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What exactly is Leia going to be doing? At one point we have her and Luke infiltrating the Deep Core, now she's using Battle Meditation?


Let's make up our minds here.


Aurbere listen and listen carefully.... please.... None of the current scenarios have Luke and Leia going to the deep core until endgame this is pre-end game sersiously. There is and always will be more then 1 scenario and even in scenarios that have them heading there it could be a few times after this. Serious man I do not know how many times I have to say this please stop bringing this up when that idea was only in one post 50 pages back and has not been relivant for over 300 posts now and you keep bringing it up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRoIp1ldSUw . I want to slap you...... no .......

naughty Naughty Kool Aid. Edited by tunewalker
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Training new soldiers in a matter of days is only going to hurt the Alliance's ground forces. They will be cannon fodder in comparison to the 501st and Krath War Droids.


Speaking of Krath War Droids. It's time to discuss the impact that they will have on the battlefield.


Oh, and Infiltrator Probe Droids. Don't underestimate them.


Also catch up here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Basic_Training more then 10 weeks should not be neccissary. 5 weeks for rushed training by skipping some of the hand to hand combat and discipline stuff to just get people out there with guns.



Also 100 droids aren't going to make a huge difference and as I have said I doubt there will be more then 10 probe droids to start and it will take time to build more the probe droids being countered by Spec forces (it should only take 1500 to counter the elite storm troopers so 30 to counter infiltrator droids leaves me with a lot left over).


The 100 droids will most assuredly have an issue with their Low intelligence given that the "greatest threats" of the rebels could be miss leading and the few times some of my commanders have dealt with droids the droids low intelligence meant they were extremely ineffective so I would think my main group of rebels would be able to handle these with out much of an issue.

Edited by tunewalker
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Ok just some of the standard equipment for my troops real quick these were utilized by standard troops and some special forces alike.... Wolf I know you have other things Spec forces used if you could help me out in that regard that would be great thanks.




with http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/GX-15_concussion_missile as their "armor piercing rounds"















and http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_of_Command This was described in the Courtship of princess leia as being widely used by the Hapan armed forces and could cause whole armies to turn on each other and kill one another.


Edit: also http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hapan_battle_armor

http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Tree_of_wisdom (would Leia and Wedge be considered elderly at this point they are both in their 60s right)


Edit 2: beni do I get some of these http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hapan_Royal_Guard





from my supplier at hapes?

Edited by tunewalker
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K, I won't list EVERYTHING that the Specforces would have access too because it is quite a bit...but i'll post some stuff and have it categorized as best...so to start.


"In half an hour I can put together a strike team of twenty soldiers, capable of succeeding at any mission, under any circumstances, anywhere in the galaxy."


―General Crix Madine



Rebel Specforce Armor/Misc Attachments


Breathing Mask/Oxidizers


Camo Ponchos


Thin Suits= Provides protection from temps from -30 to 100 degrees, vacuum exposure, chemical/radiation exposure, 6 hr breathing mask with 5 pockets for additional filters, puncture and tear resistant can also work as an emergency Space suit. SpaceOps like them for utility and Wilderness Fighters like them for insulation.


Light Scout Armor= Pathfinders like these for moderate protection and cameo, comes with integrated harness and breathing mask(6 hr filter) and macrobioncular vision.


Cameo Armor= Wore by Specs expecting to need both effective armor and stealth advantage, blends into backgrounds by a network of photoreactive fibers, the fibers absorb nearby reflective colors and change hue to match making the Spec fairly well hidden.


Shadow Suit= Hand-sewn from Shadowsilk(sturdy, durable and light-absorbing fabric) shadow suit is only issued to select Infiltrators units. Crafted from the finest shadowsilk and carefully cameo-dyed in black, the gloves and slippers have a muffled grip layer to limit sound contact. Relies on passive absorption qualities for stealth advantage and has no telltale energy signature or sensor scramblers.


Climb Suit= Set of gloves, shoes, kneepads and elbowpads with FrictionGrip that helps a climber on smooth surfaces, additional pads are also on the arms, legs and torso. The suit also comes with a light impact helmet and equip harness these suits are typically issued to Urban Combat Specs


Climbing Equipment: Boots/Gloves= Several spec units find themselves to climb over things, Pathfinders, Wilderness Fighters and even Infiltrators. Like the climb suit, the gloves and boots come with FrictionGrip to scale things.


