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Is BioWare all about profit now?


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You should have chosen another forum then :D


Yeah, regardless of who that sarcasm is directed at, I must say, posting this thread here does seem to be quite useless since all it appears to do is invite unprovoked insults from individuals who cannot see beyond themselves and insisting that their view is representative of the population at large.

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You literally just insulted someone on your own thread over grammar and spelling. Hypocritical for you to even try and go after me for giving back to you what you already gave out. Nice try though :p


I suggest YOU study psychology, maybe go see a psychologist because just from reading your typing I see many narcissistic tendencies. Complete ignorance, for you to even try and say I am remotely narcissist from my post to you is hilarious. And your the one who posted earlier "ignorance is bliss". It is beyond obvious that you are the ignorant one. You need a reality check.


You have failed to present FACTS on most occasions, perhaps you need to google what that means. Seeing as you like to flaunt your vocabulary, I guess you have written some essay papers. Wheres your links? Wheres your sources? Most of what you have written is YOUR OPINIONS presented like they were facts. They aren't, even more ignorance from your part.


I live in a community that does not allow criticism? Because that exists. I just stated that constructive criticism is a more effective method then your butthurt whining and negativity. And for someone like you, who hasn't sampled the latest content to come on the forums and moan about the game is a joke. Besides, your focus is on other games right? Why even come here if you weren't going to present something constructive?


At any rate, it is sad to see someone with good writing skills be such an ignorant, narcissistic person. If your life was so enjoyable you wouldn't be coming to a video game forum THAT YOU SAID ISNT YOUR MAIN FOCUS and arguing with others just for the sake of it. How can someone be that hypocritical on their own thread and not realize it? None of your arguments are valid when you do the same stuff your accusing others of doing.


At any rate, you may just be a troll looking for a reaction so I'm done posting. And if your not a troll, I should know that narcissists are not mentally capable of acknowledging their own flaws and arrogance anyway ;)


Hope you get a hold of a psychologist shortly, because if I need to study psychology then you need treatment bud.

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Yeah, regardless of who that sarcasm is directed at, I must say, posting this thread here does seem to be quite useless since all it appears to do is invite unprovoked insults from individuals who cannot see beyond themselves and insisting that their view is representative of the population at large.


Which you have been doing the entire time on your own thread. Thanks for proving my point Spellforge



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I stopped taking this troll seriously when he insulted other people's grammar and went on writing a post full of 'u' instead of 'you' :D


Also interesting to see someone blame everyone else for insulting him for no reason - by insulting them for no reason? Some very flawed logic indeed.


BTW - Valor 85? Really?



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I stopped taking this troll seriously when he insulted other people's grammar and went on writing a post full of 'u' instead of 'you' :D


Also interesting to see someone blame everyone else for insulting him for no reason - by insulting them for no reason? Some very flawed logic indeed.


BTW - Valor 85? Really?




Yeah, its hilarious. I'm not so sure he is a troll though I think he actually has a mental illness. No point in wasting any more time with this guy haha

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I stopped taking this troll seriously when he insulted other people's grammar and went on writing a post full of 'u' instead of 'you' :D


Also interesting to see someone blame everyone else for insulting him for no reason - by insulting them for no reason? Some very flawed logic indeed.


BTW - Valor 85? Really?




Amusing. I guess you can insult someone for stating a fact, or rather, you can insult an intangible construct such as grammar! Wow. Telling. Very telling. Please continue, but please read below. And since you are so intent on getting ur lack of education exposed, ur wish is granted. "u" is an abbreviation in form. Grammar is a set of structural rules governing a specific language. Guess it's back to middle school for you. :/


Yeah, its hilarious. I'm not so sure he is a troll though I think he actually has a mental illness. No point in wasting any more time with this guy haha


Yes, I loled. Your dmg on the charts was pretty unsatisfactory, which was another reason I didn't want to take you seriously. Guess you shld pick your opponent before trying huh?


