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Info concerning Queue German Servers - Since Bioware doesn´t read our Forum


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Sorry to missuse your Forum here, but Bioware wouldn´t read this Info in our Forum otherwise.




There are login issues for a great bandwith of the german community their is the issue that Jarkai Sword got a Queue with almost nobody getting on the server, while the population ist "Low". It seems to me an internal problem on your end. It would be nice that you fixe it before 131800BOkt13 or before the Sundayraidtime in Germany. I don´t want to imagine the *****torm you would get:D


Oh yes it seams like Chat isn´t working on any of the German Servers, Lags and Stuff etc..


Germans are not to be messed with, Angry Germans in particular :-P


@English Community:


Don´t Know if you still have a CM, but if so maybe get him to read this and if their is somebody who speaks German better than google try to translate the small Assesment of Threads in the Jarkai Sword Server Forum and the "Allgemein" Forum in the German Community Bar.

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BioWare don't care about us. Got kicked in the night from the server and couldn't get reconnected. And I know I wasn't the only one, since it happened to other players I was playing with at the time too. I look on the forums and here was just talked about issues the English speaking servers had, it was not even recognised that we also could have issues. Edited by Drudenfusz
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Wartezeit 3 std .INAKTEPTABEL.


Abonnet und genervt, gebt mir nen servertransfer für meine 7 chars, von JAR kai Sword zu T3-M4 umsonst. Das wäre nett.


Mainchar kann gar nicht einloggen. TWinks nur begrentzt. Will entweder von jar kai sword zu t3-m4 oder ABBO KÜNDIGEN. LANGSAM REICHTS:

Edited by ixvoodooxi
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Wartezeit 3 std .INAKTEPTABEL.


Abonnet und genervt, gebt mir nen servertransfer für meine 7 chars, von JAR kai Sword zu T3-M4 umsonst. Das wäre nett.


Mainchar kann gar nicht einloggen. TWinks nur begrentzt. Will entweder von jar kai sword zu t3-m4 oder ABBO KÜNDIGEN. LANGSAM REICHTS:


I don't understand a word...but by the way it sounds, bioware better not piss off this guy :p

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May I suggest to fling that into the 'Customer Service' section?


I personally play on the German server Jar'kai Sword as well and I must say I find it less than professional how this server is being treated with from an support perspective.


- There is an obvious ongoing lag issue for the majority of the player base for a long period now. Most of the subscribers are reporting this and not a single thing has been done to address this issue. Maybe something was done or is planned but nothing has been communicated. This is how you achieve bad satisfaction rating amongs your customers, by the way.


- There is a serious problem with the server that even goes beyond the massive lag issues. People were unable to log-on to the server during prime time yesterday, 12-Oct-2013, and only were able to join the server at late evening hours. No statement on the server forum, nothing. Not even an apology. Things that companies usually do if clients can't do what they come and pay for.


I am a player who returns to this game as a person who does enjoy the SW universe, not necessarily this game. At work I'm responsible for several support teams. If my teams or myself would deliver this poor support / communication we would be in deep trouble. I find it amateur class to have 3 servers running which feature the German language (the same holds true for the French speaking servers) and not deliver support in the local language. Germans have to get onto English speaking forums to get a better insight of what is going on with the product the pay for. How unacceptable is that? Just imagine you as a native English speaker would have to research anything about this game on the German bit of the forum while still paying your subscription fees. Germans get no official announcements about what's going on with their servers. Neither in their language nor on their native language forums. That said, we would need to keep in mind that the German economy is the strongest in Europe and (I now state this based on a common sense approach) therefor their paying customer base is the biggest piece of the cake.


Today the picture is like: Jar'kai Sword has a population: low. The estimated time for me to be in the queue is < 50 mins. Well alright, that might hint that they have figured a performance problem and as a workaround they only allow a limited amount of players before they will put a fix in place during work days. This *might* be the reason. Again, no flippin' communication out for paying customers.


I am not sure if I will maintain the accounts for me and my kids for long if the support stays as poor as it is as a status quo at the moment.


Well, I guess now the obvious 'whiner' posts kick in but I really meant this as an obejective feedback on how people are being treated.


Not really like customers if you ask me.



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BioWare don't care about us. Got kicked in the night from the server and couldn't get reconnected. And I know I wasn't the only one, since it happened to other players I was playing with at the time too. I look on the forums and here was just talked about issues the English speaking servers had, it was not even recognised that we also could have issues.


Something similar happened to me last week, I got disconnected, and when I logged on My character was still playing and I couldn't load him or any other. In the end I had to turn off my internet, so I got a new IP address, so had to enter a One Time Password, which then allowed my to load my character.


Sorry to hear they didn't think to respond to other language forums though.

