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An Open Letter to BioWare: Improving the Overall State of SWTOR.


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I encourage everyone to not just bump and comment.. but take time to /rate the thread too. It deserves the stars far more then any prior thread IMO.


Agreed. And again, you don't have agree with every single point. This is a starting point and a point of origin.

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Anything is worth what something is willing to pay for it you know im sure a homeless person living in the park would pay for a dirty blanket but does that make it valuable to everyone else? No

Why would yu argue against wanting a better game

Your inapt analogy aside, either the game is worth playing or it's not. If it's not, stop playing. Sure there are changes I'd like to see made to the game, but I don't really care if they are implemented or not because it is just a game.

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The first boss should be the “DPS check” for an Operation, not some boss in the middle.


First, insanely huge wall of text.


But you didn't think this part through. If the first boss is a DPS check, and people should have 80-90% of the gear that drops in the operation to clear it, how the heck would a group ever get past the first boss to get to that 80-90% gearing level?

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Your inapt analogy aside, either the game is worth playing or it's not. If it's not, stop playing. Sure there are changes I'd like to see made to the game, but I don't really care if they are implemented or not because it is just a game.


The IP is too strong to call it "just a game" for some. Would you rather the game improve versus people leaving or not?


Its hard to play an MMO when you advocate for players to leave versus doing what is being done here..

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The IP is too strong to call it "just a game" for some. Would you rather the game improve versus people leaving or not?


Its hard to play an MMO when you advocate for players to leave versus doing what is being done here..


That is borderline ridiculous and ...dangerously stupid. (I'm not directing that at you.)


Anyone who is SO DRAWN in by the IP and can't quit even though the game isn't fun to them has serious mental issues and needs to see a professional.


The "people leave" comment is based on the fact that some people think the game fundamentals will change and let me tell you right now, they won't. The game is build as a themepark, with many features of other successful game and some features of its own. We know space combat is coming but its a ways off.


The truth is most people on the forums ARE having fun and they are either too proud or too angry with life to admit they like the game. They come to the forums with ridiculous requests in an attempt to basically feel important. They "know" better. They know how to fix the game. Heck, I don't really blame them. Its natural human tendency to want to feel important. We get these 3 page diatribes about that HAS TO HAPPEN to make the game better. If people were really that unhappy they wouldn't play it. If they are that unhappy and yet they still play it, they need to see a professional.


I just like calling people out on their BS.

It is silly and a waste of time to expect those in game fundamentals to change and if someone is UNHAPPY with the game they need to be a better consumer and put their money where their mouth is.

Edited by Arkerus
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The IP is too strong to call it "just a game" for some. Would you rather the game improve versus people leaving or not?

I really don"t care. As I state constantly, I enjoy the game so I pay for it. When I stop enjoying the game, I will quit playing. That's what you will do, that's what everyone will do.


Even if other people think it's more than a game, it's still just a game.

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Your inapt analogy aside, either the game is worth playing or it's not. If it's not, stop playing. Sure there are changes I'd like to see made to the game, but I don't really care if they are implemented or not because it is just a game.

If you dont care then please go do something more productive that you do care about

Like learning to spell. You can dislike something and not have to do away with it. What planet are you from? Im earth. Have we met?

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That is borderline ridiculous and ...dangerously stupid. (I'm not directing that at you.)


Anyone who is SO DRAWN in by the IP and can't quit because the game isn't fun to them has serious mental issues and needs to see a professional.


The "people leave" comment is based on the fact that some people think the game fundamentals will change and let me tell you right now, they won't. The game is build as a themepark, with many features of other successful game and some features of its own. We know space combat is coming but its a ways off.

It is silly and a waste of time to expect those to change and if someone is UNHAPPY with the game they need to be a better consumer and put their money where their mouth is.


Which is why I was in full support of the previous petition... I will cancel my sub, because there is no longer any value in it, and we are telling BW why this is the case.


There are no fundamental changes being asked for. Its not like I want them to move this game from an MMO to a FPS. and yes the IP is that strong. Its strong enough that I for one enjoy lightsabers and force moves in a game THAT MUCH, that I was willing to accept the warts, to a point. Its not as simple as fun or not fun, but its is a scale. How much do I love the IP versus all BW actions that will lead me to leave. The scale is current tipped in BW favor and that's not good, but we are providing clear statements on what could remove some of the weights and its up to them.

