mess that was dead the moment it hit the scene. You couldn't even complete quests and large portions of the game didn't even work.


That is nothing like SWTOR lack of end game options, too many servers and engine bugs. SWTOR was still a playable and enjoyable game at least from levels 1 to 50.

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This game is awesome.


Hating on the game has just become trendy.


I'm only disappointed that the space combat isn't an exact clone of Tie Fighter with updated textures/graphics. It will probably kick *** anyway.


Deal with it.

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This game is awesome.


Hating on the game has just become trendy.

The game has definite problems, though those problems rank very differently for different people. I don't think any of them would necessitate redesigning the game from scratch, though, as FF14 did.


I've been a subscriber since the beginning, and I see myself a subscriber for the forseeable future. I sure could go for some improvements in the engine, though.

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So Doing some digging I noticed a trend going around. People are spitting on the release of SWTOR. I wanted to know why. That list was pretty short.


Biggest complaint LAG. This is a huge deal to gamer's, and for good reason. I dont spend 80 dollars a month on internet to get into a game that requires at least 900 Dollars on hardware in my computer to rubber-band for 6 hours. EA got new servers.


Lack of End Game content. Still an issue but not nearly to the point it was before, and not really something that any other game does not suffer from.


Broken PVP. The reviews from this mostly seemed to be about lag issues over total imbalance. I do understand taht imbalance is still there, but speaking with a few hardcore pvp people the consensus on this is that although the classes are imbalanced it does not make it where anyone can not kill anyone else if they are out played.


Seeing these things compared to many other launched MMO titles I find that this game was actually decent when it launched. Short, but Decent.


I do feel that a major contributing factor to the downfall of both this game and Rift when they launched was in part due to the renewed success of WOW: Cataclysm, and the Explosion on the scene of LOL and the impact it made on Esports.


This is all opinionated, and I can be totally in the wrong.


This is about right, any differences are matters of degrees not substance, not enough for a complete reboot, and any changes will probably drive away as many people as they attract. Main complaint is that this game has little or no replay value for the stories, but people would be complaining just as much if the stories were randomly generated and they couldn't find a solution online.

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I can't believe he's actually trying to use FFXIV as a basis for this argument. The latter parts of the game are grindy as hell, levelling alternate classes is grindy as hell, and it has the worst server lag I've ever seen in any online game. They altered character models to have no rear, people can't even sub to the game until after their trial runs out, and the RMT spam is totally ridiculous(multiple chatbox pages at once) and you have to go through hoops(in some cases use macros) to ignore these people.


So please good sir...explain to me how FFXIV is remotely qualified to be used in your argument.

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To put it bluntly... TOR tanked, but it didn't tank hard enough. FFXIV was such a colossal launch meltdown it wasn't even fit for schadenfreude.


Plus the cultural thing, SE being Japanese might mean salvaging it was a matter of pride. Plus it's their central IP we're talking about. EA on the other hand, what's another sub par product/tanked IP to them. Their portfolio is varied enough so they can afford to not care as much.


So yea, would be dreamy, won't happen in a million years.

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I can't believe he's actually trying to use FFXIV as a basis for this argument. The latter parts of the game are grindy as hell, levelling alternate classes is grindy as hell, and it has the worst server lag I've ever seen in any online game. They altered character models to have no rear, people can't even sub to the game until after their trial runs out, and the RMT spam is totally ridiculous(multiple chatbox pages at once) and you have to go through hoops(in some cases use macros) to ignore these people.


So please good sir...explain to me how FFXIV is remotely qualified to be used in your argument.


There are other irritating things like, mob loot blows, you can't link or preview items, you can't send mail to your alts, the fastest way to lvl secondary jobs is dynamic events 24/7 etc.


I know many ppl that hated SWTOR that now like RR.

What can I say, some ppl like that ****.

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SWOR has its issues, sure, but I don't think it needs a complete overhaul.


It could use a sturdier engine and it needs a proper expansion.


Both of which are highly unlikely. It's patches and content DLCs here on ought.


Which is good enough for enough people to keep it afloat I reckon but it's also ZERO ambition for the future. Nothing more soul-crushing than reading the cantina meet and greet reports about how tight resources are, the resignation at the engine performance and lack of a road plan or commitment towards things such as boxed expansions. It's all "yea distribution costs EA a lot" and "adding new classes would be REALLY hard" etc. etc. Booze must flow in rivers on those events cos its all depressing news all the time. :p

Edited by aeterno
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To all those haters going on and on how much better FF RR is than Swtor here is a funny idea. Why not just go play that and stop whining here? Yes RR did better than FF14 did but thats not saying alot. I've played both and to be honest RR already has bored me and I'm not going on a huge grind feast on those "public" quests to level another class up.


