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♫♪ The Shadowlands 2.4 Progression ♪♫


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The top two progression teams from Old Republic Dads teamed up for 16m NiM DF. (We're both struggling with Draxus).


We took out Neffy and Draxus last night in 16m NiM DF.


Here is the Draxus kill video (not mine, I wasn't recording):


Here is a Neffy video from this week (cleaner kill):


Please ignore me leaping to the droid and killing myself. ;)

Edited by Nepthen
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Updated. Grats everyone =)


Once the Neffy video is up, I'll edit this post with that link.


Nice job teaming up =) I'm not really updating alot of the older content anymore (i.e. TC/TFB/SV)

I'll be waiting on your video for Nefra.


Also I did start putting the links back in for guild websites. Let me know if any of you want yours updated.

Edited by Zalindae
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16m NiM Nefra video is up on my original post. You also have it listed that we have only killed HM Draxus in 16m DF but we have killed him in NiM. Not a huge deal, I know you have a lot of stuff to sort through on this thread.


I"ll put it here too, just in case:


Ignore me leaping to the droid and killing myself. ;)

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Aftermath is now 5/5 in both 8m HM Dread ops, but I only saw this thread this week, so I only was able to get a screenshot of Brontes:


Guild: Aftermath (aftermathswtor.com)

Faction: Republic

Boss: Brontes

Screenshot: Brontes HM: i.imgur.com/LJv1MBq.jpg

(This was from Thursday 6-5, around 10pm EST)

Timezone of poster: EST


If you need proof of the bosses leading up to Brontes, I'll make sure to screenshot on Tuesday. Same goes for the DP bosses.



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