Edited by L-RANDLE
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Which is why I was in full support of the previous petition... I will cancel my sub, because there is no longer any value in it, and we are telling BW why this is the case.


There are no fundamental changes being asked for. Its not like I want them to move this game from an MMO to a FPS. and yes the IP is that strong. Its strong enough that I for one enjoy lightsabers and force moves in a game THAT MUCH, that I was willing to accept the warts, to a point. Its not as simple as fun or not fun, but its is a scale. How much do I love the IP versus all BW actions that will lead me to leave. The scale is current tipped in BW favor and that's not good, but we are providing clear statements on what could remove some of the weights and its up to them.


Being a better consumer if the first thing you can do. So..congrats! I hope you find what you are looking for.


What exactly does tipped in their favor mean? This isn't a war. We aren't batting Bioware. I'm not at least. I see them as a company providing a service. I am not their enemy and I am not their friend. I am a consumer.


There is no war going on.

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If you dont care then please go do something more productive that you do care about

Like learning to spell. You can dislike something and not have to do away with it. What planet are you from? Im earth. Have we met?

Off-topic but very ironic: first you erroneously accuse me of misspelling something, then you leave the apostrophe out of your own contractions (thus technically making them misspellings). And you didn't capitalize "Earth."


As far as me posting in the thread goes, if you want a private discussion thread, use PMs.


Which is why I was in full support of the previous petition... I will cancel my sub, because there is no longer any value in it, and we are telling BW why this is the case.

As Arkerus stated, if you are no longer happy with the game, you are doing the right thing. No one else cares, but that's how you send a message to BWEA.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I want to offer my appreciation for your hard work and effort in putting this together; you have really demonstrated that the core of your petition is a desire to improve the game, and by taking out the deadlines you have turned this into something that not only more players can get behind, but that the Devs can read and even comment on. There was no way they were going to respond to ultimatums.

I greatly appreciate the feedback I've gotten up to this point. I'm happy that I was able to make this from a "petition" and more so an ultimatum, to something that the BW team can read and hopefully support. I'm hoping most of the topics provided in the OP can be things that can be easily implemented, fixed, etc.


Sadly I'm still going to stay unsubbed after what's happened to the PvP community, but if BW decided to keep Ranked WZs in I'd be happy to reactivate a 6 month sub.


I know you just revised your polls but I might suggest a different approach. I don't think you should be having votes on which is the most to least important, but rather a sign of how much EACH is important to the voter. It's unfair to your points to have them ranked against each other instead of each getting something like a 1 to 10 vote.

You bring up a good point, but I think that the poll that rates each topic is the best way to approach this. The topics at the top is the survey taker's important topics, while the topics in the middle tend to be the ones that the survey taker is indifferent on, and at the bottom portion will be the topics that the survey taker is least concerned with.


I'd probably have to make another survey for those that feel each topic is important to them, but it's best if those who do fit that description enter that feedback in this thread.


Also, if I my suggest: it is wisest to not argue with your former comrade about this. You made the right choice, and his comments here already have disrupted your new initiative. If he truly was concerned about the game then he would have supported this petition in the way he said we should have all supported the last one. Since he's not getting his way, he's not supporting you and that's a shame, but very telling.

He probably will not be re-entering this thread. He is very stubborn, and I think he does want to improve the game, but the way he's thinking about it is probably just not feasible for BW. He really wanted due dates, especially for class balance. Class balance was his most concerned topic along with competitive PvP, but Sena and I disagreed that that was not the best way to re-approach with this petition.




For those of you concerned about the PvE topic, I apologize but PvE has never been my forté. I don't participate in it so my recommendation is to direct your concerns on that major PvE topic to SenaZane. She is the one that helped me improve this petition PvE-wise.

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Being a better consumer if the first thing you can do. So..congrats! I hope you find what you are looking for.


What exactly does tipped in their favor mean? This isn't a war. We aren't batting Bioware. I'm not at least. I see them as a company providing a service. I am not their enemy and I am not their friend. I am a consumer.


There is no war going on.

Lol which is somewhat part of the problem in PvP.. There is no war because certain people can't join the war because of BW actions or lack thereof.


But getting back to your point, no this isn't a war, not yet at least. Its a protest for some and a protest/boycott for others because they care that much about this game. Picture the scales of justice. For my personal entertainment, Star Wars has an anvil on its scale, BW went from a cement block to an entire cement truck in less than two years.

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Lol which is somewhat part of the problem in PvP.. There is no war because certain people can't join the war because of BW actions or lack thereof.


