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Attacked for looking for a like minded social guild?


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The ignorance is astonishing. You do understand that a certain political affiliation covers tons of economic and social views, and the LGBT is a tiny bit of them. If you believe that every single person who holds right views is a homophob, you are not better than a bigot.


Some people can't see beyond their own nose.They stereotype people at the same time they complain about it.


Back to the Op.Best bet as stated is to check the server section.I believe you can post and hope for multiple responses.That way you should get some selection from different guilds..

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Who cares what people say, they are just words from some random losers , that you will never see. So don't take them to seriously, I would just keep trying to find the right guild. There are people out there who may have the guild you are looking for.


Wait, are you saying being anti-homosexual makes you a loser?

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The ignorance is astonishing. You do understand that a certain political affiliation covers tons of economic and social views, and the LGBT is a tiny bit of them. If you believe that every single person who holds right views is a homophob, you are not better than a bigot.


Yeah, sorry I always forget that "right-wing" and "left-wing" have different meaning in different parts of the world, especially in US. Here where I live it is mostly related to social views and LGBT is a huge part of that division.

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Yeah, sorry I always forget that "right-wing" and "left-wing" have different meaning in different parts of the world, especially in US. Here where I live it is mostly related to social views and LGBT is a huge part of that division.


Remember that being right-winged doesnt neccessairly translate into social issues. For example you can be fiscally conservative and socially liberal or the other way around.


Also one can be considered socially conservative, being Pro-life, pro-religious freedom, anti large government, ect, and still have some liberal ideas aswell like LGBT. For example people who are LGBT may be conservative.


A better way to explain it is what determines your right wing vs left wing isnt individual concepts but rather the sum of many many many different concepts. Even Evangelic Christians tend to split on the idea of homosexuallity. For example many denominations have opened their door and welcome homosexuals like Faithbridge type churches. Others tend to maintain tolerance without support, ie they are people who have rights even if its a sin. Others are staunch opponents to homosexuality. Though we can see most of these churches, regardless of their view on homosexuality, are still considered "rightwingers"

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If we ever grew up....there''d be no MMOs. For shame!!!


There is a difference between being child-like and childish. You can be an adult playing (or making) video games and playing with toys. You can be staunchly against the idea, and be very immature. ;)


But anyway, looks like this thread is getting derailed into a political/social discussion, and we know how the mods feel about that here.

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OP, I'll keep it short...


The people who insulted you for your sexuality were wrong and, depending how far it went, you should report them if they were offensive.


Whilst I agree with other posters here that this is mostly to be expected, that doesn't make it right. You should be able to be yourself and you shouldn't be required to hide parts of your life.


There are a lot of great guilds out there. If I were you, I would post in your server forum instead and there will be a lot of good guilds out there who will be very happy to have you :)

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Wait, are you saying being anti-homosexual makes you a loser?


Well....I personally would not call anyone a "loser".


I might say that someone that is homophobic AND advertises as much openly has a serious problem with self respect.


And after all...that is the crux of most of the problems in society IMO...people can't seem to understand how to properly respect themselves.


It is generally understood that it is not good to pick your nose in a restaurant. You have a right to do it, it's your body, your not wrong if you like it....but there are boundaries you should not cross.


No matter how you slant it it is a serious demonstration of a lack of self respect to go fishing for bass in your blowhole in a busy public place.


I would make that argument any day of the week.

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TLDR: Someone made fun of you on the internet.


Cool story, would read again.


What's next? A thread about someone being offended when someone made fun of them for wearing Aim gear on a Marauder? Oh wait no, that's not about a hotly debated social issue.


What is the point of this thread though, ego stroking? Someone made fun of you (doesn't really matter what about) and you want everyone to say what "meanies" they were and what good person you are? Well, mission accomplished looks like...


Grow a spine and ignore all the haters; you were searching for a guild, you found one that suits what you were looking for... great work. An ego stroking thread was completely unnecessary though.

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Well....I personally would not call anyone a "loser".


I might say that someone that is homophobic AND advertises as much openly has a serious problem with self respect.


And after all...that is the crux of most of the problems in society IMO...people can't seem to understand how to properly respect themselves.


It is generally understood that it is not good to pick your nose in a restaurant. You have a right to do it, it's your body, your not wrong if you like it....but there are boundaries you should not cross.


