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SM Dread Palace - healing challenge during Raptus boss fight

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Well I have to admit I am not as good a healer as I thought! :(


The other healer and I couldn't heal through this "captive" during the challenge phase of the Raptus boss fight in SM Dread Palace.


We were successful in healing through both HM TFB and HM S&V, and we are well geared in mostly Underworld/Verpine with the 4-set bonus. So I am very surprised that we failed at this SM fight! The team did beat Raptus despite the healers' failure. But I don't think we could go onto HM without solving this healing challenge.


Do you have any advice? Thanks for your help! :D

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Here's some advice: look at the first page or 2 of these forums or do a search for Raptus. Basically it's bugged in 8 man SM. As a workaround bring a 3rd healer or an off-heals. Another tip, everyone should wait just outside of their challenge portal and go in at the same time.
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If it was during the guardian stage(s) of 8 man SM, then it's understandable. The (not cleanseable) dot they put out ticks for about 3 times as much as it should, making me think they accidentally put the nightmare damage value for that single skill into the story mode 8 man (as it's not present in 16 man SM). However, it could also be that tanks are supposed to move the guardians to the edges of the room or something to and for them to only be shot at from a range, but that then leaves the boss untanked and shooting into the raid, which probably is just as bad.


If you're failing earlier than that, then it's the dps that's being stupid and killing the smaller exploding adds when they're close to other players or failing to interrupt the corruptors, in which case you should wipe.


Not sure how this will help with the healing challenge in Raptus....

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But I don't think we could go onto HM without solving this healing challenge.


It appears to be bugged or at least overtuned, so I wouldn't worry too much.


If you want to pass it nonetheless:


We were able to pass it each time in 72/75 mix, but it looked close. I popped multiple cooldowns. For example, as a sage, force potency (+60% crit chance until you get two crits) was up each time, allowing two huge deliverances. Also, I didn't do this, but if you have a sage, they can drop salvation at the beginning, which costs a bunch of force but is actually good single target hps.


Basically, this is story mode, so blowing everything on these phases if you have to to pass won't matter for the rest of the fight.

Edited by cxten
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OK thanks so much for all your help! :) I sure hope this SM health challenge is a bug. Our raid tanks and DPS laughed at us since their challenges were not challenging. :o


Both of us healers are scoundrels - we threw the kitchen sink at this healing challenge and failed! :eek: If you know the scoundrel rotations -


*) first thing I do is to pop Kolto Cloud so that instant cast HOT starts to work while I pump out the

*) big scoundrel heal, underworld medicine,

*) then another big HOT, Kolto Pack, and

*) then the quick emergency med pack, then when our energy gets back up a little

*) more underworld medicine,


Then the captive health went to 0 and we fail. :(

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It also doesn't help that I can't see the NPC for a few seconds after I zone in. I unfortunately have an older computer (yes, I wish I could upgrade) and it take the NPC a second or two to render, by which time its health has already dropped a lot (yes, cast your AOE, but that only helps so much until I can actually click on the NPC to do some healing).


The same thing happens in the Raptus fight--I get stuck at the splash screen for too long and one of the first times I did it I saw my UI flash up for a second before I got killed by Raptus in the present without any time to hit my bubble or anything, since my healer agro on 16m with a sage overpowered everyone else's. Of course, I dropped agro before coming out of the transition after that, though then a DPS who had the highest agro about got splatted thereafter, since the tank was either just too slow in reacting, or also had a slower computer.


These sorts of area transitions in the middle of ops fights are rather annoying for those of us with slower machines. The transition during the Styrack fight (after killing your companion) with the slow-rendering giant apparition was never as bad since I could either just start casting AOEs as a DPS, or not really worry much as a healer (since no one should be taking damage at that point), and that the damage requirement, beyond a really bad and undergeared group (or once in a while when S&V was fresh) wasn't that taxing.

Edited by Mugen_no_Jidai
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Basically what I do is I make sure to have 3 stacks of Force Surge before the challenge phases. Then I go into the portal with the other healer and throw down a instant healing puddle (Revivification). After that I pop Recklessness then Polarity Shift and throw 2 Dark Infusions then Resurgence and Innervate. That should be more than enough.
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It's gotta be bugged, me and my guilds best sage healer (both of us are in 75/78's) could barely pass it each time and we still failed it half the time, now guaranteed it was only story mode so it wasn't a huge deal, but still it's ridiculous how hard the healing challenge currently is Edited by Twickers
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I have to agree. I have sage healer with 72-78 gear. Our other hel;aer is a Commando helaer with similar gear. We have successfully healed half of NM TfB and S&V together. But we are always failing the healing challenge in SM. If we were failing on HM, I would understand, but in Story Mode? Either there is some mechanics that we don't understand or it is bugged. (yes, we all enter the portals at the same time - we do have mumble lol).
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While perhaps the healing challenge is a touch overtuned for SM, it is definitely not bugged. I just completed multiple pulls of this fight in eight-man hardmode and went through the healing challenge at least twelve times. I successfully completed the challenge eight or more times in a row. I was on my Operative healer and was working with a Sorcerer. I have also sucessfuly completed the healing challenge in SM.


We failed the hardmode challenge the first four times we saw it on the initial two pulls. My fellow healer was also on his own Operative at the time and decided to switch to his Sorcerer to see if it felt any different. We were both geared in fully augmented 72s, and I had a 78 off-hand. The first couple pulls also gave us a feel for just how dire the situation was and how much healing was being asked for.