Synthrope= Specforce often coats this with FrictionGrip to ensure grip is easy to maintain during climbing.


Adhesion Disc= Used to climb smooth faces with no purchase, a disc set includes foot, hand and knee discs, can be used in conjunction with climbing gloves/boots also climbing suit, but not ladders or ropes.


Grappling gun= Up to 200 meters of reinforced line, supports up to 200 kilos and can reel up the user, 10 launches. There is also a hand version, up to 100 meters, supporting 150 kilos with 5 launches.


Snooper Goggles= For Infiltrator purposes, used by Infiltrators fitted with photoreducers to prevent blinding light. Range about half that of regular macrobionoculars but allows the viewer to see in near darkness as if in daylight.


Comm Scanners= Handy for keeping an ear out for enemy activity and occasionally allow to listen in on transmissions


Jammer Packs= Used by Infiltrators to sow confusion if they are detected, announce trouble but slow down on coordinated response.


Cameo Netting= Ideal for concealing ships, vehicles, supply dumps or cameo shelters up to 225 square meters, 15 meters to a side. Also has sensor baffling material to trick sensors into thinking it is just surrounding terrain, also works in fooling human sight.


Sensor No Show= Used by Infiltrators that mask their body heat, renders user almost invisible to most scanners appearing on scanner and sensor screens as wispy apparitions or curls of smoke.


Smoke Generator= Mainly used by Spec to confuse Imperial Troops obscuring sight and partially disrupting blaster fire.


Headstrap Microbionoculars: Goggle versions of the handheld sets, minimum range of 100 meters. Automatic light management intensity, makes twilight conditions seem like day and night conditions seem like twilight.




Rebel Specforce: Hand Weapons


Slicewire= Meter long monofilament cord, molecule thin enabling to cut through most material including flesh and bone, stone, duranimum or plasteel issued mostly to Infiltrators. Some Infiltrators carry a few meters to string across Imperial base corridors, convoy or patrol routes.


Snap Baton= Simple device, a meter long when full and quite effective when coated with a thin layer of black sound damper, cheap good weapon for Infiltrators




Rebel Specforce: Ranged Weapons


Intimidator= Used by Infiltrators and Spooks, lacks stopping power but a good suppressor in target rich environments. Ammo: 50 rounds


Heavy Carbine= Popular with Urban Specs and Wilderness Specs for good stopping power, range and easy handling. Ammo: 100 rounds


Sniper's Blast Rifle= Merr-Sonn's LD1, expensive and rare to hit targets at long range, used by Alliance Intel and Specforce uses this weapon and others in its class to pick off targets at extreme range. Range 2-50, 150 or 500 meters, Ammo: 100 rounds.


Merr-Sonn Silencer= A silencer for Firearms by emitting precisely tuned counter vibrators, result is a completely silenced weapon even if it drops makes no noise. (For Slugthrowers)


Alliance Adjudicator= Alliance tech modified, used by Infiltrators completely silenced pistol and highly suitable for stealth missions. Ammo: 4


Silenced Slugthrower= Modified version of the Czerka SH-9 pistol so that it only makes a moderate clicking on the slide operates, Infiltrators are very fond of this weapon. Ammo: 10


Bolt-Thrower: A low tech solution to high tech conflict, constructed from spring steel, spun graphite and shadowsilk makes it a nearly silent ranged weapon with stopping power approaching to blaster. Though only one-shot, slow reloading, though this isn't considered a sufficient disadvantage given its advantages. Ammo: 1



Rebel Specforce: Heavy Weapons


Flame Carbine= Used by SpaceOps, Pathfinders and preferred weapon of the Urban units, medium sized flamethrower. Ammo: 10


Flame Rifle: Just a rifle version of the carbine, used to clear trenches, strongpoints or fortified urban positions. Used sometimes by Heavy Weapons Specs or Urban Specs. Ammo: 25


Heavy Flamer: Vehicle mounted almost always reserved for Heavy Specs, used to take out buildings and squads, less popular than the portables but highly effective. Ammo: 50


Flechette Launcher= Useful for taking out large groups advantage of a grenade and range of a rifle. Shreds everything in path with microdarts. Ammo: 6 per canister.