No matter how you slant it it is a serious demonstration of a lack of self respect to go fishing for bass in your blowhole in a busy public place.


I would make that argument any day of the week.


I must say you really....ummmm


You lost me there. How exactly does self respect have anything to do with picking your nose in public? You dont pick your nose in public because its kinda gross and anti hygenic. You dont do it out of respect for those around you....not because you lack self respect.


Lacking Self respect is usually ilustrated by doing, saying or acting a certain way, that you wouldnt normally find respectful, inspite. For example if my daughter decided to wear inappropriate clothes to gain the attention of a guy, and would not normally wear these cloths, that would be an example of having no self respect.


Being homophobic isnt always about respect anyways. Its technically about fear. Fear of homosexual contact. It isnt about being disrespectful either. For example a homophob may fear that allowing their children to spend time with a homosexual will increase the chances of their child becoming a homosexual. This doesnt have to mean that they disrespect the homosexual, but rather they do not approve of, at a bare minimum, their child becoming homosexual, or at most, the other person being homosexual.


Now far to often homophobs act disrespectful to homosexuals, and sometimes even violently. But being homophobic doesnt neccesarily mean you WILL be disrespectful to that person.


In short your statement seems a bit...skewed....and ackwardly written.

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In short your statement seems a bit...skewed....and ackwardly written.


Fair enough, but the point still stands. You stated the exact reasons why someone should not express, in public, their homophobia.


This is not the 50s. It is accepted behavior now. Therefore if you can feel any way you like and have a right to feel that way...express it openly in public however and you demonstrate a lack of self respect.


Because in the end it is YOU, not the person you deride that will likely be hurt by that open display in public.


It is akin to engaging in any other socially unacceptable behavior. You will find more rejection than acceptance...therefore you lack self respect.

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Imagine for one second that your "sensitive issue" was religion of any kind. Now try to imagine going a single hour of any day in any city in the world without being subtly or blatantly bombarded with it 7/24. Equality for all? That will be the day.


I had gay friends and he was saying ppl rarely harassed him so its not 24/7 unless they are a big mouthed flamer and the ppl are old fashioned

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agreed, attacking anyone for their sexual orientation is rude. It does infact show someone that you lack self respect. AND as I'm fairly knowledgable about the.....disrespectful things that are said in general chat, I can only assume, as you have, that what was being sad was sad a pathetic.


My original comment, to which you responded to, was not in regards to whether what was said was respectful or disrespectful, but rather the certainty of claiming homophobs are "losers."


Well say, for sake of arguement, that Bill Gates or Steve Jobs were either homophobic, or anti-homosexual (dont fear homosexuals but dont support their lifestyle choice)


Would you say they were now losers because of their opinions? I think we can agree both men were/are very successful individuals and leaders in their fields. We can certainly say they paved the road for the rest of us to follow. They are anything but losers. And their opinions, on any matter, regardless of how we feel about it, wont change the fact that they are anything but losers.


More to the point, I think anyone who responded with unkind words to the OP in general chat were anything but respectful. But there is always the slight chance that nothing disrespectful was said, and the OP is simply blowing things way out of perportion due to disagreements of opinions, or that others didnt vocalize their support for his/her opinion. Unlikely, but still possible.

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Fair enough, but the point still stands. You stated the exact reasons why someone should not express, in public, their homophobia.


This is not the 50s. It is accepted behavior now. Therefore if you can feel any way you like and have a right to feel that way...express it openly in public however and you demonstrate a lack of self respect.


Because in the end it is YOU, not the person you deride that will likely be hurt by that open display in public.


It is akin to engaging in any other socially unacceptable behavior. You will find more rejection than acceptance...therefore you lack self respect.

Come down south and see how socially accepted it is. If tjey have the right to speak about gayness the other guy has the right to voice his opinion even if you think its unacceptabe right andxl wrong are relative to the person. Alot of ppl still see being gay as morally corrupt. I dont see why they habe to get married when they can just get a civil inion that has the exact same benefits. Some ppl still think marriage is a sacred institution. To each his own until it tries to affect me then i have a problem with it

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Fair enough, but the point still stands. You stated the exact reasons why someone should not express, in public, their homophobia.


This is not the 50s. It is accepted behavior now. Therefore if you can feel any way you like and have a right to feel that way...express it openly in public however and you demonstrate a lack of self respect.


Because in the end it is YOU, not the person you deride that will likely be hurt by that open display in public.


