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Please switch the engine now before its too late..


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There are no words to convey the level of... Your stupidity never ceases to amaze. Clearly logic holds no sway in your mind. I will simply end with congratulations.


*slow clap*


meh, i went a step further..new addition to my ignore list.

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You really don't understand how any of this works do you?


No one is replacing the engine because replacing the engine isn't a solution. Its not even feasible. Its not on the decision matrix.


Improving the current setup is a very viable option but replacing it with a new engine is not an option.


Yeah.. he's gone past doubling down on his nonsense.. and has gone "All In". :)


He's definitely a risk taker. He has risked his credibility with this topic.. even with some of the harshest forum critics of the game.

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This is my new favorite thread. The entertainment value is quite high


when it was pure BS was pretty nice. Here is how I perceive it.


OP and his henchman stand at a podium facing a crowed. His opening statement on leading a discussion about fixing bugs and such is to "copy and paste" into a new engine.


Crowed rolls over laughing thinking this was the opening joke typical of most public speakers. After a half hour of laughter, crowed starts to come down from the high and realize OP and henchman are not laughing...it wasn't a joke.


Crowed starts to cry:(

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You really don't understand how any of this works do you?


No one is replacing the engine because replacing the engine isn't a solution. Its not even feasible. Its not on the decision matrix.


Improving the current setup is a very viable option but replacing it with a new engine is not an option.


This is a "problem" of their own making.


Sometimes when you have to give an answer of a technical nature to people who don't have the expertise or knowledge to understand the actual answer, or when you don't know the answer yourself... you make something up.


"Why can't we do that? Umm.... the engine? Yeah that's it."


So when you blame the Big Bad Wolf for everything, people are going to eventually ask you to kill the Big Bad Wolf.

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Interns people. Interns. All EA needs to do is hire some young programmers and interns for 7.75/hr and the entire engine will be replaced by a shiny new engine.


I drove by the EA offices yesterday and interns were just lined up around the block waiting to get in. I even heard one of them say "I bet I could fix that engine. Its just like building a new house and I helped my Uncle install a dryer last year. I got this."


AH HA! You admit it's that easy!!! I KNEW IT! Ur gig is up Arkerus!


Hmmm....ur not trying to be sarcastic are you?

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Like I said in my first post.. the true laughing will commence when EA realizes it makes more financial sense to wipe the servers and start fresh with a new engine.


Most of this work is outsourced anyway.. I just want them to give an intern a chance instead of some pakistani scumbag who enjoys the drinking the tears of Star Wars fans.

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for anyone who still thinks this is not feasable (Due to misdirection by overzealous defenders of EA)


here is a quick wiki on "porting" a game which is exactly what switching to a new engine entails





GL and happy reading


remember knowledge is power


"Of course, you don't have to take *my* word for it." -LeVar Burton

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for anyone who still thinks this is not feasable (Due to misdirection by overzealous defenders of EA)


here is a quick wiki on "porting" a game which is exactly what switching to a new engine entails





GL and happy reading


remember knowledge is power


"Of course, you don't have to take *my* word for it." -LeVar Burton


oh look, posting a link without any context.


not once in that article is the word "engine" used

because porting a game to a different SYSTEM is different from switching ENGINES!


seriously! lrn2gameprogram dummy!

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First off, thank you OP for the 2 hours of enjoyment I recieved from reading this outstanding thread. I have never seen someone as stubborn as you in refusing to admit they are wrong. Heck, my wife swears I never admit when I am wrong, she's wrong on this of course, since I am never wrong, not even that one time I thought I was wrong, I was simply mistaken, I was actually right. You however, good sir, take this to an extreme, and for that I thank you.


Now, for my one bit of nitpicking, Mr.OP, why is it you failed to notice that was a rendering of Nar Shadda from the 1997 Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II game, and not SW:TOR? In that video you also saw ZERO engine work. What you saw was a rendering of what the game COULD look like, not what how it could RUN. That is a huge difference.

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oh look, posting a link without any context.


not once in that article is the word "engine" used

because porting a game to a different SYSTEM is different from switching ENGINES!


seriously! lrn2gameprogram dummy!



So taking assets from a game and "porting" or "copying and pasting" them to another base or "ENGINE" is not the same thing?



Its funny because I am probably the only one here with an actual computer science degree LMAO

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Doesnt porting generally refer to converting a game to consoles or to port a console game to computer games. Moneywise that makes more sense at least in terms of investment because then you are tapping into another client base so you could potentially get a bigger money stream. Although this game i think there are too many controls to port succesfully.
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So for future reference what c/p to another engine entails


c/p visual assets

c/p audio assets

c/p scripts.. if that does not work then you rewrite scripts accordingly.. although the scripting was most likely done in Python so its probably NOT an issue to c/p that as well


sure it might take a little bit of "TIME" and "EFFORT" both of which I know EA has little of.. but the end result would probably propel this game back into the spotlight.

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Doesnt porting generally refer to converting a game to consoles or to port a console game to computer games. Moneywise that makes more sense at least in terms of investment because then you are tapping into another client base so you could potentially get a bigger money stream. Although this game i think there are too many controls to port succesfully.


FYI they are already working on a PS4/XBone port of this game

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for anyone who still thinks this is not feasable (Due to misdirection by overzealous defenders of EA)


here is a quick wiki on "porting" a game which is exactly what switching to a new engine entails





GL and happy reading


remember knowledge is power


"Of course, you don't have to take *my* word for it." -LeVar Burton


Porting a game ... I don't it means what you're assuming it means.