Grenade Launcher: Viper 2, upgraded from the original, excellent accuracy and has 150% more carry capacity, favored among Alliance Troops. Ammo: 5


Grenade Motor: Fires various grenade types with excellent range and accuracy. Ammo: 100, Fire Rate: 5


Rebel Specforce: Misc Weapons


Detonite Tape: Plastic adhesive with detonite gel in 5 meter rolls. Highly stable, requires heat or electric charge to detonite used much like shape charges to enter hatches and hulls but is more flexible. Also can be cut to cause precise damage.


Shaped Charges: Explosive devices, molded in a way for maximum effect. Used for breaching hardened targets Starship hulls, armored garrison walls and reinforced doors.



Thermal Well: Baradium mixed with stabilized ytterbium resulting in a denser material. Last for several seconds and reaches up to temps of several thousand degrees, makes for much suitable sabotage weapon than a thermal detonator, able to destroy machinery without killing the saboteurs.


Antigrav Field Mines= Handy for covering retreats and for nasty surprises for patrols or convoys. Specs are fond of laying out a mine field, for hit n fade attacks and retreating across the field with ground vehicles, hovercraft or animal mounts, when repulsor-mobile Imperial chase they run into another trap.



Ok done, now there are MORE THINGS with includes more Weapons/Artillery/Transportation...but am not gonna put down everything way too much typing.


Aside from all that, THERE IS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH **** IN THIS BOOK!

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Aurbere listen and listen carefully.... please.... None of the current scenarios have Luke and Leia going to the deep core until endgame this is pre-end game sersiously. There is and always will be more then 1 scenario and even in scenarios that have them heading there it could be a few times after this. Serious man I do not know how many times I have to say this please stop bringing this up when that idea was only in one post 50 pages back and has not been relivant for over 300 posts now and you keep bringing it up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRoIp1ldSUw . I want to slap you...... no .......
naughty Naughty Kool Aid.


I do not appreciate your tone, so I will ignore this post.


Also catch up here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Basic_Training more then 10 weeks should not be neccissary. 5 weeks for rushed training by skipping some of the hand to hand combat and discipline stuff to just get people out there with guns.


So the cannon fodder route then?


Also 100 droids aren't going to make a huge difference and as I have said I doubt there will be more then 10 probe droids to start and it will take time to build more the probe droids being countered by Spec forces (it should only take 1500 to counter the elite storm troopers so 30 to counter infiltrator droids leaves me with a lot left over).


Thanks to how cheap and easy the Krath War Droids are to produce, 100 can quickly turn into 1,000 or more.


And remember that the Infiltrator Probe Droids can take over ships and planetary defenses. Your guys will be looking for the droid plugging in to access ports, but they'll only find small mini-probes (if they can even see them at all). Then they'll have to search the ship/base, valuable time wasted.


The 100 droids will most assuredly have an issue with their Low intelligence given that the "greatest threats" of the rebels could be miss leading and the few times some of my commanders have dealt with droids the droids low intelligence meant they were extremely ineffective so I would think my main group of rebels would be able to handle these with out much of an issue.


Perhaps you should do some more research on the droids then.

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I do not appreciate your tone, so I will ignore this post.




So the cannon fodder route then?




Thanks to how cheap and easy the Krath War Droids are to produce, 100 can quickly turn into 1,000 or more.


And remember that the Infiltrator Probe Droids can take over ships and planetary defenses. Your guys will be looking for the droid plugging in to access ports, but they'll only find small mini-probes (if they can even see them at all). Then they'll have to search the ship/base, valuable time wasted.




Perhaps you should do some more research on the droids then.


The first line made me lol. I don't know if you saw the irony of it at all.