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Would be nice to know what is the problem and how long it will be until the servers are back. Always pay through enough people every month for


And besides, why is now working on the problem-only after the server has crashed night at half past third I do not like it on the other server but on Jar'Kai Sword since it is already 3 days to always lags and long load times




Wäre mal nett zu wissen was das problem ist und wie lange es noch dauert bis die server wieder da sind. Immer hin bezahlen genug leute jeden monat dafür


Und außerdem warum wird jetzt erst an dem problem gearbeitet nach dem server die nacht um halb 3 gecrasht ist. Ich weiß ja nicht wie es auf den anderen server ausieht aber aufem Jar'Kai Sword kommt es schon seit 3 Tagen immer wieder zu lags und lange ladezeiten arbeitet nach dem server die nacht um halb 3 gecrasht ist. Ich weiß ja nicht wie es auf andern server ausieht aber aufem Jar'Kai Sword kommt es schon seit 3 Tagen immer wieder zu lags und lange ladezeiten

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Hmm, the german forum ist starting to get enraged. Bioware should fix that problem ASAP. The Tommies had problems with their servers no problem ---> fixed in under an hour. American servers with problem? No Problem fixed ASAP!


German servers with lags for over a week and now massiv Problems. ---> Bioware: Nope we are not interested in our financally most potent Customers. You will get no fix.


@ Bioware: Just you know. America ist almost bancrupt and Britain is in a recession. Germany on the other hand has a thriving economy. Please don´t come with stupid arguments of larger Playerbase. Fix the Problem ASAP!

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Hmm, the german forum ist starting to get enraged. Bioware should fix that problem ASAP. The Tommies had problems with their servers no problem ---> fixed in under an hour. American servers with problem? No Problem fixed ASAP!


German servers with lags for over a week and now massiv Problems. ---> Bioware: Nope we are not interested in our financally most potent Customers. You will get no fix.


@ Bioware: Just you know. America ist almost bancrupt and Britain is in a recession. Germany on the other hand has a thriving economy. Please don´t come with stupid arguments of larger Playerbase. Fix the Problem ASAP!




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@ Bioware: Just you know. America ist almost bancrupt and Britain is in a recession. Germany on the other hand has a thriving economy. Please don´t come with stupid arguments of larger Playerbase. Fix the Problem ASAP!


I am a German living abroad and I'm dealing with a lot of people that are foreigners to my host country as well. They all say they don't like Germans for their arrogant behaviour. You just delivered a prime example of that *****-like behaviour they are referring to.



The situation is indeed very problematic, I at least agree to that. However, I am certain the SLA's they are delivering are within what is contractually agreed upon on the subscriber agreement. I would spare my energy and move on.

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Since about 4 hours I'm on the waiting list for the German server. Really sad how Bioware handled the German players. If no value to the paying customers you put then you should not be surprised if soon announce many of their subscription!!:mad:
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I am a German living abroad and I'm dealing with a lot of people that are foreigners to my host country as well. They all say they don't like Germans for their arrogant behaviour. You just delivered a prime example of that *****-like behaviour they are referring to.



The situation is indeed very problematic, I at least agree to that. However, I am certain the SLA's they are delivering are within what is contractually agreed upon on the subscriber agreement. I would spare my energy and move on.




Go out and relax with something else!

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@ Bioware: Just you know. America ist almost bancrupt and Britain is in a recession. Germany on the other hand has a thriving economy. Please don´t come with stupid arguments of larger Playerbase. Fix the Problem ASAP!


Just to let you now, you're hardly thriving. You're barely better than most, and if the US goes down, you're likely going to be put in a place that's barely any better than the UK.....


And you have less players, so these other countries are always going to be more important.


Unfair, but makes sense.

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Just to let you now, you're hardly thriving. You're barely better than most, and if the US goes down, you're likely going to be put in a place that's barely any better than the UK.....


And you have less players, so these other countries are always going to be more important.


Unfair, but makes sense.


I would disagree on the thriving bit. Germany's economy is doing pretty well at the moment. He's just brought the point across like a real 'p r i c k'. Furthermore I think he lacks the capability of understanding that all players in europe from non German / French speaking countries will most likely speak English but neither German nor French, hence they populate English speaking servers. That is why BW apparently puts focus on the English servers. The growth potential for the SW franchise is at its highest in Germany, if I may say so - obviously because of the strength of its economy. The current situation, however, is more like English servers are more densely populated for mentioned reasons.

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Germany's economy is doing pretty well at the moment

Of course - in the last 20 years we had the rare possibility to create a bride poor working class within a high income country - and WE DID IT. So we could lower our cost of production, while in most other industrialised countries they are rising, what is just necessary in our exponential money system.


Of course... the millions of people in our poor working class now are really f**** up - like the other millions of people in poor working classes in other countries. But... hey... if the higher middleclass wants a big house, a few cars, a few holiday travels per year... somebody has to work just for lowest costs of living.


Nice development ...


Back to topic: Dear Bioware - it would really be nice at least to show a sign that you NOTICED the problem. Really "awesome" would be an information, when you think, the problems could be handled.

On Vanjervalis Chain its the same problems that occur in the last 2 days continously... and the problems seems to get bigger.



My apologize - just refer to this thread for information from bioware: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=688417

Edited by Booth
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