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New companion proposal

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Ever see the Republic Oricon ending? We actually have a candidate for this.


HUGE spoilers follow:


It's Dread Master Calphayus.


The Republic questline can pick up from here. For Imperial players, he could have easily just got sick of the Jedi's crap really fast and left.


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If a new female companion, along the same general lines as my suggested male companion (though not a Force-user; we seriously don't need to keep saddling women throughout the galaxy with the role of eternal apprentice), were to be released, I'd very much hope that she'd be programmed as a potential romance for both male and female characters, rather than something un-romance-able.


Actually, I agree with this completely. :) And would also be interested in a female Companion such as you mentioned (perhaps a soldier or Imperial Agent type, faction depending on whether or not you talk her out of or into defection? Ah, but that is another topic, lol).


In my attempts at being polite though I suppose my post gave the wrong impression! A better and more, well, blunt way to phrase my previous post is: "If you (general you) insist that you want another non-romanceable alien type added as a Companion, I'd prefer it to be female because I'd rather see a male Companion that is a romanceable type, and almost all of the existing non-romanceable type alien Companions are male already." ^^;

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Actually, I agree with this completely. :) And would also be interested in a female Companion such as you mentioned (perhaps a soldier or Imperial Agent type, faction depending on whether or not you talk her out of or into defection? Ah, but that is another topic, lol).^^;


Honestly, I'd love to see a female pirate-type who uses an assault cannon (since that weapon is presently useless for the majority of classes and, indeed, for the entire Imperial faction). The sort of woman who grins lopsidedly before lobbing a thermal detonator into the fray. Nautolan, maybe? If they could figure a way to make a Weequay attractive enough to be a desirable potential romance, that would be kind of awesome, too.


But, as you say, this is another topic, entirely...

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Yes, It would be nice to finally have a male force-user on any team. Not that I don't like Kira, Nadia, Ashara, and light side Jaesa, I would like to see a male companion that can be swayed to either side, and romanced by either sex. However, they seriously need to put the added companions into the cut scenes, It aggravates me when neither HK or Treek show up to the meetings and it wouldn't be that hard to give them throwaway lines that no one responds too, that happens a lot to the original companions anyway.


As for a new female companion I could totally see a Nautolan wielding a plasma cannon, that would be awesome beyond words.

Edited by Billupsat
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At least HK has some throwaways. Treek has NONE.


BW, give us an Impside assault officer!



And I also just realized that there's a flirt option on Kaas for one of the Bounties......with a male Twi'lek and my male SW.

Edited by Xakthul
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Forgot about my suggestion:



Bring us more search companions (like HK, where you have to find all the parts, then do an additional quest to get him assembled):


- A Dashade Force-eater: Make us search for relics to free him from his prison. Then give us a quest on Denova or Oricon for the summoning


- A Former Grand Champion of the Great Hunt: Hunt down the parts of his organization until you find him, then give us a group area on Nar Shaddaa for the actual fight where you pick him up.


- A Wookie Madclaw: Hunt him throughout the galaxy, then track him down to some forest world or another (you guys pick)



All my suggestions for now....

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- A Dashade Force-eater: Make us search for relics to free him from his prison. Then give us a quest on Denova or Oricon for the summoning


- A Wookie Madclaw: Hunt him throughout the galaxy, then track him down to some forest world or another (you guys pick)


Personally, I feel like one Dashade companion and one Wookiee companion are plenty for the game. They're part of what make their respective classes interesting and special. That said, I could certainly get behind the idea of another "treasure hunt" companion, along the lines of HK-51.

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Yes, It would be nice to finally have a male force-user on any team. Not that I don't like Kira, Nadia, Ashara, and light side Jaesa, I would like to see a male companion that can be swayed to either side, and romanced by either sex. However, they seriously need to put the added companions into the cut scenes, It aggravates me when neither HK or Treek show up to the meetings and it wouldn't be that hard to give them throwaway lines that no one responds too, that happens a lot to the original companions anyway.


Baby steps. New (male, Force-using) companion first, new conversation code for all non-original companions second. At least, that's my particular priority order. YMMV. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The OP's suggestion is one of the BEST suggestions I've heard in the history of the suggestion forums. For all the reasons stated. The "ex-padawan" angle is perfect too. Totally perfect.


Though I absolutely fully support the "anyone could romance" angle, I'd largely be on board with this just so my male Jedi characters could finally have a bro to roll around with for a master / apprentice relationship that felt more like a buddy cop movie and less like a forbidden romance thing. That situation can feel a little creepy with the power dynamic, not to mention the strict no-romance rules in the order. I'd love to just have a couple of dudes with lightsabers raising hell around the galaxy, Anakin and Obi-Wan style. So there's got to be a polite "I think of you as a friend" option too.


I only point this out to ADD to the list of reasons why this is a fantastic idea. I think a male / male romance arc would be a great addition, a new female / male option would also be welcome, and another strictly-platonic guy friendship available to all would have its own appeal. And it could all be provided by ONE open-minded fellow! I'd gladly buy this character account-wide and enjoy all of the story options.