In reference to what you linked, it is the scenario say of making Half-Life 3 (*cough* you listening Valve?) initially for Windows platforms and then PORTING it to say Mac or the consoles. In no way does it mean switching the underlying ENGINE, merely going through the inconsistencies of how one OS/platform handles the Engine.


It seems you're suggesting that switching the engine a game is designed around is little more trouble than using DOSBox to get a Win 98 game to run on Win 7.

1) That's hardly the case

2) If it were even REMOTELY true then there would be a plethora of developer studios lining up to do just that to their aging titles.


Imagine if it was as simple as you suggest ... Warhammer would NEVER have to had been made by Mythic as they could have just dropped DAoC into the CryEngine2 (at the time) and BAM! (like Emeril) had a gorgeous looking, up to date version of their much loved PVP based mmorpg. And now today they could in turn be simply dropping it into CryEngine3 while continuing to add content and better tweak an existing game with an established playerbase.


Just simply kick it up a notch ... yanno, switch out to the new Engine.


Funny, while plenty of games have had "graphical updates" where they've improved on somethings like polygon counts, etc., I can't think of any MMOs off the top of my head (so I'm guessing it's rare, if it's ever happened) where they've completely swapped out the underlying engine to a completely new and different one post-launch.


So yeah, it must be pretty trivial to do and seen industry-wide as completely viable and economical solution to issues they are confronted with staying with the engine a game is built around.

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Doesnt porting generally refer to converting a game to consoles or to port a console game to computer games. Moneywise that makes more sense at least in terms of investment because then you are tapping into another client base so you could potentially get a bigger money stream. Although this game i think there are too many controls to port succesfully.


Porting usually refers to low level API stuff. Making sure that your windows commands can work on iOS, or call an equivalent function. If you have a game the uses DirectX you would need to support OpenGL to run it on Linux, etc.


Depending on how coupled your code is to the platform it can be an easy or difficult task.



So taking assets from a game and "porting" or "copying and pasting" them to another base or "ENGINE" is not the same thing?



Its funny because I am probably the only one here with an actual computer science degree LMAO


My B.S. in Comp Sci and Game Design disagrees with you.

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So taking assets from a game and "porting" or "copying and pasting" them to another base or "ENGINE" is not the same thing?

Its funny because I am probably the only one here with an actual computer science degree LMAO


I call BS on the Bs but aside.


If you truely understand what was taught in your CS degree there is a HUGE difference between copy/paste and PORTING.


Porting requires a change to the underlying code to account for new/modified APIs, datatypes and structs, entire classes may disappear.


top that off with the fundamental languages might not even be compatible. You don't take a program written in visual basic and simply copy/paste into java or c#


So for those still paying attention, the story has now moved on from copy/paste and changed the story to "porting"...

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So taking assets from a game and "porting" or "copying and pasting" them to another base or "ENGINE" is not the same thing?



Its funny because I am probably the only one here with an actual computer science degree LMAO


uh oh guys we have a comp science degree here


that is such a blanket degree that you may as well have told me "i know how to use microsoft products"


can you go more in-depth? did you spend more time on software programming? hardware optimization? tech support?


you can't just copy and paste the code for a game built around one engine and expect it to stick on a new engine, that's now how it works! why do you think it takes big box developers YEARS to develop a new engine and then release a major IP title with it? why don't they just "port" their latest entry into the new engine?


and fyi as you're a college graduate you should know pretty well that wikipedia is NOT a reliable source for anything, and as such you can't even use it as a cite-able source for coursework


you did know that, right? because if you didn't i'd have a hard time believing you actually went to college

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uh oh guys we have a comp science degree here


that is such a blanket degree that you may as well have told me "i know how to use microsoft products"


can you go more in-depth? did you spend more time on software programming? hardware optimization? tech support?


you can't just copy and paste the code for a game built around one engine and expect it to stick on a new engine, that's now how it works! why do you think it takes big box developers YEARS to develop a new engine and then release a major IP title with it? why don't they just "port" their latest entry into the new engine?


and fyi as you're a college graduate you should know pretty well that wikipedia is NOT a reliable source for anything, and as such you can't even use it as a cite-able source for coursework


you did know that, right? because if you didn't i'd have a hard time believing you actually went to college


Maybe it's because of where I went to college but CS wasn't a blanket program. CS is programming and computer theory (algorithms and such). Computer Engineering is dealing with computer hardware. And IT (information technology) is websites and tech support type stuff.

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Maybe it's because of where I went to college but CS wasn't a blanket program. CS is programming and computer theory (algorithms and such). Computer Engineering is dealing with computer hardware. And IT (information technology) is websites and tech support type stuff.


man i went to a ****** college


they didn't have it structured the way you're talking about... that's what i get for going to a catholic school

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uh oh guys we have a comp science degree here


that is such a blanket degree that you may as well have told me "i know how to use microsoft products"


can you go more in-depth? did you spend more time on software programming? hardware optimization? tech support?


you can't just copy and paste the code for a game built around one engine and expect it to stick on a new engine, that's now how it works! why do you think it takes big box developers YEARS to develop a new engine and then release a major IP title with it? why don't they just "port" their latest entry into the new engine?


and fyi as you're a college graduate you should know pretty well that wikipedia is NOT a reliable source for anything, and as such you can't even use it as a cite-able source for coursework


you did know that, right? because if you didn't i'd have a hard time believing you actually went to college


actually, errors per page on wiki-peida is significantly lower than those of standard encyclopedia. IT can be used, but typically only as a supporting source to other information. Now that being said, you have a few billion pages vs a 100,000+ pages # of erros becomes relative, and it is becoming more accepted.

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