You literally just insulted someone on your own thread over grammar and spelling. Hypocritical for you to even try and go after me for giving back to you what you already gave out. Nice try though :p


I suggest YOU study psychology, maybe go see a psychologist because just from reading your typing I see many narcissistic tendencies. Complete ignorance, for you to even try and say I am remotely narcissist from my post to you is hilarious. And your the one who posted earlier "ignorance is bliss". It is beyond obvious that you are the ignorant one. You need a reality check.


You have failed to present FACTS on most occasions, perhaps you need to google what that means. Seeing as you like to flaunt your vocabulary, I guess you have written some essay papers. Wheres your links? Wheres your sources? Most of what you have written is YOUR OPINIONS presented like they were facts. They aren't, even more ignorance from your part.


I live in a community that does not allow criticism? Because that exists. I just stated that constructive criticism is a more effective method then your butthurt whining and negativity. And for someone like you, who hasn't sampled the latest content to come on the forums and moan about the game is a joke. Besides, your focus is on other games right? Why even come here if you weren't going to present something constructive?


At any rate, it is sad to see someone with good writing skills be such an ignorant, narcissistic person. If your life was so enjoyable you wouldn't be coming to a video game forum THAT YOU SAID ISNT YOUR MAIN FOCUS and arguing with others just for the sake of it. How can someone be that hypocritical on their own thread and not realize it? None of your arguments are valid when you do the same stuff your accusing others of doing.


At any rate, you may just be a troll looking for a reaction so I'm done posting. And if your not a troll, I should know that narcissists are not mentally capable of acknowledging their own flaws and arrogance anyway ;)


Hope you get a hold of a psychologist shortly, because if I need to study psychology then you need treatment bud.


You are talking to a psychologist now. In any case, your own choice of language says everything. I have wasted enough time on you. We study individuals such as you all the time and yeah, such case studies are, again, not uncommon. Perceive of others how you will, but remember, your perception of the world is a reflection of your inner self. I'm done talking. Any insults and attempts to debunk anything, etc. from this point onwards will be ignored. You are entitled to your opinions and arguments. I will simply not entertain them. Sorry if you will excuse me. I have more important things to do after allocating a single day on a game that I played several hrs of new arenas in. Lol. Presumptions, presumptions.

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Amusing. I guess you can insult someone for stating a fact, or rather, you can insult an intangible construct such as grammar! Wow. Telling. Very telling. Please continue, but please read below. And since you are so intent on getting ur lack of education exposed, ur wish is granted. "u" is an abbreviation in form. Grammar is a set of structural rules governing a specific language. Guess it's back to middle school for you. :/


I never said writing u instead of you had to do with grammar. I just find it ironic that you criticize others for, let's say, 'abusing' the language by wrong grammar, while you are equally abusing it by using u and ur. Equally ironic that you try so hard to write eloquent albeit hateful responses but somehow can't manage/are too lazy to write out such a simple word.


D'you notice how I don't come across as hateful/bitter/flaming etc. in the above bit?


You should try it. It makes for so much more pleasant reading!


P.S. Congratulations, you managed to divert the topic of this thread...

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For a psychologist, this guy seems rather petty. Also, the idea that BioWare is not seeking to maximize profit just seems rather silly to me. Businesses, especially those associated with EA in any form, tend to only care about the bottom line. Just take a look back at the release of SWTOR, and it is easy to see why they lost over a million subscribers in a mere few months. Whether the outcome is positive or negative for the company, businesses will rush to projected profit producing means.
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I never said writing u instead of you had to do with grammar. I just find it ironic that you criticize others for, let's say, 'abusing' the language by wrong grammar, while you are equally abusing it by using u and ur. Equally ironic that you try so hard to write eloquent albeit hateful responses but somehow can't manage/are too lazy to write out such a simple word.


D'you notice how I don't come across as hateful/bitter/flaming etc. in the above bit?


You should try it. It makes for so much more pleasant reading!


P.S. Congratulations, you managed to divert the topic of this thread...


I get all wet in my pants when you go all serious Aeriy :rak_03:

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I play a sorcerer, so no, I don't like arenas.

My experience has been really easy to sum up, too.