That's not entirely Cannon fodder they know how to work a gun well enough and would still be able to win as long as they outnumber their opponents 10:1 though they may need to outnumber them 20:1 (that's if they are fighting the 501st not the Krath droids)


Beni was saying 50 a day so they can turn into a lot and I did my research they were not designed to take on a numerically superior foe and they have low intelligence only going for what they precieve as the most dangerous think and tearing it apart. Unfortanetely the Rebels are very deceptive as to what is "dangerours" so while it may be going for the big vehicle its being blown apart by the standard troop or the smaller vehicle as its difficult to judge what is truly dangerous. The standard troop is more then skilled enough to be able of beating the odds against those droids at likely 3:1 odds in favor of the rebels troop


And there will only be a few of them and you will be looking for and trying to deal with far more infiltrators yourselves. You will be able to produce them but I don't suspect more then 15 a day they are not noted for being cheap or fast to produce. Not to mention the rebels have fought these before and beaten them so they know what they are looking for. The worst thing about this is one of the plans is to reprogram the droid factories so after the first week all of the droids your producing will likely not be your guys and will in fact belong to me. Before you know it I will have more droids in your army then you do. Your droids will back fire.



Edit: "Krath War Droids had limited cognitive matrices and were programmed only to seek and destroy the greatest threat on the battlefield. Krath War Droids were thus often deployed in large numbers in order to overwhelm the enemy." I am aware they killed jedi but as far as I know the way they did it was in the confusion caused by servant droids malfunctioning and with superior numbers. They were the early Magna droids of their time I also understand this but the rebels fought against the odds all the time against stormtroopers some of which were the left over clones that fought against the droids against the odds. To top it off these droids are programmed to seek out the most dangerous thing on the enemies side of the field and take it down, and that's where they will have failings as the rebels greatest strength is that the individuals strength is deceptive they look weak and unable to do much when in fact they are the back bone and will accomplish more then any one can believe of them. All of this adds up and I am confident in saying the standard rebel troop is more then capable of beating these droids at a 3:1 rate.

Edited by tunewalker
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essentially what I am trying to say is by the time my infiltrators have hacked your factories you will have made 350 Krath droids and 105 Infiltration droids in addition to what you start out with. That is not enough to make any difference at all.



Actually I might try a time line for the war and you guys may end up seeing a far larger number of droids also I am going to do my assessment of the odds we face overall not exactly where the people are to be deployed but just what it would be like to fight all the soldiers because attrition will happen so I am going to give an overall in a bit.

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a few billion will not be noticed in a population that size not truly 10% is still only 10% people die everyday and with how spread out those aliens are they may just think its natural causes.
75% of the population of Carida are Caridan i.e. Aliens. If 75% of the population gets infected with a bioweapon somebody is going to notice, and really any discovery of again a bioweapon is going to reported to the military immediately. And they will realise what it is, doctors in Star Wars aren't primitive shamans.


And it only took millions of deaths on Coruscant to attack the attention of the Republic. We are dealing with billions in this case, without considering whether near-human races such as the Hapans and Arkanians will be affected.

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Stormtroopers were noted as elite soldiers of the Empire they aren't cannon fodder, and while if I did only do a very small amount of training in 2 weeks that is still far more then enough to get the people to fight as half decent militia and that is still a few hundred thousand at that time.



Edit: actually looking at things I think it would take at least 10 weeks to train decent soldiers as that is the time it says basic training takes here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Basic_Training.


If I rushed it to 2 weeks I would get a barely trained Militia if I rushed it to 5 weeks I could still get decent soldiers I believe but any faster then that would be a problem. That being said I should be able to train quite a few at a time. And even if its just a barely trained Militia in the right spots with the right guns they can be a big help especially when the enemy is already running out of elite troops to begin with.

10 weeks training you get basic soldiers.


5 weeks training you get barely capable soldiers.


2 weeks training you get cannon fodder.

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75% of the population of Carida are Caridan i.e. Aliens. If 75% of the population gets infected with a bioweapon somebody is going to notice, and really any discovery of again a bioweapon is going to reported to the military immediately. And they will realise what it is, doctors in Star Wars aren't primitive shamans.


And it only took millions of deaths on Coruscant to attack the attention of the Republic. We are dealing with billions in this case, without considering whether near-human races such as the Hapans and Arkanians will be affected.


