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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd Digital Expansion


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There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




I'm sorry but as a subscriber and being here since early access I do feel it is BS that this is only PVP when one of my biggest gripes about this game are the stupid rails that I fly with in PVE. So what's in this expansion for me??

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I want to know (like a few other people so far) if you can use a joystick or if it will be a mouse/keyboard control system. I'm excited for this either way :)


Well, can you use it in the normal game? During the rails space combat? PvP? These are actually legitimate questions, to which I do not know the answer. If it can be used in the normal game and the current space mode, it's a good bet you can use it in the new space combat as well. If not, we may need to make a specific appeal to Bioware requesting such a thing. After all, now that I think about it, I do have a joystick and it would be a "joy" (see what I did there) if I was able to use it.


It would also be interesting to play with an XBOX controller. Space combat, of course. Not the normal game. :shudders:

Edited by idnewton
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I'm guardedly Optimistic. Just been playing MMO's for too long...


They discussed expanding space flight in a previous blog (a few times actually), and indicated they were working on it for this next expansion. perhaps it's the scope of it that excites everyone. Im pretty sure it pumps the PvP crowd. many peeps have been waiting for a space battle aspect for a long time.


looks nice, but at the same time I've been excited about many things that just didn't turn out the way anyone expected. NOt trying to douse anyone's enthusiasms...just been on the receiving end of far too many unmet expectations myself.


And since I rarely PvP anymore, I'm also seriously hoping that there's more to it then 12v12 space battles. more to the PvE side that is. You know...cause the 8v8 pvp battles were so successful...and everyone LOVES the 4v4 arenas...especially in the random queues...so 12v12 will undoubtedly be a HUGE hit...cough...


Please note above sarcasm. far too often what is advertised, what we expect (or hope) from the ad, and what is eventually delivered are usually far different. So I hope people aren't expecting this to be the answer to all their SWtOR problems, but simply a nice and needed addition to the space game. IF it all pans out...the ad, though well written, lacks ALLOT of detail that i hope they shed light on in the next coming months.

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Bounty Hunting

A week long event rather then a rich system like SWG had.


Didn't play SWG long enough to experience that, but I like the BW monthly event and I wish we had more events like that to keep people busy and playing.



Just yet another daily area.


And? I quite like daily areas personally, and said patch did introduce Arenas and two new Operations.


PvP Arenas

I think I've done 2 so far.


I have yet to do any, and I have no real intention of doing any actually, but I am sure there are people who are using the arenas regularly. you see, the thing is, this game is not made for you, me or any individual player or group. There are so many different players with varying opinions that no feature is going to be universally praised. Just because you, I or others do not like some features, that doesn't mean every player thinks the same.


What I and everyone wants is this game to follow in the footsteps of SWG. And does this system offer that? No it doesn't SWG had massive space battles with Fighters, POB's like YT-1300's and Gunships with a full crew of 8 manning them. This is something that people will play for maybe 5 minutes before getting bored and standing around fleet.


I want this game to have nothing to do with SWG personally. Couldn't last a week on that game, and even if I did love it I would rather SWTOR be its own game, rather then a copy or replacement of a sadly deceased game. Anyway, why not wait and see what the game is actually going to be like before announcing doom?


Yeah free...


I'm sure once we start seeing all the stuff in the cartel market it will cost anywhere from $60 dollars and up. Again why not do something the player base is asking for like chatbubbles or fix crafting.


If they do put anything up on the CM, it will more then likely be optional cosmetic ships and stuff which could possibly be earned in-game too. The actual Expansion is free.


One thing I can guarantee you though is if BW did instead work on features such as chatbubbles or crafting rather then this, then a similar number, if not more people, would complain about Galactic Starships will be complaining about how they are not adding any 'real content' etc... that is how MMO's work, and it is up to BW to show that the expansion is worth it in the final product.


You are only upset cuz you know I'm right along with many others. And so far from what I'm seeing online is everyone thinks this is bad. MMORPG.com has tons of people showing that they would rather something more like JTL then this.


Actually you and the people upset about this are not right, but neither am I or the others who disagree with you. The expansion is not out yet, and neither side really know what the Expansion will be like. We can only have a definitive opinion once each of us play the game. After actually experiencing it I could be wrong, or you could be pleasantly surprised. All we can do until then is make our opinions based on what little information we have.


You don't like it? Fair enough, the forums are a great place to express our opinions and wishes for the game, but your opinion is not fact nor the general consensus, and no player is you lesser because they disagree.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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There will not be a new planet and there is no increase to the level cap with this expansion. We really wanted to focus this expansion around space off of rails where you get to fight your friends (and enemies!) :)


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.




So there is the reason for a free DLC.


Actual Spae Combat is meaningless. No new Mission, Fleetcomms worthless, Basic Comms nearly worthless, Credits low.

Now u announce a sssp, and its only pvp ? im not interested in pvp spacecombat....like other ppl. u bring new content and ignore all the pve space combat players ? havent u learned anything ?

im very disappointed :(

if u wanna serve all kinds of players, make space vessels to real housing, bring pvp and pve sc content. i wont spend a single coins for pvp space combat stuff in cm......sad day

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I think it's great that we are getting new content for free and with a reason to sub, my only fear is BioWares going to put all their eggs in one basket again and think that everyone's going to be playing the new space pvp. I fear that with that reasoning we will see an issue arise not that different from end game at launch where there will be a few months with no new pve or pvp (I refer to non space here) as I like many May give it a try I don't think it will really be for me, I like to play my chars personally but like I said a nice feature to be added to the game for those that really like it.

