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what is stopping me from purchasing a lot of sets


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I'm with the OP. I love to change the look for my various characters to freshen things up a bit and the cost to remove mods from various kit is really ridiculous, especially in the elder-game. For that matter, the cost of putting in augment slots is ridiculous. Basically, you have ot choose a kit to augment and then that's it. You're done.


Dropping nearly 10k credits every time to remove an item modification from lvl 55 gear is just silly, tbh.

Edited by AerenRax
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Those mod costs are just ridiculous at higher levels, it seems kind of pointless too. Why not let players pull mods for free, if its already bound then theirs no point to an extra cost.


So much of there income depends on those packs, and the gear inside it just doesn't make sense.

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Character customization is one of those MMO things that Bioware just doesn't get.


Customization is a huge element of MMO's that can and does attract and keep subscribers.


Bioware just sees it as a cash cow to be milked at the expense of subscribers.

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Character customization is one of those MMO things that Bioware just doesn't get.


Customization is a huge element of MMO's that can and does attract and keep subscribers.


Bioware just sees it as a cash cow to be milked at the expense of subscribers.


Actually both, customization is there to attract cows to be milked. They are getting it right.

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Actually both, customization is there to attract cows to be milked. They are getting it right.


They lost 75+% of their initial subscribers in a few months. The didn't get much of anything right.


If they had gotten it right, there would be no cash shop and the only way they would be milking us is via subscription.

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You are wrong, loss of subscriptions by the game in early days has nothing to do with dairy methodology. But it is most likely that the loss of subscriptions has made executives, responsible for founding the game development, pursue this approach. It really does not matter what anyone of us think. It is obvious that this game will be around for as long as there is enough cash flowing, and we are talking about a lot of cash.

Would you not prefer to have this game die and have something else, hopefully better and with StarWars logo introduced? Whether you like that or not, it makes no difference, at the end of the day it is just business.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Character customization is one of those MMO things that Bioware just doesn't get.


Customization is a huge element of MMO's that can and does attract and keep subscribers.


Bioware just sees it as a cash cow to be milked at the expense of subscribers.

Didn't you "threaten" to quit about a month ago, then state you were giving them "another chance" or something like that? So we're still in the "another chance" phase?

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Didn't you "threaten" to quit about a month ago, then state you were giving them "another chance" or something like that? So we're still in the "another chance" phase?


No, we're still in the 60 day time card phase, about half of which is gone. Or in your language, 30 days would be roughly 7321 times to say "if you don't like it, leave".

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I am afraid this thread is going no where. It is not a firs time someone is asking to reduce the costs of replacing mods in armor. Fact is that this is one of the biggest credit sinks that is unfortunately necessary. It also does not stop anyone from spending CC on Market, on a contrary you may consider spending more to sell packs on GNT to make up for credit shortage.
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I'm in the same boat. Now they have mods that bind to certain items and slots.


I remember, though, when swapping pieces out of armor would costed 30-50k each. YIKES.


We're definitely on the right track, though. 7-9k ain't so bad.

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yes, the customization costs must be symbolic, not a ripoff. at least, for subs. you could make only first operation with specific mod cost money, so we could swap our appearance outfits for free unlimited times after the initial acquiring.


and for bind to specific slot, remove that nonsense, or keep it in set items only. and make "bound to slot" description visible before extracting.


making the mods freely movable between all player-owned sets will lead to increase of demand for these sets, including cartel market ones.


and the augment kit system should be removed entirely.

Edited by elstaar
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Actually, I believe that if they had done it right this game would have launched with a cash shop and a freemium model in place. That was, after all, a pretty popular suggestion from what I assume was casuals during beta.


One thing I think many of us can agree on is that the game definitely was not ready to be launched.

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Then voila...enough mats to make one kit and one top level augment...not the best augment in existence, but still very close to the best. And it cost me next to nothing but time.


There are methods...but they are not easy ones.

great for those who like to grind. mainly, koreans, i guess.

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I'm with OP.


This is the thing that most highlights the fact the game wasn't originally built with f2p in mind.


Between pulling out mods and re-augmenting everything if you're doing endgame it's such a huge credit drain has to be a giant barrier to people just picking sets up. It REALLY has to catch your eye in a spectacular fashion to even consider it. Perhaps BW is content with how much of the stuff they move to people not into endgame that just buy a set for leveling gear but they're kinda sitting on an untapped goldmine.

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I'll agree that it definately used to be a hell of alot worse. something like 100k+ to remove a single high level mod.


However, due to the games new clothing that gets updated quite rapidly via the cartel market. It's a pain to fully aug your kits and then find an awesome new set you wanna switch to. It's a further pain if you actually like the pvp gear that is purchased with ranked comms. Only to find that it becomes the new base level gear in a new update and you have to swap it for the new ranked or purchase another one (yes, you can buy the mods and enhancements separately... but not the armoring) to trade in.


While i do think being able to augment your kit is a nice little customization along with the dye, i spend more credits adding kits to far too many pieces of armor than anything else

Edited by Omisri
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I love mixing and matching outfits, I also love to constantly change my characters look.


But I can't do that in SWTOR, it costs too much money to constantly pop in new mods so I am left with only one choice. I pick the best outfit and stick with it. Each of my 8 characters has one main outfit. I never deviate from this unless something new an exciting comes out (rarely happens) so I never bother purchasing new outfits or trying to gather any for account wide unlocks.


It is sad, but the current customization system is restricting fun and keeping my money in my wallet instead of spending it on items in the cartel market.


Best system in place is the LoTRO system if you need a reference to a good system which allows for flexible appearance changes.


I'd agree with you, except it isn't prohibitively expensive. I'd be ok with the LotRO style or keeping it the way it is.

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