For the record, I'm putting in another vote for Mirialan.

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So there's got to be a polite "I think of you as a friend" option too.


I'd hope that is a given, considering how the other romance Companions work. ^^ My male Warrior is most definitely not romancing Vette, and I think the writers did a good job of portraying a platonic relationship. I really get that sassy little sister vibe from her. IMHO they key is to simply never hit the [Flirt] option. I really enjoy having my female Smuggler run around with Risha sometimes -- two Smuggler lady BFF's, causing chaos together -- so I can see the appeal of being able to have that feeling with a male Force user as well. :)


Also, I'm really liking the idea of a Mirialan! I don't think we have any Mirialan Companions. We don't have any Miraluka ones either, but having dealt with two Miraluka characters and their hair/mask/gear matching issues, I'd much prefer a Mirialan. ^^;

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I agree with this, but one thing they gotta fix before I will even consider buying one:




I got kinda mad when I bought Treek, and then she had the personality of a rock. :jawa_frown:


Well, so far the only fun companions worth using make the game harder since i am a dps'er by heart, majority of the companions worth using are dps companions, it wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't make solo'ing feel like a mini-trinity system, but sadly they did.


I personally don't care less about personality anymore really, as long as their alignment choice doesn't impact my experience, like most of them do, Treek is the utmost best companion, not due to it being a Ewok, but due to the fact that, the choices you make in non-treek specific conversations makes no impact at all on your rep with her, thats the only reason i use her at all.

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IMHO they key is to simply never hit the [Flirt] option.

That is the key indeed. Sadly. It seems fairly common that friends can flirt with each other without it being more than just a game of wits. Of course, a lot of the flirts in the game seem to go way past flirt and into "not-so-subtle proposition" territory.


Characters like Kira, Vette and Risha seem to be the type that could engage in flirting with their friends. Tharan's another example. Akavi seems like the type that it would be fun to flirt with because she would have no idea how to deal with it (and what person doesn't like to frustrate his/her friends?). I'm sure there are others, too.

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Then we should ask BW to have an options for your new companion.


Fully customizable.

Gender, race, looks, specialisation.

So we could create companion of our taste.


I doubt that can be impossible. It's just will take more work. After all, we can create our own character. Why not comp?


I really like this idea. That, after we get the five companions that are special to which class of character we made, we could design a companion of our choice - deciding if it would be a new male or female companion; what species it would be; how it would look; what occupation it will have; what role it would have on the team; and the option to make it be a romanceable companion (and with which gender it can be romanced by).


Maybe have Mirialan, Togruta, Human, Pantoran/Wroonian, Zeltron, Chiss, Rattataki, or Twi'Lek as the species choices for the custom designed companion.

Edited by SWLoveAngel
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The way I see it a Jedi CC companion for all classes is not necessary at this point, since we will eventually tap into

The Shadows of the Force sooner or later and involve grey Jedi order into the war efforts.

Then a Grey Jedi will be acquirable the same or similar way as HK-51 is, due to chain quest.


The only thing that does bother me is the choice of gender, if the companion should be romanceable then they should make it player gender dependable.


For example if player gender is male the companion character is female already and vice versa.

Depending on the Player Gender a different character is chosen for him to assist during the chain quest.


For example Grey Jedi female chosen by default for male player, and grey Jedi Male chosen for female player.


I don't necessarily need it romanceable though so either way is fine with me.


Because no companion will beat Tali :)

Therefore idgaf :)

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*cough* romanceable Zeltrons *cough*




LOL - wouldn't that be a given as it's a Zeltron?


And it would be fun that if the player's character is female, they'd get a male Zeltron. Then if the player's character is male, they'd get a female Zeltron.


Plus, making a custom name that fits what species the companion is made as would also be fun.

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LOL - wouldn't that be a given as it's a Zeltron?


Yes. But still.....


And it would be fun that if the player's character is female, they'd get a male Zeltron. Then if the player's character is male, they'd get a female Zeltron.


Hmm.... my FemInq did want an alien man-harem. But all she got was Khem, Talos, and Andro.


Plus, making a custom name that fits what species the companion is made as would also be fun.


Yes! that's one of my favorite parts of creating Chiss characters. The rest could basically be any name :rolleyes:

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And it would be fun that if the player's character is female, they'd get a male Zeltron. Then if the player's character is male, they'd get a female Zeltron.


What if my Smuggler wants an all-female crew? Why should she be forced to have a male-guy on board, just because she answered "Zeltron seeking work" ad?


(I don't think your idea is fun, I object to it on principle because I think it hampers player choice and reinforces a heternormative narrative.)

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What if my Smuggler wants an all-female crew? Why should she be forced to have a male-guy on board, just because she answered "Zeltron seeking work" ad?


(I don't think your idea is fun, I object to it on principle because I think it hampers player choice and reinforces a heternormative narrative.)


Ohh....so sorry. I MUST add that you should be abl to choose companion gender because of Princess Snowflake here who wants to dictate others ideas :rolleyes:

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