It is akin to engaging in any other socially unacceptable behavior. You will find more rejection than acceptance...therefore you lack self respect.


Voicing disagreement with something that is socially acceptable is not the same thing as engaging in socially unacceptable behavior. As you have said before, picking your nose is socially unacceptable, and I agree that would show a lack of self respect.


But self respect can also involve having the courage to speak out when you think something is wrong, even if others do not. If you are in a group of people who all think stealing is acceptable, but you tell them that you do not think it is, then that actually shows you respect yourself enough to speak up against what the majority think.


No, I am not saying that homosexuality is like stealing, but the point is simply that you are wrong that voicing disagreement with something that is socially acceptable means you lack self respect. There are an infinite number of examples like the one I just mentioned that could prove otherwise.

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It sucks the OP was treated so meanly. I have to agree with people when they say 'general chat' is pretty awful, and I find in this game it's a lot more awful than many.


I think perhaps the OP would have been wiser to post his request on the forums, stating which server he plays, and people who play there could have directed him to a nice friendly open minded guild. I think the community forum is also a good place to ask, they seem mostly decent over there too.


For the most part, people on the forums tend to be more tolerant/decent (perhaps because the scum get banned quicker here I don't know lol) in social issues and would have been more reasonable to deal with.

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agreed, attacking anyone for their sexual orientation is rude. It does infact show someone that you lack self respect. AND as I'm fairly knowledgable about the.....disrespectful things that are said in general chat, I can only assume, as you have, that what was being sad was sad a pathetic.


My original comment, to which you responded to, was not in regards to whether what was said was respectful or disrespectful, but rather the certainty of claiming homophobs are "losers."


Well say, for sake of arguement, that Bill Gates or Steve Jobs were either homophobic, or anti-homosexual (dont fear homosexuals but dont support their lifestyle choice)


Would you say they were now losers because of their opinions? I think we can agree both men were/are very successful individuals and leaders in their fields. We can certainly say they paved the road for the rest of us to follow. They are anything but losers. And their opinions, on any matter, regardless of how we feel about it, wont change the fact that they are anything but losers.


More to the point, I think anyone who responded with unkind words to the OP in general chat were anything but respectful. But there is always the slight chance that nothing disrespectful was said, and the OP is simply blowing things way out of perportion due to disagreements of opinions, or that others didnt vocalize their support for his/her opinion. Unlikely, but still possible.


I would most definitely disagree with the loser part. If I didnt make that clear, I apologize for the lack of clarity on that point.


And yes, quite a bit of assumption is at play here as well.

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This is not about rights. Naturally a person has a right to say anything they please. Anything at all, other than perhaps things that are directly violations of the law.


For instance, I can slander someone legally....but I would lack self respect in doing so because society has deemed that that kind of behavior has a cost...I can be sued. So though it does not break the law, I just hurt myself.


My contention is that openly expressing Homophobia...not moral convictions, not sanctity issues...homophobia demonstrates a lack of self respect. Same with racism....fundamentalism, etc.


Our society has made it quite clear that this is no longer acceptable behavior. You speak openly about narrow minded views and you are shunned and punished.


What one does in their own private spaces is their concern. But when intolerance is displayed openly it tends to harm the one that presents that intolerance far more than the one that is the target.


20 or 30 years ago you could get away with being intolerant without social ramifications. That is now strongly frowned upon in society.


I will not list examples of homophobia...people that are curious can search out those examples themselves. What I will list, however, is perhaps some views, when expressed, that would not necessarily be defined as a lack of self respect.


"though I do not approve of your lifestyle, you have a right to do as you please"

"I believe in the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, but you have a right to marry someone you love and I will not interfere."

"I believe it is wrong to engage in same sex activity, but we are all wrong."


I had to edit some words to make sure I am not making religious references as that would be a violation of the forum rules. But I am sure folks know what I mean when I say "wrong".


This is a point of expressing conviction while still demonstrating self respect. People can accept that you do not approve based on your convictions, as long as you do not hinder or discriminate.

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Voicing disagreement with something that is socially acceptable is not the same thing as engaging in socially unacceptable behavior. As you have said before, picking your nose is socially unacceptable, and I agree that would show a lack of self respect.