So just leave if your not happy and leave the people here who enjoy this game in peace please

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It could use a sturdier engine and it needs a proper expansion.


Both of which are highly unlikely. It's patches and content DLCs here on ought.


Which is good enough for enough people to keep it afloat I reckon but it's also ZERO ambition for the future. Nothing more soul-crushing than reading the cantina meet and greet reports about how tight resources are, the resignation at the engine performance and lack of a road plan or commitment towards things such as boxed expansions. It's all "yea distribution costs EA a lot" and "adding new classes would be REALLY hard" etc. etc. Booze must flow in rivers on those events cos its all depressing news all the time. :p


Well adding a new class in TOR is tougher than adding a new class in WoW (new storyline), but I'd love some continuation of companion content (heck, even more mail from Ashara would be nice). Why do our spouses ignore us? This is supposed to be just fantasy, not reality!:p

Edited by AshlaBoga
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Care to cite your sources? Or are you just running your mouth?




Podcast by a participant that was there in NY.


Don't get me wrong i love the game I'm having fun and I appreciate the effort they're putting in.


But there's 2-3 hype libido killing gems in there this game needed 2 years ago and doesn't need now. But hey that's life. We game with what we have lol. Apparently the magic 8ball says chances of getting a lot more feature wise are slim.

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To put it bluntly... TOR tanked, but it didn't tank hard enough. FFXIV was such a colossal launch meltdown it wasn't even fit for schadenfreude.


Plus the cultural thing, SE being Japanese might mean salvaging it was a matter of pride. Plus it's their central IP we're talking about. EA on the other hand, what's another sub par product/tanked IP to them. Their portfolio is varied enough so they can afford to not care as much.


So yea, would be dreamy, won't happen in a million years.


This, SWTOR isn't even top ten in earnings from the last investors call; the Tiger Woods franchise makes more than SWTOR right now.

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Just to be fair....SWG was NOT bleeding subs before the CU/NGE....and it is easy for anyone to confirm that by looking at the charts.


Not this again. SWG had bled off 1/6th of it's entire subscriber base before the CU/NGE came out. From a peak of 300,000 subscribers down to 250,000 before the changes. I've posted charts and numbers in other threads and it gets old seeing fans of SWG try to wave away the reality of what happened.

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Not this again. SWG had bled off 1/6th of it's entire subscriber base before the CU/NGE came out. From a peak of 300,000 subscribers down to 250,000 before the changes. I've posted charts and numbers in other threads and it gets old seeing fans of SWG try to wave away the reality of what happened.


People don't want real life facts , haven't you notice that ?

They rather stick the head in the sand , even if the sand has been urinated at , they still think the smell must be from there neighbours ;)


They rather think there sand is clean and smell like roses from there perception .

Who can blaim them , realisme is negative , but there vision while totally fantasy , is real must be real !

everybody else is lying ;)

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..Why can't Bioware? S.E. completely redid their MMO after a while of it being out. I wonder why can't SWTOR can't have it done too. I mean it's not like they don't have the money....


I tried the new FFXIV. They wasted their money. LOL


Honestly, the game felt primitive compared to this one. Lots of Japanese flash and bang (too much, as they usually do), but no real substance. Whether people want to admit it or not, this game has revolutionized the genre in a number of areas.....and its going to be hard to go back to a more primitive game.


.....and there is far more anger on the FFXIV general board then there is here.

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I tried the new FFXIV. They wasted their money. LOL


Honestly, the game felt primitive compared to this one. Lots of Japanese flash and bang (too much, as they usually do), but no real substance. Whether people want to admit it or not, this game has revolutionized the genre in a number of areas.....and its going to be hard to go back to a more primitive game.


.....and there is far more anger on the FFXIV general board then there is here.


Well, there would be. Glad I'm not playing it.

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..Why can't Bioware? S.E. completely redid their MMO after a while of it being out. I wonder why can't SWTOR can't have it done too. I mean it's not like they don't have the money....

Seriously, i cant understand how you can even post that....



ea is one of the greediest, short term rushed product companies out there

1)they focus very little on fixing bugs unless they are really really game breaking

2)they barely test their patches and manage to let patches with game breaking bugs in the main game

3)they keep spamming cartel market items for profit

4)They make a pvp only star fighter expansion aka the im too lazy to make AI's and program them, its cheaper to make it pvp(and no i wouldnt play pve star fights anyway, but this action shows their motives)

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I tried the new FFXIV. They wasted their money. LOL

Whether people want to admit it or not, this game has revolutionized the genre in a number of areas.....and its going to be hard to go back to a more primitive game.


In what ways other than story? DCUO and RuneScape were doing voice-acting before SWTOR, but not with the structure BioWare used. Still, none of the newer MMOs on the horizon are touting story as a primary feature.

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