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New Expansion ...Game killer??


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if the whole new expac is just about space combat

does that mean we hafta wait for the expansion after that to progress on our toons?

i mean i dont care how well done it is, i could care less about it (space combat stuff) if i wanted to play a "space combat game, i would play space invaders lol, if they dont raise the level cap and give us more pve content i see this being the game killer right here , what do you all think?

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It's only been 5 months since the last level cap. You really want to raise it that soon? It's just an arbitrary number. You can progress your character and gear without a level cap.


They said no pve in the space aspect, but that does not mean no pve apart from the space game.

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It's not slowing progress for land-lubbers. Different teams make content for space and for regular pve/pvp. Think of the space expansion as a bonus before a 3.0 expansion with new levels, powers and worlds.


Also, your post almost couldn't have come across as more whiny and entitled. A lot of people screamed "YES!" when they first heard about the space expansion. Don't act like your interests are the only ones that matter for the sake of this game.

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It's only been 5 months since the last level cap. You really want to raise it that soon? It's just an arbitrary number. You can progress your character and gear without a level cap.


They said no pve in the space aspect, but that does not mean no pve apart from the space game.


they so far havent said anything about the new expac other then its space pvp, and as far as the level cap being raised 5 mos ago when the last expac came out you would think they shouldnt be even calling this an expac at all it should be just an update on the current space combat OR a new pvp aspect..but there calling it an expansion, so does that mean it will be 6-8 more months before we get any new pve content in the game? on a side note the pve content they did add with the current expac is kinda crappy in comparison to the stuff that was here before it, i mean i would love to see new comps, raise the current comp affection to x2, x3, more class story stuff ect ect, we got very little with this expac as it is, space combat could have waited imo

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Also, your post almost couldn't have come across as more whiny and entitled. A lot of people screamed "YES!" when they first heard about the space expansion. Don't act like your interests are the only ones that matter for the sake of this game.


i am willing to put money down that over 50% of the player base could care less about space combat stuff and care a f'ton more about not being bored at 55 because of the lack of stuff to do other then weekly OPS

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problem I see is makeb had no villian to look forwards to fighting. ROTC was just a thrown together planet that had maybe 10-15 hours of story content. I've done it on a republic and imperial toon. It wasn't good enough to leave an impression on me.


Dailies are endgame outside of OPs but no one wants to do them because their long and take forever to get groups going. If you have a good guild then thats legit and your set but most of us dont have that so for solo players you get to enjoy long que times for HM FPs (im a tank and been qued for 30 minutes no pop). Then when you do get in and wipe once everyone leaves.


They added oricon planet which is nice but the missions to unlock the dailies are the same thing... what a troll. Lets do dailies so you can unlock dailies and do dailies while your going to do dailies. :rak_03:


If there was some grand boss we were working up towards and had filler content in between to prepare for it might be different. Some Flashpoints, Couple of OPS, add some world bosses, daily hubs (cause thats really the only endgame we have), add some new crew skills or improve existing ones, enhance companion dialogue quest and expand general story is what I would expect from an expansion.


I dunno bro the game is killing itself and just becoming a pool of F2P

Edited by Saltychip
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if the whole new expac is just about space combat

does that mean we hafta wait for the expansion after that to progress on our toons?

i mean i dont care how well done it is, i could care less about it (space combat stuff) if i wanted to play a "space combat game, i would play space invaders lol, if they dont raise the level cap and give us more pve content i see this being the game killer right here , what do you all think?


So giving the player something else to do would be a game killer simply because it doesn't raise the level cap? This is the sort of thing that people would like to do when they're bored of running dailies and HM's, etc. How can something additional possibly be a game killer? Just because YOU don't care for it, that doesn't mean other people aren't going to have fun with it. Besides, people have been clamoring for this sort of thing since launch.

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This expansion won't kill the game. Your argument about how you could care less about space combat applies to you and not everyone else. Second, people always did say they wanted more option for pvp, well they got it. Third, if people don't like it its not like they can't just go and play some regular pvp or pve. I mean right now some people exclusively pvp, others just pve, and most do a little of both. The amount of whining over Bioware giving us something totally new that many people wanted for a long time is unbelievable.
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I heard somewhere that almost 50% of the swtor population PVPs so if thats true bioware is obviously trying to milk it by making a pvp only expac :p by hyping you into subscribing so you can get it early and im sure there will be some cartel stuff to go with it somehow. Edited by Saltychip
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space combat could have waited imo


So all of us that waited 2 years for proper space combat could have waited 6 more months, another year maybe? The new expansion is expanding on the space part of the game and nothing else. Imo it was long overdue :)

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I don't really understand this idea that something needs to be an expansion to have more things to do - they've consistently added stuff in patches since 2.0 hit. 2.5 looks like it will have a new flashpoint. The space system looks like it's going to be a very different kind of system than ground PVP that will have it's own progression. Honestly this game does need something NEW and different to do in between fps, ops, and dailies. No content is for everyone. I know a whole lot of people that doesn't care to set foot in an operation. A small percentage of people do hm/nim content.
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Well I dont see why adding space pvp needs to be called an expansion? Unless they add more than just the 12v12 pvp we've seen its not really expansion worthy. If WoW added one new BG style and map and that was the whole "expansion" everyone would rage and rofl.
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So all of us that waited 2 years for proper space combat could have waited 6 more months, another year maybe? The new expansion is expanding on the space part of the game and nothing else. Imo it was long overdue :)


if you want to play a space combat game im sure you can get a SNES or PS1 and a couple for under 50 bucks and play till ur hearts content theres a reason why those kinds of games have died out, and ouside of that this game is mainly PVE , and for the PVP aspect of this game it sucks in comparison to all other games that i have played that have PVP or are full PVP, i mean if youre that die hard about PVP buy an xbox and play online on that its all pvp and theres hundreds of games to play...its just sad that this PVP xpac is more important to invest the capital on then making the PVE part of the game as good as it was before the ROTC

