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I have 29 days left..


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All major MMOs require that you do this. WoW did it... so did Rift and SWG did it as well.


i dont care anymore, its besides the point.. i have 29 days left, don't ask for anything until my 29 days are up, you can send reminders, but you don't need my info..

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vanilla wow, no it did not. it came with 30 free days.. so did eve, lotr, swg, rift


Never played the others but those highlighted are incorrect. Played both, you're mistaken. Try to register for a Netflix or Hulu + free trial without a CC or debit. It is pretty basic practice these days.

Edited by Inhalcator
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Show me proof. I remember having 30 days on my wow account when i purchased it, with no cc until my time ran out


That would require:

A.) A time machine

B.) Someone actually purchasing a retail copy of WoW (that includes a month free) for the sole purpose to prove you wrong.


Instead let's look at the massive amount of people calling you ignorant/a liar. They had enter CC data in before they got a free month.

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Show me proof. I remember having 30 days on my wow account when i purchased it, with no cc until my time ran out




Why do I need to have a form of payment for account creation?


Subscriptions do require that some form of payment information (such as a credit card) be entered before the account can be activated. At this time there is no way around this. This is required in case account play extends over 30 days, so that gameplay will not be disrupted. It also prevents customers from creating "throwaway" accounts to harass others.


Been this way since the beginning. The fact is you're wrong.

Edited by AliasForgotten
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That would require:

A.) A time machine

B.) Someone actually purchasing a retail copy of WoW (that includes a month free) for the sole purpose to prove you wrong.


Instead let's look at the massive amount of people calling you ignorant/a liar. They had enter CC data in before they got a free month.


Pretty bad community we have going here... I'm off these forums later. But you guys wouldnt talk to people like this to their face.

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This must have changed since the update , I've been playing fine but when I tried to reply to this it said I needed to sub.


That's lame , 60 bucks buys you the game and one month of play , then if you want to keep playing you put your card in , this is just an attempt to hope people forget to cancel before the payment goes through , stay classy.

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But i can't play without an active subscription? So i just bought a 60 dollar game and can't play my free month without putting my credit card info in.. whats the deal bioware?


I played every MMO since UO (Ultima Online). They ALL require you to put your credit card information BEFORE you can play. My guess is you are new to MMO's, and just too proud (for whatever some strange reason) to admit this is your first MMO.

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Just because they don't agree, doesn't mean they are right. Even if I'm wrong, just because one company does bad business doesn't mean another has to follow suit.


It's not bad business, you're just arguing about something that doesn't matter. If you don't like that game that much and you forget to cancel it that's your issue. MANY businesses do this..cable companies etc.

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How is it bad? Your credit card could be stolen and they are giving it time to be reported. They account could be empty so when the system attempts to process the payment at the end of the 30 days it fails and they have to interrupt your game time to force to you to make a payment...


There are reasons, I'm sure they are good ones. They wouldn't do it for the sole purpose of making customers angry.


OP is new to MMOs, don't get angry at him, pity him.

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I've played AAA MMOs for 11 years, I've not come across a single one that didn't require a credit card info, all the ones mentioned so far all required credit card, I remember bugging my parents for theirs until I was of the age to pay myself.


Though tbh, I don't really see the issue here, they won't charge you until those 30 days are up AND you can cancel any time, unless you don't have a card? (how did you buy the game?) what's the real problem?

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I agree - I remember pre-ordering STO and being asked to enter subscription information even before my initial time had expired. I thought it was just standard.


People, such as the OP, tend to sugarcoat their memories. I've joined nearly every major MMO at launch, and I clearly remember having to supply billing information for all of them before my account was activated. All of them provided 30 days of free time, but you still needed to provide some sort of billing info.

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But i can't play without an active subscription? So i just bought a 60 dollar game and can't play my free month without putting my credit card info in.. whats the deal bioware?


Welcome to MMOs :)


Since this is obviously your first one, I'll be kind - this is normal of EVERY P2P MMO. ALL of them do this.


Enjoy the game :)

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