I doubt the hapans or the arkanians will be affected (especially the hapans since they were once human to begin with) And this may be true about Carida but I am not sure was that species sentient I thought they were used for training perposes I am likely wrong and it could destract my military but I wouldn't suspect more then 8 thousand of them administering the antidotes. So you got me there I guess.

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Ya sorry dunno why I quoted you about that. O.o


But anyway Aurbere do you have the Warfare Guide? Is the training really 2 years? I just find it odd, because they don't really seem to have a positive spotlight on them...least regular Stormtroopers anyway.


Plus them being noted by Cody(?) that they are piss poor...but then I guess he was being biased about that and comparing them to Clones who trained since birth.

Lol, it would take me two years to learn how to fight like a stormtrooper... just saying.
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I doubt the hapans or the arkanians will be affected (especially the hapans since they were once human to begin with) And this may be true about Carida but I am not sure was that species sentient I thought they were used for training perposes I am likely wrong and it could destract my military but I wouldn't suspect more then 8 thousand of them administering the antidotes. So you got me there I guess.
They are sentient, and make up the vast majority of Caridan culture.
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10 weeks training you get basic soldiers.


5 weeks training you get barely capable soldiers.


2 weeks training you get cannon fodder.


Not going for 2 weeks any more 300k will start their training 100k will come out after 5 weeks and 100k more will go in.


5 weeks later 100k more will come out having had the full 10 weeks. and 100k will go back in. the 100k that were their from the start will stay in and continue their training.


5 weeks later 150k will come out and of course same amount back in. 50k of these will be from the first group and have finished some more of the advanced training. of course this still leaves 50k training inside.



So on and so forth while the Kaggath doesn't appear to be lasting long I would like to argue 1 thing. Both Pellaeon and Wedge when they fought in space with vastly fewer ships it took them several months to reach the conclusion that it did. The number of planets they were fighting over then was only 5 as well and they were even closer together then what we are facing here for this reason space battles alone could very well last 4 or 5 months. With Ship yards at Rendili and the Hapans building battle dragons I feel I could outnumber and outgun my opponent in a weeks time turning the tide in my Favor without Rendili I feel it would take 2 weeks time and Brentaal's repair stations means my damaged ships will be back into action before my opponents. My opponent does not have enough fire power or enough skilled people to take my fleet in one go as such I will easily outstrip them in a short amount of time.

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Lol, it would take me two years to learn how to fight like a stormtrooper... just saying.


you have to remember that its possible a year of that is just the imperials indoctrinating them making sure they don't turn. Also we have to take into consideration Storm troops likely know how to do more then fight with more then just standard rifles. They call it an Academy its very possible they are teaching more then warfare to their students.

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Something else to figure...why wouldn't IG-88 be able to hack into the factories and take over the droids? He did so before with Mechis. Well ok he hacked into the planet's central computer, but still.
An excellent point.


But what are his infiltration capabilities? An assassin droid won't go unnoticed.

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you have to remember that its possible a year of that is just the imperials indoctrinating them making sure they don't turn. Also we have to take into consideration Storm troops likely know how to do more then fight with more then just standard rifles. They call it an Academy its very possible they are teaching more then warfare to their students.
Well that's the problem isn't it, you can learn how to shoot but what about how to move? Dodge? Exploit the weaknesses of your opponents? React to the situation. That and no battle experience.


The 501st took on a temple of Jedi and cleaned house. How will a bunch of rookie rookies fair?

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An excellent point.


But what are his infiltration capabilities? An assassin droid won't go unnoticed.


How does an assassin droid assassinate any one when he cant go unnoticed? that's part of his abilities. Also I am seeing more and more flaws with this blockading the Byss run with intradictor's and HK droids because the empire did that and smugglers still found their way in past them and the HK droids are noted for having the particular weakness of being hacked from the inside.


And if the Specops do like some of them do and create noise and chaos drawing attention away from the other infiltrators (this is part of their primary job, as I said before they act as counter-counter intelligence as the counter-intelligence crew is trying to find infiltrators and they end up chasing the unimportant chaotic ones instead of going after the ones that are important).

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