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Well I dont see why adding space pvp needs to be called an expansion? Unless they add more than just the 12v12 pvp we've seen its not really expansion worthy. If WoW added one new BG style and map and that was the whole "expansion" everyone would rage and rofl.

/agree x100000000000000000000


my point exactly

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Well I dont see why adding space pvp needs to be called an expansion? Unless they add more than just the 12v12 pvp we've seen its not really expansion worthy. If WoW added one new BG style and map and that was the whole "expansion" everyone would rage and rofl.


It really doesn't. It's clear that they're calling it an expansion just because it will get more buzz that way. If they just called it a patch or update, it wouldn't grab anyone's attention outside of the current players.

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They've released a lot of PvE content and smidges of PvP content, I don't see this as a game breaker at all. This is something that people have been asking for since launch.


BTW, the game is called Star Wars the Old Republic, don't be telling people to go away if they want a "proper" space combat game:rolleyes:

Edited by beattlebilly
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Well compare WoW arena to SWTOR arena. Which plays more fluidly?


Swtor's engine just sucks for pvp its simple to see. Huttball is a great idea but pvp in general doesnt feel as fast twitch and reactive as wow pvp. Unless huge overhauls are done to fix this I think swtor should put primary focus into improving quality of life changes and adding pve with pvp as a minor secondary to please the try hards who grind to valor 100 for dat epeen flex :rak_03:


Dont even get started about the bolster pvp buff, which gear is best to pvp with? Does it really matter you get boosted and buffed with expertise even in pve gear. I dont even think the devs know what their doing with pvp.

Edited by Saltychip
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It really doesn't. It's clear that they're calling it an expansion just because it will get more buzz that way. If they just called it a patch or update, it wouldn't grab anyone's attention outside of the current players.


there calling it an expac to lure more cash out of peoples pocket...im fine with never doing any pvp ever, i know alot of people do like pvp that is fine too BUT if this expac is required to purchase to progress in PVE content and i will never play it ..i see myself and over 1/2 the people playing it rage quitting..ive never seen a game that didnt require the previous expac to continue the following one ever...so i think that if we all want to keep playing alot of people are going to be forced into buying this trash that we will never play

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there calling it an expac to lure more cash out of peoples pocket...im fine with never doing any pvp ever, i know alot of people do like pvp that is fine too BUT if this expac is required to purchase to progress in PVE content and i will never play it ..i see myself and over 1/2 the people playing it rage quitting..ive never seen a game that didnt require the previous expac to continue the following one ever...so i think that if we all want to keep playing alot of people are going to be forced into buying this trash that we will never play

The expansion is free. It's free for subs, it'll be free for f2ps, they just get it later.



Edited by Helig
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Game killer? No. Look, I don't PvP and I couldn't give a you-know-what about this expansion. If it gives something to do for people that enjoy doing those things, fine. If it brings some people back, fine. Although, if people come back just for space PvP I doubt it'll impact my game (PvE) at all. All that being said, I really think that people that play this game at this point in time are going to play this game regardless. Without some major occurance, one way or the other (and this expansion isn't one of those), I don't foresee any major positive or negative impact.
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The expansion is free. It's free for subs, it'll be free for f2ps, they just get it later.






It's free, dude. You don't have to buy it. You have full access to everything just for being a subscriber.


You're going to ragequit for getting something new and interesting for free? Kids these days.

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It's free, dude. You don't have to buy it. You have full access to everything just for being a subscriber.


You're going to ragequit for getting something new and interesting for free? Kids these days.

Reminds me of TAA's vid when he rages about kids that complain about not getting a car/new iphone for X-mas on Facebook, Twitter, and whatever other outlets, and acting like it's some grand betrayal on their parent's behalf.

Edited by Helig
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if you want to play a space combat game im sure you can get a SNES or PS1 and a couple for under 50 bucks and play till ur hearts content theres a reason why those kinds of games have died out, and ouside of that this game is mainly PVE , and for the PVP aspect of this game it sucks in comparison to all other games that i have played that have PVP or are full PVP, i mean if youre that die hard about PVP buy an xbox and play online on that its all pvp and theres hundreds of games to play...its just sad that this PVP xpac is more important to invest the capital on then making the PVE part of the game as good as it was before the ROTC


Well now you just don't know what you'r talking about here... The current "space" content in the game is a PS1 console, on rails crap. The new content is a keyboard/mouse (maybe even joystick if BW know what those are), PC game. And btw spaceinvaders? Try more like wing commander if you want to go back that far... FYI im a PvE player, in a PvE guild running ops so forgive me if i don't care about companions and the likes... I'd love to have PvE in space but ill take whatever i can get, even 12v12 PvP as long as its off the rails.

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