But self respect can also involve having the courage to speak out when you think something is wrong, even if others do not. If you are in a group of people who all think stealing is acceptable, but you tell them that you do not think it is, then that actually shows you respect yourself enough to speak up against what the majority think.


No, I am not saying that homosexuality is like stealing, but the point is simply that you are wrong that voicing disagreement with something that is socially acceptable means you lack self respect. There are an infinite number of examples like the one I just mentioned that could prove otherwise.


That kindof sounds like a self centered egotistical i am special kind of statement. If you find solething wrong and whine about it you will look likexa whiner. Maybee its not disrespectful to them they may have dfferent social norms. But ist hecause one feels wronged doesnt mean one should speak up. I personally remove myself from the offendig person no exsie necessary. A lot of people would see you as a crybaby and likely not care about your feelings? Tjey do not care about strangers on the internet. It gives ppl the ability to speak their minds instead holding it in because its unacceptable. You just have to develop thick skin or else your life will be a pain. Respect is earned

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Normally I don't reply to threads like this on, but this on caught my attention..


First off let me say that its a shame the way people act sometimes. Its too bad that not everyone can be at least accepting and respectful towards others of differing ways of life. And for that I feel bad for the OP.


However I have to question the motives of the OP. Seems more to me like he/she is just trying to bring attention to his/her self and his/her homosexuality.


I mean, the guy/gal basically says in public that he/she is homosexual looking for a Gay friendly Guild. The only thing that could top that would be to have his toon carry a sign above its head in neon lights saying I "Im Gay!". Huge attention grab there.


Then the OP goes on to say that He/She just didn't want to 'accidently' say something that could get him kicked from said guild. Which tells me that the OP was Planning on expressing his/her homosexuality to said new guild. Once again bringing attention to his/her self and his/hers homosexuality in the new environment.


Then the OP comes here to the General Forums instead of the Off-Topic Forums where he/she knows it will receive the most attention, and creates an entirely new thread about him/her and his/her experiences as a homosexual in the gaming community.


Ya, definitely seems like an attention ploy to me, and yes I bit on it too.


Heres a tip for you younlings : At the end of the day, this is just a video game and you have no idea who is sitting there watching on the other side of that monitor. Keep your Personal life Personal. There is no reason to fill the gaming community in on your private life.

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My advice to you would be to find a guild with normal, respectful people in it. "Gay friendly guild" is just another way of saying just that, but most people are cool with it and you don't have to specifically look for a guild that says it's gay friendly.
Still a societal work in progress. The day "alternative lifestyles" that aren't threatening or imposing meld into the mainstream is the day agendas won't exist. Unfortunately I don't think segments of the human condition would allow that to happen. Turning a deep callous into silky smooth skin is a major operation. However, if someone wants to label their guild as a [insert peaceful preference here] guild, imho they should be free to do so without repercussion. But ya, the fact that people still feel oppressed enough to warrant having to qualify their preference is a sad commentary imho.
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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.


If you ever transfer your toons or make new ones on the harbinger look me up. No-la on imp side and Bo-zo on pub side. Both guilds are friendly to all and everyone is welcome. These are the recruiting messages i use.


<The Dark Times>casual, oceanic and lgbt friendly. 10% xp and rep bonus, mumble, website. Whisper for an invite or visit GPJ.ENJIN.COM. Join our family and have some fun.




<Guardians of Peace and Justice>casual, oceanic and lgbt friendly. 10% xp and rep bonus, mumble, website. Whisper for an invite or visit GPJ.ENJIN.COM. Join our family and have some fun.

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Heres a tip for you younlings : At the end of the day, this is just a video game and you have no idea who is sitting there watching on the other side of that monitor. Keep your Personal life Personal. There is no reason to fill the gaming community in on your private life.


To me there is a vast difference between your personal life and your life. From what I can tell the poster did not express a need to be in a guild that he could share the most intimate details of his personal life with. But a guild that he could speak about the day to day things that have happened or happening without issue or fear of saying the wrong thing.


I would hope the poster has found that community. He should have a lot of choice as guilds that have issues with sexuality, colour of your skin or your religion tend not to be that successful. I certainly would not be a part of a guild like that and I would guess I am in the majority.

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Grow a spine and ignore all the haters; you were searching for a guild, you found one that suits what you were looking for... great work. An ego stroking thread was completely unnecessary though.

Spoken like someone who's never faced any sort of persecution or oppression in his entire life. You can't know what it's like for him.

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