Diversifying our healing types was a noticable change as we were able to compensate for the weaknesses in each other's classes. He was able to slap down an instant purple pool before the captive was even able to be targeted, while I had to wait and extra couple seconds to be able to target the captive. I was able to bail him out at the end with surgical probe spams.


Specific Operative healing strategies were the following:

- Enter the challenge at the same time as all other people on your team (including tanks and DPS) with the healing buff from the boss' crystal, 100% energy, three stacks of tactical advantage and the following cooldowns available: clicky power relic (arkanian for me), stim boost, triage adrenal. My other relic was the Arkanian SA power proc relic.

- Pop power clicky relic once you're through the portal. It lasts for 30 seconds, which is essentially the entire length of the challenge. It will be off cooldown exactly when you are entering the challenge for the second time.

- The Sorcerer mitigated the inital plunge in the capitive's heath while I applied all my HoTs, starting with the ones that last the longest: kolto probe, kolto probe, recuperative nanotech, kolto infusion

- Time for a stim boost to speed up the big casts. I also have 8.9% alacrity on my Operative, so kolto injections that usually take 1.7 seconds are brought down to 1.5 - 1.6 seconds.

- Cast four kolto injections in a row (at least one should crit, I have around 27.5% crit)

- Use adrenaline probe to recover energy

- Cast two more kolto injections

- Recast kolto infusion

- Spam surgical probe as required until the challenge ends, and to help recover energy to prepare to heal the tanks upon exiting the challenge


I never had to actually use my triage adrenal, and my energy was above 60% when exiting the challenge so that by the time the tanks were back in my healing range I was at 80%+ energy. The Sorcerer and I had our rotations down so well for the challenge that we were keeping the captive around 20% health at the time it ended.


And for everyone that naysays alacrity and crit, this boss is just the prime example of where those stats shine.

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I've done the fight with all healers, one tip, don't bother with hots or little heals, just spam your biggest heal, underworld medicine,medical probe and deliverence, boundless ages click relic will also help and any offensive cooldowns ie, force potency + alacrity boost, supercharge cells or pugnancy. and then make sure both your heals go in at the same time and that they are going into the challenge first.


I've only failed it when healers go in last or not together or we dont spam our big heal

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It surely it buged in 8-man Story - in two healers only the first one who entered was able to do some heal- i was healing like hell bud with no effect at all - no hp restored from my heals. We tried 3 times(1 wipe there) and then didnt even bother to go there, it was more logical to stay out and heal the tank and the rest as they arive from theirs curses,as failing doesnt realy have too much effect
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we did this on Tuesday as commendation run due to our group progressing DF HM most of the week.

We have one commando healer with 72s+ 3 pieces of 78s and one sage healer with similar gear. Commando healer is better healer but both are good enough for HMs let alone story mode......


they failed both healing challenges :p


we were laughing as its funny how healers that progress HMs can't do that challenge on STORY MODE :D :D :D


good thing is that it doesn't matter on SM and you can fail it, but definitely a bug with amount of healing required.

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I have to admit this challenge is a little overtuned in 8 SM. However it is doable as long as you know what you are doing.


The last time we did it we ran with 2 sorcs so putting 2 cuddle puddles down helped then it was just a matter of hitting your usual rotations and looking out for the insta-puddle.

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I actually have to admit... it was far FAR easier in 16 man then 8 man. me and my fellow sorc failed the challenge both times. the boss still died in one shot, but even doing everything mentioned here - wasn't enough. not nearly enough. we both pretty darn decently skilled, and while the other sorc's gear was not as good as mine, it was supposed to be more then enough for storymode.


I'm sure its possible. I'm sure if we hit our abilities just a touch faster, tried harder - it would have worked. but... for us it didn't and because he died anyways, I didn't get another chance to try.


but I honestly cannot see how in a world could pugs in gear rating specified on a weekly could ever manage.


mind you. I haven't yet tried him post reset and patch. it might be different. but killing him last week.. ugg.

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I have to admit this challenge is a little overtuned in 8 SM. However it is doable as long as you know what you are doing.


The last time we did it we ran with 2 sorcs so putting 2 cuddle puddles down helped then it was just a matter of hitting your usual rotations and looking out for the insta-puddle.


Our healers have HM S&V and TFB on farm and some NiM, I assure you they know what they're doing.


Here's another question, for those who are failing more often versus those who can defeat it more often, what classes are you using? It sounds like Sorcs are having an easier time while Mercs and Ops are having more difficulty from what I'm seeing.

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Our healers have HM S&V and TFB on farm and some NiM, I assure you they know what they're doing.


Here's another question, for those who are failing more often versus those who can defeat it more often, what classes are you using? It sounds like Sorcs are having an easier time while Mercs and Ops are having more difficulty from what I'm seeing.


No I agree the challenge is difficult. The first couple of times we did this we constantly failed the healing challenge. The main thing you need to remember is that there will be a lot of up front healing needed hence the need to drop a puddle. We did however fail it with a Op/Sorc combo as the HOTs from the Ops struggle to put out enough sustained healing.


My only suggestion is what others before have said, have both healers go in before the other groups and then drop down whatever AOE heal you have first then apply your standard rotation, making sure you hit your crit and alacrity gaining skills first.


I do believe the ticks on the guy you are supposed to keep up need to be reduced by about half in SM to allow for PUG groups to do this as this is yet another overtuned SM mechanic in these new Operations.

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