So thanks BioWare although I would prefer to see more variety in expansions instead of just pve, pvp etc :)

Edited by weejohnathon
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I get that we already have the PVE space area, however at a later time can we get the rails OFF in the current PVE area? Or have the PVE area added later?


To that point, there will not be any Space based PvE content with the Digital Expansion. It is only going to be PvP.



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Well, can you use it in the normal game? During the rails space combat? PvP? These are actually legitimate questions, to which I do not know the answer. If it can be used in the normal game and the current space mode, it's a good bet you can use it in the new space combat as well. If not, we may need to make a specific appeal to Bioware requesting such a thing. After all, now that I think about it, I do have a joystick and it would be a "joy" (see what I did there) if I was able to use it.


It would also be interesting to play with an XBOX controller. Space combat, of course. Not the normal game. :shudders:


Tested, doesn't look like it even reads the controller or joystick. The controller can morph into a keyboard plug tho... I might try that. The game sure doesn't seem to like it though.

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I'm sorry but as a subscriber and being here since early access I do feel it is BS that this is only PVP when one of my biggest gripes about this game are the stupid rails that I fly with in PVE. So what's in this expansion for me??


Who really cares? If you had to pay for this, then you would have a point. No one has to pay for this, so either play it or don't play it. Don't act like PVE is getting the shaft when they get the majority of the updates as it is now. I would guess Space PVE is somewhere on the horizon.

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Seriously?!?? I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!! EA/BW promised to remake the space part of this game...And ripoff of Star Conflict is the best they can do?


I mean - Mouse controlled starfighters - check. Arena style instanced PVP battles - check. Space fighter classes - check. Even the combat footage looks alike - Star Conflict is of course superior graphically by a few generations.


If you dont believe me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U98vAlBDb0AA and http://star-conflict.com go and see for yourself.

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Who really cares? If you had to pay for this, then you would have a point. No one has to pay for this, so either play it or don't play it. Don't act like PVE is getting the shaft when they get the majority of the updates as it is now. I would guess Space PVE is somewhere on the horizon.


Like I said in my earlier post. IMO, this is the first really original update we've had since RotHC. We have a whole new game element, not just BW throwing another set of missions and gear at us (admittedly, they are throwing new gear and missions at us, but that's for the new Space stuff,) and it looks like PvE and guilds will be getting some love soon, as much of our wishes along these lines are similar to the new mechanics (No rails, space PvP, more ship interaction, etc.)


This is gonna get BW some major fans. I applaud them.

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What I and everyone wants is this game to follow in the footsteps of SWG.

No, no, only a small vocal minority looking at that game through some thick nostalgia goggles wants that. SWG was ****, it is ****, and it will always be ****. There's a reason it was a complete and utter failure, even before the NGE.

Edited by DarkDisturbed
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Seriously?!?? I mean SERIOUSLY!!!!! EA/BW promised to remake the space part of this game...And ripoff of Star Conflict is the best they can do?


I mean - Mouse controlled starfighters - check. Arena style instanced PVP battles - check. Space fighter classes - check. Even the combat footage looks alike - Star Conflict is of course superior graphically by a few generations.


If you dont believe me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U98vAlBDb0AA and http://star-conflict.com go and see for yourself.


Please don't tell me you're serious that you think they're actually ripping off an "MMO" that has like 20 players, and NOT the multiple spacefighting star wars games that have been made.





Edited by DarkDisturbed
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Please don't tell me you're serious that you think they're actually ripping off an "MMO" that has like 20 players, and NOT the multiple spacefighting star wars games that have been made.






How is what we have seen is anything like X-WING or TIE? It will be mouse controlled , camera behind the starfighter, arcade physics and all - It is nothing like thoose. And Star Conflict is not an MMO, its a lobby arcade starfigher game - which is exactly what this will be - with the exceptions of having to download the whole 25 gigs of game that has nothing related to it in terms of gameplay.


By "terms of gameplay" I mean actual interactions between the "spacefighter" and the other parts of the game - "earn x tokens in Starfighter to get a costume" does not comply as an interaction.

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If I was in charge of space combat in this game....


First, I would accept that some folks will not like this current feature being added though in my opinion it is filled with awesomesauce. I would believe in my intuition that this will have wide appeal to even casual folks considering it's essentially level playing field and approachability as designed.


Second, I would DEFINITELY plan to add scenarios that are PVE based using the PVP space combat framework. A whole host of PVE scenarios would be planned.


Third, I would build an individual player version of the new PVP space combat feature, putting in a hard deck, creating low poly player models with a common appearance, and use BF2 as an inspirational reference. The GUI being used for the new feature would be the overall GUI and system utilized...and then see how it goes.


If it goes well, I would add it to the new space combat feature, the ability to land on capital ships, fight on foot, man turrets, take or defend key points on the ships, etc.


I would also set up this new interface to be tested as a new form of PVP....perhaps for large group PVP or as a complete replacement.


Fourth, I would make the following changes to the current space combat feature in the game now.....


1) Remove current progression model due to poor utilization, and institute a separate progression model like the new feature.

2) Add turret play for group members, by adding turrets to each ship and the ability for players to join you on the missions, man a turret and fire at targets.

3) Add the ability for other players to join you in the pipe in their own starships, much like joining any heroic or flashpoint in the game.


This would, IMO, make space combat in this game difficult to beat.

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