I have an operative healer/Enemy does not have an operative healer = %100 games won

No operative healers present at all = N/A: Sample Size Zero

I do not have an operative healer/Enemy does have an operative healer = %0 games won

When both teams have an operative healer, I am pretty sure I won most of the games I had played, but not really sure. These matches seemed to last for a good long time, though.

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They give players four little boxes to run around in and it's the "OMG! PvP Patch!" of the decade? Arenas are just big value for relatively little investment in terms of design and assets. If they were serious about PvP arenas, they would have rolled out some major balance changes to go along with it.
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WOW is what, nearly 10 years old and that article was written in 2009.


WOW's PvP at launch was nearly non-existent as it was more an after thought than a core design feature.


SWTOR was built with PvP and Warzones as a core feature.


Bioware is a for profit organisation.


Bioware != Blizzard and SWTOR != WOW therefore because Blizzard said it was their biggest mistake does not automatically translate to being Biowares.


Pointless thread.. FAIL.

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yeah sorry for my grammar and mistakes i will make, english isnt my native language, but on the other hand, i speak 4 and you probably just english, but that perhaps perfectly LOL


what I really wanted to tell you, the OP, you really got some issues and should seek some professional help. its probably called something like missing any social skills. i guess this illness got a name, which I unfortunately dont recognize.


Your thread doesnt have a point. You are talking and repeating your "facts" but all what your "fact" is, that arenas in wow was a wrong decision blizzard made, said 2009. What is your fact? That arenas didnt work right in WoW? And what has ths to do with Swtor and why is your topic called that? why is bioware all for profit when they implement arenas? Dont you forget that a company is always for profit? And a game cant be bad when it makes profit, so where is your problem?


why do you hate arenas so much? do you suck at it?


really, what is YOUR problem, because you obviously have SOME?!

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"i live happy, fruitful and worthwhile life" rofl, i can imagine how happy you are in life, when even a video game can make you this bitter as hell.

arenas in WOW failed, and SWTOR also have arena, so it must fail, TRUE story

amount of elitism and 2v2 is what was turning WOWs arenas down, cuz all what blizz was balancing after arenas introduction was small scale 2v2/3v3 and 80% of comunity was impacted cuz arenas, even tho they never played them


in SWTOR arenas are .. just there, i highly doubt that from now on BW will do class balancing based on some random 4v4 that 0.5% of players are taking seriously, and i honestly dont care, i love playing SWTOR casually


if anyone wants to play SWTOR PVP hardcore, enjoy this "happy, fruitful and worthwhile life" OP has

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"An article written in 2009". The power of facts to convince does not decay with age. Ever attended forensic science lectures? Apparently not. A suspect can be incriminated with a single piece of evidence dated 100 years ago. It also seems that u're not acquainted with legal systems. Your very human right is protected, at this moment of speaking, by your local laws enacted decades ago. U have just revealed your own lack of education with that statement about the date of an article. Wonder which university u graduated from. An amusing individual who seeks his own insults, when none has been directed at him to begin with. Your intentions? Peculiar, indeed.


No, it is perfectly organized, I am afraid to inform you that it is simply beyond u, and no, it's so blatantly obvious u are less educated than you claim to be that I don't even wish to waste my time holding your hands through the logic that you are so fixated upon. Alas, I guess I will have to perform a little charity in this case:


1) SWTOR is less pvp-oriented during development than WoW and Guild Wars 2.

2) The system foundations of SWTOR do not take into considerations PVP balance, esp. in regards to 1v1, 2v2, or 4v4 type arenas.

3) James Ohlen admitted during GDC that SWTOR was not only rushed but the entire game design was affected because of issues that the team was never equipped to handle.

4) Blizzard made explicit statements during press release that their "games" will be released "when it's[they] are ready". Direct quote, mind you.

5) SWTOR was not. It was released when it was not ready.

6) Arenas was "the single biggest mistake in WoW's history", and that's coming from one of the most talented PVP and game developers in the world. Ever heard of Battle.net?

7) SWTOR doesn't even have a competent enough team to handle PVP and they released Arenas without even collecting mere metrics [fact], let alone perform control experiments [aside from training dummys] before releasing such a radical game system change/update.