But getting back to your point, no this isn't a war, not yet at least. Its a protest for some and a protest/boycott cor others because they care that much about this game. Picture the scales of justice. For my personal entertainment, Star Wars has an anvil on its scale, BW went from a cement block to an entire cement truck in less than two years.

For the most part, I have to agree with Randle.


The IP is a huge attraction to this game, and it is what had/has me emotionally invested into this game. The problem with PvP is that BioWare just kept taking away and taking away, and its future at the moment doesn't seem so bright. Sure, they're introducing Arenas, but they're being executed almost just the same exact way Ranked WZs were. Even though the combat team is mostly PvP oriented, they have no understanding on how each class and their specs really works because PvP is just going to be full of lolSmashers and Scouperative trolololols.


It just got to the point where more of BW's choices, lack of interaction with the PvP community and overall focus on the system itself "tipped the scale", and the IP just didn't really matter anymore. :(

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For the most part, I have to agree with Randle.


The IP is a huge attraction to this game, and it is what had/has me emotionally invested into this game. The problem with PvP is that BioWare just kept taking away and taking away, and its future at the moment doesn't seem so bright. Sure, they're introducing Arenas but they're being executed almost just the same exact way Ranked WZs were. Even though the combat team is mostly for PvP, they have no understanding on how each class and their specs really works because PvP is just going to be full of lolSmashers and Scouperative trolololols.


It just got to the point where more of BW's choices, lack of interaction with the PvP community and overall focus on the system itself "tipped the scale", and the IP just didn't really matter anymore. :(


If you quit again Jurgens I for one will miss your grumpy sense of humour which somehow compliments you forum avatar perfectly...



Edited by ImperialSun
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If you quit again Jurgens I for one will miss your grumpy sense of humour which somehow compliments you forum avatar perfectly...



I've been unsubbed for months now on my main account. My sub ends like 3 days after Arenas are aimed to be implemented.


This is just a friend's account, and he doesn't use it anymore so it's why I've been able to post like I could.



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Your subscription has been cancelled.


Good luck to those who stick it out with this joke of a dev team. Love the game - I really do. Even so, this is by far the worst company I've ever dealt with. The disconnect between the devs and the pvp community, in particular, is no longer acceptable. It's also incredible the way this team manages to mishandle nearly every aspect of the game.If something can be added, you can bet it's going to be implemented badly. If something needs tweaked - rest easy, it will remain untweaked for months and months. I won't be f2p. I'm going to play something else and pray for the various beta invites I'm hoping for. The sad part is, I'll be playing inferior games in the meantime - but, games that are actually run properly.


This game had so much potential. It won't ever come close to what it could have been, though.

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Your subscription has been cancelled.


Good luck to those who stick it out with this joke of a dev team. Love the game - I really do. Even so, this is by far the worst company I've ever dealt with. The disconnect between the devs and the pvp community, in particular, is no longer acceptable. It's also incredible the way this team manages to mishandle nearly every aspect of the game.If something can be added, you can bet it's going to be implemented badly. If something needs tweaked - rest easy, it will remain untweaked for months and months. I won't be f2p. I'm going to play something else and pray for the various beta invites I'm hoping for. The sad part is, I'll be playing inferior games in the meantime - but, games that are actually run properly.


This game had so much potential. It won't ever come close to what it could have been, though.

I feel for you, brother Shattered.


I've had a friend or two tell me to why not play F2P. Why? The model is garbage and I refuse to be associated with it.



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For the most part, I have to agree with Randle.


The IP is a huge attraction to this game, and it is what had/has me emotionally invested into this game. The problem with PvP is that BioWare just kept taking away and taking away, and its future at the moment doesn't seem so bright. Sure, they're introducing Arenas, but they're being executed almost just the same exact way Ranked WZs were. Even though the combat team is mostly PvP oriented, they have no understanding on how each class and their specs really works because PvP is just going to be full of lolSmashers and Scouperative trolololols.


It just got to the point where more of BW's choices, lack of interaction with the PvP community and overall focus on the system itself "tipped the scale", and the IP just didn't really matter anymore. :(


Their idea of balance may be different that yours. That comes with the territory. Either you like the product or you don't.


There is nothing wrong with the first post. Its interesting and covers a lot of points.


My point isn't really directed at that. My point is that people emotionally invested and claim they can't quit are either:


1) lying

2) have a mental issue they need to have checked by a professional

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