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Republic PUGs on ToFN... Oh dear


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What the hell has happened to you guys? Constantly getting really bad pugs (almost imperial bad)... It's incredible, just had a game where my team couldn't get mid NOR grass when I was holding snow from 2 imp bads (well, a third joined in just before I died).


Has all of the bad players rerolled rep?

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Has all of the bad players rerolled rep?


^ pretty much this. And it depends from playtime.


But lowbies not so bad. Atm I play only lowbies, cuz already reach rwz/wz cap on 3x my 55 lvls... and almost cap on yet 2x 55 lvls... There is no reason play 55 lvl warzones these days. All waiting Ranked Arenas, for guild premade or solo only queue... and only one question - how will be queue times in solo queue for dps, tank and healer :rolleyes:

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There were a bunch of good players on the imp side for imp vs imp games tonight atleast. Pretty much everyone in one of the games could have grabbed a spot on a top team.


So all the good players rerolled imp... Or some of the better players came back? (Saw Slicker today, though he was only level 54, but he's back nonetheless!!! :eek:)




Was just using Slicker as an example, as he's a scoundrel :p

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So all the good players rerolled imp... Or some of the better players came back? (Saw Slicker today, though he was only level 54, but he's back nonetheless!!! :eek:)




Was just using Slicker as an example, as he's a scoundrel :p

Some were probably just farming comms on imps alts because I havent noticed any difference the other days. The imps, give or take like 20 players, still blow.

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It would be really cool if servers had a way of counting the ratio of wins/losses for each faction server wide, just to put an end to these speculations about 1 side having better PuG's than the other ;).


Even though this is how i feel, im gonna help your specualtions a little by admitting that "it may be a fact" that the returning or just more frequent appearences of some old PvP'ers have seen the number of 4 man premades go up a little.


Since pretty much all the imp PvP guilds went inactive after the announcment about 8 vs 8 rated came out, alot of our premades are made up from players from 3-4 different guilds, so it may be hard to spot ;).

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What I keep hearing while playing my Rep toons: "Man, Rep on this server sucks at Warzones! Imp is so much better!"


What I keep hearing while playing my Imp toons: "Man, Imp on this server sucks at Warzones! Rep is so much better!"


Whiners gon' whine.

Edited by verydanger
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What I keep hearing while playing my Rep toons: "Man, Rep on this server sucks at Warzones! Imp is so much better!"


What I keep hearing while playing my Imp toons: "Man, Imp on this server sucks at Warzones! Rep is so much better!"


Whiners gon' whine.


Don't forget both sides claiming the other has more healers and that's why they lost :rolleyes:

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Complete opposite on Harbinger...Imps have no healers and get steamrolled constantly.


Well this was situation on ToFN either. But things have hanged and now I think both sides are pretty fair - especially in the time I play (8 PM - 1 AM CET). What's more, Imps are constantly winning in 10-29 lvl bracket. Lack of healers is the same for Rep and Imp.


But again, this is my subjective observation, based on my experience.

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90% of this server has alts on both factions. Its pretty much just premades vs pugs whether there imp or rep is kinda moot.


Literally most people i have premaded with rep side you can say.. lets go imp and everyone will have chars there.

Edited by AngusFTW
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I am tired of hearing this. I pvp almost every day I finish my weekly in days WE DO WIN! Also I hear the exact same complaining that imps always lose on the imps fleet! Both sides think they are losers! I got pub and imp characters, my win average is about 50/50 on both sides. Now all I am saying is both sides got incompetent morons and good decent pvpers and both sides should stop complaining, and just PLAY!
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there's allways been a dominant side on tofn(probably most servers aswell) but it ha'snt allways been the republic.. it seems to go back and forth and i suspect it will do so more frequently now that leveling is so fast and the new gear will be cheaper.. people wanna be on the winning side so they switch and when enough do so they've tipped the balance in favor of the side they left.
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If only BW could implement optimized queues based on class


So every team would have heals and tanks .... would be so much more fun


Like the pve queues with roles ....


Well ...this game has become boring anyway every day i log less and less

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there's allways been a dominant side on tofn(probably most servers aswell) but it ha'snt allways been the republic.. it seems to go back and forth and i suspect it will do so more frequently now that leveling is so fast and the new gear will be cheaper.. people wanna be on the winning side so they switch and when enough do so they've tipped the balance in favor of the side they left.


Many years ago i played a heavy pvp/rvr game that had 4 factions. It was an interesting study in gaming society. The game had strictly enforced rules about not playing multiple factions at the same time, and after every map completion (4-6 weeks) you could choose a different faction. People would try to guess which would win next and follow the "best" players, who would often intentionally misinform the lesser players that followed them.


Eventually the game lightened on the rule and everybody all played all sides at the same time with 4 diffeent accounts, and that killed the game.

Edited by ErikGW
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What the hell has happened to you guys? QUOTE]


Most of good players in pvp guilds left the game. Whether they will return for arenas I don't know. Loss of ranked 8v8 pushed a lot of of people away.


It's funny that in all the mmos i have ever played, when there is a discussion of why pvp is failing, the answer is "all the good players left".


Nobody ever thinks maybe they werent that good,and they knew eventually the horde of new scrubs would learn the game too, and destroy them, so they left before that happened.


Guess this is one of those things that become clear after 16 years of mmo gaming :-)

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It's funny that in all the mmos i have ever played, when there is a discussion of why pvp is failing, the answer is "all the good players left".


Nobody ever thinks maybe they werent that good,and they knew eventually the horde of new scrubs would learn the game too, and destroy them, so they left before that happened.


Guess this is one of those things that become clear after 16 years of mmo gaming :-)


Well, I know for a fact that many of the better PvP guilds HAVE disbanded due to 8v8 removal.... It's such a shame... :(

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What the hell has happened to you guys? QUOTE]


Most of good players in pvp guilds left the game. Whether they will return for arenas I don't know. Loss of ranked 8v8 pushed a lot of of people away.


You do realise that each server should have something like 40k players on it. So even if some players quit because of the removal of 8/8 rwz there should be plenty of ppl still left to play with?


I don't know, for me rep side on ToFN was always a dominant one. I'm just finishing leveling my sage healer there (200k exp left) and so far I can say that nothing has change in this matter.


Imp side isn't bad if you're playing as a healer (op/sorc), in other case it may get bumpy coz there is just too much wanna-be-vader kiddos, while rep side is more mature. Even GC on the fleet is somehow better on rep side, then on imp.

Edited by MasterBLASTERpl
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It's funny that in all the mmos i have ever played, when there is a discussion of why pvp is failing, the answer is "all the good players left".


Nobody ever thinks maybe they werent that good,and they knew eventually the horde of new scrubs would learn the game too, and destroy them, so they left before that happened.


Guess this is one of those things that become clear after 16 years of mmo gaming :-)


Well basically most of the decent ranked players have actually left on tofn - this is a fact, not an opinion. Most of the pvp guilds disbanded because 8v8 was being removed, basically making pvp guilds pretty pointless, and building a team a waste of time. It was the final straw in a long list of broken promises for a lot of people. I doubt very much it is because they were afraid of the new crop of players, in fact I think that statement is quite ridiculous.

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