Go do some reading on swtorhub and swtorstrategies and other sites. The pvp veterans there long talked abt the issues that Arenas will bring way before the update.


Lastly, try not to embarrass urself by being too presumptuous. You simply did not get the "flow" because you did not have all the facts. Like I said, this thread was not directed at players like you. It was directed at developers in the know, hence, "ignorance is a bliss" earlier.


Mind your own business and you will not get embarrassed.


Oh, and for the record, the opening post was not even trying to making an argument of any sort. If you could not see it, it was more of a personal opinion, that was based on facts, as I have specifically mentioned. Guess you do not read as well.


P.S. Oh and FYI, I am friendly to people who do not antagonize me with unfriendly gestures or words such as "suck it up buttercup". Did my opening post insult anyone? Why are you, then, insulting others [watching YouTube videos, you could think of a better insult, really]? Perhaps do a little self-reflection and try to see the logic, even if it is somewhat mentally challenging for you. Again, like I said, I simply love to reciprocate unprovoked insults, not exactly because I'm insulted but because the individual that is insulting has nothing else better to do and I feel an obligation to educate him/her. And yes, we could go on this forever if you are going to insist on your unprovoked insults being justified, etc. [and yes, I am intentionally using a conjunction at the beginning of a sentence for rhetorical effect].


I would suggest you research a little bit more on reasoning my friend. You have one source of evidence a 2009 article pertaining to a different company and product. You treat an article as fact because it was interview with the VP of Blizzard. If it was with BW it may have some relevance to your point. However, you see your point is not apparent. You are complaining and then trying to be grandiose in your argument hoping that it will gain you some credibility.


You are guilty of numerous logical fallacies as well. Appeal from ignorance, name-calling, red herring,etc. Your "logical flow" is based on a rather unconvincing complex argument. The foundation for which is composed of false premises and illogical conclusions.

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I hope Bioware is all about profit.


Profits aren't evil. Companies pay employees and bonuses out of profits. They expand and make new games and content with profits. They upgrade servers and bandwidth with profits.


I don't care if they add arenas, or charge 30 dollars for a dye I don't want. So long as they don't make the game 'pay to win'.

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For background information, please read this first, an article on Joystiq featuring an interview of Blizzard's VP of Game Design, Rob Pardo:




"Arena has been a huge headache for Blizzard and players alike. He goes on to say that if he had the choice, he'd either go back to WoW's beginnings and change the fundamentals of class balance, or, barring that, would nix the decision to add Arenas during the development of the Burning Crusade expansion. "


Even knowing all these, and the blatantly obvious FACT that Star Wars The Old Republic was never designed from the ground up as a pvp-oriented game, much more so than MMOs like WoW and Guild Wars 2, BioWare still has to introduce this WoW-esque arena in a bid to attract more new players to SWTOR. The ludicrousness of BioWare's decision in this case is further accentuated by the fact that Blizzard is a company that puts extreme emphasis on the quality of its products, always reassuring its users that the game will be released "when it's ready" while on the other hand, BioWare had trouble running 4 man in a SINGLE INSTANCE 1 year before the release of SWTOR!


I have so much more to say, but at this point, I think it's just too obvious. The BioWare that once was, has ceased to be...


Perhaps Greg and Muzyka really left at the right time... The BioWare that I once loved is no more.


I am a business owner and there are 3 rules every business MUST follow:


1. Make a product people will want to buy so you can make a profit.

2. Make a profit or go out of business.

3. See rules 1 and 2.

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I wonder what a psychologist would have to say about a person opening a thread in a forum, directed at people that will never ever read it ("Bioware"). Doesnt sound too wise to me. Irrational assumptions, paired with a lust to show off?! Teach me more about self-reflection, after posting on a game forum out of unreflected motivations...


For the part that BWs/EAs politics towards their costumers and products is crap, I agree. For the rest. Well, obviously false assumptions have been pointed out already.


"There is an article, dating back to 2009, in which a certain person stated XY.", is a fact. The rest is more or less well founded opinion. And nothing of all that is new... all the little topics tickled by this thread have been discussed endlessly.

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