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SWTOR Armory? Yes/No?


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I doubt it. There''s no real reason to do it as Bioware is about the story - not anything else.


This is a dumb answer indeed, as one is does not impact the other. As was said the game needs to have all the workings a modern MMO for a long term life.


It's just as simple as that.

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Would be nice but ONLY if I can disable my toons from being shown. That would solve all the concerns about it.


I would prefer it if BW diverted resources into optimising the engine somewhat first though.

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I don't see the point for having one. I would be okayish for it as long as you have the option to hide any part of you character sheet. The default being "private access only" for everything.


If there's something I hate in "modern MMOs", it's the blurring of lines between game and social network. I'm all for having a good *game*. I do not want Bioware to spend a damn buck on social network features - if I wanted to be part of a social network (which I do not), I'd go get an account on one.


But my main point is - I consider it a waste of time and resources. A MMO is about content, content, and more content, once the basic tools to explore it are provided and functional (I'm looking at you, default UI). Armory is not in my list of "basic tools allowing you to explore the content", so spending resources to develop one is, in my book, a waste of money and time. If they have the manpower to do it, it means that manpower can be used to develop more content instead.

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If there's something I hate in "modern MMOs", it's the blurring of lines between game and social network. I'm all for having a good *game*. I do not want Bioware to spend a damn buck on social network features - if I wanted to be part of a social network (which I do not), I'd go get an account on one.


you have a point when you say mmo nowadays borderlines social networks. It's true. However, one may or may not like it, but it helps greatly retains player.


I have seen and talk to countless player in wow that only stay sub to continue chatting, or playing with online friend, even the game doe snot appeal to them anymore.


I have seen somewhat fidelity to guild, people that keep raiding because they felt they have a "contract" with their friend, so until they find suitable replacement.


social networking in wow goes a long way to help maintain the 10 millions player base. I think if BW want to be as succesful, they can't ignore that aspect of the game for long.

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I would appreciate having an armory so I can pre-check the gear of my Operation teams before the actual operation.


It could help me research how we can acquire and replace their gear to better their performance in their specific roles.


Showing off is one thing, and having an offlien access to your character is another. If this will be implemented in the game, I'm sur a lot of operation leaders will appreciate it. :D

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