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Unintended Patch Download


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I'd love to know if anything will be done for those of us who simply tried to log in and got slapped with a full 11+ gig reinstall. Are we going to get anything for having to redownload the entire game due to a screwup on the company end? Hours of download where not much else can be done on the computer, two other accounts here which may also need to do the same thing (and which can;t log in to check until the patch tomorrow, lest they inadvertently get hit with the same thing if they aren't already affected), and a full 24 hours of not being able to log in at all because, again, of a screwup on the company end.


As subscribers, this is not simply acceptable as an "oops, our bad". With limited bandwidth here having to devote a potential 33G+ of download, not to mention time, for the three accounts here to reinstall the game due to a corporate screwup is not something that I undertake lightly. So I wish to know what is going to be done for those of us who have to do this just to continue playing the game we're paying you for?

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Well, I half-expected a post about how 'patch snafus were part of a complicated game like this' and 'we should all take the time generously given to us by BW away from the game to read a book, write a poem, or meditate on how marvellous the devs are are,':D


Tbh seeing the original post from A has cheered me up no end.


On the plus side at least we know to bring our ice skates when we reach hell. ;)

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This is totally UNACCEPTABLE. At the very least we all deserve a free day added to our subscription.


How could someone ACCIDENTALLY release a patch? How then could the solution to that problem be to tell your PAYING playerbase to not play the entire day?


Not to mention everyone is confused over whether or not they will have to redownload the game and if they should start now.



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Gotta feel bad for the poor guy that pressed the wrong button, tonight's dose of adrenaline is gonna shave a couple months off his life expectancy. :p


Yea well poop happens. If you dled the 300mb one like me just play it till you hit the sack. Luckily the shortest end of the stick here is given to the Atlantic ocean as CET/UTD prime time is about to rev out anyways. The 11gb can get downloaded over the night.

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*grabs popcorn*


this should be some GREAT raging and gives me something to follow while watching football tonight :)


I guess I'm just not so passionate that one day away from the game is going to cause me to quite for life, uninstall or rage.


Think maybe people have anger management issues that they need to resolve. I would hate for this to actually become any more serious that it already does.




Government is voting (or not voting) to shut down for extended periods of time. Government is eroding freedoms daily. Poverty, war, and discontent are on the rise.



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Sorry, but i not read Customer Support forum EACH TIME when start launcher!

I run computer, click launcher, launcher update game (why not? I'm normal customer...if need wait and update - ok, np). Enter the game. And BAH! GTN bugged. ok, i go to forum and.... BAH! "Plz, not play until tomorrow!"©

REALLY? You steal one (billed! im subscriber!) my game day by last "more than 12 hour patch" without any compensation. And... AGAIN?

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In all seriousness BW. You should have your people work late tonight. Get the maintenance done now. When you work for a company and get paid what your guys get paid, sometimes you gotta do what is necessary to make your customers happy. Someone needs to go into the office and say, "Guys, the GUY messed up. We need to stay and get this fixed. (all eyes on the guy)" If this doesn't happen, then it is management that has failed.
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*grabs popcorn*


this should be some GREAT raging and gives me something to follow while watching football tonight :)


I guess I'm just not so passionate that one day away from the game is going to cause me to quite for life, uninstall or rage.


Think maybe people have anger management issues that they need to resolve. I would hate for this to actually become any more serious that it already does.




Government is voting (or not voting) to shut down for extended periods of time. Government is eroding freedoms daily. Poverty, war, and discontent are on the rise.




Agreed. Some people take this way too seriously...

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Hate that I patched and ALMOST clicked play after it was finished before I checked the forums...


Will we be refunded for one day play time (or given a free day), and what about the people that unknowingly pressed play and will have to lose an entire day TOMORROW after the patch to install the entire game? That is TWO days of no play time for them.


Why why why? *gets a pitch fork and stands outside Bioware Austin studio*

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As subscribers, this is not simply acceptable as an "oops, our bad". With limited bandwidth here having to devote a potential 33G+ of download, not to mention time, for the three accounts here to reinstall the game due to a corporate screwup is not something that I undertake lightly.


I agree with you 100%


That said.. the prudent thing to do on the player side is to also mitigate the impact. How? If you are asked to reinstall the entire client.. then reinstall from disks and patch from there is going to save time and bandwidth for most players impacted.


Note: I'm NOT defending what has happened, in any way. I am simply saying.. take care of yourself.. to the best of your abilities....... to mitigate the impact.

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Wow so much for my night of WZ comm grinding to prepare for tomorrows update.


The people that run this game at this point are so far beyond incompetent I dont even have the words.


No wonder WOW........a nearly 10 year old game..........still owns this market.

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